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A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)

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First published 2001 (DOST Vol. X).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

Superseder(e, n. Also: -ceder(e, -sidere, -sederie, -siderie, (supersedere). [f. as Supersede v. Also in the later dial.] A judicial order granting a debtor, or other lawbreaker, immunity from prosecution by his creditors, etc. Variously const.(1) 1522 Acta Conc. MS XXXIII 14.
The kingis grace … had gevin … a superceder to the executouris of vmquhile Andro archibischop of Sanctandrois
1533 Acts Sederunt i 19.
That nane of thaim procure nor laubour at ws ony thing, supersedere, dilay, or lett, that ony wise may tend to the ruptour of our said acte or contrare the tenour therof
1547 Treas. Acc. IX 70.
To ane boy direct with writtinges to the persoun of Dysart for the laird of Glarettis supersedere fra the air
1551 Acts II 482/2.
Notwithstanding sic tratouris swa banist and fugitiue without licence or tollerance of our Souerane Lady or my Lord Gouernouris respect remissioun or supersedere cummis and resortis agane within this realme
1552 Dundee B. Ct. II 179a (4 Aug.).
Maister James Scrymgeour grantit ane supersedere to Jhone Brovne serurgiane for the space of xv dayes as to [etc.]
1556 Melville Chart. 97.
The exemptioun, salfgard, protectioun, and supersedere grantit … to [etc.]
1585 Acts III 403/1.
Quhilkis supersedereis his hienes … declairis to haif na force nor validitie to stope or hinder executioun for the said Johnnis releif of the sowme
1625 Conv. Burghs III 199.
The saids factoures wyiffes declaired to be exemit of the said Dutch lawis and subjected to the lawis of this cuntrey; as also to deale with theme for dischairging of all supercederies to be grantit to the saids relicts
a1633 Hope Major Pract. II 16.
The lords refuised to grant ane supersedere in favours of the Earle of Home
1678 Fountainhall Decis. I 19.
The Lords are become very cautious and wary in granting their protections as a wresting of the sense of the act of Parl. … and frequently they refuse bills craving such supersederes
1684 Edinb. City Archives Letters II (98).
The supercedere it seemes will doe no good in regard Comistoun did not signe
1686 Mackenzie Observ. (1687) 241.
By this act all supersederies are discharg'd, for protections against execution of the law were so call'd then
(2) 1543 Reg. Privy S. III 34/1.
Ane supercedere for dett maid to Johnne Broun … for the space of thre yeris [etc.]
1587 Acts III 456/2.
The thesaurair sall not exceid tuentie thowsand pundis in a ȝeir in his discharge with certificatioun gif he do na supersederie wilbe grantit for superexpensis
1693 M. P. Brown Suppl. Decis. IV 101.
By the act rescissory, in 1690, and the explanatory act in 1693, a superseder was given, both for principal sums and their annualrents, to all forfeited persons whose names were enumerated
c1610 Skene in Misc. Stair Soc. I 149.
Gif this forme of compt be observeit it will nocht be needfull to the king to grant ony supersidere to the makeris of the comptis anent the peyment to be maid be them
1729 Red Bk. Grandtully II 329.
Get me a supersiderie for 5 or 6 wicks from 3 or 4 people at Edinburgh who haue diligence aganist me
(3) 1585 Reg. Privy C. III 758.
Gevand him ane supersedere to be unpersewit for certane yeiris nixt to cum for ony dettis
1586 Cal. Sc. P. VIII 405.
Yesterday he hes obtenit to his said brother a supesedere [sic in pr.] for to remaine in the country two monethes
(4) a1633 Hope Major Pract. I 110.
A supercedere or imunitie from actions of debt
1643 Baillie II 96.
I have gotten a supersedere from their present summonds, and hopes to be made free of their cumber

b. Letter of supersedere, a document granting such immunity.1491 Acta Aud. 166/2.
Na remed of ony law canoun or ciuile act of parliament exceptions lettres of superceder [etc.] … agan this writt to avale
c1575 Balfour Pract. 154.
Gif ony persoun becumis pure for ane honest … cause … and thairfoir desires letteris of suspensioun or supersedere to be gevin … aganis his creditouris; the lords of counsall and sessioun hes na powar to grant the samin, because that pertenis to the king
1583 Reg. Privy C. III 606.
Letters of supersedere of all executioun of the saidis decreittes
1585 Reg. Privy C. IV 12.
[For staying this procedure she] hes purchest ane pretendit letter of supersedere past undir the prevey seill superseding all actionis and caussis civile … aganis hir for quhatsumevir deid or occasioun
1592 Acts III 628/1.



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