A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
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First published 2001 (DOST Vol. IX).
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Slicht, n. Also: slichte, slycht, slight, slyght, (slytht), sleicht. [ME and e.m.E. slight (Cursor M.), slyȝt (14th c.); sleþþe, sleahþe (both Layamon), sl(e)iþe (Trevisa), slythe (a1400), sleythe (Prompt. Parv.); sleyte, sleyghte (both Manning), sleight (c1400), ON slœ́gð; Sle adj.]Rare in record material.
1. Cunning; craftiness intended to deceive; wiliness; deceitfulness; subtlety. b. specif. As a technique of warfare: Guile, trickery, strategy as opposed to strength or force. Chiefly deprecatory.Also be (by), with, but, of, in, throw, wndyr slicht, by means of, employing or as a result of cunning, etc.; cunningly, feignedly; as a ruse.Also be (by) micht (slicht) or (and) (be) slicht (micht).There is considerable ambiguity between senses 1 and 2.(1) c1400 Troy-bk. ii 364 (D).
Thoas … all the nycht To the sawes and to the slyght Of [pr. But] Anthenor resisted c1420 Ratis R. 1505.
Spak thar twng vnrycht As scharp rasour thow dyd ill slycht, Thow lufyt malice c1460 Consail Vys Man 168.
Couer neuir thi hecht wyth slycht 1513 Doug. ii ii 72.
Grathit hys wapynnys of slycht and fals dissait 1513 Doug. ii iii 16.
Grekis art and slycht 1513 Doug. xi x 84.
A valle … Ganand for slycht till enbusch armyt men 1513 Doug. xi xiii 120.
Stalwart in stour, So lang as fatis sufferit hym in fycht To excers prettykis, iuperty or slycht 1513 Doug. xi xiii 154.
Thy slycht and wylis sal thé nocht beir away 1531 Bell. Boece (M) I 42.
Britonis … said the samyn [sc. an incursion] was done be Scottis … . Nochttheles the ground of this detestabill slycht was so examinatt … that [etc.] 1533 Bell. Livy I 66/19.
We faucht nocht alanerlie with oure inemyis, bot als with maist tressonabil slicht and falset of oure nychtbouris & freyndis 1558 Q. Kennedy Tractive 167.
The simpyl peple, quha is not hable to explore and espy this thair wyckit craft and slycht Arundel MS 274/22.
The saikles Lorde that slane was for thi slycht 1560 Rolland Seven S. 2668.
Now schirs persaue hir slicht and subteltie Quhen he sleipit scho staill away the kie 1558-66 Knox I 382.
The craft and slycht of our adversaries, tending all maner of wayis to circumvene us(b) 1460 Hay Alex. 259.
[He] haitit euir desait falset and sleichtpersonified c1420 Wynt. i 1637.
Wpe ras falshede swyk and gyle Slycht mycht and ill qweyntys(2) c1500-50 Brevis Cronica 332.
He was slayne be slycht of Donald 1560 Rolland Seven S. 2199.
This ȝour sone dois be his science and slicht, That he may bruke baith ȝour impyre and croun(3) 1375 Barb. ii 324.
Ȝone folk all throw sutelte Schapis thaim to do with slycht That at thai drede to do with mycht c1400 Troy-bk. ii 1468 (D).
He … vmbethocht him how he mycht, Be ony cullour or be slicht [C. slyght] That he Anthenor mycht gar be … bannist c1420 Wynt. ii 1279.
Scho pressyd to [pleysse] hym wytht all slycht a1500 Henr. Fab. 1297 (Bann.).
Luk how I am be frawd maistry and slycht Pelit full bair c1475 Wall. ii 284.
In presence ay scho wepyt wndyr slycht 1490 Irland Mir. I 114/7.
The innemeis of the cite in gret force and slicht come to clyme the wallis 1531 Bell. Boece I xxxix.
Thir bullis wer sa wild that thay wer nevir tane but slicht and crafty laubour 1533 Boece 594b.
Quhan the cart was entering throw myddis the porte be slicht the extre sleppit c1550 Rolland Ct. Venus iii 29.
The hair … Fra hir father throw slicht scho depilat 1571 J. Maitland Sat. P. xxvii 88.
Be craftye way, will, and inventioun, And subtill slycht, thay will seik to subiect ws a1578 Pitsc. I 40/10.
They could nocht reprowe his tyrannie be strength or might and thairfoir wrait plessant writtingis purposing to cut him of by slyght, subtilltie and craft 1602 Cal. Sc. P. XIII 945.
[They will … make onset by] slycht [and to] gaird [them with woods and mountains](4) 1467 Anal. Scot. I 380.
The said Lord Forbes and his pairty sall dyffende thaim at all thair gudly power, baith be slyght and be mycht 1572 Cal. Sc. P. IV 377.
Thay will spare nathing outher be micht or slicht to com be it 1595 Cal. Sc. P. XI 653.
[If the King come to Edinburgh they think either by] slicht or mycht [to persuade him against Mar] 1619 Elgin Rec. II 161.
I sall hawe a mendis of the ather by slicht or be micht Urquhart Jewel 212.
Who by hook and crook … slight and might, having feathered their neste to some purpose
c. The cunning or deceit of Satan.Some examples may belong in 2 b. a1400 Leg. S. xxix 249.
With all his falset & his [sc. the Devil's] slycht a1400 Leg. S. xxx 6.
He [sc. Satan] haf mycht Thru Godis tholyne & gret slycht 1513 Doug. xi Prol. 91.
Resist the fendis slycht with all thy fors 1567 G. Ball. 10.
To saue vs … Fra Sathanis subteltie and slycht 1563 Ferg. Tracts 24.
The slight and desait of Sathan … for to misreule and disturb the trew Kirk
2. Knowledge, wisdom; cleverness; ability, skill. Also const. to do (something). b. specif. In sorcery. c. Const. of the skill, etc. involved; also, specif., slight of hand.(1) a1400 Leg. S. xi 78.
For ocht that he do mycht To portra it [sc. Christ's face] he had na slicht a1400 Leg. S. xxvii 370.
Of al that wit he [sc. Solomon] gat the slycht, Thru theching of the haly gast a1400 Leg. S. l 512.
Thar was na[n] sa wis that mycht, That madine ȝong haffand sic slycht … that ne he Suld with gud resone vincust be ?1438 Alex. ii 3709.
The listis of gold war … Subtyle wrocht with ane engyne … The ches of sapheris [etc.] … Pigmeus thame maid with slicht ?1438 Alex. ii 10082.
Porrus … set in intent baith strenth and mycht With all his thocht and all his slicht Body and hart curage and will His outraieous vow for to fulfill c1400 Troy-bk. i 404.
In the science [sc. Mathematics] scho had sic slytht That throw the science & the myght Of hyre exorzizaciouns And enchauntyt coniuraciouns Scho couth turne in-to myrknes light c1420 Ratis R. 520.
Sympill trewth is mar of mycht Than is al sciens of al slycht c1420 Wynt. ii 1332.
Dedalus than, wytht hys slycht … maide twa Feytheramys c1420 Wynt. v 4084.
Ony man gyff that he mycht Rays be powere or be slycht Fra dede to lywe c1420 Wynt. v 5670.
Machomete … was a man off mekill slycht c1420 Wynt. viii 896.
Ken yhe noucht Robert the Brwsis mycht, Hys wyt, his manhed, and his slycht c1500-c1512 Dunb. (OUP) 104/18.
Natur micht rejois That so the kervit withe all hir curiys slicht 1526 Douglas Corr. 115.
Suld be takin and betrasit be … the Duke of Albany [etc.] … and it ly in thare power or slicht 1533 Boece 267.
Vincust at the first cownter, thay had fled, gif Hengist be his slicht and prattik, had nocht … warnit … fresche men … to be reddy 1560 Rolland Seven S. 3865.
Gif … Perfite cunning with gude science or slicht, Subtell ingine, airt or experience, Micht help my sicht [etc.] 1630-1651 Gordon Geneal. Hist. 140.
James Earle of Morray … did crose that mariage with all his might and slight 1590-1 R. Bruce Serm. 293.
Beasts of prey, hunted by dogs or slight of the hunter 1581-1623 James VI Poems I 207/51.
Her [sc. a town's] grounde is maide by slicht, Strong timmer proppis dung in the sea do bear hir up by airtproverb. a1628 Carmichael Prov. No. 1563.
There is slicht in growel making(2) 1375 Barb. x 334.
Thai maid ane constable thaim to lede Bath wys & war & wycht off deid, And he set wyt & strenth and slycht To kep the castell a1400 Leg. S. Prol. 113.
Thai had haile poware and slycht To confownde the fend 1513 Doug. iii Prol. 8.
Thy strange wentis to write God grant me slycht 1528 Lynd. Dreme 439.
For to discryue his diadame royall … I leif to poetis because I haue no slycht a1568 Scott iv 69.
Sum … madynis … Ar chappit vp with chyld … Sua sum … hes slicht To play and tak no paneb. 1375 Barb. iv 757 (E).
Phitones that … Raysyt throw hyr mekill slycht Samuelis spyrite a1400 Leg. S. x 208.
Thai na mycht Hyme rase be thare fals slycht a1400 Leg. S. xxxii 462.
Quhare is ȝoure poware & ȝoure slicht That ȝe cane nocht a maydine ȝyng … on me to bryng? c1420 Wynt. vi 1740.
Dame Em, … Be slycht gert cast this jwperty 1535 Stewart 31387.
Richt subtillie with grit sorcerie and slycht … scho slew him 1567 G. Ball. 173.
Puttand thair hope … In warkis, inuentit with the slycht Of Sathan 1567 Sat. P. iii 167.
Quha brint was in ane garment wrocht be slycht Off Medea throw incantation 1590 Crim. Trials I ii 208.
Thow art indytit for ane commoun theif, quhilk thow vsis be inchantment and slicht of the Diuill a1605 Montg. Misc. P. xxxii 23.
Men mettall tryis by sey, and not by slight; For ȝe man grant all is not gold that gleitsc. (1) 1375 Barb. iv 724.
How that thai, throu … slicht of astrology [Couth] tell [etc.] a1400 Leg. S. xxvii 664.
We haf mycht Of body & of science slycht a1400 Leg. S. xxxii 449.
He [sc. the Devil] wald sere fourmys ta … of the slicht Of his falshed a1568 Bell. Bann. MS 1b/36.
Than said Veretie Thy word … is permanent Withowttin slicht of ony argument(2) 1639 Baillie I 115.
The subscryveing of the King's Covenant by the Counsell was so cunninglie turned, by slight of hand, that it became the soveraigne ingyne to overturne Episcopacie 1685 Sinclair Satan's Inv. World p. A7B.
Sorcerers were onely men, that used … slight of hand
3. An instance of 1 or 2 above: A cunning, deceitful or clever action; a trick; freq., a stratagem.Also, once, pl. without inflection.sing. (1) 1375 Barb. x 524.
To wyn the wall of the castell Throw sumkyn slycht for he wyst weill That na strenth mycht it … get 1375 Barb. xvi 84.
He … vmbethoucht him of a slicht ?1438 Alex. ii 3588.
Ane fare maistre … That kend him with ane souerane slycht For to knaw the points all That [etc.] a1500 Henr. Fab. 471.
Ȝe ar ȝour fatheris sone … Bot off his cunning ȝit ȝe want ane slicht c1475 Wall. vi 188.
This fair woman did besines … The Inglis men to tary with a slycht 1513 Doug. ii ii 120.
The cruel wraik of that dissaitful slycht 1513 Doug. vii vi 104.
A mar myschefe forto controve and slycht 1531 Bell. Boece II 261.
Makbeth … devisit ane subtell slicht, to bring all misdoaris … to his justice 1596 Dalr. I 295/19.
To bring the mater about be sum slichte and quyet craft a1605 Montg. Sonn. lix 6.
Lovers, … attrapit with so sueet a slicht c1650 Spalding I 157.
The Kingis houss wes takin in be the covenanteris by ane prettie slicht c1650 Spalding I 363.
Pure ones pvrssis, wes daylie pykit be one slicht or vther, … for mantenans of this good causs c1650 Spalding II 300.
His brother wes also wardit, bot wan away be ane slicht(2) 1572-5 Diurn. Occurr. 239.
[They] inventit ane slicht of weir, to be done and aduenturit be thamepl. a1400 Leg. S. xxv 571.
With slichtis & with gret gyle Sa has he wrocht a1400 Leg. S. xxxii 149.
Be my slichtis gude I wes cause of Noese flude 1456 Hay I 188/36.
To begyle Cristyn folk, and to wyn fra thame with slichtis thair gold a1500 Henr. III 110/10.
Fals is this warld … Besocht with syn and vthir slichtis 1513 Doug. v x 79.
The hows in Creyt, Hait Laborynthus … Had wrynkillyt wallys, a thousand slychtis wrocht Forto dissaue al onkouth tharin brocht 1531 Bell. Boece I 12.
To invade thaim erar with fraudefull slichtis, than ony force of battall 1531 Bell. Boece I 40.
He … with hid slichtis … hes slane … the nobillis 1531 Bell. Boece I 56.
He began to turne his … mind to falset and slichtis 1531 Bell. Boece I 203.
To schaw the wounderful slichtis and operatioun of this wiche c1550 Rolland Ct. Venus iii 45.
Pandora sle That with hir slichts al men dois vincous 1560 Rolland Seven S. 5134.
Be our ingine, our dreamis and our slichtis Within few ȝeiris we mark to mend ȝour michtis a1570-86 Maitl. F. 286/53.
Gif ȝe be seik sum slychtis ar suspectit a1570-86 Maitl. F. 287/59.
Gif ȝe be wyis … Cwnning thai call vncwmlie for ȝour kynd And sayis it is bot slychtis a1578 Pitsc. I 138/14.
Behald the quyit and wontit slyghtis of England c1650 P. Gordon Brit. Dist. 86.
But the highlanders, in generall, ar a subtill and craftie people, full of slightes and policie 1691 Kirk Secr. Commonw. (1933) 72.
If any superterraneans be so subtile, as to practise slights for procuring [etc.] — 1513 Doug. xi viii 70.
That is controvar of mony wykkyt slycht(b) c1600 Montg. Suppl. v 28.
For all the wyllis thow can deways Thai sleichtis sell neuir subgek me
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"Slicht n.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 22 Dec 2024 <http://www.dsl.ac.uk/entry/dost/slicht_n>