A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
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First published 2001 (DOST Vol. X).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.
Tabernakil(l, -yl(l, Tabernacle, n. Also: tabernakell, -acil, -a(c)kle, -aikell, tabirnakil, -akel, -acle, tawbyrnakill, tubernacul. [ME and e.m.E. tabernacle (1250), tabernakill (a1340), tabernakle (1389), tabernakil (1567), OF tabernacle, L. tabernāculum dimin. of taberna.]
1. a. A canopied niche or other similar structure used in a church for the display of images. b. A similarly shaped receptacle placed on the altar containing the consecrated host.a., b. c1420 Wynt. v 3456.
This haly byschope … Slepand saw … The ymage off oure Lady brycht Downe [out] off ane tabernakyll [C. tabernacle, W. tabernakle] lycht, That outhe [the] autere standand was And [etc.] c1420 Wynt. v 3459 (C).
Tabernakyl 1453 Bishop Kennedy's Will in Sc. Eccles. Soc. I 219.
A tabernakyl off gold the qwhilk Den John Ramsay monk of Londoris has in kepyng claspit with four perlys and a ruby in the myddis 1497 Treas. Acc. I 355.
To bere the tabernakle to Leith to send to Striuelin, iij d. 1498–9 Acta Conc. II 297.
The table or tabernacle of gold of the ymage of Sanct Katryne c1500 Coll. St. Salvator 161.
Ane ymage of our Lady with ane tawbyrnakill abune the alter of the vestre 1502–3 Treas. Acc. II 356.
For ane tabernakill, ane flacat, and ane myrour bocht at the cremare, be the kingis command, xlij s. 1508 Hist. Pluscardyn 236.
Money … to the help making and putting of twa tabirnaclez in the said abbay that is to say ane to the hie alter and ane other to Our Lady alter to the making in Flanderis 1508 Rentale Dunkeld. (SHS) 2.
Ane tabirnacle to my Lordis altar in Dounde the price witht custum, fraucht and al uthir uncostis in Flaundris, thretty pundis and auchtene schilling greit c1552 Lynd. Mon. 4945.
Thay haif of sanctis habitacle To Simon Magus maid ane tabernacle 1560 Sc. Hist. Rev. XXI 142.
That he incontinent reforme his place of Cowper putting down and birnyng oppinlie all idolis and imagis and tubernaculis tharin destroying and putting away the altarisattrib. 1552 Edinb. Hammermen (ed.) 153.
Given hym mair for the wernessing of the tabernakell heid and paynting of the schields of the altar & the mendyin of other works with paynting xij s.
c. transf. c1590 Fowler II 189/5.
[At the Prince's baptism] there cam into the sight of thame all a blak more drawing as it seemed to the behalders a tabernacle [v.r. a triumphall chariot] full of patisserye, frutages, and confections; and in the sydis thairoff wer placed sax wemen
2. A church building of some sort. 1469 Ayr B. Ct.110b (14 Dec.).
It is ordanit that the kirkgude of Sant John be anexit to the tabirnakel & at the bailȝeis … sal gader the gudis of the tabirnakil … thar is l hoghede to sell of Sant Johnis tabernakil
3. fig. a. The earthly body, also regarded as the dwelling place of the soul. b. The body of Christ, Mary or the saints regarded as the dwelling place of God. c. The dwelling place of the soul after death or of God or Christ, heaven.a. 1490 Irland Mir. III 64/24.
Eftir thar passing of the saule away fra this pur tabernakle and carnale habitacioun 1572 Knox VI 481.
Now wearie of the world, and daylie luiking for the resolution of this my earthly tabernakle 1642 Montgomery Mem. II 294.
When ever it shall plais His Devein Majesty … to call oupon me to lay doune this tabernaikell of klayb. a1508 Kennedy Pass. Christ 1311.
That hevinly hurd [sc. the body of Christ], of God the tabernakill a1508 Kennedy Pass. Christ 128.
Fra scho contentit to beir the Prince of Price, The Haly Gaist schane in hir tabernakill c1500-c1512 Dunb. (OUP) 5/16.
Haile, Alphais habitakle, Thy dyng ofspring maid us to syng Befor his tabernakle 1580 Cath. Tr. 60/16.
Quhat moved yow to birne the holy reliques of Saincts, quha war temples and tabernacles of the Holy Ghost quhen thay war on lyvec. c1520-c1535 Nisbet Luke xvi 9.
Mak ye to you freendis of the richesse of wickitnes; that, quhen ye sal failye, thai resaue you into euirlasting tabernacilis [P. tabernaclis] 1567 G. Ball. 90.
O Lord quha sall in heuin dwell with thé, In thy tryumphant throne and tabernakil?
4. A temporary dwelling, a tent used for worship. c1520-c1535 Nisbet Matth. xvii 4.
Gif thou will, mak we here thre tabernacilis [P. tabernaclis]; … to thee aan, to Moyses aan, and aan to Helie
5. specif. The tabernackle (of the congregatioun), the curtained tent containing the Ark of the Covenant, etc. which served as the portable sanctuary of the Israelites during their time in the wilderness and until after the building of the Temple.(1) 1562-3 Winȝet I 41/1.
Hieroboam … causing the Isralites nocht to passe to Hierusalem to make sacrifice to God, quhair the arcke, tabernakle, and prestis … wes appoyntit than to remane(2) 1571 Ferg. Serm. iii Malachi Sig. B iii.
Quhairwith thay seruit him in the tabernackle of the congregatioun, quhairunto thay had als gude richt as ony man in Israell had to his feild or wyneȝaird
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"Tabernakil n.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 6 Jan 2025 <http://www.dsl.ac.uk/entry/dost/tabernakill>