A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
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First published 2000 (DOST Vol. VIII).
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(Scatheles,) Scathles, Scaithles, Schath(t)les, -lace, adj. Also: skath-, scatht-, skatht-, scat-, skat-; skaith(t)-, skayth-, skayt-; skeath-, skeyth-; skith-; skyath-; skad-; schad(e)-, schach-, schaich-, schaith-; sayth- and -lese, -less(e, -leis, -lis, -las(e. [ME skaþelæs (Orm), schaþles (c1350), scathles (Chaucer), ON skaðlauss; Scath(e n.]
1. Unharmed, undamaged (by (of, anente) another person, also rarely by (of) a thing); free from injury or violence; unscathed.Also const. in the respect in which the person is harmed.(1) 1375 Barb. xviii 200 (C).
Of thairis till thame gaf thai Till let thame scathles pas thar vay Ib. xix 683.
The fox scathles gat his way 1429–30 Ayr B. Ct. in Sc. Hist. Rev. XXIX 11.
Quylle he fynde souer and sekyr borowys that the kyngis legis and the kynryk be skathlase and kepyt wnhwrt in tyme to come 1440–1 Ib. MS 19 Feb.
Pleg … that the parte be scathles as the law will 1484 Aberd. B. Rec. I 40.
Law burgh that William Vmfray salbe vnscathit … and … the said Johne the Rosse salbe scathles in likewise(b) c1400 Troy-bk. ii 629 (C).
That skaithles they myght pas the se To thar owne lond in sawyte a1597-1617 Hist. Jas. VI (1825) 38.
Thay salbe skaythless and without daynger in thair cuming c1650 Spalding II 288.
Whill thay set sufficient cautioun … that thay suld be harmles and skaithles, wnder gryte panes(c) 1559 Aberd. B. Rec. I 316.
[They] protestit … that quhat dangeir and damnage cumis thair throw … that thai be saythles and mair [sic in pr.] no preiudice(d) 1612 Orkney & Shetl. Ct. Bk. (ed.) 36.
That Magnus Sinclair … sall be harmeles and skithles [blank] and on nawayis to be trublit(2) 1458 Peebles B. Rec. I 129.
That the sayd Thom suld be skathlas bot as the curs of common law askis of the sayd Doby and his purches 1466 Acta Aud. 6/1.
That his moder [etc.] … salbe skathles of him & al that he may let bot as law wil 1471 Ib. 19/1, etc.
That … the tenandis of Elwinston suld be harmles & skathles of of him bot as the cours of common law 1493 Antiq. Aberd. & B. II 141.
Scathtles 1512 Selkirk B. Ct. (ed.) 18. 1517 Fife Sheriff Ct. 83.
That the said Thomas suld be harmeles & scatles of hyme 1520 Edinb. Chart. 205.
That … euir ilkane of thame salbe harmeles and scathles of ws our kin [etc.] … of bodelie harme or vther ways according to the law 1536 Dunferm. Reg. Ct. 140.
At sayd Androw sall be skathles of all bodely herm of hir … vnder payne of law(b) c1456 Edinb. B. Rec. MS p. 3.
Souerte and lawborgh … that William Dunmure salbe harmeles and scaithles of him … vnder the pane of xl li. 1497–8 Acta Conc. II 94.
That the Postulat of Ross and his tennandis … sal be harmeles and skaithles of the sade Huchone his servitoris and anerdance 1503 Aberd. Sheriff Ct. I 68, etc.
That the … communitie of Abirden … sal be skaithles aleway of William Urry 1536 Carnwath Baron Ct. (SHS) 184. 1538 Aberd. B. Rec. I 157.
That Dauid … suld be harmles and skaithles of thame and all that thai ma lat forther thame 1542 Reg. Privy S. II 758/1.
That umquhill Alexander Matho of Kylburnys, his freyndis and servandis, suld be skaithles of the said umquhill Johnne of bodely harme 1549–50 Elgin Rec. I 100.
Skaytles 1560 Admir. Ct. Bk. 141.
That the saidis Frenchemen suld be harmeles and skaithles of the said Johnne 1578 Kirkcudbr. B. Rec. I 69. 1597 Skene Verb. S. s.v. Schireff.
That he salbe harmeles & skaithles of him of quhom he dreadis the bodielie harme 1599 Misc. Spald. C. II 144.
That James Stewin … salbe harmles and skaythles of the said John … and nawayes to be molestit nor trublit be the said John, nor na vtheris of his causing, command, assistance, nor ratihabitioun c1650 Spalding II 91. —1499–1500 Exch. R. XI 448.
Tailyour salbe scaithles of thaim and harmles of al bodely harme and scaith —1520 Dunferm. B. Rec. I 174.
The closat … sal be half ane fut vndir … the sol of the yeit cled sufficiently witht flagis and at quhilk may keip the said Villiem skaithtles of flovir gif sa beis that the closat be vsit 1534 Selkirk B. Ct. (ed.) 146.
Ve ordand it to be disponet uthoucht the toun quhar infektioun is knawn, that nychtboris be skaythles of it 1552 Antiq. Aberd. & B. III 278.
And that Thomas Menȝeis [etc.] … sal be harmles and skaithles of all bodelie harme to Sonday callit Dominica in Albis inclusive 1572 Inverness Rec. I 215.
To mak my ease [pr. eafe] drope fre quhartrocht my saidis wowttis may be skaythles of weit [etc.] 1679 Kelso Baillie Ct. 78.
William Handisyde … sall be … skaithlesse … of his causing sendind hounding out … or ratihabitione(c) 1641 Acts V 710/1.
That the said laird … and the rest of the leedges may be harmeles and skeathles of the saidis rebelles(d) 1512 Wigtown B. Ct. fol. 7a.
The alderman & balȝe suld be skadles of hire(e) 1467 Peebles B. Rec. I 156.
Rob Dykyson fand law borcht for hym Jhon Dykyson that Thomas Haw swld be schathtles of hym(f) 1513 Wigtown B. Ct. fol. 22a.
That helk ane of tham salbe harwmles & schadeles adir of wdir 1529 Ib. fol. 223a.
Fore Douncan Stevart to keyp the man harmles & schadles of hym —1458–9 Aberd. B. Rec. MS V i p. 346 (13 Feb.).
Gylbert Belman was oblist to kepe John Litstar schathlace anente the swethin man for a barrall of salmoundis(3) 1587 Aberd. Council Lett. I 10.
That their bairnis tenentis and servandis salbe harmles and skaythles of the said Johne Leslie in thair bodies and landis takkis possessionis guids and geir 1595 Paisley B. Rec. 160.
That he sauld be harmles and skaithles of him in his body 1603 Shetland Sheriff Ct. (ed.) 107.
That ather of them salbe hermeles and skaythles of uther alswele in thair awin personis as thair servandis, kippages, dependaris [etc.] 1631 Justiciary Cases I 174.
That the said Mr. David … sall be harmeles and skaithles of the said Johnne Littill in thair persones landis guidis and geir —1605 Glasgow Merchants House 94.
To repair the said estmest hedge … that the said Andro and Georg may be skaithless in thair yeard thairthrow 1608 Stewart Mem. 120.
That the said Alexander Stewart … and … his brother … suld be hermeless and skeythles … in thair bodeis guidis and geir be the said Neill Stewart 1612 Orkney & Shetl. Ct. Bk. (ed.) 18.
Arthour Sinclair … sall be harmeles and skaithles in his landis … guidis and geir and on nawayis to be … molestit thairin(4) 1524 Carnwath Baron Ct. (SHS) 17.
The inqueist ordanis the ley to mak the corn haill of all gud that is put on the ley to haif ony profet of the ley that the corn sal be skaithles of it 1592 Breadalbane Ct. Bk. 26.
Cutting and distroying of wodis. … The wod fund to be skaithles sen the last court
b. Free from damage caused to crops by stray animals (cf. Scath(e n. 3).1572–3 Peebles B. Rec. I 352.
That na … bestiale be fund within the yardis … vnder the pane of warding of the awnariis of the gudis in the tolbuth … quhill thai fynd causioun that all nychtbouris salbe skaithles in all tymes cuming 1615 Lanark B. Rec. 125.
To cais his swyne nocht cum in ony mannis skaith that thei sall be skathles thairof 1657 Rothesay B. Rec. 15.
[Cattle to be kept within bounds] sua that the inhabitants … salbe harmeles and skaithles of utheris in thair gers and corne
c. To kepe (a person or place) scatheles, to preserve from (of, also fra) damage or harm of any kind exemplified above, also from falling masonry or the like during construction work. Cf. 2 below.(1) 1393 Reg. Morton II 193.
To make [gap in MS] sone to the said sir Jamz … [gap in MS] spedifull … and al thir lelily and solemly to be kept skaithles fra the [gap in MS] sir Willame 1476 Ayr Friars Pr. Chart. 55.
To keip the priour and conwent … and thair place of Sanct Katrine skaithles of me myne airis … and of my place 1482 Reg. Morton II 245.
To … kepe … the saide James … harmles & skathles of all maner of intromittyngis mone steddingis [etc.] 1527 (1575) Balfour Pract. 598.
All wardanis … sall … keip all … trew lieges skaithles of thame [sc. thieves, etc.], of all harmis, reifis [etc.] Ib. 599.
The uther wardane … sall relieve and keip him skaithles anent the saidis gudis and anent the freithing … of his men … furth of Inglishmen's handis 1544 Fraser P. 154.
Prouiding alwaus that the said James mak the said Archebald Douglas … sickir & skatles of all handis havand interes tharto 1573 Reg. Privy C. II 311.
We the cautioneris … sall releve, warrand, freith and keip skaithles our said soverane lord … anent all poyntis and passis of the said obligatioun at the handis of the said King of Denmark 1613 Grant Chart. 213.
From the day and deat heirof … we sall warrant and skeathles keipe the said lord of Grant … off all danger or inconuenient he … might haue incurrit for not obseruing his maiesteis lauis a1650 Row 484.
Chargeing them to keep the bishop and ministers skaithless of all persons whatsomever(2) 1550–1 Elgin Rec. I 108.
Henre Beg decernit to keip his nychtboris skaythles of thair corns 1669 Rothesay B. Rec. 167.(3) 1507 Prot. Bk. J. Young 391.
And the saidis David [etc.] … to tak and to have all thair necessar esimentis … in the said gavil … thai kepand the said gavil skathles throw the said bigging 1521–2 Dunferm. B. Rec. I 7.
That Johne Burne sall stand content of all ws and vont of five inch of aise drop and inlikvise the landis of Alexander Liddal his nychtbour sall stand ineffek and forme is [= as] biggit and kepit Johne Burne skaithles wythtin the bondis … of the five inch of ony passaige or occupacione 1635 Antiq. Aberd. & B. III 310.
Skaithles 1641 Aberd. B. Rec. III 270.
John Stewinsoun … oblessis him … to warrand frie and skaithles keip the said Gilbert Hervie, his aires … and occupeares of his two mercheant boothes [etc.] … of all danger, hurt, detriment, skaith and inconvenient 1681 Decis. Lords F. 5.
The superior tenement was not bound to keep the tenent of the inferior tenement skaithless 1686 Peebles B. Rec. II 118.
Patrik Dickisone to have two windowes to the fleshmercat provyding he … wyre them close fra head to foot and keep the mercat skaithles
2. Immune from financial loss; not subject to penalty or pecuniary liability.Chiefly to kepe (hald) (a person, also once lands) scatheles (anent, also for, the matter giving rise to expense, etc., or of the amount concerned, also without const.).Common in legal formulae, freq. linked with one or more of Defend v., Frethe v., Relev(e v.1 (see these words for further instances) and warrand.(1) 1476 Acta Aud. 55/1.
Anent the warandis of the said landis & to diffend & kepe the said Johne scathles anent schir Gylbert Hering [etc.] c1476 Lennox Mun. 108.
Tak ane instrument thairof for that sal kep thé skaithles anens his respyt 1482–3 Acta Conc. II civ.
Johne Wallace … sal releif and kep skaithles the said persons at the handis of the said Margret … anent the payment of the said soume 1510 Selkirk B. Ct. (ed.) 10.
Bondyne … to keip scathles the said Robert Scot anentis the band abone wrytting 1563 Dumfries B. Ct. fol. 197.
Chargit to releif & keip harmles & skaytles the said Johne Makcubbene at the hands of the said Jonet anents the payment of the sovme [etc.] 1573 Crosraguel Chart. II 31.
To warand freith releif and keip skaithles the saidis Robert [etc.] … anent the payment of the foirsaid sowm 1576 Reg. Privy C. II 545.
We … obleissis us … to releif and keip skaythles our saidis souirteis respective —1480 Acta Conc. I 63/2.
To hald him skathles insafer as the ladijs thrid extendis to(2) 1479 Acta Conc. I 32/2.
Anent the keping of the said Margret scaithles & harmeles of the malis & fermes of the landis of Dalquhillray of x ȝeris bygane 1483–4 Acta Aud. *135/1.
Sufficiand souuerte … to kepe him scaithles at the handis of the laif of executoris of samekle as he ressauis be ressoun of the said obligacioun 1510 Justiciary Rec. II 253.
That the said George Master of Angus sall freith releif and kepe skathtles the said Archibald Erle of Ergile of the said soum 1520 Fife Sheriff Ct. 195.
To warrand defend & keip the said Andro … skaithles of the said sext part of the landis of Straherly 1520 Edinb. B. Rec. I 202.
The saidis William and Katerine oblissis thaim … till keip, freith, warrand, relief the said Henry harmeles and skaithles … of the said geir at all handis now and for euir 1526 Acta Conc. Publ. Aff. 254.
Offerand that gif the saidis gudis war adjuegeit to be deliverit to him to fynd cautioun that the intromettouris tharwith salbe scaithles tharof at the handis of the said King Frederyk 1537 Reg. Privy S. II 336/2.
For non releving and keping of M. Alexander Turing … skaithles at the handis of Johne Bannavis … of certane caussis and pleyis betuix thame concernyng the assedatioun of the provestry of Methuen and soumes of money ressavit tharof 1564 Grant Chart. 130.
Skaythlis 1577 Reg. Privy C. II 651.
On na wayis will … keip the said Johnne … skyathles of his part of the said sowme 1580 Wemyss of Bogie MSS.
[To] keip skaythles the said George … of all damnage, enteres or skaytht that may be socht 1593 Grant Chart. 294.
To deffend and keepe the saidis tounes and lands … free and skeathles of all wards, releiffes [etc.] 1600 Edinb. B. Rec. V 268.
Actet … to … keip James Forman, merchant, harmeles and skaythles at the hands of Margaret Reid … of four elnes of serge of Florence 1621 Glasgow Weavers 67.
To warrand, releife, and skaytles keip the said William Kirkland of his becomeing catioun 1668 Galloway P. 20 March.
Skeathlese 1675 Edinb. B. Rec. X 230.
The counsell … obleiss them … to warrand freith releive and skathles keep the said … dean of gild … of the said band or oblidgement(3) 1491 Lennox Mun. 143.
That the said erle [etc.] … sall content and ples thar awn tenandis … and to kep the parteis skathlas befor the iustis and the law of satisfaccioun 1547–8 Stirling B. Rec. I 51.
The … counsall oblist thaim to warrand and keip skaithles the saidis Robert and Thomas and all otheris a1578 Pitsc. II 52/29.
Quhill the earle Bothwell come and was cautioun wpoun his faitht and honour that he sould keip him skaithles 1597 Crim. Trials II 20.
The saidis cautioneris obleist thame … to freyth, releif and keip skaythles vtheris pro rato for the fourt pairt of the said penaltie 1609 Skene Reg. Maj. i 15.
Quha … compeired nocht to releaue his borgh and keip him skeathles Ib. (Table) 61.
Skaithlesse(b) 1436 Ayr B. Ct. 26 Nov.
He is oblist to pay ilka ȝher to the prioris of Are & to kepe the toun schachles therfor 1452 Ib. 16 Oct.
Schaichles 1459–60 Ib. 14 March.