A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
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First published 1986 (DOST Vol. VI).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.
Protest, v. Also: proteste. [Late ME and e.m.E. protest to affirm (1440), to vow (1560), to remonstrate (1608), F. protester (14th c. in Littré), L. prōtestārī, also in late L. -āre, to declare formally in public, testify, f. prō and testārī to be, or speak as, a witness, to declare, aver.]
1. tr. Only Sc., chiefly in legal contexts: To put forward in a court of law a demand designed to safeguard one's interests in face of the proceedings, or an act or decree, of the court; to stipulate that one's interests should be protected. Also, absol., to make a stipulation; to put forward a ‘protestation’, see Protestatio(u)n(e n. 1.Const. noun clause obj. (sometimes, with the conj. that duplicated). The dependent clause usu. contains a subjunctive or modal verb, and freq. includes a negative.Also, rarely, const. simple obj. or infin.(1) 1459–60 Reg. Episc. Brechin. I 189.
And gif ocht be done atour that I protest for me … that it draw ws to na preiudice 1482–3 Acta Conc. II cviii.
In presens of the said lordis Alexander Lesly protestit that the said protestatioun abonwritin suld turne him to na prejudice anent his takkis of the said landis 1497 Ib. 87. 1522–3 Edinb. B. Rec. I 212.
George, Abbot of Halyrudhous, inlykwys protestit that quhat war done … suld turn the Halyrude to na preiudice 1524 Reg. Episc. Aberd. I 389. 1529 Selkirk B. Ct. (ed.) 101.
He protestit that this productione of this preff suld turne hyme to na pregutes 1550 Cupar B. Rec. 21 Oct.
[The] dekyne of the baxtaris … protestit quhat euer the forsaid consell statut … suld in na way hurt thame 1582 Kirkcudbr. B. Rec. I 164.
Niniane Lintoun … protestis that nathing done … be prejudiciall to him c 1583 Wemyss Corr. 78. 1590 Prot. Bk. J. Inglis 13 May. 1641 Acts V 720/2.
I protest that the ratification of the contract betuixt [etc.] … doe not prejudg me becaus I have intended ane action for reduction of it(2) 1494 Loutfut MS 111 a.
He suld tak … instrumentis protestand solemptly … that his borowis be quyt of al charge 1494 Acta Conc. I 331/2. 1537–8 Dunferm. Reg. Ct. 153.
Protestand … at thai be nocht accusit efter for the nocht stoppin of the samyn 1540 Elgin Rec. I 53.
Protestan in defalt of justece … that he may complayne of on the forsaidis personis to [the King] c1550 Rolland Ct. Venus iv 287.
Vesta … did protest that hir court … suld haif na displesour … Of Venus court 1550–1 Perth Guildry MS 274 (20 Feb.).
Johne Cristy … protestit that na auditouris be maid to the hering of the dene of gildis comptis 1557 Aberd. Sheriff Ct. I 151.
The said defendaris protestit that thar be na witnes exeminit quhill [etc.] 1565–6 Inverness Rec. I 133.
Quhen he protestit diuerse tymes vtoutht jugement and innew jugement quhat skayth his … horses had sustenit suld fall vpon him [etc.] 1574 Reg. Privy C. II 410.
The said Maister Johnne protestit that the said Lord Robert sould not be haldin to answer to the saidis letters … quhilk protestatioun my Lord Regentis Grace … admittit 1586 Jurid. Rev. IV 300.
The pannell protestit that they may use their defensis before the assyse 1642 Aberd. Sheriff Ct. III 41.(3) 1497–8 Acta Conc. II 113.
Comperit … [and] protestit that because Jhone Gariauch gert summond thame … and wald nocht compere for to folow thame, that tharefore thai [sic] suld nocht be herd in jugment quhil thai war new summond 1502 Prot. Bk. J. Foular I i 170.
Protestit that sen John Welche schew na evidentis … that he be nocht hard to produce ony in tyme to cum(4) 1530–1 Maxwell Mem. I 263.
Togydder with the appensioun of our sayd souerand lord[is] gret sell, to be protestit be the sayd erle … for the attoriseing heyr of 1659 Rothesay B. Rec. 34.
Who protestit be his answer a double of the take that he micht ansuer thairto particularly —1640 Kirkcudbr. Min. Bk. 74.
Johne Makmollan … protests to be liberatit of his cautionerieabsol. 1490–1 Acta Conc. I 173/1.
And walde nocht persew the said lard at that tyme bot let him protest and therefter persewit the said Johne 1500 Ib. II 451.
And Archbald Erle of Ergile as forspekar for him protestit that because the sade Wilyeam had protestit of before aganis Archbald Boid … that nochtwithstanding that protestacione at the wil … of the kingis hienes he renuncit the sade protestacione and was content til ansuer til thame 1524–5 Ib. MS XXXV 8.
Protestand yit as of before and annerdand to uthiris my protestatiouns 1551 Digest Justiciary Proc. B 59.
The Kerris on the pannell … protestit in the same maneir 1553 Aberd. B. Rec. I 457.
And … James Hunt in name of the haill smythis protestit in lyk maner as is aboun vrittin 1642 Ib. III 286.
Mr. Alex. Jaffray … protestit in the contrair … in ane heid court, na opposition being maid against the same
b. Also intr., const. for the measure requested.To protest for remede (of law), to put in a claim that one's right to seek legal redress of some act or decree be safeguarded.(1) 1429 Acts II 18/1.
That the dome is fals … in the self … & assigne a resone at the lest protestande for ma a1508 Kennedy Flyt. 331.
And syne ger Stobo for thy lyf protest 1518 Fife Sheriff Ct. 108.
The said James protestyt for the largest price of wictualis 1540 Elgin Rec. I 53.
William … protestit for tyme plaice and juge competent to call [etc.] 1546–7 Acta Conc. Publ. Aff. 563.
And tharfor geif the lordis removit him, protestit for ane practik 1555 Bks. Adjournal 7 Dec.
The pannell protestit for the panis contenit in the actis of parliament 1558 Admir. Ct. Bk. (St. S.) 84.
The said Patrik protestit for coistis … in cais he obtenit the pley Ib. 87.
Johnne Broun … protestit for interrogatouris afore the examinatioun of the witnesis 1570 Inverness Rec. I 197.
[He] alse protestis for ane sufficient oxe of sex yeiris auld at vpwark 1574 Dunferm. B. Rec. in Dunferm. Reg. Ct. 35. 1584 Aberd. Sheriff Ct. I 325.
Compeirit the persewar and protestit … for circumductioun of the terme and that na diligence be grantit 1629 Black Orkn. & Shetl. Folklore 110.
The pfishall [Cf. Phiscall n.] askit actis and protestit for error 1631 Justiciary Cases I 165.
The pannell takis instrumentis of his entrie and protestis for his cautioneris releif a1633 Hope Major Pract. II 275. 1620 Urie Baron Ct. 33.
John Mowat, procuratour for the erle … , protestit for the heighest priss for … wictuall … restand be ony of the tennents(2) 1492 Aberd. B. Rec. in Mill Mediæv. Plays 133.
& he protestit for remede of law 1524 Dumbarton B. Rec. App. ii 5.
The said Johne … for remede of law solemnpniter protestyd 1562 Crim. Trials I i 426. 1567 Peebles B. Rec. I 305. 1622-6 Bisset I 294/6.
Gif any iust exceptioun be repelled, the pairtie may ask instrument thereupoun and protest for remeid of law —1531 Dunferm. Reg. Ct. 46.
[He] tuc act and instrument protestand for ramaid aganis the said Adam 1549 Stirling B. Rec. I 55.
Robert Leirmonth … protestis that gif thay be hurt in thair … possessioun for remeid and actioun of wilfull errour 1553–4 Edinb. B. Rec. II 191.
The said Maister Johne protestit for remeid, and thairupoun askit instrumentis 1583 Ib. IV 313.
In non-legal contexts: c. tr. To require as a prior condition, to stipulate; to demand; to insist.Only in Rolland, const. dat. pron. and clause obj.c1500-c1512 Dunb. Tua Mar. W. 158.
The plesand said, I protest, … That of ȝour toungis ȝe be traist 1513 Doug. i Prol. 105.
Fyrst I protest … Beis weill avisit my wark or ȝhe repreif a1540 Freiris Berw. 446 (M).
Bot I protest that ȝe keip this previe a1568 Scott xiii 7.
Protesting [that] this ballat ȝe attend —c1550 Rolland Ct. Venus iii 138.
I ȝow protest, ȝe wald me licenciat … That [etc.] Id. Seven S. Schort schawing 4.
Scho me protestit air and lait All strange termis to cast out of my gait
d. intr. To put in a claim for.c1500-c1512 Dunb. xxxii 68.
The wowf hes drest him to his den Protestand for the secound place 1540 Lynd. Sat. 448.
Heir I protest for Hamel[in]es, ȝour las … Scho salbe at command, schir, quhen ȝe will Ib. 1504.
For scylence I protest Of lord laird and leddy a1651 Calderwood VII 581.
Then said James [Cathkine], ‘There is noe friedome or libertie in leiting or choosing of ministers, therefore, we will protest for libertie and freedome’
2. tr. To assert on the contrary; to make a negative or contradictory assertion. Passing into: b. To declare, avow.(1) a1500 Prestis of Peblis 45.
Heir I protest … Presumptuosly I think nocht to presome … To tell ane tale 1494 Dunferm. B. Rec. I 52.
Comperyt in jugisment … thar he protestit that thai entirmottit nocht witht no gudis that was in testment 1496 Acta Conc. II 39.
The sade Patrik … solemplye protestit that the sade rolment was of effect 1498–9 Ib. 328.
Maister Walter Mersare protestit that he admichtit nocht the Lords of Consale as jugis til him 1540–1 Elgin Rec. I 59.
William Malcome protestit that he hes rycht to ane rig of land … in the Linthalc 1561 in Calderwood II 119.
You, N., sall protest heere, before God … that you … are now contented to have M. heere present for your lawfull wife 1566–7 Cal. Sc. P. II 314.
Yf I have made anye faile … I crave your perdone and proteste that I shall never fail againe a1585 Maitl. Q. lxxiii 73.
My mynd sall neuer suerve, I doe protest 1580 Facs. Nat. MSS III lxx.
We … protest and call the searcher of all heartis for witnes that our myndis and heartis do fullely aggree with this our confession 1584 Misc. Bann. C. I 113.
And did protest that he repentit(2) c 1620–30 Cullen B. Rec. MS.
I protest and awow the religione presentlie professit vithin this realm
c. To undertake solemnly (to do something); to vow.1560 Bk. Disc. 217.
Everie natioun, first protestand in Goddis presence to follow the sinceir ditement of thair consciences, shall nominat ane of the said thre