A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
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First published 1937 (DOST Vol. I).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.
Continuance, -tinewance, n. Also: contynuans, -tinwance, -tenuans, -anc(e, -teinwance, -tainwance; contynewans, -ance, -tinewans; continowance, -tinouanc, -teinuowance. [ME. continuance, -tinuaunce (Chaucer), -tynewaunce, etc., OF. continuance.]
1. Continuation; prolongation.(a) c1475 Wall. xi. 1229.
Tharoff I mak no langar contenuans a1578 Pitsc. I. 217/14.
Quhilk was the cause of his continwance in the said office 1656 Glasgow B. Rec. II. 329.
Vpone expectatioune of the conteinwance of his farder favour and guid will 1696 Conv. Burghs IV. 218.
The containwance of the Scots staple at Campheir(b) 1564 Misc. Wodrow Soc. 286.
As for the continewance, as is befoir writtin, it salbe vsit 1571 Peebles B. Rec. 332.
The said Dauid act of admissioun and continewance thairof in his office is of ane latter dait 1611 Rep. Southesk MSS. 14.
Not doubting of the continewance of ȝour fordwardnes in our said seruice(c) 1584 Acts III. 306/1.
Persisting in the said treasoun be continowance of his silence 1634 Peebles Gleanings 176.
For his guid adveis to help the commissioneris … and promeis of a conteinuowance 1681 Red Bk. Menteith II. 194.
The continouanc of this gutish howmer in both my hands
2. Continuance in one state or condition; persistence; stability; steadfastness.(a) a1500 Henr. III. 102/15.
The mailȝeis [suld be] of continwance For nevir to remvfe a1499 Contempl. Sinn. 1532.
In to this erd is na contynuans c1500-c1512 Dunb. xlv. 7.
Scho haldis with continwance No scheruiture 1533 Bell. Livy I. 4/6.
Quhat besynes may proffitt or avance Ȝoure princely state with ferme continuance 1560 Bk. Disc. 196.
Suche readeris as neather have haid exercise, mor continuance in Christis trew religioun(b) a1499 Contempl. Sinn. 575.
In lyf contagius we mak contynewans 1562 Aberd. Eccl. Rec. 8.
All vderis … that of lang continewans hes nocht be[ne] bleckit with that fylthe lust c1568 Lauder Minor P. i. 663.
Heir is requyrit ane ferme contynewance In to Gods wourd
3. Continuance in time; duration. 1692 Misc. B. Rec. Soc. 72.
They haue one yearly fair of fyve or six dayes containwance and three yearly mercats each of one dayes containwance
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"Continuance n.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 14 Jan 2025 <http://www.dsl.ac.uk/entry/dost/continuance>