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Scottish National Dictionary (1700–)

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About this entry:
First published 1956 (SND Vol. IV).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

FORE-, pref. Also for-, †far-. Used as in Eng. to mean before, in time or place.

1. Of place, prefixed to nouns to denote that which takes a front place or is in front of or forms the front part of something else: e.g. Forebreist, Foredask, Fore-end, Foreheid, Forestair, Foresye; freq., esp. in 18th cent., in regard to buildings = looking on to, fronting, situated immediately on, the main street, e.g. Foredoor, Foreshop, Foretenement. The component parts of such compounds, though orig. forming one word, are freq. found written separately, for which see under Fore, adj. Rarely prefixed to verbs, as Foresee.

2. Of time, to indicate that which exists, happens, or is done first or prior to something else, or forms the first or earlier part of a period of time: e.g., (1) with nouns, or adjs. formed from nouns, Forebear, Forefolk, Forenicht, Forenuin, Foreshot, Foresupper, Forethocht, Foreyear; (2) with verbs, vbl. nouns and ppl.adjs. = previously, in advance, e.g. Forebargain, Foregang, Foresaid.

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"Fore- prefix". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 22 Oct 2024 <>



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