A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
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First published 1990 (DOST Vol. VII).
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Rest, v.2 Also: resst; rist; rast; raist. P.t. and p.p. -it; and rest. Pres. p. -and(e; and -an(e, -en, -in(g, -ine. [Late ME and e.m.E. rest (1472–5), F. rester (c1180 in Larousse), L. restāre.]In contexts where a complement is lacking, there is the possibility of ambiguity between the main senses.
1. intr. To remain, or continue, in a specified condition; esp. to be left (incomplete, unfulfilled, etc., in some respect).Chiefly with neg. compl.With to rest unpayit, cf. 4, 5 b and 6 below. In quot. 1572 (see (2) below) to rest on payit, with personal subject, appar. = to leave (a debt) unpaid, to fail to pay.(1) 1456 Hay I 14/22.
But grete weris, grete heresies, and grete scismes, it [sc. ? the Church] has nocht restit lansomly sen syne 1478 Acta Conc. I 15/1.
He sall mak payment of samekle as restis vnpreifit pait of before 1513 Doug. vii Prol. 148.
Thar restit oncompletit sa gret a part 1561 Aberd. B. Rec. I 335.
And … the quarter [of the town] that restis unseruit begin the next yeir, keipand the same ordour of this yeir 1564 6th Rep. Hist. MSS App. 692/2.
Bot lat all thingis rest without alteratioun quhill our returning 1565 Reg. Privy C. I 403.
Gif ony thing restis unspendit of the said soum c1568 Lauder Minor P. i 654. 1616 Haigs of Bemersyde 140.
In the meantime, I restit restless in my conscience, night and day 1661 Cramond Kirk S. 29 Dec.
The session, not resting fullye satisfied thairanent, appoints [etc.] —a1561 Q. Kennedy Breif Tract. (ed.) 136/7.
Ve … restis gretarlye assurit of Christis fauour a1578 Pitsc. II 111/3.
They war the gladder to lat ws rest in peace(2) 1496 Acta Conc. II 15.
It was grantit be the sade Andro … that thar restit unpayit the sade xiiij merkis xxvj d. less 1501 Treas. Acc. II 94.
His wage and fee …, quhilk restit unpayit to him and now payit 1503 Ib. 407.
Payit to Maister David Trail, that restit unpayit to him 1545 Reg. Privy C. I 6.
Quhat is payt thairof and quhat restis unpayt 1640 Kirkcudbr. Min. Bk. 86.
The haill tenth and twentieth penny rentes, yet restane within the boundes unpeyit 1673 Rothesay B. Ct. 244.
As also the said sowme restan unpayit —1572 Aberd. B. Rec. II 9.
That the half thairof of the personis restand awand the samen on payit be uptakin … and the reddiest of the geir and guidis of thame that ar restand on payit the samyn … to be poyndit(3) 1542–3 Reg. Privy S. III 14/1.
The … summondis actionis pleyis [etc.] … to ceis and rest uncallit procedit on or decidit … quhill [etc.] 1574 Reg. Privy C. II 407.
Thay have actioun dependand befoir the Lordis of Sessioun, quhilk restis and lyis ower thir sindry yeris past undecydit
b. In valedictory formulae at the end of letters, with various complements.1572 Facs. Nat. MSS III lxiii.
In the menne time … I rest yowr lordshippes vnfainedly [etc.] 1632 Fam. Innes 221.
I rest your luffin brother 1638 Spalding I 98.
Thus with my hartlie wissis for your prosperitie, I rest …, Youris … good freind
2. To be left; to continue to exist.1513 Doug. v iv 120.
Thar restis na ma bot Cloanthus than 1563-1570 Buch. Wr. 23.
Otheris … socht … to put doun the ȝoung king that he sould not rest to revenge his faderis deid 1558-66 Knox I 194.
Thare is no Purgatorie … butt heavin restis to the faythfull, and hell to the reprobat 1596 Dalr. I 29/10.
The quhyte kye … of quhilkes now restes verie few, or nane 1606 Birnie Kirk-b. xvii.
By kirk-buriall kirk bounds are so mistrammed … that … the people that rests … must byde at the dore
b. To remain (to be done or dealt with).Also const. clause compl. and with ellipsis of compl.(1) 1533 Bell. Livy I 4/32.
Thare suld ȝit rest ane largeare feild til ere Than [etc.] 1567–8 Reg. Privy C. I 610.
Quhat is taken up and quhat is restand to be taken up be thame 1622-6 Bisset I 212/9.
Na thing restis to be done, bot the iudge to advise the cause(2) 1590-1 R. Bruce Serm. 34.
Now, it rests that we dresse us to the consideration of this sacrament 1637 Rutherford Lett. (1894) 481.
Nothing resteth, but that we lay our grievances before … Jesus(3) 1560 Bk. Disc. 200.
Restis yit other two sortis of peple to be provided for a1561 Q. Kennedy Breif Tract. (ed.) 135/4.
Now restes to considder quhidder [etc.] c1590 Fowler II 23/12.
Restis then that quhilk conueniently of this argument insewis, that [etc.](4) a1499 Contempl. Sinn. 230 (Asl.).
Quhat restis maire? 1513 Doug. ii ii 22.
Quhat other thing now restis to me?
c. Of a person: To rest to pay, ? to remain in debt (after making a payment).1495 Halyb. 20.
All thyngis contyt … as it standis in the jowrnell … in the 75 layf … he rastyt to pay me in Zeland in Flemis money
3. To be left over; to remain after subtraction or partial use.Also, once, to rest ower.(1) 1512 Facs. Nat. MSS III x.
Friday … the panitre spendit xxxvj breid and restis xxxiiij breid 1538 Treas. Acc. VII 30.
Velvot that restit of the kingis littecampt 1538–9 M. Works Acc. (ed.) I 261.
Swa restis in the said Robertis handis to be lauborit be him to the fontane ane fydder [of lead] 1546 Aberd. B. Rec. I 236.
Ane feirkin, with certane saip restand in it 1566 Facs. Nat. MSS III lii.
Thair restis to be had to hir abilyementis alsmekle purpos veluos as to be hir a govn 1602 Reg. Privy C. VI 452.
The remanis of a peice beif … resting of the former day —1588 King Cat. h iij.
Quhat restis is the nombre of the circle of the sone for that ȝere: giff nane do rest the divisor 28 salbe it(2) 1537 Reg. Episc. Aberd. I 414.
Ane plak to the bell mane. Thane restys tene schillingis 1559–60 Edinb. Old Acc. I 338.
And sue restis be Alexander Park of this compt [etc.] … quhilk restis be Maister James Lyndsay in his last comptis of the soum of [£73, 19 s, 4 d.] 1589–1600 Skipper's Acc. (Morton) fol. 43b.
Summa resstin ane hundrith v frankis viii sows Ib. fol. 45b.
Suma restin off all to the auneris ws … [1433] frankis 1613 Glasgow Trades House 47.
Sua restis with the comptar xxiij li. [etc.] … quharof ordanet to be gevin to Ninian Andersoun v li. [etc.] 1622-6 Bisset II 84/7.
And the executour may intromet with the deidis pairt of the guidis restand eftir the payment of the dettis a1633 Hope Major Pract. I 288.
If ther restis nothing, the legator will get nothing 1633 Sc. Ant. I 94.
Uich med an end of the monnies uich I had restin c1639 Sc. Lore 162.
Quhairof receaved be the laird … thair is ȝit restand in the tennents hands following the sowme of [etc.] 1655 Glasgow B. Rec. II 529.
Receavit fra Johne Andersone that was restan in his handis of localitie money … 829 li. 4 s.(3) 1580–1 Edinb. B. Rec. IV 194.
With the tymmer restit ower
b. To remain unconsumed, undestroyed, unfulfilled, etc. Cf. sense 1 above and c below.(1) 1533 Boece 458b.
He [sc. Macbeth] thocht the thrid [promise made by witches] that restit suld nocht be deficill to haue effect 1533 Bell. Livy II 208/24.
Ane small parte of the day was restand afore the nycht 1569 Knox VI 453.
Resteth yit one uther kynd of offendaris that deserve excommunicatioun 1571 Bann. Memor. 183.
Sua long as onie esperance rested(2) 1535 Stewart 27934.
Ane castell callit Doun-bervie, Quhairof the fundament restis ȝit to se c1563 Reg. Panmure I cxliii.
For the entrie to the same [tower] yit is restine 1618 Melrose P. 319.
No thing of it [sc. a hand] resting bot the olde bones and wethered sinewes
c. ? To remain unsupplied; to lack.1591 James VI Poems I 214/241.
This armie is … furnisht so with necessares … That nought doth rest but courage bolde
4. Of a payment overdue: a. To rest to be payit (to pay), to be outstanding.c1456 Edinb. B. Rec. MS 2.
And sua restis alanerlie xl s. to be pait within a ȝere as said is 1502 Treas. Acc. II 47.
And sa restis to pay now [£96, 13 s.]
b. To be a charge (on or upon a person); to be the responsibility of (to make payment).1463 Exch. R. VII 165 n.
Forsamekle as thare is certane soumes of moneye restande upon oure lovete familiar clerk … that time that he was oure chaumerlane …, quhilkis ar … into the handis of diverse personis … of the quhilkis he can get na … payment in grete … hindring til him 1508–9 Reg. Privy S. I 281/1.
A lettre of remitt … made … to … Lord Maxwell of the soum … restand on him in the chekker rollis in the fute of his last compt gevin of his office of stewartry 1517 Acta Conc. MS in Sc. Hist. Rev. XL 100.
Chargit in his comptis with divers soumes … for mailis and dewiteis … restand apon his heid 1575 Waus Corr. 99.
And … admittis the said Mr. Patrik to tak vp all restis quhatsumeuer restan on the cotmenis in Glenhovill, to be disponit … to his vys 1613 Glasgow Trades House 47.
Sua restis on the comptar xviij li. [etc.] 1624 Argyll Rentals 11 Nov.
Allowed to the comptare restane upone the Laird of Largye 1650 Ib. II 19 March.
This is just a trew skroll of the restis befor wretting restane on the personis beforementionat
5. In the phr. to rest awand (auchtand, awing). a. With personal subject: To be indebted, to owe; to be due to deliver (an artefact, etc.). Cf. 8 below.(a) 1473–4 Treas. Acc. I 12.
xxxiiij li. resauit … of the ald rest of his faderis compt and his awin. … he restis awand lij li. iij s. viij d. 1478 Acta Conc. I 8/1.
Adam … sall restore … iijxxxviij schepe that he restis awing to the said Wilȝam of a mare noumer 1514 Selkirk B. Ct. (ed.) 28.
All thingis beand comptit and allowit, Jhone Patersone restit awand to Jhone Smyth v nobillis 1515 Reg. Privy S. I 403/2. 1536–7 Ayr B. Acc. 21.
The said Thomas [sc. dean of guild] restis awand to the toun of the kirk gair [etc.] 1565 Prot. Bk. Gilbert Grote 69.
That I restis awand hir of thre half ȝeris feye 1593 Edinb. Test. XXV 135.
Be Jonet Bannatyne … restand awand of hir hous and buith maill, xxxj merkis 1602 Shetland Sheriff Ct. (ed.) 4.
David Hoxasetter … confest himselff to be restand awand … the summe of ane gulyeoun 1627 Bk. Carlaverock II 92.
I think the ten suttis off apperrell, restand be William Dikis wyff, will serve to mont them all; and thairfor I haue send hir awin tiked, quhair be schoe restis awand so many sutes of clothes, and thair restis awand aught sarkis be thais quha furnished them 1660 Edinb. B. Rec. IX 210.
Agries that the constables … tak up ane accompt … what the sodgers ar resting awing to the nighbours(b) 1564 Dumfries B. Ct. in Prot. Bk. M. Carruthers 12.
Quhat soum he ristit awand to hym of the males of tua akris of the chappelland
b. With what is due as subject: To be due or unpaid.1491 Treas. Acc. I 180.
Al offyciaris to bring in al sowmis restit awing in the rollis 1507–8 Ib. IV 97.
To Johne Bertoun that restit awand to him of the viage that he passit with the Archbeschop of Sanctandrois 1511 Selkirk B. Ct. (ed.) 14.
Restand awand be Roben Scot to Robene Ker vii s. 1523 Exch. R. XV 39 n.
xxtj merkis annuale now restand uwing to thame 1536 Dunferm. Reg. Ct. 132.
Paying of saidis biron malis and doveittis restand avin 1562 Dumfries B. Ct. in Prot. Bk. M. Carruthers 6.
Ristand awand be umquhill Roger Carrutheris to the said Marion the tyme of his lyif for his burding thair 1563 Dumfries B. Ct. fol. 196.
Four punds mony ristand awin to the said William 1579 Reg. Privy C. III 191.
[To pay … the sum of £1021, 12 s., 6 d.] restand auchtand to hir in penny and pennyworthis 1580 Facs. Nat. MSS III lxix.
Thrie score four pundis restand awand him for the thrie portraictures 1582 Edinb. Test. XI 33.
Thair wilbe ȝit restand awand me [etc.] 1596 Grant Chart. 187.
To … pay … the sowme of fywe hundrethe markis … as liquidatt and dett restand awand be me 1658 Rothesay Par. Rec. 3.
Out of the penalties restand awand unpayed in his tyme 1674 Kirkcudbr. Test. (Reg. H.) 24 Oct.
There is resting awing to them … a merk
c. Also, once, with the work, etc., to be paid for as subject.1641 Laing MSS I 209.
Materiallis necessar and workmen for repairing … of Halyroodhous, which is as yit restand awand and unpayed
6. Of something due: To remain undelivered or unpaid (to a person); to be outstanding.Chiefly, in pres. p.Cf. sense 1 (2) above. Cf. also Restand n., with which there is possible ambiguity.(1) 1504 Treas. Acc. II 435.
To Robert Galloway, quhilk restit of his wage 1545–6 Prot. Bk. Sir Wm. Corbet 6.
Of a hundreth merkis to be weill payit all at anys togydder and all the laiff to rest at wyll c1552 Lynd. Mon. 5717.
Quhen the land agane is sawin Quhat restis behynd I wald wer knawin 1572 Canongate Ct. Bk. 410.
That the persewar suld onlie tak up fra him ane terme yeirlie and the uthir to rest yeirlie quhill [etc.] 1676 Kirkcudbr. Test. (Reg. H.) 12 Jan.
Restand of teind beire or locallitie … sex small peeks of beire 1692 Conv. Burghs IV 570.
Their rests to the towne … by ther majesties forces in annis 1689 and 1690 upwards of eighteen thousand marks(b) c1640 Tailor's Acc. Bk. B 42.
In the first that raistis of ȝour onled compt quheilk ȝe hawe the coippie of(2) 1546 Reg. Cupar A. II 229.
Jonet Brisaucht thair, siclyk, xiij s. iiij d. restand 1572 Peebles B. Rec. I 338.
That all … bring in thair carechis of lyme restand bygane 1589 Kirkcudbr. B. Rec. I 247.
xliiij s. restand of the price of tua half barkit hydis 1595 Breadalbane Ct. Bk. 94.
iiij markis money restand of the blak mart thir tua ȝeiris bygane 1603 Kirkcudbr. B. Rec. I 439.
To pay to him xxxv s. for killing and ix s. restand of malt he bocht fra him 1649 Aberd. B. Rec. IV 98.
In respect the same has been long restand 1663 in Mackenzie Affairs 96.
Besides, there was some cess resting 1671 Kirkcudbr. B. Rec. MS 1 Nov.
Ten pundis [etc.] … Scots restand of the pryce of wairs 1676 Argaty Baron Ct. 17 Oct.
Walter Clerk … to pey … ten merkis Scottis for ilk boll of his teind resting be him for crope 1675, … four pund for ilk boll teind crope 1676, … mair nyne pund resting of his teind crope 1674, mair six pund for his wedder and service crope 1676(b) 1586 Misc. Bann. C. II 216.
For buyth maill, resten ane ȝeir xxxiij s. iiij d. 1594 Paisley B. Rec. 156.
xxxiij s. iiij d. lent siluir restane of ane ros nobl borrowit in symer last 1605 Bann. Memor. 364.
For the superplus of the fermes of the landis of Clewis and vtheris, resten of the crope … ijc iij li.(3) 1568 Inverness Rec. I 172.
And na thing to be restan be him to the said Johne 1574–5 Haddington Treas. Acc. 3.
That was restand to him at the making of his compt 1597–8 Crim. Trials II 33.
Anent the satisfactioune and pament of the saidis Thomas debtis restand be ws to him 1600 Acts Sederunt ii 33.
That … his hienes may see the said erle satisfeit of the saidis superexpensis restane be his majestie to his said umquhill father 1615 Orkney & Shetl. Ct. Bks. 76.
The soume of fourtie schillingis restand be him to the said James his wyfe for his ordineris at certane tymes 1627 Bk. Carlaverock II 92 (see 5 a above). 1630 Brechin Test. IV 399.
Giff it salhappin my debtis and sovmes of mone restand to me the tyme of my deceis to becum disperat [etc.] 1633 Misc. Spald. C. III 79.
The soume of fiftie merkis, given up restand to him in his … inventar 1636 Cramond Ch. Cullen 164.
Confessit himselff onlie restan to the said George the viccarage of three ky extending to thretty schillinges 1640 Kirkcudbr. Min. Bk. 31.
Being requirit to put out the troupehorss restand by that paroche, refuissit to doe the samyn 1642 House Gordon II 462.
Wharby it is cleir that bands resting to Cragiwarr … are no pairt of this compt 1643 Aberd. B. Rec. IV 4. 1649 Aberd. Council Lett. III 143.
Mantinance … allowit to us in payment of our debts quhilk is declared to be restan to us be the parliament 1660 Ib. 255. 1674 Cramond Cullen Ann. 55.
Ane band resting be George Lawtie … to the Earle of Findlater 1679 Edinb. B. Rec. X 363.
There is restand to him of nete ballance the soume of eight hundered eightie pounds 1681 Fawside Coal Compt 80.
Resting be the salter to me for od wood, £4, 10 s. 1686 Cramond Kirk S. II 7 Feb.
And to pay … what of his sellary will be found resting to him by this kirk 1689 Dunferm. Hammermen MS 120.
The craft hath receavd full and complet pyment of his fredom & his othir counts resting be John Hanan
7. Of a legal action or proposal: To remain in suspension; to be abandoned and left without further consideration or decision for a defined period of time. Cf. sense 1 (3) above. Also in fig. context.1504 Crim. Trials I i 43.
We have resputt … all actionis … movit aganis the saide maist reverend father … to cese and rest fra the day of [his] … passing … furthe of oure realme [etc.] 1507 Reg. Privy S. I 223/1.
We … specialy respittis al and sindri actiouns … and pleis … til ces and rest … quhil his returnyng 1508 Ib. 244/2.
That all and sindry actiounis … be putt under this our respitt and ceis and rest fra the day of the date hereof for … nynetene ȝeris 1608 Nat. Lib. MS State 47, Sec. 91.
We will intreate your maiestie to suffer this article to rest till this approcheing conuentioun of the esteatis 1612 Breadalbane Lett. 28 Nov.
Quhilk declairatour thrie days wes called and restis at interloquitour 1622-6 Bisset I 145/28.
All … summonis … [that restis] on Tyisday, salbe first called on Wednisday thereftirfig. a1605 Montg. Sonn. xxxv 8.
Ȝit the reversiones rests that it [sc. my soul] redemes
8. tr. To owe (something) (to a person).Also const. double object, and (once) with ellipsis of direct object.(1) 1525 (c1580) Edinb. B. Rec. I 223.
And fyndis Henry Cranstoun … restand de claro to the toun the soume of [etc.] 1571 Reg. Privy C. II 81.
Capitane David Hume … can obtene na payment of the saidis sowmes, albeit he … is restand and awand the same to his suldartis 1582 Dunferm. Hammermen MS II 5 Aug.
Thomas Stivinson rests to the hamirmen … fiftie merks Scots 1597 Skene Verb. S. s.v. Schireff.
Gif he be found restand at the fute of his compt onie summes of silver to the king or his thesaurar, it is leasum [etc.] 1620 Grant Chart. 326. 1646 S. Leith Rec. 73/1.
The Sessione will be resting to the said Alexander … the soume of [etc.] 1661 Aberd. Council Lett. IV 126. 1662 Lamont Diary 155.
Some bygone arears that he was resten to his wife ?1671 Culross II 169.
Anent that money that he is restand to the trade 1684 Carmyllie Kirk S. 27 July.
That hundreth merks quhich Mr. Gid: Guthrie was resting to the poor 1703 Aberd. Journal N. & Q. VI 121/1.
And queitted him … bear quhich he was resting me(2) 1568–9 Inverness Rec. I 174.
He makis him nocht payment of v quartis aquawyte quhilkis he restis him for ane horse 1582 Edinb. Test. XI 33.
I haif na mouabillis bot ane hors that the laird my bruther rest me price thairof fiftie pundis 1628 Sutherland Bk. II 147.
I was boistit be Issobell Buchannan anent that acht hundrethe merkis quhilkis I restit hir 1636 St. A. Baxter Bks. 102.
It wes fund be the fuit therof that he restit the craft iii lib. xii s. 1656 Berw. Doc. fol. 1, No. 1.
All comptis endit and he rest me [19 s.] 1671 Wemyss in Sc. Diaries 131.
He rested them of ther wages befor 4th day of Febr. 1671 3118 lib. 16 s. 02 d. Scots 1672–92 Old Ross-shire I 78.
He is resting him thrie ells linning 1680 Foulis Acc. Bk. 48.
I rest him nothing at this minut 1696 Craven Ch. in Orkney I 142.
The 20 sh. Scots he rests you(3) 1503 Edinb. Hammermen 46b.
Gevin to Leonerd for the said Johnys bellis couering iiij s. at he restit in my hand & to Sanct Loye vj s. 1560 Inverness Rec. I 43.
Quhat he wer restan he suld pay 1636 Urie Baron Ct. 80.
And sick of the saidis tennentis … that ar resting thair saidis maillis … in payment [etc.] ?a1640 Copie of a Baron's Court (1821) 28.
What are you resting for the foresaid year? 1648 Strathbogie Presb. 91.
Payment … of all vas resting be them 1655 Hibbert P. No. 16.
The barrell of oyll that the guidman … was restand 1666 in Peterkin Orkney & Zetl. 189.
The sheriffdom of Orkney and Zetland were … resting 22 months mentenance 1669 Edinb. B. Rec. X 57.
The deceist […] ropmaker was restand four yeirs house maill of his house in citiedaill 1682 Kirkcudbr. Test. (Reg. H.) 17 Aug.
I am restan of bygon tyth £32 Scots 1687 Stirling Ant. IV 17.
The Laird of Menstrie … being resting … three yeires arent 1697 Rental of Brabster in Old-lore Misc. VIII i 6.
Mair, he rests … a meat lamb at Lambes nixt, if he have itt(4) 1655 Hibbert P. No. 16.
I am restand to him for all the timer that was tain out from him the last ȝeir