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A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)

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First published 1963 (DOST Vol. III).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

Knicht, Knycht, n. Also: kniht, -ght, knych(tt, -ght, -gth, kneycht, chniht, cnycht. [ME. knight, kniȝt, knih(t (also, knyght, -ȝt, -ht, -gth), cnihht (Orm), OE. cniht (cneoht) boy, servant, follower.An early example occurs in the personal name Roberto halfchniht, c 1230 Holyrood Chart. 60.]Occasionally found as knyt, editorial or scribal for kny[ch]t or knyt (= knycht), e.g. 1471 Banff Ann. I. 20, 1569 Buccleuch Mun. II. 226, 1604 Liber Dryburgh 318.

1. A knight. (In reference to rank in society or the knightly calling.)(1) 1375 Barb. iv. 46.
To byd a sege [they] ar riding … With knychtis and squyeris
1379 Slater Early Sc. Texts No. 2.
Eftir that I had tane the ordre of knycht
14.. Acts I. 73/2.
Gif ony knycht be endytyt … he sal tholl … ane assyse of gud and leil knychtis or ellis of fre haldaris of herytage
Ib. 347/2.
Knychtis that haldis of barouns
c1420 Wynt. i. 498.
Off Japhet … Fyrst come knychtys dignite
1429 Acts II. 18/1.
That na man sal weir … silk na furringis … bot … knychtis and lordis of ijc merkis … of ȝerly rent
1456 Hay I. 179/32.
A symple knycht may nocht lede a baroun … apon his sauf condyt
Ib. 293/13.
Emperouris kingis and dukis, erllis and knychtis; men may, sa thai be anys maid knychtis, call thame all knychtis
Ib. II. 21/3.
And, under the barouns, knychtis of a schelde
1489 Wemyss Chart. 113.
Forsamekle as the said knych has resignyt … hiis landis
c1500-c1512 Dunb. xviii. 21.
Be I ane courtman or ane knycht
c1552 Lynd. Mon. 3252.
Ladyis … Goyng in battell lyke one knycht
Ib. 4666.
The pure preist … stylit lyke ane knycht, And callit ‘Schir’ affore his name
1570 Leslie 221.
Ane mirk nycht, ane wearie knycht, ane wilsum way
a1578 Pitsc. I. 235/2.
Quhen batht the knyghtis war lyghtit on fute [etc.]
1596 Dalr. II. 56/3.
King James the secund … throuch industrie of ane Crychtoun a cnycht … is keipet saife
1617 Misc. Spald. C. V. 96.
Charges maid … upon the intertenement of the Inglis knychtis
1611-57 Mure Hist. Rowallane 249.
These thrie kings … did honor with thair mariage bed the daughters of thair owne subjects and those onlie of the degree of knychts
(b) a1500 Rauf C. 30.
Thair wist na knicht of the court quhat way the King raid
1540 Lynd. Sat. 171.
Scho spairis nowdir cuik nor knicht
c1550 Id. Meldrum 17.
Sum wryt of campiounis and of knichtis
1560 Rolland Seven S. 2568.
Thay to him said it was na knichts dewtie
1599 Reg. Privy C. vi. 36.
Painter of the armes of all knichtis, lordis, erllis, merquessis, and dukis
1624 Ib. XIII. 633.
That this honour of barronet sould be conferrit upoun none but upoun knichts and gentlemen of cheife respect
1672 Buccleuch Mun. 320.
Sir Archibald Primerose of Carinton, knight and barronet
1672 Acts VIII. 95/2.
[For arms, to] be payed to the Lyon … ten merks be every knight & baron
(2) 1379 Slater Early Sc. Texts No. 2.
Alysandre Lyndessay lorde of Glennesk knycht
1398 Ib. No. 36.
Sire Dowgall McDowell knygth
1409 Ib. No. 74.
Be hit kend … vs Henri Sencler eril of Orkynay & Williame Sencler of Hirdmanston knychtis … to be … bondyn til a nobil & worthschipful knycht Sir Williame the Hay lord of Lochwhorwart
1432 Charter (Reg. H.) No. 285.
Ane hee & a mychty lorde William the Hay, knicht, constabil of Scotland
1489 Wemyss Chart. 112.
A honorable man Jhonne of Wemys of that ilk, knych
a1508 Kennedy Flyt. 388.
Of that kin come Dunbar of Westfelde knyght
1566 Lennox Mun. 270.
Johne Colquhoune of Luss, kneycht
1572-5 Diurn. Occurr. 77.
Schir Robert Foirman of Luthrie, knycht, lyoun king of armes
1658 Aberd. B. Rec. IV. 174.
Sir Gilbert Menzies of Pitfoddells, knicht
(3) a1500 Bernardus 19.
To Raymonde knycht he sendys salusyng
c1500-c1512 Dunb. iv. 53 (M).
The knycht Sir Hew of Eglintoun
a1568 Scott ii. 65.
Quhair is my speir? sayis Sym the knycht
(4) a1500 Rauf C. 429.
Schir Knicht, it is na courtasie commounis to scorne
15.. Clar. ii. 932.
Sayand, Sir Knicht, the cunand weill ȝe knaw

b. Often applied, by extension, to heroes and warriors in earlier (pre-medieval) society.Freq. as a rendering of L. miles, in med. L. = knight, but in class. L. = (common) soldier.1375 Barb. iii. 210.
Hanniball … off ringis … That war off knychtis fyngerys tane … send thre bollis to Cartage
a1400 Leg. S. Prol. 69.
How that Longius, the knycht … mad … in Cristis syd A slope
c1420 Wynt. iv. 1529.
Of gentil knychtis than off fute [L. pedestrium militum] That owsyd nothyr spure na bute Thre hundyr deyd
Ib. 1533.
And fowrti thousand … Off knychtis armyd wpon hors [L. equitum]
?1438 Alex. i. 69.
Thir knichtis of Grece that war sa wicht
Ib. 532.
I can [not] find, … Ane knycht [F. chevalier] that ryde will to the king
1456 Hay I. 42/12, etc.
Romulus … chesit a thousand men of armis … and … maid [them] knychtis … and the knychtis tuke the name of knychthede of that word mille; [etc.]
a1500 Bk. Chess. 1050.
The Romans held of knychtis at the feild Ane legioun in armes vnder scheild
c1500-c1512 Dunb. xxxvii. 11.
The knychtis keparis of Christis sepultour
1513 Doug. i. xii. 12.
Quhat Myrmydon or Gregion Dolopes Or knycht wageour to cruel Vlixes
Ib. ix. v. 59.
O manly knychtis [L. viri]
Ib. xiii. iv. 22.
The remanent … of the haill barnage Followys wepand, knycht, swane, man, and page
c1552 Lynd. Mon. 3036.
On euerilk cameill raid ane knycht
1562-3 Winȝet I. 77/29.
That knycht quha peirsit our Lordis syde

c. To mak(e (one) (ane) knycht, to mak(e knychtis.To dub (one) knicht, see Dub v.1375 Barb. iii. 221.
Scipio … Serwandis and threllis mad he fre, And maid thaim knychtis euirilkane
c1420 Wynt. viii. 5983.
The knychtis, that he had made, Owtwartis to wyn thare schone than rade
a1500 Colk. Sow ii. 109.
In his weiris so weill he [the King] him behald He was maid knycht in court to continew
a1570-86 Maitl. F. xxxiv. 46.
Scho sall thairfoir be callit madame Bot and the laird maid knycht
a1578 Pitsc. I. 25/23.
He thocht bot ane small matter to mak knichtis
1577 Fam. Innes 132.
Thair was certaine knychtis maid at the Erle of Buchanis brydaill
1585 Acts III. 421/1.
His hienes … with aduise of his thrie estaitis … constituitis and makis the said Fraunces ane knycht and lord of his parliament [etc.]
1596 Dalr. II. 25/31.
Sum he maid baronis, sum cnychtis

d. Knychtis fee, tenure of land by knight-service. Knichtes service, id.Cf. ME. knyȝtene fees pl. (1387), ME. and e.m.E. knyghtes fee (1427– ), and knyghtes service (1439– ).14.. Acts I. 70/2.
Gif a knycht or the son of a knycht or ony fre tenande in knychtis fee [L. feodum militare] or ony othir that frely haldis his lande [etc.]
1597 Skene Verb. S. s.v. Milites.
Militare servitium, Knichtes service, is that maner of halding of lands, quhilk is called, service of ward and relieue

2. With certain qualifying words or phrases.Describing or alluding to the knight's attire or equipment, his order or fraternity (see also Cokkil(l n. 2, Gartar(e n.), his territory of origin.(1) a1500 Lanc. 2819.
The blak knycht ȝhit howyns on his sted
Ib. 2837; etc.
The red knycht
1506–7 Treas. Acc. III. 365.
The justing of the wild knycht for the blak lady
1570 Leslie 19.
Sir James Stewart, called the black knycht, the Quenis husband
a1578 Pitsc. I. 243/1.
The king iustit him selff dissaguysed onknawin and he was callit the blak knicht
(2) 1456 Hay I. 224/27.
Suppos … a bonde man war sa worthy fundyn that he war maid knycht in armes
1513 Doug. ix. xi. 48.
Equicolie A lusty knycht in armis
(3) 1488 Acta Conc. I. 104/1.
On the behalf of the knycht of Torfichen
Ib. 119/1. 1497–8 Ib. II. 99.
The complaynt made be Schir Patrik Knollis, knycht of the ordoure of Sanct Jhone
Ib. 124. 1508 Reg. Privy S. I. 268/1.
The Kingis hienes has admitted … George Dundas, knycht of the Rodis, to the temporalite of the preceptory of Torphichin
c1550 Lynd. Test. Meldrum 27.
The wise Sir Walter Lindesay they him cal, Lord of S. Johne, and knicht of Torfichane
(4) 1650 Nicoll Diary 13.
[Montrose] being a Marques and a Knycht of the Garter
(5) c1500-c1512 Dunb. l. 35.
Schir Bevis the knycht of South Hamptoun

b. Common with (generally complimentary) adjectives describing the knight's character or quality.As gentill, gude, kene, nobill, etc., and see the adjectives for further examples.1375 Barb. ii. 53.
With knychtis kene
Ib. 202.
Wallang, that wes … a worthy knycht
Ib. xiii. 321.
Sir Gelis … wes the thrid best knycht … in his day
a1400 Leg. S. xxix. 476.
I had mony gud knycht … & squyaris als
c1420 Wynt. v. 4993.
This Narses wes a nobill knycht
a1500 Henr. Test. Cress. 546.
O, fals Cresseid and trew knicht Troylus
a1500 Gol. & Gaw. 230.
Thus iournait gentilly thyr cheualrouse knichtis
c1500-c1512 Dunb. lxiii. 7.
Men of armes and vailȝeand knychtis
1513 Doug. vii. xi. 24.
Turnus the gentil knycht
1535 Stewart 766.
Than furth tha fuir with mony courtas knycht
1551 Prot. Bk. W. Corbet No. 64.
Ane nobill knycht, Schir Andro Ker of the Hyrssell
1570 Sat. P. xxii. 21.
To stalwart knichtis ane gylefull Ganȝelon
a1578 Pitsc. I. 59/7.
Thair come ane prence of Ramistoun witht wtheris diuerse nobill knychtis and squyeris
1598 Misc. Spald. C. I. 120.
The hynd knicht quhom thow confessis to be a spreit
a1605 Montg. Misc. P. xli. 34.
All curageous knichtis

c. Knycht-aventurer (= adventurer, -errant), -appellour, -preceptor.Also knicht-banneroll (see Banneroll n.), Knicht-baronet, knight-marishall (Marischal n.).1456 Hay I. 37/10.
And sa was thare a hardy knycht aventurer. the quhilk was michtily horsit. and of grete curage
Ib. 275/26.
In the tyme the knycht appellour war better avisit
1508 Reg. Privy S. I. 268/1.
That … the tenentis [of Torphichen] … obey to the sade George, knycht preceptor forsade
1545 Antiq. Aberd. & B. III. 596.
Walter lord of Sanctiohnis knycht preceptor of Torphechin
1547 Ib. 597.

d. In the mock-titles knycht of the felde, of kytchyne, of the post (= e.m.E. knight of the post (1580– ), a paid perjurer).?1438 Alex. ii. 10106.
Ane better than he … Mycht neuer be, … Suld nane him call knycht of kytchyne [F. chevalier de cuisine]
a1508 Kennedy Flyt. 430.
Because that Scotland of thy begging irkis, Thow scapis in France to be a knycht of the felde
1681 Dunkeld Presb. I. 279.
Mr Inglish … reproached all the brethren saying that the knights of the post might do any thing they liked

3. a. A knightly follower of a king or other superior.c1420 Wynt. v. 2195.
The Empryoure … gat hym wyttalle … That till hys knycht na thyng mycht fayhle
a1500 Gol. & Gaw. 834.
The King and his knihtis
a1500 Lanc. 1687.
Thi gret baronis, Thi pur knychtis, and thi bachleris
1533 Boece ix. viii. 305 b.
The rymes … of Arthure and his knichtis
1535 Stewart 479.
Syne thus he said, in presence of his men, ‘My knichtis kene [etc.]’
c1550 Rolland Ct. Venus i. 792.
[Venus complains of] the greit vnricht … done to Esperance my knicht

b. A knightly champion of a lady.c1515 Asl. MS. I. 234/11.
Sir James Stewart the Qwenes knycht
a1500 Lanc. 2790.
He … hir byhecht euer … To be hir awn trew & stedfast knycht
1513 Doug. xii. 11. ii.
The queyn Amata … said … , I thé beseik a thyng, myne awyn knycht
15.. Clar. iv. 1457.
To be ȝour servant and ȝour [awin] trew knight

c. fig. A ‘soldier’ or ‘champion’ of Christ.After the Biblical miles bonus Christi (Wyclif ‘a good kniȝt of Crist Jesu’), 2 Tim. ii. 3.(1) a1400 Leg. S. Prol. 101.
The twelf appostolis … that … war vith hyme as chosine knychttis
Ib. ii. 218.
I am Cristis lauchtful knycht
Ib. xxxiii. 693.
George wes the trewest knycht To Crist
1490 Irland Mir. I. 120/25.
O hevinnis king … we are thi seruandis, thi knychttis
a1568 Bann. MS. 32 a/66.
To Lymbus Patrum I passit but mair pane Fred all my knychtis fra captiuite
1551 Hamilton Cat. 267.
We fychtand lawfully as trew knychtis of Christ Jesu, may finally be crownit in hevin
(2) a1499 Contempl. Sinn. 1513.
Resume thi strenth now as a knycht spirituale, Fecht for the hevyn [etc.]
1513 Doug. xi. Prol. 114.
Bot be thou stalwart campioun and knycht In feild of grace
1567 G. Ball. 28.
The Spirite said, now I haif my micht, Thocht I be ane vnworthie knicht

d. Popes knights, see s.v.

4. The knight in chess.?1438 Alex. ii. 3733, etc.
Quhat I sall haue outher rouk or knicht To auantage
a1500 Bk. Chess 49.
Alphinis knychtis and rokis quhyte & blak
Ib. 828.
A knycht in figour thus he suld be sene A man on hors and boith in armes bene
Ib. 2068, etc.
The moving of the kingis knycht

5. Put for MDu. knecht, a servant.1493 Halyb. 29.
Paid to the rent mastiris kny[ch]tis for the restment, 6 s.8 gs.



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