A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
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First published 1986 (DOST Vol. VI).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.
Promissio(u)n, n. Also: -io(u)ne, -yowne, promyssio(u)n. [ME (lond of) promission (c 1250), (lond of) promyssioun (c 1400), e.m.E. (land of) promission (1588), late ME promyssion (c 1440), e.m.E. promission (1560), obs. by the late 16th c., F. promission (12th c. in Hatz.-Darm.), L. prōmissiōn-.]
1. The action of promising, the making of a promise or promises. c1420 Wynt. ii 1118.
And off thai landys that thai had Tyll Jowys wes na promissyowne [W. premissioun, C. promyse] maide Ib. v 4717.
And off this promissyowne [C. promyssion, W. permissioun] He wrate hys obligatyowne … Off all this heycht and this cunnand a1500 Henr. Orph. 379 (Asl.).
We sall nocht part bot with condicioun. Quod he, tharto I mak promissioun 1490 Irland Mir. II 31/28.
And this auld innemy ourcome … the fyrst man be fraude decepcioun and fals promissioun c1520-c1535 Nisbet Gall. iii 29.
Than ye ar the sede of Abraham and airis be promissioun [P. biheest, L. promissionem] Ib. iv 28, etc. a1538 Abell 5 a.
The ȝere of promissioune to Abraam of Christ 233 a1568 Bann. MS 80 b/29.
Fra ane vther man That is of evill conditioun Quha keipis no promissioun
b. Land(is) of promissioun, the Promised Land of Canaan, promised by God to Abraham and his posterity (Gen. xii 7, etc.). Also transf.(1) c1515 Asl. MS I 304/28.
plur. And thair ar all the landis of promissioun that God promisit to the seid of Abraham Ib. 305/3.
And nothir Saul nor Dauid ioysit mare except landis circumviroun conquest nocht callit of promissioun 1549 Compl. 164/14.
Promissionesing. c1515 Asl. MS I 316/7.
So Iosua … wan the land of promissioun 1551 Hamilton Cat. 117.
Sa God permittit the Cananeittis to remane in a part of the land of promissioun amang the peple of Israel 1562-3 Winȝet I 125/10. 1584 Balnaves Conf. Faith in Knox III 456.(2) transf. 1513 Doug. Comm. i iii 100.
Eneas purposis to Italy his land of promyssion Id. Æn. xi Prol. 98.
He [sc. the Devil] is thy fa and aduersar principall Of promyssioun wald thé expell the land For he the sammyn lost and caucht a fall
2. An instance of this, a promise or undertaking. = Promis n. 1, Promit n. 1. 1490 Irland Mir. I 98/16.
To Dauid ane new promissioune maid c1520-c1535 Nisbet Rom. xv 8.
To conferme the promissionnis [P. biheestis, L. promissiones] of Fadris a1538 Abell 41 b.
Eftirwert tresonablie with gret promissionis he inducit sum of thame to slay this ȝoung man 15.. Clar. iv 2257.
I ȝow promit I sall [etc.], … I height to keipe ȝow this promissioune, … In signe that I this promeis sall fulfill [etc.]
3. ? Erron. — a1500 Henr. Fab. 1438 (Bann.).
Se als fow thingis done by negligence Nocht of malys nor of promissioun [H., Ch. presumptioun] Ever suld haif grace and remissioun
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"Promission n.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 22 Dec 2024 <http://www.dsl.ac.uk/entry/dost/promissioun>