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A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)

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First published 1937 (DOST Vol. I).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

At anis, Atanis, adv. Also: at anys, anes, anse, ainis, ains; attanis, -anes, attaynis. [Northern ME. at anes, at anis (a 1300), ME. at ones, attones, etc. Cf. Anis adv.]

1. At one and the same time; together.At anis and togidder or togidder and at anis is frequent in documents with reference to payments.(a) 1375 Barb. vi. 368 E (at anys mycht assaill bot ane); xiii. 249 (all at anys thai gaf ane cry). a1400 Leg. S. v. 97 (he rycht thare brak tham al atanis). c1420 Wynt. ii. 189 (at anys the moder off thame twa delyvere wes); viii. 4991 (fortowne will noucht at anis myscheffs fall). 1433 Maxwell Mem. I. 163 (to be payt at anys and togeder on a day). c1475 Wall. v. 297 (his houch sennownis he cuttit all atanys). 1496 Lennox Mun. 160 (payis to me togidder and at anys). a1500 Doug. K. Hart 688 (ȝe sall nocht herbrie me and eis at anis); 1513 Æn. i. xii. 1 (thai cessit all atanys incontinent). 1556 Peebles B. Rec. 231 (gif thar be nocht sufficient walter for thame baith at anes). 1594 Edinb. B. Rec. V. 109 (that the haill bellis be rung at aynes). 1596 Dalr. II. 256/8 (tha denyet the kingis desyre at anse al togither).(b) c1515 Asl. MS. I. 236/9 (Archebald said he suld de and it baith attanis).1554 Duncan Laideus Test. 160 (we brint vp all attanis). 1574 Acts III. 94/1 (ony mair quantitie nor may be transportit in ane veschell attanys). 1622-6 Bisset II. 203/28 (Scota bur to him thair twa sones attaynis).

2. At once; immediately.1531 Bell. Boece I. p. xliv (thir mussillis douk hastelie at anis). 1535 Stewart 7186 (commanding thame to tak the feild atanis). a1605 Montg. Ch. & Slae 306 (michtles I grew almaist at ainis). Id. Misc. P. iii. 30 (atains).

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"At Anis adv.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 14 Jan 2025 <>



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