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A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)

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First published 1990 (DOST Vol. VII).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

Quot, n. Also: quott, quatt; quote; quoit(t; qoat. [OF quote share or quota to be contributed (1390), f. as Quota n.: cf. Quota. Cf. also Cote n.3 and Cot n.4]

1. The proportion of a deceased person's moveable estate payable for confirmation of the testament.Officially set at 12 d. in the pound of the ‘deid's part’ but in practice, at least latterly, this was appar. usually ‘mitigated’ and a lower proportion charged, appar. at the discretion of the commissar confirming the testament, and sometimes, ? for small estates usually, the quot was ‘given gratis’, i.e. was not charged.For further information see also Cote n.3, Cot n.4 and Acts XII. Index s.v. Quot of Testaments.(1) (1420) Balfour Pract. 217.
And the executouris may intromet with the deidis part of the gudis restand efter the payment of the debtis and ar bund … to pay all legacies furth of the samin togidder with xij d. of ilk pund thairof for the quot and confirmatioun of the testament
(1563) Ib. 659.
That the inferiour commissaris sall be haldin to … send the register of all testamentis quhilkis thay sall happin to confirm to … Edinburgh to be registrat … and to mak compt and deliverance of the quottis thairof
1564 Acts Sederunt ii 7.
Qwhairfoir we charge you … the said collectoris and resaveris of the saids quotts of the testaments forrsaid … that ye … mak payment of the said soum of 1600 lib. mony yeirlie and termlie … of the reddiest of the saids quoitts to the collectour of the said College of Justice … the stipendis of the commissaris of Edinburgh being first payit
1577 Kirkcudbr. B. Rec. 48. 1579 Misc. Bann. C. II 203.
Restis of frie geir the dettis deducit [£2009 4 s.], To be deuidit in thrie pairtis, the deidis part [£669 14 s. 8 d.], Quhairof the quot is componit for xvj lib.
1580 Ib. 206, etc. 1587 Acts III 444/2.
Priuilegeis and commodities grantit to the college of justice: … item the gift gevin thame of the quottis of all testamentis
(1610) Balfour Pract. 668.
And twelve pennies of everie pund of the deid's part sall be the quot of all testamentis … quhilkis sall be confirmit … And the mitigatioun or compositioun of the samin quot sall appertene to the … bishop to quhom it belongis allanerlie gif neid beis
1612 Orkney Test. & Inv. 28.
To be devydit in thrie pairtis, deidis pairt is [57 s. 9 d.], Quhairof the quot is gevin gratis. Quotta gratis
Ib. 29, etc. 1622-6 Bisset II 78/2.
Diverse fraudfull inventionis … in hurte and preiudice of [oure soverane lordis] quott of the guidis pertening to [etc.]
Ib. 53/21.
a1633 Hope Major Pract. I 79.
Befoir the yeir of God 1609, the lords of session had the quotts of testaments for their gages. In the said yeir 1609 the bishops ar restored to their jurisdictione of comissariots and the quots renunced be the lords in their favours
1659 Glasg. Univ. Mun. I 363.
With quots modified to the saids kirkes for the comunion elements respective
1663 Household Bks. Archb. Sharp in Misc. Maitl. C. II 498.
Frome the Commissar of St. Androis for quottis of testaments … £765 19 s.
1680 Lauder Notices Affairs I 268.
To defraud the bischops quots
1684 Decis. Lords F. 61.
Bishops are discharged to set their quotts and casualities
(b) 1685 Kirkcudbr. Test. (Reg. H.) 13 Sept.
I grant the receipt of ane rex dollor for the quatt of the withinwritten testament Wm. Moir
(c) (1563) Balfour Pract. 660, etc.
1564–75 Hamilton & Campsie Test. I 49b.
The executouris of this testament passit away & maid na payment of the quotis
1587 Conv. Burghs I 241.
Sure cautioun beand found [sc. by the local commissariat judges] for gude seruice and compte of the quotis etc.
(1606) Balfour Pract. 677.
And speciallie our soverane lord … ratifyis … the gift … maid to the said lordis of counsal and sessioun of the superplus of the quotis of testamentis
1606 Reg. Privy C. VII 173.
Pryces set down to the procurator fischall to be tane heirafter for forming of testaments. For small testaments quhairin thair are litle gear and ane meane quote [13 s. 4 d.], [etc.]
1617 Acts IV 534/2.
All takis or assedatiounes to be maid of ony quotes of testamentis … to be null
1622-6 Bisset II 84/10.
1632 Aberd. B. Rec. III 42.
Becaus the remanent thairof [sc. a legacy] wes exhausted, pairtlie for quote and confirmatioune
a1633 Hope Major Pract. I 59.
Ib. 80.
That all tacks of the quotes of testaments or wther casualities perteining to the prelatts shal be null
1665 Decis. Lords G. 106.
Least the bishops should be prejudged of their quotes by such dispositions
1685 M. P. Brown Suppl. Decis. III 537.
Whereby the bishop was cheated and defrauded of a part of his casualty of quote
(d) 1622 Misc. Bann. C. II 245.
Deidis pairt is £6509 10 . 8 d., Quhairof the quoit is componit for ijc merkes
(e) 1616 Bk. Univ. Kirk 597.
And quho so observes this Act the archbischops and bischopes shall let them have their qoats of their testamentis gratis
(2) 1570 Conv. Burghs I 22.
Ȝitt the executouris of the departitt are compellitt to pay quott thairfoir [sc. debts owed by the deceased]
(1610) Balfour Pract. 666, 667.
Gif all the bairnis be forisfamiliat the testament then dividis in twa partis, and the half of the fre geir payis quot. … Gif the persoun deceist be singil … in that cais the haill fre geir payis quot, but ony divisioun

b. Attrib. in quot-silver (also Cott-silver n.), the revenue from quotes, and quot-maister, appar. = collector of quots, Quottar n.(1) 1563 Acts Sederunt ii 6.
The quen's grace … hes appointit 1600 lib. of the reddiest of the quoitt silver to be tane up be the collectoris
1609 Acts IV 438/1.
The saidis senatouris … of his heighnes college of justice … to … ouergif the said quote siluer of the testamentis being the maist and best pairt of their patrimonie
a1633 Hope Major Pract. II 25.
To … want their part of the ordinar contribution, quott, and sentence silver
1708 Hannay College of Justice 89.]
[(The prelatical contributions, the quot silver and the sentence silver had been) of great difficultie and very odious in the exaction
(2) 1607 Reg. Privy C. VII 417.
[Complaint by George Abirnethie procurator fiscal and Mr. Alexander Levingstoun] quote maister [of the commissariat of Edinburgh]
(1610) Balfour Pract. 666.
[The local commissars] to give just compt of ȝour intromissioun with the quotis … ; this is to be extendit to ȝou quha wantis quot masteris
1666 Acts Sederunt ii 98. 1680 M. P. Brown Suppl. Decis. II 260.
Where there was no quot-masters named by the bishops, the commissaries should be countable for the quots of all testaments confirmed by them

2. = Quota n.1689 Reg. Privy C. 3 Ser. XIII 470.
Some effectuall method wherby the saids noblemen and royall burrowes … might be made lyable to the wonted quote of excyse which they payed before the saids gifts
1691 Cramond Kirk S. III 1 June.
That what money hath been formerly laide out of the poores boxe … for reparationes of the kirk, … be laide on at the first quott for reparationes, and be proportionally repayed by the heretors in to the poores boxe

