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A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)

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First published 2000 (DOST Vol. VIII).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

Send, v. Also: sende, seynd, sent, sen. P.t. and p.p. send(e, sand, sent. P.p. also sendin(g. Imperative also sent. [ME and e.m.E. sende(n (a1200), siende (c1290), sent, seind (both Cursor M.), seende (c1330), send (c1449), p.t. sende (c1175), sennde (Orm), sent (Layamon), sente (c1330) (also sendyd (a1370), seended (Wyclif)), p.p. sennd (Orm), i)send (Layamon), send, sent (both Cursor M.), sende (1455), OE sendan.]

1. To cause or occasion (a person, freq. a messenger, ambassador or delegate) to go; to dispatch or direct a person. a. To (into) a destination. b. Fra a source. c. For, in (also, with omission of the preposition) a purpose. d. To do, gar do, and do (something).Also const. in a message, embassat, etc.Also const. down.The Sir Eger quot. in b (1) has been read as ‘though I should (attempt to) send Fortune from one, i.e. escape my fate’, but the text is unreliable and may be corrupt.a. pres. a1400 Leg. S. xxxiv 361.
As medyatrice hyr [sc. St. Pelagia] wil I sende To God that mad sic ende Eftyr sa wikit begynnynge That we ma here mak sic endynge & of this lyfe that [etc.]
1561 Q. Kennedy Compendious Ressonyng (ed.) 160/28.
Ane potent prince beand of purpose to send his commissionaris and ambassatouris to ane vther realme
a1578 Pitsc. I 238/10.
Thay … desyred the king to send ane ambassadour to Ingland
1596 Dalr. I 148/4.
Quhairfor the Britonis in haist sendis legatis vnto the Scottis and Pechtis
p.t. 1375 Barb. v 196.
The Persy … lay lurkand … Tyll the men off Northummyrland Suld cum … For his saynd till thaim send he
1375 Barb. xiii 619.
The erle Patrik … gert ta A bate and send the king by se To Bawmburgh in his awn contre
1474 Treas. Acc. I 60.
To by claythis to the kingis litill lutare that he send to Bruges
a1500 Gol. & Gaw. 367.
Thai wyis … Sent ane saynd to the souerane sone
c1475 Wall. i 151.
Hys modyr fled with him fra Elrisle Till Gowry … The knycht hir fadyr thedyr he thaim sent Till his wncle that … In Gowry duelt
1525 Selkirk B. Ct. (ed.) 75.
Jhone of Murraye … depones … that James Haiste send hyme down to Thomas Hendersone
p.p. a1400 Leg. S. xviii 811.
For the gladschepe thu can haf, Quhen Gabriel to thé send vas
a1500 Gol. & Gaw. 137.
I am send to your self, ane charge for to say
c1475 Wall. i 203.
Wpon a day to Dunde he was send
1535 Stewart 55860. 1542 Acts II 411/2.
The instructionis to the imbassatouris
1549 Treas. Acc. IX 327.
To Alexander Forstar, send to the laird of Farnyhirst to caus tua servandis of his [etc.]
1580 Edinb. B. Rec. IV 178.
Thair wes sindry [supra clengeris] sendin to the said iland
1649 Lamont Diary 11.
Mr. George Wynram … was sent, with a comission to our king, now leyen at … Gernsey
1676 Cunningham Diary 81.
Sent into Pasley post with a letter to Edin., 4 s.
b. (1) c1420 Wynt. ii 1110.
Be thai taknys to be kend That thai ware off fer landis sende
1427–8 Acts II 15/1.
That the smal baronis … nede nocht to cum to parliamentis … swa that of ilk schirefdome thare be sende … twa … the quhilk salbe callit commissaris of the schire
1520 (c1580) Edinb. B. Rec. I 195.
George Gude, send fra my Lord Chancellar
a1578 Pitsc. I 138/22.
Ane Inglischeman … instructit … be the king with bullis and commissiounis as he had bene send frome the Pope of Rome
ellipt. a1500 Sir Eger 570.
Fortune will not then from you wend, Nor yet from me though I should send
(2) 1375 Barb. vi 183.
Ethiocles Fra his brother Polnices Wes send Thedeus in message
c1500-c1512 Dunb. (OUP) 108.
The said lordis cumyng to Edinburghe … send in ane ryght excellent embassat fra the said maist Crystin king
(3) c1420 Wynt. ii 1122.
And this thai said wes in thare intent That thame in message thiddyre sent
1478 Acts II 119/2.
To send certane lordis in ambassiate to the king of Ingland
c. c1420 Wynt. iv 453.
For mete thaire forreowrys thai send
c1460 Regim. Princ. 82 (Fairf.).
Bot in huntyn & in sornyng thai thé send
1622-6 Bisset II 248/12.
Bot gif the maister send theme any erand for the proffett of the schip [etc.]
d. (1) a1400 Leg. S. i 191.
Of discipulis with hym … He send twa at worthy ware … To prech [etc.]
a1400 Leg. S. ii 234.
Nero send twa knychttis to spere, Gywe ȝet wes sa slane Sanct Paule
1398 Slater Early Sc. Texts No. 40.
Bathe the kynges may sende their messangers to see them owere entrechaungeably
c1475 Wall. ii 81.
His emys serwand to buy him fysche was send
a1508 Kennedy Flyt. 448.
And I sall send the blak devill for to bak thé
1513 Doug. i ix 117.
Ene … Achates to the schippis send To schaw Ascaneus all fra end till end
1513 Doug. i x heading.
Quhou that Venus, all perrellis to seclude, Send Cupide in Ascaneus similitude
a1568 Bann. MS 261b/4.
At hame remanis the silly lairdis And sendis thair wyvis behind the ȝerdis … To forder thair eirandis
1609 Skene Reg. Maj. ii 21.
That essonȝie sall not be receaued … bot in presence of them quha are send to make the essonȝie
(b) 1518 Perth Hammermen 1.
Thair sall be na brether sending to wark that ane uther hes tane under hand to wirk
(2) c1475 Wall. x 41.
Sa tha sam folk he send to the dep furd Gert set the ground with scharp spykis off burd
(3) a1500 K. Hart 743.
Ȝouthheid and fresche Delyte, micht thai be brocht … Fayne wald I that ȝe send men and thame socht

e. To occasion a person to go to schule, where the destination incorporates the purpose for which the journey is undertaken.c1475 Wall. i 155.
In till Dunde Wallace to scule thai send

f. Without construction.?1438 Alex. ii 2815.
Porrus hes send ane squyer sone
c1450-2 Howlat 700 (A).
The soland stewart was sent
1490 Irland Mir. I 31/21.
And thai speire at me [sc. Moses] ȝour name that sendis me, quhat sall I say ore call ȝou?

g. Const. prep. phrs., specif. to dismiss, send away (horses) fra (one); to direct (someone) agayne (another) or out of his way.(1) 1375 Barb. x 383.
Thai … send haly thar hors thaim fra
(2) 1375 Barb. ix 154.
[Thai] send archeris thaim agayne That bykkyrryt thaim sa sturdely Till [etc.]
(3) 1659 Blairs P. 162.
In al it uil be six scor of ligs out of my uay he sent me

h. Const. furth, out (outwarde), bak, hame, freq. of armed men.(1) 1375 Barb. vii 554.
Then send thai furth … The woman that suld be thar spy
1375 Barb. ix 152, 154.
Thar archeris furth to thaim thai send To bykkyr thaim
1375 Barb. xix 783.
[Ten] thousand men … He has send furth with erllis twa … The ost in Werdale to releve
c1400 Troy-bk. i 33.
And furth he send hys legate sone
c1420 Wynt. i 410.
Than Noe fyrst send furth the rawyn Till get wyttyng
a1500 Gol. & Gaw. 47.
I rede we send furth ane saynd to yone ciete, And ask leif at the lord … That [etc.]
1639 Dumbarton B. Rec. 59.
To relieff the armet men sent furth of the burgh
(2) 1375 Barb. xix 333.
Than haf thai … send owt archerys a thowsand
1600-1610 Melvill 247.
He penned an excommunication and in a bischoplie maner send out a boy with ane or twa of his jakmen, and red the sam in the kirk
a1500 K. Hart 148.
The watcheis … tauld the king … It war speidfull sum folk ȝe outwarde sent … For battell byd thai
(3) 1375 Barb. viii 510.
The constabill & all the laiff … He tuk … And sent thaim hame
c1650 Spalding I 5.
The erll send thame all bak agane the get thay cam

2. To dispatch (an army, forces) for the purpose of making war.1375 Barb. v 482.
He sent till Ar him till assaill Schyr Ingrame [the Wmfrawill] … & with him a gret cumpany
c1420 Wynt. v 3243.
Than thai off Rome a legyowne sent
c1420 Wynt. ix 2997.
The duke hym that denyit … And said … Help nane wald he til hym send, Na his gud on hym dispend
1549 Lamb Resonyng 31/5.
And thaireftir … send Thomas, Duik of Norfok with xvm weirmen in Teviothdaill thair to birne the toun and abbay of Jedburgh

3. a. With reference to God's sending Christ as an instrument of His purposes, also, specif. with reference to His birth as a child.1456 Hay I 11/1.
The Sone of God … was send in erde for salvacioun of man
1456 Hay I 189/31.
The saynde of God, the quhilk was to be send fra the Fader of hevyn
1490 Irland Mir. I 125/20.
The persoune that wrocht our saluacioune was send fra the hie diuinite
1533 Gau 32/8.
The Sone of the Fader wesz send to wsz in the later dais and twik apone Hyme our natur
1567 G. Ball. 15.
Jesus, quhome I haif send My word to preiche
1567 G. Ball. 83.
Lat vs … pryse that mychtie King, Quhilk send His Sone of a Virgin bricht
a1568 Bann. MS I p. 6/7.
Asking of God … To send the sone that suld the warld redeme
c1600 Montg. Suppl. xxx 22.

b. With reference to the birth of a child more generally.a1568 Scott xxxvi 22.
By syn maternall I am send

4. To compel (a person, etc.) to go somewhere, to convey (un)to, till, (in(till)) a destination as a prisoner.Also const. doun.There may be some degree of compulsion involved in some of the examples in the senses above.1375 Barb. (1571) iv 52.
Thay … Out of the gyrth thame all hes tane And syne hes send thame euerilkane Richt in Ingland
1375 Barb. ix 760 (E).
The king … Send him to be in ferme keping
1375 Barb. xix 50.
Tharfor sone eftre he wes sent Till his pennance to Dunbertane
a1400 Leg. S. xlvi 124.
Thai his biding did … & send hyme Gresogone
1397 Acts I 208/1.
That he arrest sic a fugitiue mysdoer & send hym til hym agayn
c1400 Troy-bk. ii 1062.
Agamenone … Maid hyr to Pyrrus sone send be
c1420 Wynt. iv 1392.
Attyle Regule … Wes yholdyn and as presownere tane And to Cartage in presowne Wes send
a1500 Henr. Orph. 505.
Juno … send hym doun vnto the sisteris thre Apon thair quhele ay turnyt for tobe
a1561 Norvell Meroure 10b.
To death he drewe him neir And said these wordes … ‘Death, distroier of man … Send downe to the infernall pitt palude of hell obscure, against thé I conclude My newe decreit'
1561 Q. Kennedy Compendious Ressonyng (ed.) 180/1.
The alb signifeis the clayth quhairwith he was cled, send fra Herode to Pylate

b. To cause (a person), without other recourse, to appear before a judge.c1460 Regim. Princ. 195 (Marchm.).
Thi jugis … Abusis oft tyme thair jurisdiccioune … Syne quhen party complenyheis to the cron Thai send thaim to thair awn jugis agayn

c. To expel (an enemy) off a place.c1475 Wall. ii 348.
Off this regioune he sall the Sothroun send And Scotland … bryng to the pes

d. To send (a person) to his fadyre, to kill.c1420 Wynt. vi 2244.
Now sall thi tresowne here tak end For to thi fadyre I sall thé send

e. Esp. of God, to assign (a person's soul) to heaven or hell.a1500 Henr. Praise of Age 31.
That to His glore He may oure saulis send
1490 Irland Mir. III 73/9.
God refusis the euill … thingis and all creaturis of that condicioun and sendis thame to dampnacioun eternal
1540 Lynd. Sat. 4536 (B).
Vthir sawlis to saive it settis thame weill Syne sendis [Ch. sell] thair awin saule to the deill
a1570-86 Hudson Maitl. F. 448/10.
Thow … Mey sey his saull to lesting lyfe is send

5. To cause (a thing, also an animal) to be taken or transported to a person or place.1375 Barb. iii 747.
Euerilk day thai suld him seynd Wittalis
c1400 Troy-bk. i 99, etc. c1420 Wynt. iv 2213.
Hys fyngyre … and his hewyd alsua … he sent Till Julyus Cesare
14.. Burgh Laws c. 54 (A).
The thridpart [sc. of ale] sal be sende to the freris of the hospital
a1500 Henr. Fab. 442.
Ȝour father oft … hes … send me meit
a1500 Henr. Test. Cress. 583.
This royall ring … Quhilk Troylus in drowrie to me send
1488 Treas. Acc. I 91.
Sende with Schir John of Towris to offir for the king in Quhitherne, xviij s.
1499 Halyb. 250.
Send hame … with James Homyll, a gret mas
1520 Fife Sheriff Ct. 191.
He send the said scheip … to his syster brydale
1548 Treas. Acc. IX 271.
xij scanȝe of threid send to be lynnis at the making of the fort of Inneresk
c1552 Lynd. Mon. 4770. 1577 Waus Corr. 146.
Send me the rest of my siluer wyth the berar … I sall send the hors that ye send me hayme agayin
1609 Skene Reg. Maj. ii 12b.
And the flesch of the beast fund salbe send to the house and hospitall of the leaper folk
1664 Carstairs Lett. 108.
Send with the bearer a pair of … stockings

b. To dispatch a ship.1375 Barb. xiv 35.
Thai … send thar schippis hame ilkan
a1500 Gol. & Gaw. 251.
Scippis saland thame by, sexty and sevyn, To send … in seir cuntre
1614 Crim. Trials iii 305.
Yow shall send schippes to Norroway, for such thinges as yow mister

c. To export (goods).1449 Aberd. B. Rec. I 18.
Ilke merchande man that sendis gud to Bruges
1586 Edinb. Test. XV 348.
Send to Danskene twa hundretht four scoir thrie lams skynnis
1596 Dalr. I 16/25.
[Glasgow] sendes to the easte cuntreyes verie fatt kye

6. To dispatch a letter, writing, etc. (to, till, unto a person (also const. indirect object)) (fra (be) a source). Also const. back, furth, up.(1) 1375 Barb. i 595.
To … the Bruce send he Bydding to cum to that gadryng
a1400 Leg. S. iii 1030.
Sendis ȝe questione hym til!
c1420 Wynt. ii 1371.
Thare-off message he send … Tyll thame … duelland in Sythy
a1500 Henr. Test. Cress. 74.
Diomeid … send to hir ane lybell of repudie
a1508 Kennedy Flyt. 48.
Kennedy to thé this cedull sendis
1530 Aberd. B. Rec. I xxxvi.
We haue seen ane writin send be your lordschip to our provest … quhilk [etc.]
c1552 Lynd. Mon. 19.
I nott quhome to thy simpylnes to sende
1565–6 Reg. Privy C. I 429.
The rychtis, ressonis, and allegationis of the personis comperand being send, sene, and undirstand to the saidis lordis
1569-73 Bann. Memor. 195.
Thir ar the heidis send to the castle from the Queine of England
c1590 Fowler I 139/12.
I sends them [supra my songs] vnto your plesant hands agane
1643 T. Hope Diary 193.
And to close with his awin stamp the haill sent and directit on the bak to the Erl of Lanerk
1620 Calderwood VII 432.
The bishope … minassed me, that … he sould send up my name to the king's majestie
(2) 1375 Barb. viii 491.
Thai fand … A lettyr that him send a lady
1405 Slater Early Sc. Texts No. 59.
It hade bene fayrar for him to haffe sende me that querell in to wyrt vndir his selle
c1475 Wall. ix 288.
Leiff on your awin quhill tithandis I yow send
1578 Conv. Burghs I 60.
We haue send ȝow the extract of the pace betuix Emperour Charles and ws
(3) c1515 Asl. MS I 327/30.
The xij artikillis of the trouth send be the haly gast in the xij apostolis mouthis
c1550 Rolland Ct. Venus iv 222.
Venus heirand this pieteous petitioun Send fra the syse
a1568 Scott i 223.
This dull indyte … Send be thy sempill servand Sanderris Scott
1569-73 Bann. Memor. 195 (see (1) above). 1654 Aberd. Eccl. Rec. 230.
A paper … wherein so many brethren be south us hade hade speciall hand, and which was send from them
(4) c1460 Regim. Princ. 271 (Fairf.).
Thou changis thin entent Sendand a contre letter
1549 Lamb Resonyng 35/14 (see sense 7 (2) below). 1560 Rolland Seven S. 5555.
The King of Vngarie Send his message with schippis throw the sie
a1500 Henr. Fab. 1152.
Ane fraudfull volff wes iuge … and bure … jurisdictioun And on the scheip send furth ane strait summoun
1609 Acts IV 422/1.
Faill nocht … to send back agane this letter … that I may sie it distroyit

b. To send (a person, etc.) word. Also const. in.1375 Barb. i 145.
And syne till Scotland word send he That thai suld mak ane assemble
1375 Barb. iii 421.
Thai send thar-off word to the king
1401 MacRae Early Sc. Texts No. 8.
Send vs word & we sal late hym wit & gif it langis ansuer we sal ger send it yhu
c1420 Wynt. vii 3218.
To the kyng … Off Ingland thai send spedyly Word off this
c1420 Wynt. ix 2991.
He … Hasty word send til his bruthire
c1400 Troy-bk. i 317.
Thai come to the kingis palais And … send in word that thai war thare

c. With the message expressed by a noun clause.?1438 Alex. ii 489.
And to ȝour cousingis hes he send That, or four dayis be cumming to end, Before the wallis we sall him se
c1475 Wall. i 51.
To Parys than and in Ingland thai send Of this gret striff how thai suld haif ane end

7. absol. To send a message or messenger. a. To send to do (something), to send and (nor) do (something), to initiate or make provision for carrying out an action, etc., usu. with some implication of distance from the event.(1) 1375 Barb. xiv 467.
Apon the morne thai send to spy Quhar Scottis-men had tane herbery
1375 Barb. xix 199.
The king send oft till ask redres Bot nocht off it redressyt wes
a1400 Leg. S. xxxi 322.
Scho … to the abbot … Send to tel quhou scho wes seke
1456 Hay I 178/29 (see 8 a below). 1460 Hay Alex. 497.
He send to him to speir Gif [etc.]
(2) 1375 Barb. xiv 8.
He send and had tretyng With [Irschery]
1456 Hay I 114/27.
And alssua suld he send and se that na knychtis … suld byde behynd in castellis na fortressis
1460 Hay Alex. 2889.
Alsa sone as Alexander that seis He send and sesit all thai schipis hale
1549 Lamb Resonyng 35/21.
Ȝour kyng send ane familiar message and desyrit oure kyng his vncle to appunct a meting. … Nebour … oure kyng neuer send nor desyrit sic meting
1590 Aberd. Council Lett. I 51.
We charge yow that ye lauchfullie send warne and charge the saids [men] … to compeir befoir us
1662 Decis. Lords G. 37.
That the defender should have immediatly after his receipt thereof [sc. unsatisfactory goods], sent and intimat the same to the pursuer

b. To send about (one), to make inquiries regarding, to search for (something).1375 Barb. ii 176.
The lord the Bruce to Glaskow raid, & send about him quhill he haid Off his freyndis a gret menȝhe

c. To send out throw the land, to cause (something) to be searched for and fetched.c1550 Lynd. Meldrum 359.
Than send the lord out throw the land, And gat ane hundreth hors fra hand

d. To send to (someone), to make contact with (someone), to make a request, seek or give information, etc.1375 Barb. ii 302.
Till thaim wtouth send thai sone And bad thaim herbery thaim that nycht
1375 Barb. xvii 770.
To Mary ȝate and to the wall He send
a1400 Leg. S. vii 521. 1460 Hay Alex. 2926.
Me think it best that first ȝe sent Till Alexander that he wald nocht him greif
1570–1 Crosraguel Chart. II 7.
The Laird of Barganies … sand to the court and reased letters of delyverance
1625 Garden Kings 19.
To witches then and sorcerers he send, Who could be cunning … tell How [etc.]

e. To send about (someone) to inquire concerning (a person).a1500 Prestis of Peblis 1030.
This he did send about this rich man, And sent to him his officer … Thus but delay befoir him to compeir … and giue reckning of all
a1538 Abell 18a.
Send about him and gife he cummis in armour thow sall se at it is trew at we sa

8. To send eftir. a. To send a message to (a person) about something, also const. to do (something). Passing into b. To send a message of summons to, to summon (a person). c. To seek (and acquire) something (for (to) a purpose).a. 1375 Barb. ix 115.
He sent eftre his men in by And assemblyt a gret company
?1438 Alex. ii 2813.
Send efter thy brether thre And byd thame cum and speke with me
1456 Hay I 178/29.
Gif a man hechtis till his maister to pas with him to the haly grave, and, quhen he is redy, sendis efter hym to pas to the schip
b. a1500 Rauf C. 251.
Baith the king and the quene meitis in Paris … for scho is efter send
a1500 Rauf C. 967.
His wyfe wald he nocht forȝet … He send efter that hende
a1500 Seven S. 1195.
Eftire ane medicinare than he send
c. 1375 Barb. xviii 380.
Efter his consaill has he send And askyt quhat wes best to do
?14.. Ship Laws c. 13 (B).
Gyf the maystyr sendis eftyr drynk to the schyp

9. To send for, to summon (a person); to have (a thing) fetched. Cf. sense 8 above. Also const. to (a place).(1) 1375 Barb. xvii 234.
The gud stewart off Scotland then Send for his frendis
c1420 Wynt. ii 415.
To se hys sone that for hym sende
c1475 Wall. i 118.
For Jhon the Balȝoune to Munros than he send
a1500 Colk. Sow ii 110.
Than he send for his fair lady trew
a1500 Seven S. 1306.
For my son send me now
1492 Myll Spect. 295/20.
Efterwart … scho send secretly for this bischepe
1540 Lynd. Sat. 2536.
Quhat is the caus ȝe send for me?
1551 Hamilton Cat. 230.
Sent for the preist that is the curat, require of him … to minister to thé this haly sacrament
1560 Rolland Seven S. 80, etc. 1558-66 Knox II 403.
That Johne Knox wes send for be the quene
1624 Linlithgow B. Rec. 7 May.
He was charged he came to the said baillies hous not send for
c1650 Spalding I 220.
Why the nobles and vtheris whiche he send for in particular cam not
(2) 1447 (1451) Reg. Great S. 106/2.
Gif it happinis the saide lady to sende for hir male at the termes forsaide
1543 (c1580) Edinb. B. Rec. II 112.
That all nichtboures in tyme cumming sendand for wyne to ony taverne [etc.]
1613 Edinb. B. Rec. VI 105.
The wairdouris … compellit everie intrant wairdour at his entrie to send for drynk to thame
1616 M. Works Acc. (ed.) II 1.
For sending for maissouns, sending for out of sindrie partis and lykwayis to thame for thair chairgis quhen they come
(b) 1581 Sat. P. xliv 121.
Sen for loun Villox to be ȝour crounal strang

10. Of God, etc. To grant, ordain, cause to happen; also, to send down (to earth).Also const. indirect object.(1) ?1438 Alex. ii 3464.
Quhidder God sendis cheif or myscheif
c1420 Wynt. vii 225. c1450-2 Howlat 7 (A).
So soft was the sessoun our Souerane dovne sent
a1500 Gol. & Gaw. 4.
To seik our the sey … The syre that sendis all seill
a1500 Henr. Robene & M. 37.
Sen God sendis bute for baill
a1500 Henr. Prayer 71 (Bann.). 1490 Irland Mir. I 97/12.
The waurld was full of syn, sua that God send the gret flude
1549 Compl. 104/25.
Fra tyme that God sendis tranquilite amang princis
1600-1610 Melvill 253.
The Lord … send, about the sune going to, a thik ear from the south-east
1651 Sel. Biog. I 261.
He will send sometymes amongst us land-floods that will fill the breadth of Emmanuell's land
ellipt. 1375 Barb. xx 160.
Off all this liff the commoun end That is [the] dede quhen God will send
proverb. a1598 Ferg. Prov. No. 297.
God sends meat, and the devil sends cookes
(2) 1375 Barb. i 450.
Bot syne our Lord sic grace thaim sent That [etc.]
?1438 Alex. ii 3121.
And alsua God hes send vs heir The best that euer armes may bere
1456 Hay I 7/20. c1460 Consail Vys Man 37.
Till gud paciens gud grace is send
a1500 Henr. Fab. 1315.
Thow sendis vs troubill and plaigis soir
c1475 Wall. iii 220.
Off stuff and wyne that God had to thaim sent
c1490 Irland Asl. MS 45/4.
God … be the acces we haue to him be prayer … sendis and gevis ws all our misteris
c1500-c1512 Dunb. (OUP) 18/94.
Off the sevin giftis the Haly Gaist me sent
c1500-c1512 Dunb. (STS) lxx 15. 1513 Doug. x i 111.
Quhat curs and went at fortoun lyst hym sent
1567 Sat. P. v 2. a1568 Bann. MS 69b/38.
Ay be content quhat evir God sendis ȝow till
1585 Edinb. Test. XIV 246.
Gif scho kepis hir bodie frome huredome quhill God send hir ane husband
(b) 1554 Duncan Laideus Test. 166.
Sa fair ane barne tyme God hes him sendin

b. To inflict (punishment, etc.) on (a person).c1490 Irland Asl. MS 25/30.
All truble flagellacoun and castigacioun in thi body thi barnis thi gud that God sendis on thé
1549 Compl. 80/18.
The … historiographours … makis manifest of the miserabil ruynis that God sendis on vrangus conquestours
1549 Compl. 122/14.
There is diuerse vthirs exemplis of the myscheif that God sendis on conspiratours

c. In the phrase God (Jupiter, Sanct Salvatour) send, would that (God, etc.) would grant or ordain, may God grant, etc.Const. noun clause, noun and infinitive, noun phrase.In (1) below, only the reduced form sen appears to occur.(1) a1500 Henr. Fab. 556.
God sen That I and thow wer fairlie in my den
a1500 Henr. Bludy Serk 69.
God sen my lyfe wer fra me tone Or I had sene ȝone sicht
a1500 Prestis of Peblis 937.
‘God!’ quod the king, ‘sen my fortoun had bene. Sen sho I had thir nichts thrie war queene’
a1500 Prestis of Peblis 1001.
And God sen sik examples ay wer sene To ilk ane king
1513 Doug. viii ix 39.
O sen omnipotent Hie Jupiter my ȝyng ȝheris by went Wald me restor
1540 Lynd. Sat. Proclam. 255.
God sen I had ane hoill till hyd me
c1550 Lynd. Meldrum 911.
I pray God sen scho knew my mynd, How, for hir saik, I am sa pynd
(2) a1500 Seven S. 1768.
God send ȝow grace to dreme at eis
c1500-c1512 Dunb. Tua Mar. W. 248.
God … send me sentence to say
a1570-86 Maitland Maitl. F. 27/81.
God send the commounis will to wirk
(3) c1500-c1512 Dunb. (OUP) 69/18.
God … send thé many Fraunce crownes
c1500-c1512 Dunb. (OUP) 69/1.
Sanct Salvatour send silver sorrow
a1628 Carmichael Prov. No. 582.
God send na war, quo the wyfe said [sic], quhen the kill was on fyre
1685 Sinclair Satan's Inv. World 219.
God send me mair silver, amen

11. a. To discharge, fire (a missile). b. To direct or deliver (a blow).a. 1375 Barb. x 478.
Thai without him send Arowys in sa gret quantite That [etc.]
b. ?1438 Alex. ii 1700.
With arme all straucht great strakes he sent

12. To emit, radiate, give out (light or heat). Also fig.1456 Hay II 143/24.
It had a grete fournas … bot the mouth of it suld be frawart the place of the stove to send the lowe fra the stove
a1500 Lanc. 6.
The brycht & fresch illumynare … his goldine stremis sent wpone the grond
1567 G. Ball. 145.
God … is the Morning Star, His bemis send He hes out far Beȝond vther sternis all

13. To direct (a look).?1438 Alex. ii 2567.
Of amours lukes richt ampill sent And of sichis distrenȝement

b. fig. or fig. context. To direct one's attention (to a person).?1438 Alex. ii 2419.
And in my thocht I send hir baith The ene of my hart [F. Et les iex de mon cuer en pensant li envoie]

