A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
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First published 2002 (DOST Vol. XI).
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Vers(e, n. Also: wers(e, wersse, verce, veirs(e, vearse, vearce. [ME and e.m.E. uers (c1175), ferrs (Orm), vers (a1225), wers (Cursor M.), verse (Wyclif), ueers (a1400), OE fers, MDu., MLG, ON vers, L. versus a line.]
1. a. A section of a psalm or other liturgical song. = Versicul(e n. a. b. A section or clause in liturgical or Biblical usage more generally; a verse of the Bible, freq. of the Psalms. c. transf. An article (of belief or instruction).a. a1400 Leg. S. xviii 138.
Thai [sc. monks] … passyt singand with reherse Of the todyr nocturne the fyrst verse With al that syne folowys efte c1420 Wynt. v 2012, 2019, 2023.
The psalme … Wes In Exitu Israelle And … Thai ware syngand than this wers [C. this wersse, W. this ilk vers] Deus autem noster in cœlo: omnia quecunque voluit fecit: Simulacra gentium argentum et aurum, opera manuum hominum … And quhen he herd thaim [syng] thir wers [C. this wersse, W. ane other verse] … In to the chapell syne … He yheid and drewe in cumpany Till Crystyn men that thai wers [C. that that wersse, W. that thir verses] sang c1420 Wynt. v 3523, 3524, 3527.
That prestys and clerkys in to the qwere Suld stand … On ilk[a] syd … And off the psalmys … The ta part suld the fyrst wers say The tothir syd the neyst wers ay Suld begyn and ilk[a] syd Suld wayte thare tymys and abyde And wers sa efftyr wers suld say Quhill endyt all the psalme had thaib. c1420 Wynt. iii Prol. 18.
Moyses that … Broucht tyll the Jowys thare wryttyn lawys … Thus wryttyn in Dewteronomii … Memento dierum [etc.] … As in thire wers [C. thir wersis, W. versis] thus Moyses sayis (Memento dierum antiquorum [etc.]) a1561 Q. Kennedy Breif Tract. (ed.) 132/16.
S. Augustine, vritand one this maner one the 89 psalme one this verse: adorate scabellum pedum eius, spekand of [etc.] c1590 Fowler II 59/27.
This is prouin by the 2. buik of the Macab. the 12. chap [etc.] … Bot quhat autoritie suld be geuin to that buik, it is euident by the hinmest verse of the saming 1651 Elgin Rec. II 279.
Mr. Thomas lectored Psal. 119 fra the 49 vers to the 81 vers 1682 Peden Lords Trumpet (1739) 21.
I get more good in one verse of the Bible now, nor I did in it all lang synec. 1644 Hume Douglas 369/15.
The philosophical disposition, frie from al avenging; whilk few hes brought with them to be verse in [revision hat do converse in the] affairs of a Commonweil
2. a. pl. Lines of verse, passing into verse or poetry more generally. Cf. 3 below. b. coll. = a above.Some examples may belong in 3 below.a. 1375 Barb. iv 248 (C) (see b below). c1420 Wynt. vi 778 (C) (see b below). c1490 Irland Asl. MS 43/6.
Be other causis contenit in thir versis collige sex causas … vt torpor cedat … vt cor mundetur … lingua laudetur opifex demonque fugetur c1500-c1512 Dunb. (OUP) 97/16.
He has indorsit myn indyting With versis off his awin hand wryting 1513 Doug. i Prol. 266.
I … dyd my best … Virgillis versys to follow 1531 Bell. Boece (M) I 25.
As ther versis schewis: The Scottis sall [etc.] … Quhair [etc.] 1566 Sel. MSS Q. Mary 166.
There is ane buk pryntit in Parys set oute in wersis to the commendatione of our prynce of Scotland 1567 Sat. P. iii 225.
My veirsis prompt in style Rethoricall 1566-70 Buch. Comm. on Virgil Eclogues vii 5.
Et cantare pares et respondere parati, prompti ad canendum alternatim sing thair versis about 1573 Sempill in Sat. P. xxxix 375.
I ȝow beseik thir sempill wersis tak; With als gude will as ony man can mak [etc.] 1596 Dalr. II 387/24.
Quhilkes al in thir verses sum insinuatioune haue maid … Portentum [etc.] 1700 Aberd. B. Rec. IV 327.
The severall classes ar to be tryed and examined, by makeing of thems, interpretatione of authors … makeing of verses, etc.b. 1375 Barb. iv 248.
He … said till hyr thir thre wers [C. versis] her ‘Rex ruet in bello [etc.] … Ferrandus [etc.] … Parisius veniet [etc.]' c1420 Wynt. ii 521.
This Ovide maide thir ilk wers [C. this ilka wersse, W. thire ilk vers] In metyre, that I wyll rehers; (Inde genus durum sumus experiens quoque malum Et documenta damus, qua simus origine nati) c1420 Wynt. v 3509.
Jerome wrate … Gloria patri in [till] twa wers [W. in twa vers] And bade that he suld ay rehers Efftyre ilk psalme tha twa c1420 Wynt. vi 782.
Wyth Scottis hand gravyn ar thir wers [C. thir wersis, W. thir vers] Hanc [etc.] 1513 Doug. i Prol. 304.
I am constrenyt als neir I may To hald hys vers [sc. Virgil's] and go nane other way 1567 G. Ball. cxxxiv.
Sing thir four veirs efter euerie psalme as followis: O Lord … Of all that [etc.] … Saifand defend [etc.] … That now in danger be c1568 Lauder Minor P. iii 1.
Uearse 1586 Maxwall in Paisley Mag. (1828) 386.
Thir Inglis wers I will descryve Threttie rehers of Inglis wers, And than do pers sum ods and five 1586 Maxwall in Paisley Mag. (1828) 386.
I lat ȝou kennit thir wers he pennit c1590 Fowler I 193/9.
All thir cold nights I … burne I wishe for day … I mak thir verse but light [etc.] c1590 J. Stewart 71/34.
Thir vrigling werse
3. A grouping of a small number of lines of verse, a stanza.Quot. Maitl. F. may belong in 4.c1420 Wynt. ii 521 (C) (see 2 b above). c1420 Wynt. vi 725.
Off hym … wes this wers [C. war thir wersse, W. ar thir vers] … wryttyn … Constantinus item … Bis deca Rex annis vixerat atque decem Andree Sancti fuit hic quinquennis in urbe Religionis ibi jure fruens obiit a1500 Henr. Age & Yowth 33.
Ane vthir vers this ȝungman ȝit cowth sing: ‘At luvis law [etc.]’ 1501 Doug. Pal. Hon. 2115.
In laude of honour I wrait thir versis thre [sc. three stanzas] 1567 Sempill in Sat. P. viii 56.
Luik the first letter of euerie wers a1570-86 Maitl. F. 433/8.
Reid this wers acording to the meitter & it is guid of wemen 1562-92 Wode's Psalter (Treble) 177.
I wreat the first vearce of euerilke psalme that had ane tune put to it and in lyk maner the canticles 1562-92 Wode's Psalter Table.
4. Metrical composition, poetry. Also attrib. b. A particular sort of composition. c. In (into (one's) … ) vers, in poetry or metrical form. d. In contradistinction to Pros(e n., q.v. for further examples. c1420 Wynt. v 3506.
This Damasus I herd rehers Couth mak rycht well in metyre wers [C. a meter werse] 1535 Stewart 49834 (see Versifier n.). c1550 Rolland Ct. Venus Prol. 279.
That they … help to mend haltand verse 1570 Sat. P. xxiv 104.
Mend thy maners, and I sall mend the veirs 1572 Sempill in Sat. P. xxx 215.
Ane thousand fyue hundreth Sempill sa recordis Thre scoir and twelf, suppois the veirse be vane, The thrid of Marche was worthy Methwen slane 1579, 1617 Despauter (1579).
Epos, veirs a1585 Maitl. Q. 126/8.
For lyflie art who list thy vers to scand 1591-2 Rob Stene 21.
His vers his knaiffry sall expres 1596 Dalr. II 8/21.
Sik verse quhen I descriue Of joy … makes ws bare 1581-1623 James VI Poems I 23/97.
That Naso noght could speak but verse 1581-1623 James VI Poems I 78/6.
This forme of repetitioun … decoris the verse very mekleattrib. 1581-1623 James VI Poems I 27/176.
Ye procure By your lascivious speache, that fathers sage Defends verse reading to their yonger ageb. 1572 Sat. P. xxxiii 1.
To quhome suld I my rurall veirse direct 1581-1623 James VI Poems I 25/131.
Sen verse did then in heauen first bud and blume, If ye be heauenly, how dar ye presume A verse prophane and mocking for to sing 1581-1623 James VI Poems I 76/22.
Let all ȝour verse be literall, sa far as may be, quhatsumeuer kynde they be of, bot speciallie tumbling verse for flyting 1581-1623 James VI Poems I 81/10.
For flyting or inuectiues, vse this kynde of verse … callit rouncefallis, or tumbling versec. c1420 Wynt. iii 1082.
Now will I the werd rehers, As I fynd off that stane in wers: Ni fallat fatum, Scoti, quocunque locatum Invenient lapidem, regnare tenentur ibidem 1460 Hay Alex. 19302.
I … with my awin hand wreittis in this vers: How I prayit [etc.] a1500 Henr. Test. Cress. 59.
Of his distres me neidis nocht reheirs For worthie Chauceir … in ioly veirs Compylit hes his [sc. Troilus'] cairis, quha will luik c1500-c1512 Dunb. (OUP) 114/44.
I will no lesingis put in vers c1550 Rolland Ct. Venus ii 177 (see Versificat v.).
Veirse c1552 Lynd. Mon. 3396.
The quhilk, in to my vulgar veirs, My toung abhorris to reheirs 1567 G. Ball. 16.
This sacrament … Quhais greit vertew in vers I can not dyte a1568 Scott xxvi 2.
I muse … Quhat way to wryt, or put in vers, The quent consaitis of wemenkynd 1570 Sempill in Sat. P. xii 146.
I flait not to offend ȝow In sempill veirs, this schedull that I send ȝow a1585 Arbuthnot in Maitl. Q. 140/3.
Gif it be suithe that poetis put in vers That [etc.] a1585 Polwart Flyt. 633 (T).
Quhais … brukilnes, Can na man … Weill put in vers 1596 Dalr. II 8/10.
To this end that quhen the Scotis and Scotland hail war wraiket … he sulde descriue and set furth in verse the maner how 1587-99 Hume 16/139.
Thy wondrous works in verse to write a1605 Montg. Misc. P. xlix 15.
To wery ȝou, and wast the day in versed. 1583 Mill Mediæv. Plays 291.
Declamationis on the said thesis in prois & vers 1581-1623 James VI Poems I 23/91.
Men … perfyte in prose For to take verse in vane dois trauell take
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"Vers n.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 21 Dec 2024 <http://www.dsl.ac.uk/entry/dost/verse>