A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
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First published 1986 (DOST Vol. VI).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.
Prek(e, Preik(e, v. Also: preick, preak. [North. ME prekande pres. p. (c 1400), preke (a 1400–50), thereafter appar. chiefly or only Sc. (and in the mod. Sc. and north. Eng. dial.), var. of Prik v., appar. with ē for ĭ as in Chekin, Mekil(l etc.] = Prik v. in various senses.
1. tr. a. To pierce, transfix.1531 Bell. Boece II 202.
Thay quhilkis war devisouris of this cruelte, … war preikit throw the body with ane staik [L. acutis sudibus … perfossi] a1586 Lindsay MS.
Scho preikis hirself in the breist with hir neb
b. transf. To cause suffering to, to hurt, pain.a1400 Leg. S. vii 643.
Amange al vthyre skathis fel That thai had … And prekyte thame maste sare, Wes fawte of met thai had thare a1500 Lanc. 720.
So prekith hyme the smert of loues sore
c. To prek up, fig. ? to ‘fix up’, ‘patch up’, set to rights.1602 Cal. Sc. P. XIII 1054.
[I hear McSorley and Sir James are to] prek [up matters in debate betwixt them]
2. a. To spur, ride (a horse) (against (aganis) another).1533 Bell. Livy I 161/11.
King Tarquyne … prekit his hors with grete ire, … aganis the dictator
b. To ride hard forward. = Prik v. 7.(1) 1375 Barb. vi 414 (E).
Than prekyt thai with all thar mycht Folowand thaim owt off aray Ib. ix 626.
That all thar rowt … Fled prekand scalyt her and thar a1400 Leg. S. v 430.
And quhen that ȝounge man saw that he Come prekand in sic degre ?1438 Alex. i 1204.
The pure man that vnarmit was Raid prekand stoutly throw the preis Ib. ii 4174, etc. a1500 K. Hart 224 (see Prance v. 2). a1500 Seven S. 372.
Come the first sage prekand fast To se gif he [etc.] 1513 Doug. ix
The horsmen than prekis and fast furth sprentis To weil beknawin pethis 1535 Stewart 31045.
vii 25. With sic ryding tha draif to end that da, Withoutin feild thair preikand on the plane 1568 Misc. Bann. C. I 27.
This daye my Lorde Regent sende furth a thowsande men … to haue drawen a chase on the theves and rebellis, but they fledde, and wold not preike(2) 1375 Barb. vi 423 (E).
That folk come egyrly prekand Rycht betuix thaim and thar warand a1400 Leg. S. v 428.
And to that hyll in gret hy Prekit ?1438 Alex. i 1014.
Thay come baith prekand in the stour Ib. 1131.
In the thikkest preis he prekit to Ib. ii 1321, etc. c1420 Wynt. viii 2504, 5995.
Prekyd [W. raid] 1456 Hay II 160/23.
And the Sarrazene callit and askit him to byde him, bot he walde nocht, bot prekit fra him with all his mayn a1500 Lanc. 3087. a1500 Seven S. 2240.
Throw the cite … The vij master come prekand fast 1513 Doug. x xiv 135.
About hym prekand in a cumpas large [L. Volatque ingenti gyro] 1533 Bell. Livy I 207/2.
And to provoik thare inemyis thareto [sc. battle] thai prekit afore thare tentis Ib. II 98/2.
And he but delay come prekand haistelie fra the montane(b) a1500 Rauf C. 408.
Preikit 1535 Stewart 4770.
On euerie syde … Preikand in preis(3) 1375 Barb. ix 622 (E).
And quhen Schyr Eduuard … Saw thaim in till sa ewill aray The thrid tyme on thaim prekyt [C. prikid] thai Ib. xix 423 (C).
Prek 1533 Bell. Livy I 161/15.
Ebutius, the maister of cheuelrie, quhilk with grete ferocite prekit aganis Mamilius [L. in Octavium Mamilium impetum dederat] 1533 Boece 598 b.
Ane winge of horsmen prekand apoun the Inglis archearis to brek thair array —1544 Corr. M. Lorraine 83.
Bot nocht withstand[ing] I and my freyndis vesit and prekit at the army quhill thai departit furth of the realme 1558-66 Knox I 86.
Some Englis horse of purpose war lett lowse, to provok gready and imprudent men to preak at thame 1572-5 Diurn. Occurr. 260.
Efter … a schort space vpoun the said mure, and euerie horsman preickand at vther, thaj past … to the Dene(4) a1400 Leg. S. v 434.
Bot Sancte Johne … Prekyt faste eftyr c1420 Wynt. ii 1192.
All this tyme in to that chas, Quhyll Josue fast prekande was, He persawyde [etc.] a1500 Seven S. 375.
Than prekit he on withoutin baid 1513 Doug. iv iv 59.
Ascanyus … Now makis hys rynk ȝondir, and now this way Now prekis furth by thir, and now by thame, Langyng [etc.] 15.. Clar. i 46.
Forward they preike with heartis leonyne
c. reflex., fig. To urge oneself forward, to bestir oneself (to do something).1588 Cullen Chron. Aberd. 60.
Preik thé with deligence To put away negligence