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A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)

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First published 1986 (DOST Vol. VI).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

Pund, Punde, Pond(e, v. Also: pundd-, pwnd; poond; pune. [? Chiefly representing a form pŭnd, in the mod. dial. as pund, pun, deriving f. the same form of Pund n.2 (cf. also Pound v. and Pound n.2).? But also in some cases var. spelling of Pind v., re-spelled in the u-e, o-e spellings more regularly pertaining to words with ü: : see note to Poind v.The commonest early form: cf. Poind v.]

1. To distrain. = Poind v. 2.For further examples, see Away-had p.p., Compell v. 2 and Distrenȝe v. 3.(1) 14.. Burgh Laws c. 4 (A).
A burges may nocht pund ane other but leif of his balȝe
14.. Acts I 108/2.
And at nane … be pundyt for ony dett bot gif [etc.]
1432 Highland P. II 173.
Powere … to distrenȝe and punde the tenands … for ony malis wnlawis or ony other rychtis
1474 Edinb. B. Rec. I 29. 1499 Exch. R. XI 393.
To pund Willame Chesolme for [£13.11.4] … for the landis of Bewfort
1506 Aberd. Sheriff Ct. I 65.
Quhene Johnne Bisset pundit Johnne Mechall and tuk ane soir [ed. foir] hors fra him
1508–9 Ib. 66. 1526 Stirling B. Rec. I 28.
He sall have ane offisar rady to pas with him to pund ony of the said craft that falis
1556 Carte Northberwic 73.
The said balȝeis pundit Robert Ihonsone and put hym in the towbutht wythtin the burght of Northtberwyk
1576 Orkney Oppress. 50. a1598 Ferg. Prov. MS No. 1579.
Ye ar punded ye hav bein in the peas
1604 Urie Baron Ct. 8.
That the cutteris of his wod sould be punddit
1641 Kingarth Par. Rec. 4. 1661 Lennoxlove MS (The Duke of Hamilton) C1/10654.
Sir, I am informed that you have punded the bearar for his teind
(b) 14.. Burgh Laws c. 3 (B).
Ilk burges may ponde furthdwellaris wyth in the market
(c) 1671 Rothesay B. Rec. 204.
That thais who war quartermaisters the last yeir caus poond the deficients
(2) 1400 Maxwell Mem. I 141 (see Away-led p.p.).
1447 Newbattle Coll. (Somerville) (Reg. H.).
I oblys me … all … gudis mowabyl & wnmowabyl … to be dystrenȝet pundyt tane & away had
1467 Acta Aud. 6/2.
Certane gudis … quhilk he pundit and distrenȝeit for vj merkis of … male
1505 Aberd. Sheriff Ct. I 65.
Thomas Bisset … deponit the gret aithe that the said Thomas … pundit ane quhit hors … for vi merks aving to [etc.]
a1568 Scott i 150. 1577 Kirkcudbr. B. Rec. I 36.
Quhairby sa mekill of thair guds and geir … as extends to the said sowm restand mey be dewlie pvndit
1672 Kirkcudbr. Sheriff Ct. Processes No. 121 (9 Jan.).
That samyn night shoe [a mare] was punded
(b) 1398 Slater Early Sc. Texts No. 36.
And all the catill … beand and funden in ony place of … Malkarstoun in cas that defaute be of the paymentez … to be distreignede throw the forsaidez Abbot [etc.] … and for vten lefe of … ony minister … pondit arestid away led and halden and in thaire profite to be turnide
1409 Ib. No. 74.
1493 Acta Aud. 176/2.
& taking fra the custumaris … of the gudis pondit & takin be thaim for thar custumes … a cabok of cheis takin for a halfpenny of custum
1519 Selkirk B. Ct. MS fol. 72b (= ed. 52).
Thar gudis to be pondit strenȝeit and maid penny thairoff
1523 Ib. (ed.) 68.
The ground is wast and na thing thairupone to pond for it [the annual]
1563 Dumfries B. Ct. fol. 189.
Ane irne pott pondit at the instance of [etc.]
(3) 1582 Lanark B. Rec. 88.
All persones that are dettouris of … tounes dewties … sall be pundet thair geir
(4) 1439–40 Reg. Episc. Aberd. I 239.
And I graunt … to the saide chaplane … full fredome and power to punde … withoutht leif … of ony iuge … for the said annuale … nocht perchans payt
1500 Exch. R. XI 457.
And falyeing of the said preif the said schiref sal pund for the said thre termez
1520 Red Bk. Menteith II 370.
Gif [etc.] … we sall pund and distrenȝe for hir saidis males and dieweteis
1531 Glasgow Prot. IV 43.
1559 Inverness Rec. I 39. 1596 St. A. Kirk S. 821.
And with power to pund thairfoir and to incarcerat the inobedient
1613 Haddington Corr. 124.
Ane ald prouerb, Folk may pund for det, bot not for kindnes
(b) 1665 Rothesay B. Rec. 96.
And ordayns the officers to pond for the samyn
(5) 1571 Lanark B. Rec. 56.
Quharfor the offecer confesset that when he wald haf pundet in the meintyme of the dissobeying [etc.]
1611 Kirkcudbr. B. Rec. II 95.
For deforceing John McKnab officer to haif pondit on Niniane Lyntounes decreit

b. To levy distress from (lands). = Poind v. 2 d.1405 Stirlings of Keir 206.
Eftar that payement tha landis nevir to be distrenyt na pundit … for that ten markis
1469 Charter (Reg. H.) No. 419.
Landis, annuall rentis, gudis, possessionis … to be tayne, pundit, dystrenȝeit, avaylede, ande sald
1471 Acta Aud. 11/1.
He pundit or gert pund ȝerely the said landis for the said annuel
1474 Lennox Mun. 103. 1531 Glasgow Prot. IV 37.
Quhat tyme the wiccaris off the queyr of Glasgw … pwndis ther place for the sayd anwell, it sulbe lefull … to pwnd the sayd place pertenand Jhon and his airis
1562 Dumfries B. Ct. fol. 143.
The officiaris to pond & strenȝie saids lands

2. To impound. = Poind v. 1.1685 Rothesay B. Rec. 407.
That all stirks … that shall be fund in any skaith be puned by the officer



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