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First published 1971 (DOST Vol. IV).
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Mortificatio(u)n(e, -acio(u)n(e, Morteficacio(u)n(e, n. [ME. (Chaucer) and e.m.E. mortificacion, -ation, F. mortification, med. L. mortificatio. Senses 2 and 3 are appar. only Sc.]
1. The action of mortifying the flesh.The bringing into subjection of one's body, its lusts etc., by self-denial or severe bodily discipline. Const. of (the) flesch, of one's body. ?a1500 Remembr. Passion 497.
Grant me to offer to Thé wyne of deuocioun with mir of mortificacioun of the flesche c1520-c1535 Nisbet Rom. Prol. 342/14.
Thann exhorttis he [Paul] … vnto contynewall mortificatiounn of fleische Arundel MS. 241/102.
And Thou grantand the mortificacioun of my body that I may gif thankis to Thé 1590-1 R. Bruce Serm. 360.
This part of repentance … is called mortification because by the power of the spirit quhilk worketh this dolour sin is mortified
2. The action of mortifying (land, moneys etc.) or the fact of being mortified or assigned in perpetuity to an ecclesiastical or other body for religious, educational or charitable purposes: see Mortify v. 3. 1459 Acts XII. 26/1.
Quhylkis confirmationis contenis … santens of excommunicatioun apone all thaim that brekkys the said mortificacioun 1471 Misc. Spald. C. V. 23.
Grauntyt … to mayster Johne of Chawmer, … for the mortificatione of the annuale of Mundynis pertenande to the hospitale, the fredome of … gilde 1515 Justiciary Rec. III. 374.
xx markis of annuale of the landis of Myrton gevin to the kirk of Quhithorn but mortification 1630 Aberd. Council Lett. I. 324.
And upon sic conditiones as salbe mutuallie condiscendit upon … for the perpetuall setling and mortification thairof in all tyme cuming to the proper uses whairunto the same [sum of money] is destinat be my said umquhill father [sc. the maintenance of poor scholars] 1632 Ib. 364.
b. An instance of this; a deed of mortification. c. The document embodying a deed of mortification.b. 1471 Acta Aud. 21/2.
Thar richtis euidentis & mortificatiovnys under the grete sele beand at lynth sene herd & vnderstandin 1499–1500 Acta Conc. II. 370.
Togidder with ane pretendit morteficacione and decret optenit be the sade venerable fader 1517 Edinb. B. Rec. I. 164.
Schir Johne Craufurd … adnullis the fundatioun and mortificatioun maid of befor 1614 Aberd. Council Lett. I. 126.
Thair is stuff aneuch in it to hurt ȝour mortificatioun and by umquhill Doctour Liddells intent 1614 Ayr Friars Pr. Chart. 113.
All annuelrentis … dotit and foundit to quhatsumevir chaplanreis alterages freiris mortificatiounis or anniversareis quhairevir [etc.] 1622-6 Bisset II. 139/14, 27. 1633 Acts V. 56/2.
In prejudice of the said dotatione and mortificatione maid be his majesties vmquhill father c1620 Boyd Zion's Fl. App. 25/1.
Reservand furth of this mortificatioune … the sowme of ane thowsand punds 1641 Stirling Chart. 120. 1641 S. Leith Rec. 36.
An mortefica[ti]one left be umquhill David Makcall … quhairinto is contained … money left be him to our new hospetall 1651 Ellon Par. Rec. 108. 1657 Glasg. Univ. Mun. I. 336. 1659 Glasgow B. Rec. II. 413. 1664 Decis. Lords G. 80.
It being a mortification to the use of poor beed-men [etc.] 1670 Alford Rec. 154; etc. 1680 Dundee B. Laws 140. 1681 Edinb. B. Rec. XI. 14.
A petition … for bestowing the money some other pious way in lew of the first designe in the mortification 1682 Dumbarton B. Rec. 92.
1400 lib. owing by the burgh to the hospital mortification 1683 Alford Rec. 344.
A mortification … by one Blaire, secured upon bond 1691 Pittenweem Ann. 101. 1692 Misc. B. Rec. 129. 1697 Glasgow B. Rec. IV. 234. 1698 Morison Dict. Decis. 9109.
And it being stated, whether the turning it from a woolen to a linen manufactory was an inversion of the mortificationc. 1611 Scrymgeour Invent. 14.
Mortificatioun of ane tenement … in favouris of St. Stephanes alterage 1617 Aberd. B. Rec. II. 351.
And the principall mortificatioun to be put vpe in the townis charter kist in sure custodie 1621 Aberd. Council Lett. I. 190.
Now if you send mee a coppie of my former mortification amended as now I write, I will seale and confirm it 1622-6 Bisset II. 26/8.
As his cartaris and mortificationis … at mair lenth beiris 1690 Rec. Univ. Aberd. 364.
With the doubles of the severall mortificationes belonging to the said colledge
d. Confirmation by crown charter of a deed of mortification, expressing royal assent to the deed. 1500 Cart. S. Nich. Aberd. 77.
We consent … that the saide annuall be gevin be the saide Alexander to the saide kyrke ande chapelain … in perpetuall almos … and gyf the saide Alexander can get our souerane lordis mortificatioun tharapone we … consentis … to the samyn 1511–12 Reg. Soltre 85.
In a propine to Dauid Betoun xliiii Franche crovnis or we gat our new confirmacioun and mortificacioun of our landis of the Powis [etc.] 1520 (c 1580) Edinb. B. Rec. I. 203.
The Kingis mortificatioun and liceance being had, togidder with the Bischope of Sanctandrois liceance obtenit
e. Charter, contract, form, bond, gift of mortification, also bond of mortifications.(1) 1498 Exch. R. XI. 81 n. [see Mortify v. 3 (1).] — 1501 Acta Conc. MS. X. 175 b.
The charter & gift … togidder with our souerane lordis charter of morteficacioun of the sammyn 1604–5 Misc. Spald C. V. 78.
Ane skyn of parchement to wreit the sesing of the said chartour of mortificatioun(2) 1600 Craufurd Edinb. Univ. 21 a.
According to the contract of mortification betuix him and the good toun(3) 1633 Aberd. Council Lett. I. 382.
We have causit our clerk draw up a forme of mortification to be subscryvit be your Ladyship(4) 1651 Burnett Fam. P.
Bond of mortification, laird of Leyes to the poor of Banchory 1682 Alford Rec. 329.
The ministers who had not signed the bond of mortifications for ministers' widows promised to pay in their centesima at the ensuing synod(5) 1664 Decis. Lords G. 80.
The hammermen of Edinburgh in anno 1641 obtain from the King a gift of mortification of certain feu duties belonging to the bishoprik of Dunkeld
3. plur. and sing. Funds gifted as, or arising out of, gifts by mortification.b. (In Aberdeen) Master of mortifications: cf. Mortifyit ppl. a. 2 b. c. Attrib.plur. 1663 Reg. Privy C. 3 Ser. I. 395.
The rents and mortifications [have been] dilapidat, impropriat or misapplyed [etc.] 1672 Alford Rec. 185.
Anent mortifications, the … brethren declaired that they knew none unclear, or not well secured, safe one in Glenbucket [etc.] 1682 Dunkeld Presb. I. 442.
He answered that there were no mortifications … but that there was about 100 lib. of penalties restingsing. 1693 Acts IX. App. 90/1.
And the said parish of the Cannongate having nothing of a mortification or fond that can answer these ends 1695 Cullen Kirk S. 13 Jan.
And at his death … did mortifie seven hundreth marks money to be added to the forsaid mortificationb. 1656 Aberd. B. Rec. IV. 161.
And appoints the master of mortifications to delyuer and pey … what he suld … aggrie for to be peyit for the saids books 1663 Ib. 206. 1676 Aberd. Council Lett. VI. 27. 1683 Aberd. B. Rec. IV. 302.
The councell ordaines the master a mortificationes to accept from the tennents … threttie six punds for ane years maillc. 1692 Misc. B. Rec. 66.
They are forced to intromett with the mortificatione monie
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"Mortification n.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 27 Dec 2024 <http://www.dsl.ac.uk/entry/dost/mortificatioune>