A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
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First published 2001 (DOST Vol. X).
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Superio(u)r, n. and adj. Also: superioure, supperior, suppiriour. [ME and e.m.E. superiour (Gower), -ior (a1450), -yor (Caxton), OF superior (c1160 in Larousse), L. superior higher, compar. of superus.]
A. noun. 1. A feudal overlord, one who has granted heritable estates or entitlements (or is heir to such a grantor) to another who thereby becomes a vassal, owing specified payments or services in return.For many further examples, see Acts XII Index, s.v. Superior and Vassal.(a) 1472 Lennox Mun. 90.
Quhen the said Erle Duncane dissesyt … the keping of the landys … came into the kingis handis as superior and cheyff lord 1501 Reg. St. A. App. xl.
Procuratory of resignation … in the hands of the prior of St Andrews as superior by Williȝam Gray in favour of Thomas Davy 1531–2 Dunferm. Reg. Ct. 46.
Comperit the said Adam and in jugment awechit the said akyr clamit be the said Jhone … as superior … perteyning to hym c1575 Balfour Pract. 126.
Gif the superiour persew … his tenent or vassall criminallie … for ony crime or cause, quhairof the tenent is clengit and maid quyte, he tynes and foirfaltis his superioritie of all … the landis haldin of him be the said tenant c1575 Balfour Pract. 646.
And gif the landis be haldin of ane mediat superiour, ane precept sall be direct to him [etc.] 1590 Crim. Trials I ii 202.
The said wich … past to ane pece of eird lyand betuix twa sondrie superiouris landis, the kinge being the ane superiour and the bischop … the vthir 1597 Skene Verb. S. s.v. Maritagivm, etc. 1622-6 Bisset I 65/14.
The first nycht the superiouris lay with thame, callit ȝit the mercheittis of wemen 1681 Stair Inst. ii iii § 17.
A formal seasin is the instrument of a notary-public, bearing the delivery of symbolical possession by the superior or his bailie to the vassal 1681 Stair Inst. ii iv § 61.
The last common casualty of superiors is the liferent-escheat of the vassal, when the vassal is denounced rebel a1689 Cleland 55.
The action in it self is ill, But yet by the superior's will It's leasome 1689 Cramond Kirk S. III 6 Dec.
The minister … to exhort them … in their severall respective relations, as superiours, inferiours and equalls(b) 1667 Hume Trial Crimes II (1800) 98.
And the rest landit gentlemen holding either of the king or of ane uther supperior be charterfig. a1658 Durham Comm. Rev. 8.
[The Trinity] as the superiour, to whom they that are Christian souldiers, should be listed and inrolled
b. Const. of (a specified place, estate, title, etc.).1485–6 Newbattle Coll. (Somerville).
The tenandis … vsurppis and purprisis aganis me ourelorde & superior of this baronry of Cannathane 1488 Acta Conc. I 105/1.
Vptaking of the malez … of the sammyn landis pretendand him to be superior of the sammyn 1501 Acta Conc. III 47. 1543 Rep. Boyle Mun. 5.
The forsaidis landis … hes bene in the handis of ws or oure predecessouris … as superiouris and ourlordis of the samyn be ressoune of nonentre, recognitioune or vthirwais 1556–7 Reg. Privy S. V i 10/1.
Superioure 1562 Mill Mediæv. Plays 153.
In the committing of the said enormitie … but the awis of the prowest baillies and superioris of the toun c1575 Balfour Pract. 241.
Homage sould be maid to the superiour of the fie and heritage, being ane fré man, male or female, major or minor, clerk or laique man 1595 Prot. Bk. J. Inglis 25 April.
George Ogiluie as superiour of the saidis landis confirms the said chartour be his seill & subscriptione c1641–54 J. Gordon in Macfarlane's Geog. Coll. II 527.
Ane antient monasterie … the Marquis of Hamilton is superior therof 1664 Aberd. B. Rec. IV 209.
For breacking downe the croves laitlie buildit and renewed vpon the water of Done, wherof this burghe was superior 1667–70 Lauder Jrnl. 192.
They ware superiors of all the temple lands … as weill in burgh as in landward throwghout Scotland 1669 Acts VII 576/2.
That the superiors of lands a[nnual]rents and others adjudged, shall not be holden to grant any charter for infefting the adjudger till such tyme as [etc.] 1677 Cullen Kirk S. 1 Sept.
Dischargeing heirby all the bailȝies & magistrates of the said burgh of Cullen superioures of the said tenement to grant any infeftment 1699 Fountainhall Decis. II 42.
That the Lords of Erection … are no more superiors of the kirk-lands
c. With preceding possessive.1492 Coll. Rebus Alban. 85.
Exceptand thair allegiance to our soverane lord the king, and thair manrent to thair superiouris 1495 Contract (Mey P.) 13 June.
The said Wilȝeame is infeft of the landis of Clyne … in the Ȝerle of Suthirlandis handis his superior 1527 Liber Melros II 633.
And sal tak thair … parte in all thair gude actionis … my allegeance to our souerane lord the king and … lawte and seruice to my superiouris and our lordis of my landis … exceptit 1545 Exch. R. XVIII 507.
Ane decrete … decerning … Matho, Erle of Lennax, … to haif tynt his superiorite of the 5 mark land of Uvir Dernlie, … and decernit and ordanit me to be enterit thairto … and hald my propirtie of the samin of our soverane lady, his immediat superior 1560–61 Bishop Bothwell in M. Napier Mem. J. Napier 69.
Off the Laird of Man my superior quhem off I hald blench 1561 Stirlings of Keir 416.
James Striueling … his indowtit superior 1561 Inverness Rec. I 70.
To grant to him ane assedatioun of new of the samyn as thai that ar his maysteris and superiouris 1571 Acts III 59/2.
All … fewaris … eftir the deceis … of thair … superiouris … sal hald thair fewes … of our Souerane Lord c1575 Balfour Pract. 277.
Ane tenent or vassal haldand landis be service of ward and releif, and thairfoir bund … to give suit in his superiouris court or justice air 1583–4 Kirkcaldy B. Rec. 82.
Item, findis gud that it be menit to my lord our Superiour, of the greit hurt and dempnage sustenit to this burch 1597 Skene Verb. S. s.v. Varda. 1668 Craven Ch. in Orkney 29.
A worthy person … to be responsible to his superiors in case of malversation ?1693 Macfarlane's Geog. Coll. II 221.
They ordinarlie send gratis to ther superiours of the product of ther land
2. A person of higher rank or authority (than another or oneself); a senior official, leader, chieftain, or the like.1549 Compl. 167/34.
There is ane vthir sort of veyris … quhen the pepil gadris togiddir in ane grit conuentione but the autorite of the superior 1549 Compl. 173/18.
For Julius vald nocht hef ane marrou in Rome, and Pompeus vald nocht hef ane superior 1562-3 Winȝet I 120/25.
And quhow can ȝe thairthrow onyways eschew nocht to be iugeit of superiouris of the Kirk, sen ȝe neid obey thame in all godlines 1587 Acts III 464/1.
To … persew the … superiouris and principallis of that clan a1599 Rollock Wks. I 416.
Ȝe see they that ar superiouris in the battell, quhen they cry to onie man, be takin, gif he will not be takin, they will slay him thair
b. Only in Compl.: Ruler; overlord.1549 Compl. 29/26.
The said cheptour of Esaye sais that effemmenet men sal be superiors to Jherusalem ande Juda 1549 Compl. 78/35.
Ȝe suld keyp the liberte of ȝour cuntray, & nocht to thole the Persans to be ȝour superiors 1549 Compl. 88/3.
Alcibiades persauand that Lacedemonia vas aperand to be superior of Athenes 1549 Compl. 183/21.
Cesar & Pompeus … contendit baytht to be superiours and kyngis of Rome
c. Victor, conqueror.1549 Compl. 181/31.
Ane cordinar of Rome … quha be cam neutral induring the tyme of … Augustus and Anthonius, tariand quhil … ane of them var superior of the tothir
3. In a school: The more advanced classes or pupils.1649 Elgin Rec. II 435.
The wholl afternoone spent be the superiors in repetition of the former weeks lessons
4. ? Erron. for supervisor. [Cf. late ME supervisor (1454).]1593–4 Edinb. Test. in Jurid. Rev. XLV 173.
[Robert Scott] directar of our souerane lordis chancellerie and scribe to his hienes lordis of sessioun [appointed] superiour of his testament
B. adj. 1. Higher, upper.1576 Orkney Oppress. 53.
Ane just Bramer barrell … suld contain na les nor xlviii cannis of ulie: Quhilk can suld … be markit with ane plowk on ilk syde, within the superior part, under the mouth thairoff
2. Higher in rank, authority or importance; of greater significance.c1560 Old Ross-shire I 14.
It is lyk that the vassell will seik the superior sele 1567–8 St. A. Kirk S. 74.
Fyrst havyng respect to the gloir of our God … and nixt to our detful obedience to the superior poweris [sc. the Lords of Privy Council] c1575 Balfour Pract. 281.
Gif the suitaris on the feird day allege that thay ar not resolvit … the said judgment sall be transferrit to the immediat superiour judge, to be decernit and judgit be him in his court 1597 Skene Verb. S. s.v. Cvria.
Cvria Ane courte, quhairof sum are superiour and sum inferiour 1597 Skene Verb. S. (1599) s.v. Maritagivm.
The mariage legall is that quhilk be the disposition of the law, perteines to the superiour over lorde 1597 Skene Verb. S. s.v. Sok.
Doomes … given … in ane inferiour court, was falsified and reduced in ane superiour court 1579, 1617 Despauter (1617) 60.
Magistratus, the superiour power 1632 Lithgow Trav. viii 369.
A city … farre superior in greatnesse with Aleppo 1657 Hibbert P. No. 20.
[Various things] put into the trunk withe John Adamssonis discharges and the suppiriour chalmerlain discharges
3. absol. Of school classes or pupils: (The) more advanced or senior (ones).1649 Elgin Rec. II 434.
The inferiour classes … sall apply themselfs to writting, and the superiour to thes sall haw theams taucht to them out off som classick author