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A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)

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First published 1963 (DOST Vol. III).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

Lade, Laid, n.3 Also: layd, led(e, leid, leyd, leed, lead. [Appar. only Sc. in this specific use: but cf. e.m.E. lode (1572), loode, loade and mod. Eng. dial. lode water-course, aqueduct, channel, drain, OE. ᵹelád (also once -lád) watercourse, channel (a specialised use of OE. lád way, course, of Lade n.1 and n.2). Common in the mod. Sc. dial. as lade, lead, and found also in the mod. dial. of Northumberland as lade, lode. The type leed, which is common in the mod. dial. and of which our (c) and (d) are early instances, is no doubt f., or influenced by, Lede v. to conduct (sense 8 b).] A channel constructed for conducting water from the mill-dam to and from a mill or mills; also, the supply of water to a mill by this means; a mill-stream or mill-race. Also attrib.Commonly also Miln-lade, Mill-laid.(a) 1427 Melville Chart. 245 (= Wemyss Chart. 53).
He the said Johne … hafand fre vsche of water and sufficiand lade fra the loch of Lochgelly descendand throw the landis of the said Schire Jone to the myllin of the said Johne
Swa that it salbe leyffull to the said Jone Malvyle … the said myllin dam to make ande vphalde and the watyr encloys … and the lade to draw tharfra
1470 Yester Wr. 69. 1489 Acts II. 221/2.
For millaris that settis crelis and nettis in dammys & ladis of watteris distroyand red fische
(b) 1490 Blackfriars Perth 82.
Viam regiam extendentem ad le common layd
1493 Reg. Great S. 451/1.
Extendentes ad le laid sui novi molendini
1531 Ayr Chart. 102.
Cum aquarum adductu et deductu, ly to laid and away laid unacum … aquarum statione seu stationibus predicti molendini
1541 Reg. Privy S. II. 676/1.
Thair mylnis, dammis, laidis, watter-gangis
1565 Prot. Bk. J. Scott 28 b.
The watter passand to the abbay millis at the south callit the laid
1617 Reg. Great S. 584/2.
Burgum de Rutherglen … cum omnibus terris … , amnibus et lie damis, inlairis, laidis, [etc.]
1621 Urie Baron Ct. 38.
That ewerie tennent … salbe requyrit to cast the laids, fens the damis, and bring watter to the milne in stormes
1642 Rothesay B. Rec. 947.
Haiding upe of the bridge on the laid utherwayis his few to expyre
1699 Kirkcudbr. Sheriff Ct. Deeds II. 823.
The said James is … to make ane sufficient laid for caring of the water from the dam to the mylne and a laid for caring the water from the mylne
attrib. 1532–3 Dunferm. Reg. Ct. 87.
Tuay acris of land lyand on the west syid of the layd wynd
(c) 1497 (c 1580) Edinb. B. Rec. I. 70.
[To] vphald the saidis mylnis … in ledys and dammys
(d) 1558–9 Edinb. Old Acc. I. 288.
To the myllars for setting of the stule and laying of the greit flag over the leid
1559 (1585) Reg. Great S. 279/1.
Inter communem torrentem lie leyd [in St. Andrews] et tenementa Thome Wemyss et And. Lundy
1563-4 Bk. O. Edinb. C. XXIII. 103. 1611 Inverness Rec. II. 81. 1641 Ayrsh. Coll. 2 Ser. II. 80. (e) 1609 Skene Reg. Maj. i. 151.
Myllers … take the … smolts of salmon in the myln dame or lead
1641 Acts V. (1817) 582/2.
All and haill the landis … with cunningairis, louches, leades, stankis [etc.]
(f) c 1694 Hist. Clan Gregor II. 201.

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"Lade n.3". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 23 Oct 2024 <>



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