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A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)

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First published 1986 (DOST Vol. VI).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

Presentacioun(e, -acion(e, -atio(u)n(e, n. Also: -atyowne, -acone. [ME and e.m.E. presentacion (Wyclif), -acioun (c 1400), -ation (1467–8), OF presentacion (13th c. in Littré; mod. F. présentation), late L. præsentation- f. præsentāre Present v.]

1. a. The right, or b. the act, of presenting a clergyman to a benefice.a. (1) 14.. Reg. Maj. c. 48.
Gif that ony lande be gevyne to woman in dowry nemmyt sua that a kirk in that fee befundyn efter the dede of hir husband the woman sal haf tharof fre presentacione
1476 Acta Aud. 52/2.
The presentation and donatione of the said kirk of Oucheterdera
1516 Cart. S. Nich. Aberd. II 352.
To defend the presentacioun of the chaplanry
1547 Acts II 600/1.
That the nerrest of the said kirkmennis kin salhaif the presentatioun prouisioun & collatioun of his benefice
1567 Ib. III 23/2.
The presentatioun of lawit patronageis [to be] alwayis reseruit to the iust and ancient patronis
1578 Reg. Privy C. III 22 (see Pensionar n. 1 c (1)).(2) 1488 Acts II 210/1.
Ony benfice pertenyng to oure souerane lordis presentacioun
1497–8 Acta Conc. II 98. 1518 Reg. Privy S. I 468/1.(3) 1517 Reg. Privy S. I 451/2 (see Present v. 4 (1)).(4) 1663 Dunkeld Presb. I 129.
All ministers whoes churches and benefices are a laick presentatione
(5) 1571 Bk. Univ. Kirk I 231.
Gif the benefice be at presentatioun of a lawic patroun
1585 Acts III 376/2.
Quhatsumeuir inferiour benefices being at his hienes presentatioun
1642 Argyll Synod I 30.
b. (1) 1340 Liber Melros II 419.]
[Que Johane de Lyndesay … torcionousment se entremette de la dite esglyse de Torbolton et que sa presentacioune est en totes poyntz fause
c1420 Wynt. vii 726.
Bot barly that the patrowne Suld gyve hys presentatyowne
14.. Reg. Maj. c. 130.
Gif thar be contrauersly [Skene -versie] apone the presentacone that contrauersly [sic] maide [Skene may] be … endyt be the recognicone of the last presentacone fra bath the partis striffand
1503–4 (c 1580) Edinb. B. Rec. I 98.
The presentatioun to be within xv dayes after it vaik
1562-3 Winȝet I 43/25.
Wald God that thair [Princes'] presentation war void of all symonie, ambition, and inordinat affection
c1575 Balfour Pract. 502.
The richt of presentatioun and patronage may pertene to the superiour be ressoun of ward
1592 Acts III 542/2.
Granting commissioun to bishoppis … to ressaue his hienes presentatioun to benefices
1642 Argyll Synod I 30.
The presbyteries are cled with right and title of presentation to kirks that did belong formerly to bishops
a1651 Calderwood III 37.
It is unlawfull to a minister to receave a benefice by presentatioun under pactioun with the patron
1666–71 Misc. Hist. Soc. II 351.
Bishops are the only patrons whose servants have fees for presentations … whereas they are freely granted by lay patrons
(2) 1490 Lennox Mun. II 135.
The profit and commoditivus that mycht fall til hir … be wardis, mariagis, … presentacionis of proustriis, chanounriis, parsonagis, chaplanriis [etc.]
1596 Bk. Univ. Kirk III 871.
That the moderatours of ilk presbitrie … sould give presentations … of all benefices of cure belanging to laick patrones [etc.]
1549 Soc. Ant. XI 93.
It is beleuit the said pvir preist [to] be colationat of the said ruid seruice be presentatioune of the parrochinaris
1589 Bk. Univ. Kirk II 746. 1643 Dunferm. Ann. 308.
That the patronage, nomination, and presentation of the said minister … shall belong to the parochiners and heritors

c. (Letter(is) of) presentatioun, a deed executed by the patron of a benefice and directed to the ecclesiastical superior, presenting a named person to the benefice.(1) 14.. Acts I 345/2.
For a letter of presentatioun [L. littera presentacionis] til a kirk or ane hospital to the chancellar xl s.
1489 Acta Conc. I 122/1.
Of the vicare generalis lettrez of his presentacion & collacion gevin therapoun
1539–40 Reg. Privy S. II 496/2.
Manuale lettres of presentatioun of all benefices pertenyng to oure soverane lordis presentatioun
1571 Reg. Privy C. II 80. 1635 Dunkeld Presb. II 349. 1678 Craven Argyll Diocese 132.
Whereas he had received letters of presentation, one … to the pariochs of Inchaill and Clachandysart [etc.]
(2) 1491 Reg. Privy S. I 2/1, etc.
A presentatioun to Patrick Clerk student … of the chapellanery in the said college … quhen it sal happin to vak
1496 Acta Conc. II 36.
The sade Maister James presentacione, collacione [etc.] … of the sade chantory … producit before the sadis lordis
1515 Ib. MS XXVII 8.
That he offerit him to impreife his presentatioune of the said benefice
1574–5 Reg. Privy S. VII 3/2.
Ane presentatioun maid to Lyoun Broun presentand him to the personage and vicarage of Durrisdeir
1611 Scrymgeour Invent. (S.R.S.) 3.
Ane presentatioun maid be Robert Mauld of Panmure to David, archbishope of St. Androis, for ressaveing of Robert Scrymgeour to be rector at the paroche kirk of Benwie
1621 Acts IV 617/1. 1639 Lanark Presb. 19.
The brether causing read his presentation
1660 Misc. Hist. Soc. I 248.
A draught of these two presentations
1662 Old Ross-shire I 38.
Presentatione and precept of institution [granted to him by] John bishop of Ross [etc.]
1688 Inverness Rec. II 352.
If she will delete Mr. Thomas Fraser, Minister at Suddy, his name out of the presentation

2. The nomination of a person to a secular office or bursary; a letter or document containing such a nomination.(1) 1580–1 Reg. Privy C. III 342.
The saidis Lordis of Sessioun has … grantit ane presentatioun in favouris of Maister Hercules Rollok of ane new commissariat
1625 Glasgow B. Rec. I 345.
Ane presentatioune to be maid … of the first vacant place of ane brussour within the colledge of Glasgw
1626 Jervise Memor. Angus & Mearns I 182.
[The office of Master] to pertene to him be presentacioun of our soverane lord that last decest
c1646 Craufurd Edinb. Univ. fol. 21 a (attachment).
Nathaniel Blak admitted bursar at the presentation of James Lord Lindsey of the Byres
1670 Fraser P. 256.
Whairby I may attaine to the presentatione of on of your bussaries now vaikand
1676 Dunferm. B. Rec. II 304.
The provost to goe to … the Earle of Tweddall & indevour to procure presentation to Mr. Tho. Marshall to be maister of the gramer scoole
(2) 1676 Dunferm. B. Rec. II 304.
The provost produced ane presentatione fra the earle [etc.]

3. The presentation of a donatory of land at the disposal of the crown to the overlord of the land. b. The writ recording a grant in this form; also, letter of presentatioun. 1515 Reg. Privy S. I 408/2.
And gyf the said William had ony landis, annuellis [etc.] … haldin of utheris ourlordis [a letter] ordanis presentatiounis be direct under the prive sele to thai ourlordis to ressave … Andro Cullane [etc.] … in tenentis to thaim thairof and to infeft thaim heretablye in the samyn
c1575 Balfour Pract. 651.
Letteris of presentatioun [margin] … Presentatiounis to tenandries of landis fallin in the King's handis be foirfaltour [etc.] … passis directlie at the chancellarie, under the testimonie of the greit seill
1584 Acts III 349/2.
And als his hienes hes rycht and powar to dispone quhatsumeivir uther landis and heretages pertening to the personis convict of lesemaiestrie quhilkis ar immediatlie haldin of ony of his subiectis be presenta[ci]oun of ane heretable tennent to the owirlord
1587 Ib. 441/2 (see Present n. 1). 1621 Ib. IV 618/2.
Presentatiounes vpoun foirfaultour or bastardrie of small annuelrentis or landis within burgh and of small peces of landis, for the wreiting and qrter seale xl s.

4. The more or less formal or ceremonial handing over or delivering of something (to a person). 1485 Misc. Spald. C. V 29.
Efter the presentatioun, perlectioun, and insinuatioun of our soueran lordis lettres
1495 Acta Conc. I 412/1. c1575 Balfour Pract. 273.
Presentatioun of attachiamentis maid be lauchful serjandis and officiaris
1659 Rothesay B. Rec. 38.
Bothe pairties are wairdet till cautioun be found be them for presentatioun of the rest of the particulars and to answer

b. Presentation silvir = present-silvir, Present n.1 1 b. — 1511 Treas. Acc. IV 311.
To the maister cuik for presentation silvir
1511 Ib. 322.
To Johne Forman, at he debursat be the kingis command for presentation silvir of ane halk gewin be the Lord Bothwele to the king
Ib. 315.

5. A representation; a likeness. 1490 Irland Mir. I 133/7.
Quhen this chaist virgin … persauit the presentacioune of a man … in the nature of angell
Ib. MS fol. 227 a.
And thir corporale and sensible thingis has pert of similitud with the wertu of grace and makis significacioun and presentacioune thar of
a1578 Pitsc. II 283/4.
So had the lordis ane cownterfett bischope … knawing weill that the peopill seand his presentatioun vald pay thair teindis

6. In other senses.

a. The Presentation of our Lady, the presentation of the Virgin to God in the Temple; the church festival celebrating this. 1511 Treas. Acc. IV 178.
Because it was the presentation of Our Lady
a1538 Abell 111 a.
He apprewit the feist of the presentatioun of our lady
1588 King Cat. in 1573-1600 Cath. Tr. (S.T.S.) 198.
The presentation of our lady in the temple … institut festuall be pape Pius 2

b. A written obligation permitting the temporary release of a person in custody on legal warrant, the obligant being bound to present the person so liberated when called upon to do so. 1698 Kirkcudbr. Sheriff Ct. Deeds II 710 (10 Aug.).
This bond wes protested be Mr. John Fraser against Orraland for his not compeirance in the terms of the within wrytene bond of presentatione

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"Presentacioun n.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 3 Jan 2025 <>



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