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Scottish National Dictionary (1700–)

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First published 1965 (SND Vol. VI). Includes material from the 1976 and 2005 supplements.
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

LORD, n. Also loard, gen. used as an expletive (Dmf. 1731 Gentleman's Mag. I. 123; Sc. 1896 Stevenson W. of Hermiston iii.; Sh. 1918 T. Manson Peat Comm. 62, Mry. 1927 E. B. Levack Lossiemouth 10, Rnf. 1929 Scots Mag. (Nov.) 101). Dim. lordie, with contemptuous force (m.Lth. 1819 A. Rodger Poems (1838) 29; Sc. 1831 Wilson Noctes Amb. (1855) III. 339). Sc. usages:

1. With def. art., as in Eng.: God. (1) In Sc. combs., in reference to the day specially set apart to the Lord, the Sabbath; The Lord's mornin, — nicht, Sunday morning, — night.Fif. 1699 D. Beveridge Culross (1885) II. 207:
They report they waited on Lord's night at the croves, with design to have kept them from being fished.
Wgt. 1880 G. Fraser Lowland Lore 171:
Nae body fin's Tammas M'Gowan daunerin' aboot on the Lord's mornin' for ony idle purpose.
Edb. 1895 J. Tweeddale Moff 152:
The Lord's nicht's no a time for thae tricks.

(2) Phr. Lordsake(s)!, = for the Lord's sake, Good Heavens!, in exclams. of surprise or protest. Gen.Sc.Sc. 1816 Scott O. Mortality xxvii.:
Lordsake, Mr. Harry is this you?
Per. 1883 R. Cleland Inchbracken iv.:
Lord sakes! sir, wha's acht the bairn?
m.Lth. 1894 P. H. Hunter J. Inwick 46:
Lordsake, ye micht ha' coupit me ower wi' a strae!

2. As a formal title, applied to various high officers of state (see Combs.), to the greater barons, and to judges of the Court of Session, in pl. the Court as a whole. Some of these offices were abolished at the Union of 1707 or became merely sinecures or titular. The names themselves are often in informal style curtailed by the omission of “Lord”, “High”, etc.Sc. 1701 Acts of Sederunt (1790) 221:
Act for regulating the Sederunts of the Lords.
Sc. 1720 W. Forbes Institute I. iv. 171:
The inner House is a large square Room, to which the Lords enter through a Waiting-room on the north side, where they put on their Gowns.
Sc. 1798 Monthly Mag. (Sept.) 176:
Lords of Session — Judges of the Supreme Civil Court, taking the title of Lord by courtesy. … Thus James Barnet [sic] of Monboddo is stiled Lord Monboddo.
Ayr. 1822 Galt Entail liv.:
The Lord Ordinary and a' the fifteen Lords frae Embro'.
Sc. 1953 Scotsman (1 June):
Those Great Officers who had a place in the Scots Parliament by virtue of their office, and a jurisdiction throughout the whole realm, acquired the style of “Lord” during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, and their rights were guaranteed by the Treaty of Union. They included the Lord High Constable, the Lord High Admiral, the Lord Justice-General, the Lord Clerk Register, the Lord Justice-Clerk, the Lord Advocate, and the Lord Lyon.

Combs.: (1) Lord Advocate, orig. King's Advocate, the principal law-officer of the Crown in Scotland whose duty is to act as public prosecutor and to plead in all causes in which the Crown is interested. Before the Union he sat in the Scottish Parliament ex officio and now sits in the British Parliament as an elected member for a Scottish constituency with special responsibility for Scottish legislation; (2) Lord (Auditor) (of Exchequer), a member of the former Court of Exchequer, which dealt with questions of customs duties and other revenues of the Crown, merged in the Court of Session in 1856. See (4); (3) Lord Chamberlain, orig. the King's treasurer, with special authority over the affairs of royal burghs, an office long in abeyance before 1700; later an officer appointed by the King to superintend and collect the Crown revenues of Orkney and Shetland, abolished in 1703; (4) Lord Chief Baron (of Exchequer), the President of the Scottish Court of Exchequer set up in 1707 after the Union to act as a revenue court and abolished in 1856. Cf. (2); (5) Lord (Clerk) Register, till 1707 the Chief Clerk of the Scottish Parliament and Privy Council, Keeper of the Signet. and custodian of the Registers and Archives of Scotland, which last office has been merely titular since 1806, the work being performed by deputies. The remaining function of the Lord Clerk-Register is to preside at the election of the Scottish representative peers; (6) Lord Commissioner of Justiciary, the formal title of a judge of the Court of Session in his capacity as a criminal judge in the High Court of Justiciary, q.v.; (7) Lord Conservator, the formal title of the Conservator of Scots Privileges at Campveere in Holland who superintended the trade between Scotland and the Netherlands; (8) Lord Cornet, a title given to the chief male official in the Lanimer celebrations at Lanark; (9) Lord Dean of Guild, see Dean; †(10) Lord Derwentwater's lights, the aurora borealis (see quot.); †(11) Lord (High) Admiral, orig. commander of the Scots navy and chief judge in all maritime cases. The office was abolished in 1707, the High Court of Admiralty in 1830, and its jurisdiction transferred to the Court of Session. See Admiral; †(12) Lord (High) Chancellor, the President of the Scottish Privy Council and of the Estates of Parliament and the first minister of the Crown before the Union; (13) Lord (High) Commissioner, the representative of the Sovereign formerly in the Scottish Parliament and now only (since 1707) in the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland (see first quot. under (5)); (14) Lord High Constable, orig. the King's chief lieutenant and commander of the army in the field in the absence of the King, later responsible for the security of the Scottish Parliament and still an officer in the Royal Household in Scotland. See Heich, III. 5.; (15) Lord High Steward, see Stewart; †(16) Lord (High) Treasurer, — Thesaurer, the chief financial officer of the Kingdom of Scotland. The office became mainly honorary with the appointment of a Commission of the Treasury (see (27)) and was filled intermittently during the Royal pleasure till 1707 when it lapsed. The name survives in the office of King's and Lord Treasurer's Remembrancer. See 1930 quot.; (17) Lord Justice-Clerk, (a) orig. the clerk of the Justiciary Court, now its vice-president and acting head and president of the Second Division of the Court of Session; †(b) the nine of diamonds, (see quot.); (18) Lord Justice-General, the president of the High Court of Justicary and of criminal jurisdiction in Scotland, now in practice the president of the Court of Criminal Appeal. Before 1836 the office, which descended historically from that of the Justiciar, q.v., was merely honorary, since then it has been merged with that of Lord President (see (29)). Hence (Lord) Justice-Generalship; (19) Lord Lyon (King of (or †at) Arms), the Chief Herald of the Scottish Court and head of the Court of Arms, so called from the lion of the armorial bearings of the Kingdom of Scotland which he wears on his robes. See also Lyon; (20) Lord of Council and Session, a formal title of a Judge of the Court of Session, used in pl. in petitions, etc., freq. reduced more informally to Lord of Session. The Court of Session grew out of a judicial Committee of the Scottish Privy Council; (21) Lord of Erection, see Erection; (22) Lord of Regality, a person to whom rights of Regality, q.v. or territorial jurisdiction were given by the Crown. These were abolished in 1746; †(23) Lord of Seat, = (20); (24) Lord of Session, see (20); (25) Lord of the Articles, one of a Committee of the Scottish Parliament appointed to prepare legislation to be passed by the Estates, first recorded in 1367 and abolished in 1689. See C. S. Terry Sc. Parliament 102 ff. and Articles; (26) Lord of the Chapmen, the President for the time being of the Fraternity of Chapmen or travelling merchants, esp. in the Per. and Fif. areas (see A. Laing Lindores (1886) 495); †(27) Lord of (the) Treasury, a member of the commission of the Treasury and Exchequer of Scotland, appointed in 1685 to manage the revenues of the state and abolished in 1707 on the formation of the Court of the Exchequer. See (4); (28) Lord Ordinary, orig. any judge, now one of the five junior judges of the Court of Session, who sit on cases of first instance and on certain others, e.g. bills and petitions, in the Outer House. See also Ordinary; (29) Lord President, the President of the Court of Session and the head of the Scottish Judicature; (30) Lord Privy Seal. orig. the (Lord) Keeper of the Privy Seal of Scotland, a merely titular office or sinecure from 1707 till its abolition in 1923; †(31) Lord Probationer, a judge of the Court of Session between the time of his presenting his letter of appointment and his taking the oath. during which time he was considered to be on probation; (32) Lord Provost, the honorific title given to the Provosts of the cities of Edinburgh, Glasgow, Aberdeen, Dundee and formerly Perth; (33) Lord Rector, the Rector, q.v. of a Scottish University. The title Lord though frequently given is strictly erroneous and seems to have arisen from the fact that many Rectors have been noblemen; (34) Lord Secretary (of State), orig. the Secretary of State and assistant to the Lord Chancellor. the office being abolished in 1746 and revived as the Secretaryship of State for Scotland in 1886; (35) Lord Treasurer, — Thesaurer, see (16).(1) Sc. 1720 W. Forbes Institute I. iv. 176:
The King names, out of the Body of Advocates, an eminent Person, called Lord Advocate, who gives Advice in making and executing Laws, defends the King's Right and Interest, concurs in all Suits before sovereign Courts, for Breaches of the Peace, and also in all Matters civil, wherein the Sovereign, or any claiming under his Majesty, has Interest.
Sc. 1787 J. Sinclair Ob. Sc. Dial. 215:
The Lord Advocate of Scotland is a term equivalent to the Attorney General of England.
Sc. 1830 W. Chambers Bk. Scotland 7:
Previous to the Union, the Lord Chancellor, the Lord Justice General, the Lord Privy Seal, the Lord Advocate and the Lord Justice Clerk, possessed nearly the whole powers of government.
Sc. 1871 in Erskine Institute II. 1223:
Prosecution by indictment is the privilege of the Lord Advocate, and the writs run in his name.
Sc. 1896 Stevenson W. of Hermiston iii.:
If I had been the Lord Advocate instead of the Lord Justice-Clerk, son or no son, Mr. Erchibald Weir would have been in a jyle the night.
Sc. 1930 Encycl. Laws Scot. X. 467–9:
After the Union there were intermittently two Secretaries of State for Scotland until 1746, when the whole responsibility to Parliament for the Government of Scotland devolved upon the Lord Advocate … About 1598 the King's Advocate came to be styled the Lord Advocate.
Sc. 1960 Scotsman (24 March) 16:
In future the Lord Advocate will be in the list of senior Ministers.
(2) Sc. 1838 W. Bell Dict. Law Scot. 388:
The Scotch Court of Exchequer, prior to the Union, was the King's revenue court, and consisted of the treasurer-depute and as many Lords of Exchequer as the King chose to appoint.
Sc. 1936 Sources Sc. Law (Stair Soc.) 95:
The Lord Auditors of Exchequer acted not only as a board to audit the accounts, but also as a court of law to adjudicate on questions relating to the revenue, and by the Act of Union they were continued as the Court of Exchequer.
(3) Sc. 1821 Scott Pirate iv.:
He had schemed well for himself … having obtained, for a certain period of years, the administration of the remote islands of Orkney and Zetland, for payment of a certain rent, with the right of making the most of whatever was the property or revenue of the crown in these districts under the title of Lord Chamberlain.
(4) Sc. 1729 Clerk & Scrope Hist. Exchequer (1820) 143:
The Lord Chief Baron to have rank and precedency of the remanent Senators of the College of Justice and the Barons of Exchequer.
Sc. 1736 G. Crawfurd Lives 248:
The Lord Chancellor, who had throughout the whole Affair [the Union of 1707] served the Court … was made Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer.
Sc. 1819 Scots Mag. (July) 90:
Died at Arniston, the Right Hon. Robert Dundas of Arniston, late Lord Chief Baron of the Court of Exchequer.
(5) Sc. 1707 Marchmont Papers (1831) III. 324:
Then it [Act of Parliament] is carried to the throne; and the commissioner, the title being read to him by the Lord Register, touches it with the sceptre, which is the symbol of the royal assent.
Sc. 1733 Caled. Mercury (2 Aug.):
Tuesday last the Rt. Hon. Charles Earl of Selkirk took the Oaths and his Seat in the College of Justice as Lord Register.
Sc. 1795 Morison Decisions 13140:
The Lord Clerk Register was originally Clerk of Parliament, and of the other great courts and councils, in which capacity he had the charge of the public records; and as Clerk of the Court of Session, a variety of records were, by special statutes, put under his care.
Sc. 1872 C. Innes Sc. Legal Antiq. 77:
The Lord Clerk Register — clericus rotulorum et registri — by right of office Clerk of the Supreme Court of Parliament, of the King's Council, and of all royal Courts of Judicature.
Sc. 1956 Scotsman (11 May) 13:
The Act of 1879, however, though continuing the status and precedence of the Lord Clerk Register, transferred his rights, authorities, privileges, and duties in connection with the records to his deputy, from whom in 1928 they were transferred to the Keeper of the Registers and Records, and in 1948 to the Keepers of the Registers and of the Records respectively.
(6) Sc. 1959 J. M. Reid Scotland 110:
Changing their maroon robes for scarlet and white, they [judges of Court of Session] are also Lords Commissioners of Justiciary, and may go on circuit to try criminal cases.
(7) Sc. 1776 J. Yair Sc. Trade in Netherlands iii.:
To the Honourable Patrick Craufurd, Esq., Lord Conservator of the Scotch Privileges in the Netherlands.
Sc. 1800 A. Carlyle Autobiog. (1860) 466:
Lord Bute parted with him … to come to the General Assembly, as, being Lord Conservator, he [Home, author of Douglas] was now a constant member.
Sc. 1936 Sources Sc. Law (Stair Soc.) 242:
The Staple at Campvere controlled by the Lord Conservator, who was appointed by Parliament.
(8) Lnk. 1914 T. Reid Lanimer Day 51:
Four flags which in turn have been carried in Lanimer Day processions by the Lord Cornets.
Lnk. 1937 Scotsman (17 April):
The Lord Cornet holds office for a year, and his duties include leading the annual perambulation of the burgh marches, and taking part in the ceremonials connected with Lanimer Day.
Lnk. 2000 Lanark Gazette (15 Jun):
"It's the polis tae blame", "They couldnae run a menage", "They dina ken ther - frae their elbae", "It's no Lanarkians that run it". These were among the unkind comments heard around us waiting on High Street to applaud the massed bands and cheer our Lord Cornet.
(10) Sc. 18th c. A. Cheviot Proverbs (1896) 341:
In the lowlands of Scotland the name the phenomenon long went by of “Lord Derwentwater's lights” was given because it suddenly appeared on the night before the execution of the rebel lord [1716].
(11) Sc. 1738 J. Chamberlayne Present State 211:
David, Earl of Weemyss, was made Lord High Admiral, in which Post he continued till the Union.
Sc. 1816 H. Arnot Hist. Edb. 378:
The Lord High Admiral, was, before the Union, his majesty's lieutenant and justice-general upon the seas, and in all creeks, harbours, and navigable rivers beneath the first bridge.
(12) Sc. 1702 Acts Gen. Assembly 3:
Patrick Earl of Marchmont Lord High Chancellour of this Kingdom.
Sc. 1738 J. Chamberlayne Present State 165:
The Lord Chancellor did not hold a Court of Equity, as in England; but (beside what he did as First Minister, etc.) could affix the Great Seal to such Patents, Writs. Charters, Pardons, Breves, etc., as were appointed to pass it.
Sc. 1830 W. Chambers Bk. Scotland 3:
At the head of the whole council, and bearing somewhat the character of our prime minister, stood the Lord Chancellor.
Sc. 1915 Lord Seafield's Letters (S.H.S.) xxiv.:
The Scottish Parliament … met on October 3 [1706], the Duke of Queensberry being Lord High Commidsioner and Seafield Lord Chancellor.
(13) Sc. 1701 Seafield Corresp. (S.H.S.) 321:
Two orders under his Majesties hand, on to his Grace my Lord Commissioner requiring him to repair hither as soon as the Parliament is over.
Sc. 1707 J. Chamberlayne Present State (1711) 144–5:
On each side the Regalia there are three Mace-bearers with their Maces, bare-headed; after them comes a Nobleman bare-headed with a Purse, containing the Lord High Commissioner's Commission; last of all comes the Lord High Commissioner, with the Dukes on his Right Hand, and the Marquisses on his Left.
Sc. 1818 Scott H. Midlothian li.:
Some Scottish nobleman is usually deputed as High Commissioner, to represent the person of the King in this convocation. … Whoever is distinguished by rank or office in or near the capital usually attends the morning levees of the Lord Commissioner, and walks with him in procession to the place where the Assembly meets.
Sc. 1957 S. Mechie Lord High Commissioner 50:
The office of Lord High Commissioner rests only on custom based on the goodwill of the reigning monarch and the govermnent in power.
Sc. 1960 Scotsman (25 May) 1:
The guns of the Royal salute, fired as the Lord High Commissioner was moving from the High Kirk of St. Giles' to the Assembly Hall.
(14) Sc. 1707 J. Chamberlayne Present State (1711) 145:
In the middle of the Floor there are two Tables, one for the Regalia, and in two great Chairs by them sit the Lord High Constable, and the Earl Mareschal.
Sc. 1838 W. Bell Dict. Law Scot. 221:
The office of Lord High Constable of Scotland is one of great antiquity and dignity.
Sc. 1936 Sources Sc. Law (Stair Soc.) 111:
The court of the Lord High Constable, who, besides having charge of trials by combat, had jurisdiction in all cases of riot and disorder that occurred within four miles of the sovereign's residence or of an meeting of Parliament.
Sc. 1948 Abd. Press & Jnl. (20 Oct.):
The wearers of ermine in Scotland, properly speaking, were the Peers of the Realm, the Lord Provost of Edinburgh, Lord Lyon King of Arms, the Lord Justice-General and the Lord High Constable.
(16) Sc. 1702 Acts Part. Scot. XI. 6:
Whereas the office of the Lord High Treasurer of that our ancient Kingdom is now in Commission, … We do Nominat and Appoint Our right trusty and well beloved Cousin and Councellour Alexander Lord Montgomerie to have the place and vote of the Lord High Treasurer in the ensuing Session of Parliament.
Sc. 1705 Seafield Corresp. (S.H.S.) 383:
Your Lordship may take advyce of the President of the Council, the Advocat, the Lord Thesaurer Depute and Justice Clerk.
Sc. 1726 G. Crawfurd Officers State 423:
Since the 1686, that the Treasury was put in Commission upon the Removal of the Duke of Queensberry, we have had no Lord Treasurer really, but sometimes a nominal one.
Sc. 1738 J. Chamberlayne Present State 165:
Before the Union (for many Years) the Officers of State were Eight in Number; viz. Four Greater, and Four Lesser: the former were, the Lord High Chancellor, Lord High Treasurer, Lord Privy Seal, and Lord Secretary.
Sc. 1930 Encycl. Laws Scot. X. 474:
The King's and Lord Treasurer's Remembrancer is the General Administrator of the Crown Revenues in Scotland; and represents the former ministerial functions of the Court of Exchequer. Originally the offices of King's Remembrancer and Lord Treasurer's Remembrancer were distinct [till 1836]. They were instituted at the foundation of the Court of Exchequer in Scotland in 1707.
(17) (a) Sc. 1701 Burgh Rec. Gsw. (1908) 330:
Desyred that my lord Boyll with my lord Justice Clerk might be the tuo.
Sc. 1714 Hist. MSS. Comm. Report (Portland MSS.) X. 225:
It plainly appears by the records of the Court of Justiciary, the Justice Clerk has the naming of the Clerks of Circuits and of clerks to all Courts of Justiciary in Scotland. … the Justice Clerk being principal clerk of all courts of justiciary.
Sc. 1799 Edb. Mag. (July) 80:
At his house in George's Square, in the 78th year of his age, the Right Hon. Robert MacQueen of Braxfield, Lord Justice Clerk of Scotland.
Sc. 1819 Lockhart Peter's Letters xxxviii.:
The Lord President of the Session retaining his place as President of the First, and the Lord Justice-Clerk (who acts also, as his title denotes, as head of the Criminal Court,) being President of the Second of these Divisions.
Sc. 1834 G. R. Gleig Allan Breck III. xv.:
An order from the Lord Justice Clerk of free admission … to the prisoner's place of confinement.
Abd. 1871 W. Alexander Johnny Gibb xviii.:
An' aiven at the trial afore this Lord Joostice Clark, the doctor, as ye a' ken, was pruv't Not Guilty … an' the tither twa, they war fley't till try ava.
Arg. 1914 N. Munro New Road xxxiii.:
I'll wager he has nudged the Justice-Clerk already.
Sc. 1929 Encycl. Laws Scot. VIII. 599:
The Lord Justice-Clerk derives his designation from his former relation to the Court of Justiciary. The Justice-Clerk was originally not a judge, but was the clerk to the Justice Court. … An Act of Council [1663] declared “That the Lord Justice-Clerk is one of the judges of the Justice Court, and has power to sitt and voat therein.”
Sc. 1960 Scotsman (10 March) 1:
Solemnly, Lord Thomson, the Lord Justice-Clerk, passed the death sentence.
(b) Sc. 1757 J. Houstoun Memoirs 92:
Lord Ormistoune [Lord Justice Clerk, 1692–1735] was the most busy, and very jealous in suppressing the Rebellion [of 1715] and oppressing the Rebels, so that he became universally hated in Scotland, where they called him the Curse of Scotland, and when the Ladies were at Cards, playing the Nine of Diamonds (commonly called the Curse of Scotland), they called it the Justice Clerk.
(18) Sc. 1713 Earls Crm. (Fraser 1876) II. 142:
His sallary as justice general at Whitsunday 1707, for half a year, is 300 lb., making in all 4214 lb.
Sc. 1736 Crim. Trials Illustrative of “H. Midlothian” 211:
Being found proven by the verdict of an assize, before the Lords Justice General, Justice Clerk, and Commissioners of Justiciary, he, the said William Maclauchlane, ought to be most examplary punished with the pains of law.
Sc. 1804 G. Rose Diaries (1860) II. 175:
The Justice-Generalship of Scotland.
Sc. 1816 H. Arnot Hist. Edb. 370:
We know but of three trials in which the Lord Justice General presided.
Sc. 1830 W. Chambers Bk. Scotland 25:
The office of Lord Justice General being hereditary in the family of Argyle, it continued as such till the abolition of the heritable jurisdictions, when it was most incomprehensibly allowed to remain in the gift of the crown; and to this day the office is a complete sinecure.
Sc. 1861 C. Rogers Sc. Character 114:
The presidents of the First and Second Divisions of the Inner House enjoy respectively the designations of Lord Justice-General and Lord Justice-Clerk.
Sc. 1892 Stevenson Catriona xviii.:
The chief of the Campbells, sitting as Justice-General upon the bench.
Sc. 1929 Encycl. Laws Scot. VIII. 599:
In 1836 the office [after being an honorary one] was united with that of president of the Court of Session, and the real presidency of the High Court, which had devolved on the Lord Justice-Clerk, was resuned by the Lord Justice-General, and the ancient dignity of the “Great Magistrate or Office of State” restored in the person of Charles Hope of Granton, Lord President, who was admitted to the Court as Lord Justice-General on 23rd January 1837.
(19) Slg. 1728 Trans. Slg. Nat Hist. & Arch. Soc. (1895) 15:
The sealls of the royal burrows to be sent in to the lord lyon king att armes … and that under a certain penalty to be forfeited by each burrow failyeing.
Sc. 1773 Weekly Mag. (17 June) 382:
Arms were painted upon it without the Lord Lyon's authority, to whom the power of regulating armorial bearings Scotland is delegated by the crown, and confirmed by several acts of parliament.
Sc. 1808 Scott Marmion iv. vii.:
Sir David Lindesay of the Mount, Lord Lion King-at-arms.
Sc. 1956 T. Innes Sc. Heraldry 6:
The chief of Scotland's heraldic and genealogical executive is the Lord Lyon King of Arms, who, unlike the English Kings of Arms, is not an official within the department of the Earl Marshal, but himself a great officer, who in Scotland, is responsible for many important functions which in England are shared between the Earl Marshal and other departments.
(20) Sc. 1701 Burgh Rec. Gsw. (1908) 320:
Considering that the complaint … is remitted be the parliament to the lords of sessione.
Sc. 1722 W. Forbes Institutes I. ii 173:
The Judges of the Session, stiled Senators of the College of Justice, or Lords of Council and Session.
Sc. 1747 Nairne Peerage Evidence (1874) 148:
Likeas in a process intented and pursued before the lords of council.
Sc. 1834 Cockburn Letters (1874) 513:
Jeffrey is a Lord of Session! an actual red gowned, paper Lord. A framer and lover of acts of sederunt. An admirer of the Nobile Officium.
Sc. 1924 J. Mackinnon Constit. Hist. 254:
The new Court [of Session, 1532] thus combined the judicial functions of Parliament and Privy Council, without entirely abrogating that of the Council. Its proceedings were accordingly termed the Acts of the Lords of Council and Session, though Professor Hannay has pointed out that this double designation goes back to 1490.
Sc. 1932 Sc. Law Times 217:
The crimson-crossed robes of the Lords of Council and Session.
(22) Sc. 1754 Erskine Principles i. iv. § 4:
A Lord of Regality was a magistrate, who had a grant of lands from the Sovereign, with royal jurisdiction attached thereto.
Sc. 1838 W. Bell Dict. Law Scot. 609:
Under these rights they possessed a Civil jurisdiction equal to that of a sheriff; and their criminal jurisdiction extended to the four pleas of the Crown. — It was on account of this extended and royal jurisdiction that the persons to whom regalities were given, received the title of Lords of Regality, though only commoners.
Sc. 1936 Sources Sc. Law (Stair Soc.) 112:
The Lords of Regalities, who were vested with almost royal powers in their territories (which were as the Seigneuries of medieval France).
(23) Sc. 1818 Scott H. Midlothian iv.:
A nobleman was called a Lord of State. The Senators of the College of Justice were termed Lords of Seat, or of the Session.
(25) Sc. 1738 J. Chamberlayne Present State 143:
Those Lords of the Articles were abolished since the Revolution, as an intolerable Grievance.
Sc. 1816 H. Arnot Hist. Edb. 354:
As matters brought into parliament were wont to be introduced by the Lords of Articles, in time it came to be contended, that nothing could be agitated in that assembly, unless ushered in by this committee, who were thus vested with a negative, which could quash the very introduction of any matter into parliament; a negative which was even ratified by statute.
Sc. 1935 W. C. Mackenzie Andrew Fletcher 57:
The Lords of the Articles may be briefly described as the dictators of Parliament. Originally a Committee of Parliament instituted for the convenient preparation of legislation to be discussed and settled by Parliament, it became, in its later phases, virtually a contrivance to force Court measures on the Estates.
(26) Fif. 1712 E. Henderson Dunfermline (1879) 391:
A complaint fra the Lord of Chapmans, showing that some merchants in the toun set up stands before Gibb's Walls, to the prejudice of the mercat and hindering of the Chapmen to set up their stands.
Knr. 1758 Stat. Acc.2 IX. 19:
The principal Lord of the Chapmen compeared, and gave half a crown for carrying on the finishing of the steeple.
(27) Sc. 1704 Seafield Corresp. (S.H.S.) 381:
The urgent and pressing cravings of the Lords of Thesurie for there Wittsondayes Sallaries.
Sc. 1820 Clerk & Scrope Hist. Exchequer 122:
As the Lords of the Treasury of Scotland had the chief administration of the revenue, so it was thought fit that they should be likewise Lords of the Exchequer.
(28) Sc. 1708 Acts of Sederunt (1790) 226:
Each Lord shall continue at the Side-bar for the space of ane hour only, except the Lord Ordinary upon the bills.
Sc. 1779 H. Arnot Hist. Edb. 479:
Every judge, besides his business as Lord Ordinary, as one of the fifteen has to review all the decisions complained upon.
Sc. 1798 Monthly Mag. (Sept.) 175:
The Lord Ordinary — That individual Judge of the Court of Session before whom the action happens, in the first instance, to be brought, and from whose judgment there is an appeal to the whole court.
Ayr. 1823 Galt Entail xciv.:
Is there ony prospect o' the Lord Ordinary coming to a decision on the pursuer's petition?
Sc. 1861 C. Rogers Sc. Character 114:
Of the thirteen members of the Supreme Court, the five junior judges are termed Lords Ordinary, while the others are separated into two divisions, which together constitute what is termed the Inner House.
Sc. 1896 W. K. Morton Manual 14:
A Lord Ordinary has appellate as well as original jurisdiction in certain bankruptcy proceedings, and the like.
Sc. 1957 Sc. Law Times (Session) 7:
The Lord Ordinary's interlocutor assoilzieing the defenders should be affirmed.
(29) Sc. 1708 Acts of Sederunt (1790) 230:
Recommended to the Lord President, to transmit this memorial to the Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain.
Sc. 1773 Boswell Tour (1785) 32:
The New Session House adjoining to it, where our Court of Fifteen (the fourteen Ordinaries, with the Lord President at their head) sit as a Court of Review.
Sc. a.1814 J. Ramsay Scot. and Scotsmen (1888) II. 488:
Lord President Forbes, who, though a gownman, well advanced in years, was exceedingly active in collecting a body of loyal Highlanders.
Sc. 1832 G. Brunton Hist. Senators Coll. Justice xxxvi.:
The precedency of the Lord President, as an officer of state, was settled by act of parliament in 1661, by which it was declared that he should rank before the Lord Clerk-Register, Lord Advocate, and Treasurer-Depute.
Sc. 1886 Stevenson Kidnapped xxvi.:
A long story of wrongs that had been done him by all sorts of persons, from the Lord President of the Court of Session, who had denied him justice.
Sc. 1947 Scotland (Meikle) 100:
The Inner House, composed … of two divisions of four judges, each sitting as a court of appeal of co-ordinate jurisdiction, presided over by the Lord President and the Lord Justice-Clerk respectively.
(30) Sc. 1703 Lord Seafield's Letters (S.H.S.) 10:
My Lord Privie Seal does in this and evrie thing els testifie a great dail of concern for her Majesties service.
Sc. 1765 Caled. Mercury (26 Aug.) 403:
It is now said, that the post of High Commissioner and Lord Privy Seal of Scotland, will both center in the Argyle Family.
Sc. 1830 W. Chambers Bk. Scotland 24:
The Lord Privy Seal was disposed of in the same manner, the office of keeper remaining as a complete sinecure for the benefit of poor noblemen, or favourites of the government, and the active duties being performed by a deputy and substitute.
(31) Sc. 1764 Caled. Mercury (4 July):
Yesterday Francis Garden, Esq., after having gone through his trials as Lord Probationer, took his seat on the Bench, by the title of Lord Gardenstown.
Sc. 1808 Scots Mag. (Nov.) 874:
He immediately went to the Outer house with Lord Craig, Ordinary, to sit as Lord Probationer, and report the usual causes in that capacity.
(32) Sc. 1708 J. Chamberlayne Present State Gt. Brit. ii. 535:
The Lord Provost of Edinburgh (as he is always called) … is Right Honourable by his Office.
Sc. 1771 T. Smollett Humphry Clinker (Bramble to Lewis, Aug. 8):
The Lord Provost [of Edinburgh ] is equal in dignity to the Lord Mayor of London.
Sc. 1777 J. Gibson Hist. Gsw. 127:
The provost [of Glasgow] is from courtesy and custom stiled lord provost.
Per. 1836 G. Penny Traditions Perth 233:
For a very long period, a use and consuetude has existed, of addressing the Chief Magistrate of Perth by the title of the Lord Provost.
Sc. 1882 J. Grant Old and New Edb. II. 281:
Charles II wrote him [Sir A. Ramsay, provost of Edinburgh, 1667] a letter stating that the chief magistrate of Edinburgh should have the same freedom in Scotland as the mayor of London had in England, and should have the permanent title of “Lord Provost.”
Sc. 1957 Scotsman (6 April) 6:
The right to the style of” Lord Provost” in Scotland requires that it should be based upon direct Royal grant or upon such long prescriptive use and recognition as may be held to imply such a grant.
Sc. 1960 Daily Express (5 May) 9:
The first woman Lord Provost of Glasgow — or any Scottish city — will be Councillor Mrs. Jean Roberts.
Sc. 2002 Scotland on Sunday (20 Oct) 1:
The inauguration was a three-day jamboree with Glasgow Lord Provost, Alex Mosson, complete with gold chain and personal piper, over especially for the opening ceremony.
Sc. 2003 Scotsman (26 Aug) 3:
Ironically, however, the most prominent local politician, the Lord Provost, Lesley Hinds, provided one of the few sour notes when she said last week that all the festivals "could do an awful lot better" to reach locals.
Sc. 2003 Evening Times (28 Oct) 14:
Lord Provost Liz Cameron welcomed Cardinal O'Brien to Glasgow on his return from Rome, where he had the honour bestowed on him by Pope John Paul II.
(33) Gsw. 1767 Burgh Rec. Gsw. (1912) 247:
Whereas some disputes had arisen between the magistrates of the city of Glasgow and the university concerning their respective jurisdictions, the lord rector wishing if possible to put ane end to all differences of this nature thought it proper to commune with the lord provost of Glasgow on the subject.
Sc. 1814 Scots Mag. (Dec.) 955:
Lord Lynedoch was unanimously re-elected Lord Rector of the University of Glasgow.
Sc. 1832 Fife Herald (15 Nov.):
On Wednesday the 31st October, the Senatus Academicus of the University and King's College of Aberdeen, unanimously re-elected the Right Hon. Viscount Arbuthnot, Lord Rector for the ensuing year.
Sc. 1884 A. Grant Univ. Edb. II. 105:
On the 12th November 1859 the second act in the new order of things took place, the Students being called upon to elect a Rector, or, as he is called by courtesy, a “Lord Rector”, for the University.
Sc. 1900 A. S. Walker Rect. Addresses xiii.:
The office of Lord Rector, as at present constituted, bears as recent a date as 1858, the Act of that year placing the election of Lord Rector at the disposal of the matriculated students of the University.
Sc. 1958 Scotsman (16 Aug.) 8:
As he is doubtless not a Scot, he would hardly know that there is no such thing as “Lord” Rector in the university wherein I am proud to hold the ancient and honourable office of Rector.
(34) Sc. 1702 Acts Parl. Scot. XI. 8:
The Letter Appointing the Earl of Seafield to sit and vote in this session of Parliament as Lord Secretary.
Sc. 1883 W. G. T. Omond Lord Advocates l. 281:
When the Scottish Privy Council was abolished, the office of Scottish Secretary, or Lord Secretary, as he was styled on the rolls of Parliament, ceased to exist.

3. Extended to apply to any mock judge: †(1) among final year students in Edinburgh University; (2) in a Curlers' Court.(1) Sc. 1708 Acct. Govt. Ch. Scot. (Pamphlet) 23:
In the Fourth and Last Year, the Magistrands before they rise, chooses fifteen from among themselves, whom they call Lords, and one of them is their President.
(2) Per. c.1820 J. Taylor Curling (1884) 139:
The Brethren shall instantly declare the Court corrupt, depose his Lordship, and appoint another Lord to the chair.
Knr. 1828 J. Kerr Curling (1890) 360:
The first requisite is to elect a President, termed “My Lord”; he is usually the Preses of the club for the time.

[The Eng. form of O.E. hlāfweard, corresp. to Sc. laird. For its history and usage in O.Sc. see note to Laird and D.O.S.T.]

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