A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
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First published 1990 (DOST Vol. VII).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.
Regn(e, Reign(n)e, n. Also: regnne; reygne; renye, rengne; reine, reyn(n)e; raigne, raygne, reaygne; rayne; regine, -yne; regan. [ME and e.m.E. reyne (1272), regn (Cursor M.), rengne (a 1300), regne (Manning), reigne (1532), riegne (1585), raine (1590), raigne (1617), OF regne, reigne, rai(g)ne, rengne, etc. (10th c.), L. regnum, f. regere to rule. See also Ring n.3]The evidence of rhymes quoted below shows that regne was freq. an orthographic variant of Ring n.3c1616 Hume Orthog. 20.
Lykwayes we sould keep the vouales of the original, quherin the north warres the south … from regnum, the north regne, the south raigne [etc.]
1. Royal power or rule; regal authority; sovereignty. b. Power or rule, more generally; dominion; sway.Also, transf., applied to the influence or sway of an immaterial thing.Cf. Ring n.3 1.(1) 1456 Hay I 2/31.
Charles the sext … Regn till him be gevin [etc.] … abune all erdely lordschippis Ib. II 79/18.
And that makis him till have durable lordschip and lestand regne 1490 Irland Mir. I 11/9.
All nobile and worthi kingis and emperouris has had thar regnne [pr. regime] throw thar awine wisdome ore ellis be wis counsale —1490 Irland Mir. II 31/7.
That he suld nocht tyne his regne and power that he had vpone mankind(2) c1515 Asl. MS I 254/16.
He began to regne efter the regne of Scottis in Albany … [1169] ȝeris 1553 Mill Mediæv. Plays 150.
The Lordis of Bonacord … hes maid … superfleous banketing induring the tyme of thair regnne 1582 Declar. Causis 18.
To think his regnne unsure wantand his moderis bennisoun 1596 Dalr. I 190/27.
In tyme of his regne 1587-99 Hume 40/200.
Lord, … power, praise, the reigne, and all is thine 1625 Garden Kings 16.
A clement king He wes in all his regiment and regne a1689 Cleland 123.
The trophies of his glorious reign [: sing]transf. 1567 G. Ball. 204.
The paip … Lyke prince and king, he led the regne, Of all iniquitie
c. Applied to the ‘kingly’ power of God.1490 Irland Mir. I 40/21.
That thi haly spreit … haue his regne and gouernaunce in ws a1500 Rois Garlandis 558.
Werray eternall God, … lord of all lordis, quhais regne sall neuer haue end
2. A territory ruled by a king; a kingdom or realm. = Ring n.3 2.a1500 Colk. Sow ii 98.
The king Roid to vesy the boundis thair as [= ? of his] regne 1533 Boece 40.
Brute first begynnare of the Britane regne Ib. 291b.
Eftir Occa had resauit thame baith in colleig of the regnne 15.. Clar. iv 2702, 2704.
King Clariodus … hes beine haill protectour … Into this regne, … And uther regnes he maid unto us suge a1568 Scott i 18.
And rewle thy regne with hie magnificence 1625 Garden Kings 37.
His ill rewled regne [: bring]
3. The period of a sovereign's rule. = Ring n.3 4.Common, by naming the number of years a sovereign had reigned, in stating dates.(1) 1427 Highland P. II 158.
Givin under our signet at Perth the last day of March and of our regne xxi yher 1433 Aberd. B. Rec. I 390. 1455 Melville Chart. 40. c1515 Asl. MS I 203/23.
In the ferde ȝere of the said King Stevynnis regne 1496 Acta Conc. II 49.
Of our soverane lordis regne the viij yere a1586 Maitland Ho. Seytoun iii.
King Malcolme Cainmoir began his regne in [1061] 1596 Dalr. I 147/3.
In the beginning of his regne [King Euen] was troubled with seditione of thame in Orknay and the yles(b) 1450 Reg. Episc. Brechin. I 128.
Of our regnne the xiiij ȝheir 1471–2 Liber Melros 591. 1518 Glenartney Doc. 1522 Fife Sheriff Ct. 244. 1533 Boece 183b.
During the regnne of Donald 1550 (1607) Reg. Great S. 687/1.
Of our regnne [ed. regime] the aucht yeir 1560 Glasg. Univ. Mun. I 69.
Of oure regnne [pr. regime] the twentyeane yeir 1565 Facs. Nat. MSS III xlix.
Of our regnnes the first and xxiij yeris 1565 1572 Reg. Privy C. II 160.
In the regnne of … his hienes guidame, the quene dowarrer 1628 Justiciary Cases I 85.(c) 1489–90 Lag Chart. 15.
Of our reynne the first yeir 1596 Dalr. I 142 marg.
Reyne(d) 1601 Glasg. Arch. Soc. New Ser. III (1899) 174.
Of his maiesties rayne the thrittie five ȝeir 1608 in Insh Colonial Schemes 46.
In the thirteenth year of the raigne of our late sister(e) 1593 Acts IV 52/1.
Reignne 1596 Dalr. I 132/36.
Reygne 1615 Haddington Corr. 82.
Reignn 1682 Douglas Corr. 46.
Reign(f) 1532 Douglas Corr. 349.
And of our regine the tuenty ȝeir … James R. c1500-50 Brevis Cronica 324. 1596 Dalr. I 161 marg.
In the beginning of his regyne a gude prince, eftirwarde vitious(2) 1533 Boece 138.
All the pepill beseking his regnne suld be happy and ewros, he was salust souerane 1559 Knox VI 49.
Yea, I pray that your raigne may be long, prosperous and quiet 1572 Buch. Detect. (1727) 110.
Preserve ȝou in helth and maist happy raigne 1596 Lett. & St. P. Jas. VI 30.
Rengne 1601 Warrender P. (S.H.S.) II 386.
Renye 1603 Maxwell Mem. II 54.
Raygne 1622 Melrose P. 481.
My … contenvall prayer … is … for your majesties long and happie reine(b) 1607 Denmylne MSS in Highland P. III 98.
We pray God to grant unto ȝour maiestie a lang and happy regan(c) 1641 Acts V 691/1.
I shall … preay for your maiestis long and happie reaygne(3) c1500-50 Brevis Cronica 338.
In the regnne of the tyranne of Ingland