A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
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First published 1986 (DOST Vol. VI).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.
Pronunc(e, -nounce, v.1 Also: -nuns; -nowns(se, -nownce, -nonce. [ME and e.m.E. pronunce (c 1330), pronounce, -nounse (Wyclif), OF pronuncier (1119 in Larousse; mod. F. prononcer), also purnuncier, late L. prōnunciāre, orig. -nuntiāre to proclaim, announce, narrate, pronounce.]There is some ambiguity between various senses, esp. between 2 and 3.
1. tr. To declare or deliver (a sentence or verdict) formally or solemnly. b. To announce authoritatively or officially.Const. clause obj. or simple obj.Also absol. in these senses.1478-1532 Acta Conc. II liii.]
[‘It is clear that in 1349 the judgments were pronounced publicly, and thenceforward … the ‘pronouncement’ was entered in the register.’(1) 1402 Dundee Chart. No. 22.
We pronunce, determyns & decretis that [etc.] 1472 Bamff Chart. 29.
We ordane and sintencialy pronuncis that … Davyd Cummyn sal pay to … his spouse twenty and four markis of the said mone 1514 Dunferm. B. Rec. I 191.
The assis … be thar chansler pronuncit that the said Dauid suld pay for his land yeirlye xij d. 1562-3 Winȝet I 124/18.
That our Saluiour pronunces planelie that the sanctis depertit heirfra sal be … æqual to the angelis 1569 Reg. Privy C. II 10.
His grace … decernis, decretis, delivers, and for finall sentence and laude arbitrall pronunceis that [etc.](2) 1454–5 Soc. Ant. Chart. (Reg. H.) No. 7.
The quhilk assize … concordantly pronuncit thare veredict a1500 Henr. Fab. 1243 (Bann.).
This cursit court … For this fals dog pronuncit the sentence 1513 Doug. i viii 24.
The domys and law pronuncis sche to thame 1556 Peebles B. Rec. I 228.
Ane certane nolt … as the decreit pronuncit thairupone proportis 1561 St. A. Kirk S. I 104.
Pronunced [sc. a declarator] in the consistoriall hows, wythin the parroche kyrk of the citie of Sanctandrois 1561–2 Reg. Privy C. I 197 (see Pronuncear n.). 1565 Instit. Ct. Sess. 3 b.
That all decretis gevin and decernit be the saidis lordis all the oulk be pronuncit and red everie Setterday c 1566 Fife Sheriff Ct. 407.
This dome … aucht nocht to be pronuncit quhill a lyttill befoir the arysing of the court 1569 Reg. Privy C. I 665.
As gif the same [judgment] wer gevin and pronunceit be the lordis of … sessioun 1574 Inverness Rec. I 238. 1592 Acts III 594/1.
Nochtwithstanding of quhatsumeuir decreittis sentences and interloquitouris gevin and pronuncit in preiudice of the said lettre of pensioun 1600 Acts Sederunt ii 32. 1620 Grant Chart. 326.
Our act of litiscontestatioun being pronunceit … being buikit and extractit [etc.] 1622-6 Bisset I 86/16.
All judges aucht … to pronunce there interloquutoure judiciallie and conscientiouslie a1633 Hope Major Pract. II 245. 1647 Alyth Kirk S. in Sc. N. & Q. 1 Ser. XII 61.
The sentance of excommunicatione was pronunced against James Geddie(b) a1578 Pitsc. II 75/25.
Pronounced a1652 Dickson Psalms I 59.
The word of God, pronouncing the sentence of justice upon all loose tongued men 1671 Kirkcudbr. Sheriff Ct. Processes No. 101 (June)].
[James Gordoune … to hear and see decreet of removal pronounced against him(c) a1597-1617 Hist. Jas. VI (1825) 229.
The sentence of gyltenes was prononcit aganis himb. 1473 Edinb. B. Rec. I 26.
Sen it effaires to us [the council] … to declair the veritie of all thingis pronuncit … befoir us in judgment 1513 Doug. iii vi 29.
A vengeans from the goddis pronuncis sche Ib. vii x 34.
He that was cheif duke … that hait Quyryne … Within that girgand hirst alsso suld he Pronunce the new weir, batale and melle 1541 (c 1580) Edinb. B. Rec. II 107.
The prouest … desyrit my said Lord Cardinale to deliuer and pronunce his mynde as he had found in the mater 1551 Hamilton Cat. 222.
Seik for ane lauchful minister quhilk may pronunce the wordis of absolutioun to thé 15.. Clar. v 2005.
The heralds … Thair maisteris wordis thay pronuncit loud 1561 Q. Kennedy Compendious Ressonyng (ed.) 156/16. 1562-3 Winȝet I 17/16.
Be His worde … pronunceit be inspiratioun of the Haly Spirit a1578 Pitsc. II 57/17.
Pronounceit 1586–7 Reg. Privy C. IV 142.
In the pulpett … he pronunceit a wo aganis the inhabitantis of Edinburghabsol. 1562-3 Winȝet II 76/3.
That haly conuentioun … pronunceit of the reules of fayth 1622-6 Bisset II 74/23.
Ane day is assigned to pronunce
c. spec. To promulgate an act or statute by proclaiming it formally, as before the sovereign (and three estates).1482 Acts II 143/2 marg.
To be new proponit & apprevit. … Pronuncit Ib. 144, passim. 1533 Bell. Livy I 292/3.
Thir lawis, correckit … writtin in tabillis war pronuncit in commites centuriat 1535 Acts II 340/2.
Sic actis statutis and constitutionis … And quhat euir thai ordane or statutis … to be pronuncit in presens of the kingis grace quhat day and place sall pleis his grace 1540 Ib. 356/2.
Ratificacion and pronunciacioun of the actis of the last parliament. … As thar was diuers statutis constitutionis & actis maid … quhilk remanit at that tyme vnpronuncit & auctorizat be his grace & thre estatis … that the saidis actis be now pronuncit in his hienes presens & thre estatis swa that the samin may be kepit in tyme tocum as law
d. ? To enjoin formally and publicly (a person to do something); ? to ordain. Cf. (1) above. —1561 St. A. Kirk S. 88.
And heirfor pronuncis … the said Mr. Alexander to compeyr upon Frydaye … pronunsing and desyring tham [the congregation] in tym cuming to obey all superioris
2. To say aloud; to announce, state or tell. Also absol. (or intr.).To pronunce … wordis, to say things; to speak (one's) thoughts.(1) c1400 Troy-bk. i 40 (C).
Hys message thus pronowncyt he 1549 Compl. 139/6.
The accusations ande calumniations that thou hes pronuncit contrar them c1568 Lauder Minor P. i 131.
So heir the text pronuncis till ws plat That Christ, he speykis heir of the reprobat(2) c1460 Wisd. Sol. (S.T.S.) 334.
A man suld nocht be our-hasty to pronunce his wordis in his ire c1552 Lynd. Mon. 633.
Nor to pronunce of wordis ten thousand In strange langage, sine wait not quhat it menis: I thynk sic pattryng is not worth twa prenisabsol. or intr. c1420 Wynt. v 4296.
And Huchown … Has tretyd this mar cwnnandly Than suffycyand to pronowns am I
b. To recite; to proclaim abroad. —1530 Lynd. Test. Pap. 672.
The blak Bybill pronunce I sall perqueir So tyll our brether ȝe wyll geue sum gude
3. To proclaim (a person) (to be) of a certain rank or in a certain state or condition; to declare.Const. (infin. and) noun or adj. complement.(1) c1420 Wynt. vii 1171 (C).
And gert pronownsse [him] thar be crye Thar … kynge of lauche to be 1514–15 in Doug. (Sm.) I lv.
Your lordship was pronuncit Bischop of Dunkeld consistorialiter(2) 1562 Bk. Univ. Kirk I 16.
That … the inobedient be pronounced excommunicat 1558-66 Knox II 92.
Or ellis that … ye pronunce thame be censement of this parliament sick … as by us … thay ar accusit 1596 Misc. Spald. C. II 132.
Quhilk assyse … pronuncis the said Alexander giltye —1626 Justiciary Cases I 47.
Quhilkis persones of assyse … pronuncet and declairet the said Jonet … to be giltie of the murthour
b. Const. to have (behaved in a specified manner). —1562-3 Winȝet II 62/13.
That al the faythful of al aiges … mot be pronunceit … to hef misknawin quhat thai suld hef beleuit
4. To affirm, assert; to declare as one's opinion or as a known fact.c1568 Lauder Minor P. i 592.
Paule dois pronunce … That couatus men sall nocht inherit Heuin a1599 Rollock Wks. II 65.
I pronounce that in popedom there is but a show of godliness —1562-3 Winȝet I 9/21.
The veritie pronunces this, Non potestis Deo seruire & mammonae
5. With ref. to the physical aspects of utterance: To giveutterance to; to speak or articulate (a word or words); to produce (a vocal sound). b. spec. With ref. to the mode of pronunciation.1546 Lynd. Trag. Card. 291.
Ȝe beand dum, and can pronunc[e] no thyng, Lyke menstralis that can nocht play nor sing 1549 Compl. 64/20.
The scheip and nolt … pronuncit there bestial voce to sing vitht hym 1562-3 Winȝet I 91/5.
Be quhat … fuilhardines dar ȝe ministrat a sacrament, nocht pronunceand the wordis of Christe [etc.] 1567 G. Ball. 110.
Thay can pronunce na voce furth of thair throtis 1591 Crim. Trials I ii 245.
His hienes name wes pronunceit in Latine c1616 Hume Orthog. 13.
The correspondent sound, not used in the Latin as now it is pronunced Ib. 22.