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Scottish National Dictionary (1700–)

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About this entry:
First published 1956 (SND Vol. IV).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

FORESYE, n. Also †-saye, †for(e)sey, †far-. The part of a carcase of beef on the shoulder behind the neck, corresponding approximately, with variations in different districts, to the fore- and middle-rib in the Eng. method of cutting. Cf. Backsey. [′fo:r′sɑe]Sc. 1703 Acct. Bk. Sir J. Foulis. (S.H.S.):
Novr. 16: for a farsey of beife . 1. 3. 0
Sc. 1723 Edb. Evening Courant (9 May):
His back-sayes, his fore-sayes, breasts, runners, flanks, hook-bones, marrow-bones, collop-pieces, and rump-pieces all at 4s. Scots per pound.
Per. 1766 H. Robertson School of Arts 1:
The proper pieces of beef for roasts are the fore-sey and surloin.
Ayr. 1825 A. Crawford Tales of a Grandmother II. 230:
You may pull me spaul frae spaul, or cut me into fore-seys, gin I ever saw your wedders.
Sc. 1844 H. Stephens Bk. of Farm II. 168:
The Scotch mode of cutting up a carcase of beef . . . K. The spare rib or fore sey.
Sc. 1952 Meat Trades' Journal (12 June):
Revised Retail Meat Prices — Scotland —. . . Foresye and spare Rib Roast . . 2s. 6d.

[Fore-, 1. + Sye.]

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"Foresye n.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 26 Jul 2024 <>



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