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A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)

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First published 1986 (DOST Vol. VI).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

Quhatsoever, pron. and adj. Also: quhatso-evir, -ewir, -ewer, -euar; uhatt so-ever. [ME quuat-so-euere (Gen. & Ex.), quat-so-euer (Cursor M.), ME and e.m.E. what-so-ever (c1320).] = Quhatsaever.a. (1) 1420 (1430) Reg. Great S. 30/1.
And quhat so [sic in ed.] ever the forsaid Michel takis of the forsaid office that it sal be alowit [etc.]
c1590 Fowler II 26/22.
Cairfully to refell quhatsoeuar this filthy apostat falsly … hes writtin
Ib. 51/30.
And quhatsoeuer ȝe aske the Father in my name He will giue it ȝou
1631 Annandale Corr. 285.
Quhatsoewir is insert in theis laynis
a1650 Row 538.
Quhatsoever shall kyth reformatione, … I wish it were not interpreted a breach of Covenant
(2) 1577 Wemyss Corr. 18.
That the avowit fugitives suld be the wer accumpanyt quhatsoeuir thair pretens wer
1638 Hamilton P. (Camden Soc.) 4.
Uhatt so ever itt coost
(3) 1402 MacRae Early Sc. Texts No. 9.
To the forsaide religeouse men qvhat so [sic in transcr.] evir thai be
b. (1) a1578 Pitsc. II 68/22.
Quhatsoevir estait or ordour he be of
Ib. 69/10.
That all concupissance and desyre commeth of God, of quhatso ewer kynd it be
1587 Acts III 430/1.
That quhatsoeuir professit … Jesuitis … salbe fund [etc.]
c1590 Fowler II 192/25. 1597 James VI Dæmonol. (S.T.S.) 24/22. 1599 Acts IV 187/1.
Ony buiks in quhatsoeuir discipline
1621 Ib. 616/2.
Proper vnto quhatsoeuir clerkschip within this realme
1621 Ib. 624/1.
That the … constable … compell all and quhatsoeuir louse men & wemene to serve for [etc.]
(2) 1570–2 Facs. Nat. MSS III lxii.
By the pretendit parliamentis actis of counsall or other quhatsoeuir
1607 Orkney Rentals App. 88.
With their goods, gear and rentis quhatsoever
1652 Aberd. Sheriff Ct. III 72.
To … performe all uther thingis quhatsoevir of richt belonging to the office of shirreff [etc.]

Quhatsoever pron., adj.

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"Quhatsoever pron., adj.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 23 Oct 2024 <>



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