A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
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First published 1986 (DOST Vol. VI).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.
Pur(e)ly, -lie, Puir-, adv.1 Also: puyr-; purre-; poure- and -lye, -li, -lé. [ME and e.m.E. purli (c1350), purely (c1400–50), -li, ME also pur(e)lich(e, f. Pur(e adj.1]
1. In legal use: ? Without conditions, unconditionally, absolutely.Chiefly in the formula purely and simply (also, once, absolutely), esp. in instruments of resignation.(1) 1420 Reg. Episc. Morav. App. 475.
Resyngnande of his awyn fre wil purly and symply be fust and baston in til handis of [etc.] 1453 Douglas Bequest MS (No. 108) XII 1 (Reg. H.).
I … sal vpgyf purly & sympli resyng with staff & baston the said landis 1469 Charter (Reg. H.) No. 416.
I … sel freli giff oure & purli & simpli be staf & baston renunce & resigne al richt [etc.] c1515 Asl. MS I 244/8.
[He] put him lyf landis and gudis in the kingis will purelie and sempillye throw the menys of his eme 1496 Acta Conc. II 32, etc.
Apone the wrangus postponyng … til gif up and resigne purely and symplye to the saide Patrik as aire forsaid … the five merkis worth of land 1500 Montgomery Mem. 59.
Purlye 1504 Dunferm. B. Rec. I 145.
Purly 1518 Ib. 296.
Purlie 1532 (c1580) Edinb. B. Rec. II 58.
Gilbert Lauder, procuratour and in the name and behalf of Sir Gilbert Lauder, renuncit and purelie and simplie resignit the alterage … of Sanct Nicholace alter 1539–40 Grey Friars II 38.
Purly 1546 Goudie Shetl. Antiq. 145.
Purelie 1554 Misc. Bann. C. III 75.
The quhilk Prince Rognald the stowt gaif the sam erildome frelie and purlie till his brodir callit Sward c1596 Glasgow Prot. V xvi.
Purle 1598 Swintons App. clx.
Purlie 1658 Hunter Fam. P. 59.
Purelie(b) 1520 Reg. Panmure II 294.
James Carnegy hes puyrly and simpilly resignit and upgiffen be staff and battoun, as use is, all and haill the half lands of Carnegy … in favours of me 1554 Reg. Privy S. IV 449/1. 1562–3 Inverness Rec. I 96.
That quhar his umquhill fadyr had puyrlie and simplie annaleit the foirsaid rude of land to Johne Wilson 1586 Linlithgow B. Ct. 28 June. 1592 Montg. Suppl. App. 314.
Quha wes restoirit puirlie and simplie without ony kynd of conditionis 1632 Cullen B. Ct. MS 6 June.
[Who] laid presentlie in presens of the saidis bailȝeis and counsall present puirlie & simplie be staff & baston resignit thir saidis haill croftis of land(c) 1506 Reg. Brechin. II 152.
Richard Purrok … has purrely and symply resignyt in our handis ane tenement liand on the est syid off our said citte off Brechin(d) 1492 Foulis Chart. MS (Reg. H.) 4 Dec.
Me Jhonne Alexander Garreach soun … gyffis and granttis pourely ande semply all ande syndre my landdis [etc.] … to Johnne Makanedye(2) 1592 Grey Friars II 68.
The samyn was nocht maid, givin, grantit nor disponit to thame puirlie and absolutely upon tytill onerous(3) 14.. Quon. Attach. c. 39.
Warandy of his tenement of the quhilk he is mot purly befor his awne scheray 1549 Acts Sederunt i 51.
The Lordis … hes referrit, and purlie referris and submittis the jugement … to [etc.]
2. a. In unblemished manner, faultlessly, guiltlessly, chastely.1562 Montgomery Mem. 184.
Traisting to haif leuit with him in that holie band [matrimony] senceirlie and purelie
b. Of religious doctrine or observance: Without corruption or error, perfectly. (Cf. Pur(e adj.1 4 c.)1557 Facs. Nat. MSS III xl.
To haif faithfull ministeres purelie and trewlie to minister Christes evangell and sacramentes to his peopill 1592 Acts III 542/1.
To tak heid that the word of God be puirlie preachit a1633 Hope Major Pract. I 28.
To sie the word purlie preached and sacraments puirlie administred 1655 Aberd. B. Rec. IV 151.
Not … to be drawin away from the good old way so purlie meintenit and universallie practisit this many yeires bygane in this … natioun
3. ? Exclusively, entirely.1649 Rec. Kirk Scotl. 569.
Which either consisted of the Royal or purlie Hammiltonian partie