A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
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First published 2001 (DOST Vol. IX).
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Statut(e, v. Also: statuet. P.t. statut(e. P.p. statut(e, (y-statut), statuit, staitout, statuid, statutit, -ed, statitut. [Late ME and e.m.E. statute (c1435), L. statuēt-, ppl. stem of statuere to establish; Statut(e n.1]
1. To decree or ordain ((that) something should be done, etc.); to enact (parliamentary) legislation; to institute a (burghal, etc.) regulation.Impers. or with the enacting authority, also, rarely, the law, as subject.Freq. in collocation with Ordain v. 12.(1) 1397 Acts I 208/1.
Item in the consail general of Striuelyn … it is statutit [etc.] 14.. Burgh Laws c. 114 (B).
It is statute that a burges lyand seke in bed [etc.] 1424 Acts II 8/1.
It is statut & ordanyt that ilk man [etc.] 1462 (c1580) Edinb. B. Rec. I 19. 1470 Prestwick B. Rec. 14. 1489 Acts II 221/2.
It is thocht expedient be the lordis of articlis & als statut in this present parliament that [etc.] 1515 (c1580) Edinb. B. Rec. I 157.
It is statute … that ane quarter of the towne watche ilk nicht 1540 Lynd. Sat. 3810 (Ch.). 1545 Reg. Privy C. I 3.
It is divisit statute and ordanit be my Lord Governour and Lordis of Counsel [etc.] 1562 Aberd. Eccl. Rec. 5. 1591 St. A. Baxter Bks. 47.
It is statute, votit, and concludit, be the haill breither of craft [etc.] 1596 Breadalbane Doc. 19 Nov.
It is statute be the larde that quhatsumeuir officar or officaris [etc.] 1609 Skene Reg. Maj. ii 14b.
It is statute be the king [etc.] 1622-6 Bisset I 120/14.
It wes statute and ordanit be his maiestie and lordis of articlis of that parliament [etc.] a1650 Row 280.
Therefore, it is statut by uniforme consent of the wholl Assemblie, that [etc.] 1664 Stitchill Baron Ct. 35.
It is judicially statute and ordained that no person within this barrony [etc.] 1685 Murray Lyon Hist. Lodge Edinb. 31.
It is statut and ordained that all journeymen masons … shall pay [etc.](b) 1591 Dundee B. Laws 374.
It is statuted … that [etc.] 1621 Acts IV 626/1.(c) 1633 Misc. Spald. C. V 220.
The said day it is statitut and ordeanit that [etc.](d) 1723 Crail Squaremen 30.
Staitout(2) 1493 Acts II 234/2.
It is heirfoir auisit statute and ordanit that all sic dekynnis [etc.] … And als belangand masonis, wrichtis and vther men of craft that statutis that thay sall haue fee alswele for the haly day as for the werk day(3) c1400 Troy-bk. ii 998.
That all that war nobile wemen, They statut … Suld haue fredome 14.. Acts I 51/2.
The king alsua hes statut that [etc.] c1475 Wall. iv 133 (see Statut(e n.1 (1)). c1515 Asl. MS I 257/23.
This Kenneth statut & ordanit that the nixt of the blud … suld succeid 1521 (c1580) Edinb. B. Rec. I 204.
The provest baillies and counsale statutes and ordanis that all maner of beggares … that ar habill persouns to wirk … for thair leving 1545 Reg. Privy C. I 18.
It is consonent to all law … and justice, at every man do and keip sik law and part as is done statute and kepit to thame be thair parti adversar 1552 Reg. Privy C. I 135.
Desyrand … the Quenis Grace, my Lord Governour, and Lordis of Secreit Counsale that thai wald devise, statut, and ordane that [etc.] 1561 Q. Kennedy Compendious Ressonyng (ed.) 175/33.
Telesphorus … statute that in the nycht of the natiuite of oure salueour the angelicall hympne … suld be soung solempnitlie in the mes 1595 Conv. Burghs I 453.
The commissioneris … statutis … that nane … intterupe … the woitting after ressoneing haid 1634 St. A. Baxter Bks. 96.
They all … efter matur deliberatioun, statut, concludit, and ordanit that [etc.] 1719 Edinb. Univ. Chart. 169.
They do therefore with the extraordinary deacons statute and ordain that no professor or master be chosen in time comeing but dureing the Councills pleasure(b) 1525 Wigtown B. Ct. 254b (4 Oct.).
The samyn day the hall commvnythe has statuid & ordanyt that thaj that vaunt & hais nocht pait thair borrois all to cum to the tressorayre 1599 Kirkcudbr. B. Rec. in Kirkcudbr. Min. Bk. 246.
The toun understanding the pest being verie ill in Drumfries … statuets and ordains, that [etc.] 1640 Kirkcudbr. Min. Bk. 151.
The said committie of estates … have be thir presents, fund and resolvit, statuit and ordainit, that [etc.](c) 1550 Edinb. Hammermen 2.
The dekin & masteris … hes statutit & deuisit that [etc.](4) 14.. Acts I 336/2.
Thai … makis schone otherwais than the law has statute 1609 Skene Reg. Maj. ii 136b.
Custumers are punished as oppressours quha takes mair taxations, custumes or dewties then is statute be the law
b. To decree, ordain; arrange (to do something). c1400 Troy-bk. ii 702 (C).
The Gregeois gylfully … Seyd to Pryame that pas wald thai To Thenadone … Whare they had statut … For to receyve the queen Eleyne a1500 Seven S. 1005.
Ane empriour … Statut … The nycht walkaris for till expell 1561 Q. Kennedy Compendious Ressonyng (ed.) 176/7.
The thrid mes was statute to be said on fair day lycht eftir the sone rysing 16… Gordon in Macfarlane's Geog. Coll. II 397.
He … ratifies ane act made in the Parliament 24 August 1560 and statuts the said act to stand as law
c. intr. 1475 Edinb. B. Rec. I 32.
It sall be lefull to the … wrichtis and masounis to haue power of quhatsumeuir vtheris actis statutis or ordinancis that thai think mast convenient for the … proffet of the gud towne and for tham to statut and ordane with awys of the hale craftis … thai to be ratifiit and apprufit siclik as thir actis, and to be actit and transsumpt in the commoun buke of Edinburgh
2. a. To enact (a law, etc.). b. To institute, lay down (a penalty). c. To appoint (a time or place (of meeting, etc.)). Also const. infin.a. c1420 Wynt. v 24.
That ordanyd wes Be the lauch statute off Moyses 14.. Burgh Laws c. 1 (A).
In the first law statut thru that ilk king Dauide that ilke burges [etc.] 1513 Doug. i v 63.
Eneas … sal … statut lawis for tha men, And beld townys, [etc.] 1513 Doug. xiii x 107.
And common lawis for thame and the Troianys Statut thou sall 1549 Compl. 9/3.
He statut ane ordinance til excerse … the ȝong princis ande gentil men of his court to vse them til indure excesse of laubirs 1562-3 Winȝet II 77/2.
We meruelit … quhow grete wes the humilitie … of that counsel … To quhome quhen the conuentioun … wes iugeit … to statute sum thing of thair deuyse, ȝit … na thing wald thai præsume 1574 Sources and Lit. Sc. Law 31.
The form of the body of our lawis, alsweill of that quhilk is alreddy statute, as thay thingis that were meit and convenient to be statute 1576 Reg. Privy C. II 542.
My Lord Regentis Grace … devysit and statute certane lovabill actis and orders for the exercise of publict lecturis in all liberall sciences within the said Collegis 1622-6 Bisset I 70/12.
King James the secund in his fourtent parliament … act thriescoir ten statute, that all the actis suld be copiedb. 1533 Boece 64b.
He commandit that the lawis made be King Fergus suld be kepit and statute panis apoun the transgressouris 1622-6 Bisset I 204/18.
The panes of witnese nocht compeirand … the thrid denunciatioun to the horne, and thereftir captioun. Statute be the lordis 16 Novembris 1579 1622-6 Bisset II 219/14.
The admirall … sall compell thame to pay for there fault that sall be statuted eftir thair estimatioun 1661 Wodrow Hist. I (1828) 179.
The pains statuted against leasingmakers 1678 Mackenzie Laws & C. i xiv § v (1678) 155.
Seeing this pain is only statuted in the case of paricidec. (1) 14.. Acts I 362/2.
The day statut to the partis … and the folowar be absent at the set day statut he remanis in mercy and tynis his claime 1531 Bell. Boece (M) II 43.
Baith the kingis … come fra thair army to ane place quhair it was statute [1821 as was devisit] 1559–60 Misc. Maitl. C. III 221.
In the terme statut to ansuer to the said Williames petitioun compered Elizabeth 1563 Misc. Maitl. C. III 315.
The quhilk daye comperis Jhon Forbes … as in term statut to hym 1563 Misc. Maitl. C. III 315.
The superintendent statutis Wednesdaye nixt to cum to pronunc [etc.](b) a1500 Lanc. 2527.
The king his ost assemblit has Aȝane the tyme … that vas Y-statut and ordanit for to bee(2) 1557–8 Knox IV 246.
Statut it is to all men anis to die
3. To bring (a country) under one's rule; to bring (a country or city) under the rule of law, to bring (it) to order. c1475 Wall. iv 13.
In this ilk tyme a gret consell was sett Into Glaskow quhar mony maistris mett, Off Inglis lordis, to statute this cuntre. Than chargyt thai all schirreffis thar to be [etc.] c1475 Wall. vi 287.
And said, he wald planly In Scotland pas, that rewme to statut new c1475 Wall. viii 1594.
Quhen Wallace was agreit and this lord, To rewll the rewm he maid him gudly ford. Scotlande atour, fra Ross till Soloway sand, He raid it thrys, and statut all the land 1513 Doug. vi xiv 8.
Numa Pompilius, quhilk sall … Begyn and statut with lawys and haly lays The cheif cite Rome
4. To appoint ((a person) to do something). c1400 Troy-bk. ii 78.
Wherefore Gregeois has Vlixes Statut … With Anthenor … As legates to the toune to ga
5. In Troy-bk. transl. L. statuere. a. To found, establish (a temple). b. ?a. c1400 Troy-bk. ii 197.
That kyng Ylyus … Whome-of Ilioune founded was, … in that place Statut in-to the honoure Of Pallas [a] tempile full stoure And mekill [L. statuit in honorem dee Pallidis magnum templum]b. c1400 Troy-bk. ii 678.
Sene that the Troyiens cyteȝanis And the grettest of thame certanys Of blynd wachingis blynd ware maid Nought the hors the drawyng had Thought that the dedys as of the corps Statut lyknes of ane hors [L. licet equum fata statuerunt]
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"Statut v.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 21 Dec 2024 <http://www.dsl.ac.uk/entry/dost/statute_v>