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A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)

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First published 1986 (DOST Vol. VI).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

Quhatsaever, pron. and adj. Also: quhatsaevir, -evyr, -iver; qwhat-sa-evir(e, -ever; (qwhaitsuewer); whatsaever. [ME quuat-so-euere (Gen. & Ex.) etc. (see Quhatsoever), quat-seuer (c1420); Quhat-sa + Ever. Variously written as one, two or three words.] Whatsoever or whosoever. = Quhatever, Quhatsumever, in various senses. a. pron. b. adj.Also quhatsaever that.a. (1) 1408 Slater Early Sc. Texts No. 67.
Qwhat sa euire oure saide cosinez dois … we grant til
1418 Liber Melros 503.
Nathyng allowand qwhat sa euer thai hafe recaywed of the said landis and byggynnis in the myd tyme
1551 Hamilton Cat. 173.
Quhatsaevir thow bynd apon the erde, it sal be bound in hevin, and quhatsaevir thow lousse in erde sall be loussit in hevin
1587 Gray Lett. & P. 146.
Qwhaitsuewer [sic in pr.] the king haes done as yeit with France, the catholiks heir haes no howpe of it
(2) 1375 Barb. ii 41.
But quhat sa euyr maid the debate, Thar-throuch he deyt, weill I wat
(3) 1386 Rot. Sc. II 85/2.
Thar garrisons servantz guydes and catel whatsaever they be er contenyt in thir speciale trewes
1398 Slater Early Sc. Texts No. 36.
With … all the catill and gudez qvhat sa euir thai be beand and funden in ony place of that soyle
1427 Wemyss Chart. 53.
Foroutyn ony impediment … of the said Schir Ione or his ayris … , quhat sa euir tha be
1431–2 Newbattle Coll. 20 March.
Tyll the forsaid abbot or his assiynay qwhat sa euir he be
1588 King Cat. 69.
Quhatsaeuer ȝe be that ar baptized in Christ
b. (1) 1375 Barb. xi 398 (C).
That quhat sa euir man that fand His hert nocht sekir for till stand … That he [etc.]
1596 Dalr. I 1/7.
In quhatsaeuir state or degrie
Ib. 88/6.
Contrare quhatsaeuir vthir natione
Ib. 145/24.
The radier … to interpryse quhatsaeuir danger
Ib. 151/2.(2) 1554 Liber Dryburgh 292.
But ony reuocatioun … quhatsaiuer

Quhatsaever pron., adj.

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"Quhatsaever pron., adj.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 23 Oct 2024 <>



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