A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
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First published 2001 (DOST Vol. X).
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Superstiti(o)us, adj. Also: superstiteows, -ci(o)us, supperticious. [ME and e.m.E. supersticious (Chaucer), -ycious (Lydgate), -ycyus (c1450), -itious (1561), MF superstitieux (1375 in Larousse), L. superstitiōsus.]
1. Of activities or the objects, places, etc. associated with them: Based on or arising from superstition (Superstitio(u)n n. 1).(1) 1531 Bell. Boece II 107.
He made ane fals and supersticius rite, richt waryit to mankind c1552 Lynd. Mon. 2361.
Our commoun populare Quhilk war to lang for tyll declare Thare superstitious pylgramageis To mony diuers imageis c1552 Lynd. Mon. 5864.
Ȝe brether of religioun In tyme leif ȝour abusioun … Ȝour superstitious ceremoneis [etc.] 1562-3 Winȝet I 28/4.
He [sc. Knox] callis the saidis solenniteis idolatrical, superstitius, or contrarius to Godis law 1575–6 Reg. Privy S. VII 49/1.
He and his predicessouris war in use of payment to the blak freris of Invernes yeirlie ane barrell of oylie for obsequis and superstitious service now abolischeit 1577 Perth Kirk S. MS 1 July.
Certane inhabitantis … hes playit Corpus Christeis play vpon Thursday … last … the said play is idolatrous superstiteows [etc.] 1579 Bk. Univ. Kirk II 431.
Anent the buriall … of the Erle of Athoill … the brute was of some superstitious rites … as a whyt crosse in the mort claith 1612 Dundonald Par. Rec. 231.
Kaithrein Broun … wes ordeined for vseing Issobell Trumbillis superstitious charmeing of hir pap to mak hir repentance 1648 Banks Sc. Cal. Customs III 173.
That intimatioun be made of the acts against superstitious fyres, the Sabbath befor Midsomer evin and Hallow evin 1649 Cramond Ch. Boyndie 12.
Alwayes it wes found that ther wes some piece of land in this parochine unlaboured, called the halie mans ley, dedicated to superstitious uses 1655 Dingwall Presb. 268.
The superstitious abuses vsed on St. Johnes day by burneing torches through thair cornes [etc.] … and thaire-efter fixing thair staicks in thair kaileyeards 1675 Inverness Presb. 121.
The superstitious and heathnish customes practised at lykewakes(2) 1562-3 Winȝet I 93/23.
Quhat haif ȝe for ȝow to affirm all the vestimentis and ornamentis in the Hous of God, … to be superstitious and idolatrical 1597 Reg. Great S. 185/1.
The sowmes of money … appoyntit in the saidis actis to be payit to superstitious and abolischit altaris mentionat thairin(3) 1562-3 Winȝet I 83/19.
Quhy accuis ȝe ws of idolatrie superstitioun or papistrie … and wil nocht condemne planelie … the saidis martyris [etc.] … as an idolatricall and superstitius Kirk 1562-3 Winȝet I 127/19.
Quhy reiect ȝe and dispyssis the samin [sc. monastic life] indifferentlie as superstitious or idolatrical, sen it hes the grund and deip ruitis in the Scriptuir(4) 1592–3 St. A. Kirk S. 739.
[They] oblist thame nevir to keip Ȝuill day nor na uther superstitious day holy 1595 St. A. Kirk S. 808.
And siclyke quha keipis ony superstitious dayis, as … Peace day … salbe estemit Papistis 1602 Bk. Univ. Kirk III 993.
If ther be any superstitious dayes keipit, be setting out of banefires 1606 Mill Mediæv. Plays 163.
[That] na man nor woman … about the superstitious tyme of Yuill or Newyeris day … sall presume to mask or disagyse thame selffis 1615 Fraserburgh Kirk S. 44b (17 Jan.).
Wm. Andersone & his wyff … ar … reprowit … for depairting the toun into the supersti[ci]ous dayis of ȝuill 1618 Elgin Rec. II 154.
Ane superstitious day callit Guid Fredday 1644 Carnock Kirk S. in Row xxix.
Knowing that the superstitious dayis of Yool was approching, and hearing that thair wes great preparation made for the keeping of it, in our nighbour parichon of Dunfermlyne 1660 Moray Synod 129.
Some persons did dyet with the excommunicat lady Marques of Huntly on superstitious Youl day(5) 1585 Facs. Nat. MSS III lxxi.
We detest his … crossing, sayning, anoynting, … with the superstitious opinioun joyned thairwith, his warldlie monarchie 1629 Orkney & Zetl. Sheriff Ct. 231b.
The abominable supperticioun and supperticious abusing … of the people 1630-1651 Gordon Geneal. Hist. 250.
Their wes ane end given, and a consummation to supersticious prophesies which had by tradition been infused and inveterated into men's myndes(6) 1641 Moray Synod 61.
The frequent repairing off persones off all rankes vnto superstitious wells and chappells speciallie to the chappell of Grace well neir the watter of Spey 1666 S. Ronaldshay 53.
Intimation this day maid … against all … charming and charmers, haunting of superstitious places … weels, or other the lyk unlaufull meanes of thair healthes(7) 1657 Banks Sc. Cal. Customs 159.
[People who went to the well at Airth were all] publicly admonishit for superstitious carriage(8) 1698 S. Ronaldshay 69.
Many of the vulgar desire the prayers of the church upon a superstitious rather than a religious account, thinking that if they have any lingring disease they will thereafter aither end or mend
2. Of persons: Adhering to or practising such beliefs.1567 G. Ball. 211.
Ȝe grew sa superstitious In wickitnes It gart vs grow malicious Contrair ȝour mes c1590 Fowler II 64/38.
Althogh good reasons may mak thé acknawledge the veritie, ȝit thou rather will consent with ȝour superstitious mesmongars, nor say treuth with the veritie