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A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)

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First published 1963 (DOST Vol. III).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

Juge, Judg(e, v. Also: jug, jwg(e, juige; jugge; (iudige). [ME. jugge(n (a 1225), iuge(n (1297), OF. jugier, AF. juger.] To judge, in various senses.

1. tr. To try in a court of justice, to sit in judgement upon (a person). a1400 Leg. S. i. 458.
Ve sal son cum quhar that ȝe On a day sal bath iugit be
14.. Acts I. 6/2.
How that a peir aw to be iugit allanerly be his peir
c1450 Cr. Deyng 229.
[Christ] is to cum agan one Domys day to jug all mankynd
a1499 Contempl. Sinn. 745.
Than sall our king quhilk jugit was ws juge
a1508 Kennedy Pass. Christ 504.
Pilat said: ‘Of ȝour awne ȝe haue lawis, Juge him thair by’
15.. Clar. iv. 1344.
So him jugit … Lordis, ladies and knightis all bedeine
c1568 Lauder Minor P. i. 15.
As God me judge
1596 Dalr. I. 76/13.
With gret wisdome … he gouerned baith the peples, and juget thame, … and ministered justice
Ib. 121/16.
Quha ar accused … of deith, of the sentence of 7 men … lat thame be judget

2. To pronounce sentence upon (a person), to sentence, condemn, to the penalty, in a fine, to do or suffer the punishment. 1375 Barb. xix. 68.
Jugit to hang and draw wes he
a1400 Leg. S. xxxiii. 552.
A place Quhare-in al that iugit was Sic ded to de, suld in put be
1456 Hay I. 117/9.
He suld be jugit to be distrussit of hors and gere
1490 Irland Mir. I. 42/17.
God … will nocht juge him [man] to blis ore dampnacioune without his awin deidis
1556 Inverness Rec. I. 2.
The sayd Thom is jugit in admerciament and dome gyfin thairapon
1567 Sat. P. iv. 105.
Jugeit by law and hangit syne but dome
1596 Dalr. I. 343/18.
Jhone Balie … iustlie was iuget to be castne frome all rycht of rygnene

3. To act as judge of, to give judgement on (a trial, a cause, a matter). 1456 Hay I. 74/14.
For and all thingis that ar done in this warld war jugit here, the jugement of God in the tothir warld … suld have nocht ado
Ib. 284/25.
Be caus that clos bataill is rycht … mysty to be jugit be ignoraunt men
c1475 Wall. vi. 410.
Armys to juge thow [the herald] sall neuir graithly se

4. a. To appoint by judicial authority, to decree, order. 1440 Antiq. Aberd. & B. IV. 192.
The quhilkis [rights] sene and considerit sal be jugeit and admittit … to stand in sik effecte as the thre estatis thinkis that thai acht to doo
1456 Hay I. 111/4.
In thir casis … the Pape may discern and juge were tobe maid apon the Emperour lefully and laufully
Ib. 158/22.
Quhen were is decernit and jugit rychtwis betuix twa princis
Ib. 287/2.
For syk maner of tromperyis, a prince sulde nocht juge na thole bataill to be
c1460 Wisd. Sol. (S.T.S.) 196.
That the gret God suld … justyfye thaim in the tothir warld, … and than sal the end of al erdly be jugit
1596 Dalr. I. 37/11.
The toune of Couper … quhair juges he quha is juge; and schireffe of the cuntrey to his stile hes

b. To pronounce authoritatively as a judgement. 1456 Hay I.172/16.
The King ansueris, I juge thé to have the honour of victorye
1657 Aberd. Eccl. Rec. 143.
She was judgit contumax by the sessioune

c. To award in judgement. 1456 Hay I. 272/19.
Sen the King jugit na expens till him, thai say he aw to have nane expensis
1455 Soc. Ant. Chart. (Reg. H.) No. 7.
The said Thomas Grahame askit sesine of the forsaid … landis … to be jugit to the said Mergarete be dome of court

5. a. To declare or believe guilty (a person, of a crime). Const. with. b. To attribute (a crime) to one, or in one's contrair. 1568 Haddington Mem. II. 271.
Thay entirit in practesing vs and our darrest spous, iudgeit with inordinat luiff
1560 Rolland Seven S. 2486.
Auld dossinnitt carll, … Thow was ouir peirt to judge sic thing to me
Ib. 9656.
I beleue ȝe had iudgeit sum crime In my contrair, quhilk neuer … I committit

6. a. Of the Israelitish Judges: To govern. b. To administer law to, to rule over. c1420 Wynt. ii. Prol. 28.
Tyll the time, that efftyre felle, Quhen jugis jwgyde Israelle
1596 Dalr. I. 88/15.
Vthiris maist potent natiounis, quha eftirward juget the Britannis [L. qui Britannis postea jura dabant]

7. a. To make judgement of or form an opinion about (a person or thing), to appraise. a1500 Henr. Fab 2824.
Thow suld not juge ane man efter his face
c1500-c1512 Dunb. xix. 46.
Now juge thay me baith guid and ill, And I may no mans tung hald still
a1578 Pitsc. II. 275/1.
As to thair commissioun it was dyueris wayes judgeit
Bot thir ambassadouris war evill judgeit at thame of Leith becaus thay … played with bayth the handis

b. To reach a judgement of (some question in doubt), after consideration; to consider, decide. Chiefly const. interrogative clause. 1375 Barb. vi. 269.
Ȝhe that [this] redis, iugis ȝhe Quhethir that mair suld presit be [etc.]
c1515 Asl. MS. I. 289/13.
Nane couth juge he quhat waye … this quene grew to sa gret reches
1533 Boece i. vi. 45 b.
Gif this be trewe or feneȝete ȝe sall juge the veritie
c1550 Lynd. Meldrum 1152.
Judge ȝe gif thair wes mirth and joy
c1552 Id. Mon. 1753.
Thus may ye juge into your thocht, Gif Babylone be heich, or nocht
1562-3 Winȝet I. 37/13.
Quhat strenth had his armour of defence thair, lat cunning men iuge
a1568 Bann. MS. 148 a/(Dunbar & Kennedy's Flyt.) 49.
Juge in the nixt quha gat the war
c1568 Lauder Minor P. i. 571.
Gyf ȝe haue done with siclyke gudis mell, I can nocht say; judge that amangs ȝour sell

8. To determine in one's estimation, to deem, conclude, suppose, reckon, estimate (something to be the case, that it is so, etc.). Variously const.(1) 1456 Hay II. 150/31.
Of the quhilk barnis nativitee the philosophour jugit him to be subtile of engyne
1562-3 Winȝet I. 16/6.
Quhow can ȝe … iuge ȝoure selfis to be lauchfull ministeris?
1564 Rep. Sir Rob. Menzies MSS. 692.
For to output the Glengregour and impute vther brokin men … we jugeit nocht mete to be done
1570 Leslie 213.
Jugeing it moir wisdome so to doo than to joperde himself
a1578 Pitsc. I. 61/9.
It was iudgit he thame that was curieous of auld antiquiteis to be ane sone of Quene Margaret
(2) 1545 Corr. M. Lorraine 137.
It is to be juggit and Scotland do ther devoir … that owr commune inemy sall have this symmer handis foulle
1560 Acts II. 526/2.
Not that we iuge that the cankerit malice of sick is abill to be cureit be this simple confession
1562-3 Winȝet I. 53/23.
And sa iugeit I, that it necessarlie behuifit thame … to hef bene afore … finȝeit hypocritis
1568 Hosack Mary Q. of Scots 533.
That it was poysoun … [the] chyrurgian at the sycht of him playnelie jugeit and spak
a1578 Pitsc. II. 171/7.
The queen regent depairtit out of this present lyfe … , as it was iudigit, for werie displeasur because hir lordis raise aganis hir
Ib. 199/25.
It was judgit that it [the summons to arms] sould be to tak the castell of Dumbar
(3) c1490 Irland Asl. MS. I. 63/1.
He … dois aganis resoun & justice, and mony wald jwge him ane fule
1562-3 Winȝet I. 4/8. Ib. 37/8.
Exhorting thaim … to schaw mair plane demonstratioun of strenthiar reasonis … or tobe iugeit wylfull and led be sum phrenesie
a1570-86 Arbuthnot Maitl. F. xxx. 3.
Thair is na man to leif now jugeit able Bot cairles cativeis full of cursidnes; Ane wickit lyf is jugeit welthynes
a1578 Pitsc. I. 49/18.
The earle … begane to muse … how that he was iugeit as principall mover of baith the combattis
1588 King Cat. 15 b.
Giue nothinge be iugit mair sueit and plaisant thane this lyfe
(4) 1375 Barb. xi. 18.
Quhen the lordis of Ingland Herd at this day wes set planly, Thai iugit it to gret foly
a1500 Doug. K. Hart 311.
Quhat wicht that micht it [the music] heir suld juge sone To angell song and hewinlie armony
(5) 1562-3 Winȝet II. 22/19.
Quha euir iugeis that, lat him haif traist at the leist to blissit Ambrose, quha [etc.]

b. To estimate as to size.(1) c1420 Wynt. vi. 1397.
[A giant,] The heyast, that than mycht jugyd be
c1475 Wall. ix. 1916.
Wallace statur off gretnes, and off hycht, Was jugyt thus, be discretioun off rycht
(2) 1558-66 Knox II. 354.
His army was judget to sevin or aught hundreth men

9. intr. To give judgement in a court of justice; also, to act as arbitrator, to arbitrate, adjudicate.Also, to reach a judgement of. 1375 Barb. i. 88.
Thai trowyt that he [King Edward] … as freyndsome compositur, Wald hawe jugyt in lawte
1456 Hay I. 252/12.
Sayand that … gentill wommen can nocht wele juge in dede of armes
Ib. II. 22/34.
Richt as a juge has powar be his office to juge and geue sentence
Ib. 108/13.
Be the quhilkis scho knew and coud juge of thingis that was tocum be naturale course of the said conjunctionis
1546 Lynd. Trag. Card. 265.
Quhen euery man had iugit as hym lyste
c1575 Balfour Pract. 280.
Quhen the judge daris not richtlie judge for fear of ane michtie … persoun
1596 Dalr. I. 53/23.
Forfare … quhair is ane jugement sait, and justice courte haldne, and power to juge

10. To make judgements or form opinions, generally. ?1438 Alex. ii. 3622.
To speke of amouris … Demandand and iugeand to the richt
a1500 Doug. K. Hart 53.
Ane [servant] for the day quhilk jugeit certanly, With cure to ken the colour of all hew
1540 Lynd. Sat. 1503.
Quhat ever wee say, I pray ȝow tak it all in play, And iudg ay to the best

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"Juge v.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 15 Jan 2025 <>



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