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A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)

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First published 2001 (DOST Vol. IX).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

Solem(p)nité, -tie, n. Also: solemnyté, -eté, -ity, solempnitee, -yté, -tie, sollemnité, sollempnitie, solempntye, solennite, -tie. [ME and e.m.E. solempnete (c1290), solempnite (Cursor M.), solempnyte (Rolle), solemnete (14th c.), solemnitie (1553), also solen(n)ite (c1400), solennitye (1595), -tie (1647), OF sollempnité, solennité (early 12th c. in Larousse), L. sol(l)emnitas a solemnity, festival, celebration; a usage, formality.]

1. Ceremony, ceremoniousness, special formality, esp. on some important occasion. a. With (in) (gret, etc.) solemnité. Also (once) const. of. Also, an instance of this.(1) 1375 Barb. xix 223.
Thar, with gret solempnite And with gret dule, entyrit wes he
1375 Barb. xx 91.
The weddyn haf thai makyt thar With gret fest and solempnyte
a1400 Leg. S. xxix 941.
With solempnite Til het with hyme in-[to] his hal
c1400 Troy-bk. i 384.
That hys fest suld be Maid with the mare solempnyte, To glad hys new ghestez
c1420 Wynt. v 2586.
In tyll a towmbe … Gert hys body beryd be, Wytht festywalle solempnyte
c1420 Wynt. viii 6864, etc.
1560 Rolland Seven S. 7619, etc. 1558-66 Knox II 291.
For upoun Allhallow day thai blended up thair messe with all myscheivous solempnitie
1603 Aberd. B. Rec. II 242.
Merchmont hereald, … being clothit with his cott of armes, with all solempnitie requisit
(b) a1582 Sir Colling 206.
(2) c1400 Troy-bk. ii 1415 (D).
And of Gregeois all the gretest Of all the oist and worthyest And [? = in] richt mekile solempnite [L. in magna solempnitate] Till one fest called has he
1513 Doug. xiii vii 21.
The Latyn citeȝanys … with gret lawd, in mych solempnyte … has ressauyt Enee
(3) a1578 Pitsc. I 381/25.
With gret solempnitie of mariaige
(4) 1573-1600 Burne Disput. in Cath. Tr. 152/30.
Beze … pronuncis this sentence vith ane greit solennitie and aith saying, ‘I tak God to vitnes and his angellis [etc.]’
1596 Dalr. II 339/6.
He … now entirit with a gret pompe and solennitie

b. In general use. 1456 Hay II 50/15.
Jakkis war ordanit to knychtis, thai tymes of ȝeris that war of grete solempnitee
1531 Bell. Boece II 298.
He past, nochtwithstanding the solempnite of this day, to his hountis
1533 Bell. Livy II 163/5.
It was als contrarius to the religioun of this feist that ony of thame that war lowsit be solempnite thareof suld be put agane in bandis, les than thai committit sum new cryme

2. A ceremonial, celebratory or ritual occasion. a. A religious ceremony, rite or sacrament. Also const. of. Also, in writs and charters, in the formula with(in) the (time of the) solemnite of the hie mes(is).(1) c1420 Wynt. vii 1606.
And all the lawe suspendyt he, That was at that solempnyte [sc. the coronation]
1500 Rankin St. A. Ch. 128.
The said chaplanis to convene dayly within the said queyr to do devyne service … with noyt dayly to be doyn efter the solemnite of the tym
1533 Bell. Livy I 24/23.
Thir sacrificis onely ressauit Romulus of all the vtheris solemniteis quhilkis war that tyme accustumyt in the warld
1537 Lynd. Depl. Magd. 132.
All thare greit solace and solempniteis Thow turnit in till dulefull dirigeis
1551 Cupar B. Rec. 1 June.
The said Jhone to do all seruice in the kyrk … that is to say to play on the organis syng in the queir [etc.] … wyth uthiris solempnites as efferis
1570 Leslie 265.
Thair was … gret magnifique solempniteis used in the kirke
(2) 1568 Hosack Mary Q. of Scots I 531.
The kingis freindis resortit to Streuiling during the solempnytie of the baptysme
(3) 1465 Wemyss Chart. 88.
To the resait of the said sowm and ourgiffyn of the said landis … apon a Sondai wytht the solemnite of the hee mes don in the said Cathedrale kirk
1476–7 Charter (Reg. H.) No. 460.
Our gevin of the said annuail rent vpon a Sonday within the solemnyte of the hee mesis done in the said parisch kirk
1486–7 Crown Office Writs (Reg. H.) No. 75.
[In the said parish kirk] within the tym of the solemnite of the hee mes
1494 Charter (Reg. H.) No. 583.
The said Petir … warnyng me … lauchfully to the ressate of the same sovme … apon ane Sonday within the solempnite of the hee mesis
1502 Charter (Reg. H.) No. 657.
Vpon a feistwell day wythin the solemnite of the he mes

b. An annual religious festival or feast-day. Also const. of.(1) a1400 Leg. S. vii 307.
Jhesu … In til a gret solempnyte [sc. the Feast of Tabernacles] Sudandly this cryit he
a1400 Leg. S. x 22.
Mathew, of quham we Makis euire ȝere solempnyte
1533 Boece 601b.
This solempnitie was commonlie nemmyt Brynt Candilmes to the posterite
1562-3 Winȝet I 28/30, 31.
Quhow the Jowis by the solenniteis of thai dayis gefin tham afore in the scriptur institute ane ȝeirly solennitie to glorifie God for … deliuering … thaim fra … Holofernes
1562-3 Winȝet I 29/14.
The fest of the Dedication callit Encenia, … quhilk solennitie wes approuin and decorit be our Saluiours awin presence
(2) 1533 Boece 550.
This victorie … fell apoun the solempnite of the Magdalen
1535 Stewart 26448.
Within the grit solempnitie of Pace
1562-3 Winȝet I 2/19.
For the obseruatioun of the glaid solemniteis off the blyssit Natiuitie, Circumcisioun [etc.]
1562-3 Winȝet I 26/29.
For the celebratioun of the solennitie off Pasche
1562-3 Winȝet I 115/26.
Quhy abolise ȝe the solenniteis of the saidis days with siklyke … as ȝuil-day, circumcisioun, epiphanie

c. A celebration of some secular event; a secular ritual or ceremony. Const. of and for (the cause of celebration).(1) 1537 Lynd. Depl. Magd. 174.
Bot all this greit solempnite and gam Turnit thow hes in requiem æternam
1605–6 Misc. Spald. C. V 80.
For ringing the commond bell at the twa solempniteis
c1646 Craufurd Edinb. Univ. fol. 64.
An beddell also was appoynted to cary an mace of silver before the rector at all solemnities
1663 Inverness Rec. II 215.
[King Charles II] quhaes arivall … ingadgest them to the better incurradgment in the said solemnitie
1668 Stirling Common Good 44.
After the magistratis went through the toune 29th May … To the drummer for the proclamation anent the keiping the solemnity
1671 Edinb. B. Rec. X 103.
Rydeing of parliaments and other publict solemnities of the kingdome
(2) 1624–5 Misc. Spald. C. V 100.
Spent the day of solemnitie of the quenis arrivell
(3) 1605–6 Misc. Spald. C. V 80.
For wyne, confectionis [etc.] … at the solempnitie for his majesties delyuerie fra Gowrye
1666 Edinb. B. Rec. X 16.
Capitan Bell and Capitan Murray [are] to attend the solemnity for his Maiestie
1688 Haddington B. Rec. (Robb) 20 June.
Ane accompt dew by the toun … for wyne and glasses at the solemnitie for the Prince his birth

d. A cause for celebration or rejoicing. Arundel MS 287/266.
Haill Mary, quhais natiuite Wes till oure gret solempnite

e. An instance of formality or ceremoniousness in dress, behaviour, accoutrements, etc. 1610 Bk. Old Edinb. C. XIV 40.
We and the haill bodeis of ilkane of oure saidis callings sall cum to utheris burialles with all solempneteis requisite

f. To do or mak (a) solemnité, in various of the above senses.(1) c1420 Wynt. v 1514.
We appruwe that solempnyte [sc. Easter] Ilka yhere to be done ay … on the Sownday
1533 Boece 322b.
Pape Boniface … decreting … solempnite suld be done in the sammyn rowme … in the kalendis of Nouember ȝerelie to the honoure of Criste [etc.]
1570 Leslie 175.
Shortlie eftir the solempnitie [sc. the coronation of Mary Queen of Scots] wes done
1596 Dalr. II 380/21.
Aprile the xviiij the solemnitie of the mariage … was done publiklie in Paris
(2) 1456 Hay II 43/30.
[To] mak grete solempnitee in the honoure of God and the grete feste
1533 Boece 283b.
The pepill … made festuall solempniteis
a1585 Maitland in Maitl. Q. 19/3.
To mak conding solemnitie For the gud newis and tydingis confortabill Of the contract of mariage [etc.]
1605–6 Misc. Spald. C. V 78.
The solempnitie maid for the kingis delyverance

3. In law, or in quasi-legal contexts: A necessary formality, legal procedure or ceremony required to make an act or document valid. Also, (the) solemnity of (the) law.(1) 1489–90 Acta Aud. 141/2.
The … office of bailȝery … wes gevin … without the solempnite and the confirmatiouns requirit apon the law
1561 Reg. Privy S. V i 218/1.
With power to transfer and all uthiris solempniteis in maist ample forme
1593 Acts IV 20/2.
Infeftmentis … maid … with all sollempnities requisit
1596 Dalr. II 311/6.
The lettres as testimonies of the band … ar seilit with a gret solemnitie baith heir and thair
1608 Crim. Trials II 547.
Thair is a solempne forme prescryuit anent accusationis … quhilkis solemniteis ar vniuersallie obseruit
1611 Inverness Rec. II 80.
With all solempnities requisit, with power to him to vse, hant, and exers all maner of freidom, libertie and previledge perteining to ane frie burges
a1633 Hope Major Pract. I 74.
Long tacks of kirklands … is ane species of alienatione and therfoir invalid, albeit mad with all solemnities
a1633 Hope Major Pract. II 113.
The leidges … ar not oblidged to sie the rest of the solemnities of the poynding be compryseing of the samen at the mercat croce
1662 Durie Decis. 32.
The Lords found that the order of the solemnity of this redemption should not be keeped sichlike as in other redemptions
1664 Decis. Lords G. 76.
The tack otherways having all the solemnities and substantials of a tack
1665 Caldwell P. I 63.
Not being sealled be the seall of the partie, quilk was ane essential solemnitie of contracts
1681 Stair Inst. ii ix § 39.
He came brevi manu, and expelled the tenant; or at least laid out some of his goods to complete the solemnity of his removing
1682 Sc. Ant. XVI 5.
They … installed the said Mr. James Young in the said office with the wsuall solemnitie of putting on his goune as regent and taking his oath
(2) 1505 Crosraguel Chart. I 63.
The said assedatioun was maid to the said Johne for all the dais of his live without solempnite of the law requirit thairto
1588 T. Morris Provosts of Methven 72.
The said … bailȝie … gaive sasing of the foirnamit manse … the solempnitie of the law vithe the elyk vsit be all obseruit [etc.]

b. (A) solemnity of words, a form of words expressing some particular legal concept; a verbal formula employed in legal documents. 1597 Skene Verb. S. s.v. Clep.
Sum clames were conceaved simplie, without onie solemnitie of wordes … vther clames were libelled and conceaved in ane certaine solemne forme, as in pleyis of wrang and vnlaw, in the quhilk clepe and call was vsed as ane certaine solemnitie of wordes prescrived be the law

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"Solemnité n.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 22 Dec 2024 <>



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