A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
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First published 2001 (DOST Vol. X).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.
Thar(e)throw, Thairthrow, adv. Also: tharethrou, -throwt, tharthrou, -throuch, -throwch, -throwgh(t, thairthrou, -throuch, -trouch, -throcht, -thro, -trow, -threw, therthrow, -throuche, -throwgh, -throwth, therethrow, -through. [ME and e.m.E. þer þurh (c1175), þær þurrh (Orm), þar þoru (Cursor M.), therthurf (c1300), ther-þurgh (Hoccleve), there thorow (1535), therethrough (1594).] Thereby, by reason of that, by means of that, through that action.(a) 1375 Barb. ii 42.
Quhat-sa-euyr maid the debate Thar-throuch he [sc. Comyn] deyt, weill I wat 1375 Barb. ii 530.
Thai may mekill paynys endur And forsakis nane auentur … with-thi that thai Tharthrow succur thair liffys may 1375 Barb. v 328.
Then suld thai full enforcely Rycht ymyddys the kyrk assaill The Inglismen … Swa that nane mycht eschap thaim fra, For thar-throwch [C. thar-throu] trowyt thai to ta The castell that besid wes ner ?1438 Alex. ii 4336.
The knychtis of Grece full hardely Schewit thair-throw thare cheualry ?1438 Alex. ii 3646.
Thair-throw ?1438 Alex. ii 4675.
Tharethrow 1449 Lanark & R. 171.
It is complenȝit tyl us … that ȝe mak … impediment tyl our leigis … that bryngs ony guds to the mercat of Glasgu to sell or by; doing tharthrow hurtyng and prejudece 1456 Hay I 46/9.
A foule reik that smyttit sa mony folk that grete multitude of peple deide tharethrou a1500 Henr. Fab. 2433.
The foxe, the feind I call … Arctand ilk man to ryn vnrychteous rinkis, Thinkand thairthrow to lok him in his linkis 1494 Acta Conc. I 325/2.
Persewit be Alexander Fowlartoun [etc.] … aganis Dauid Guthre [etc.] … for the wrangis halding waist of the ester toun of Guthre & the mylne of the sammyn & wrangwis pleying & persewing of thaim … for ane annuale of iniure becaus of dittay & dampnage tharthrow 1504 Edinb. Chart. 188.
Gif it happinnis thame to intercommoun with our rebellis in passing … fra the … getting of thair saidis merchandice … we will and grantis that thar sall na cryme be imput to thame thairthrou, and that thai nor nane of thame salbe accusit nor incur ony skayth or danger thairthrou 1528 Douglas Corr. 126.
Tharethrowt 1535
Aberd. B. Rec. MS 33.
Thairtrow 1557–8 Reg. Privy S. V i 70/2.
Johnne Fylder … being put to the knawlege of ane assyis and thairthrouch convict of … thift 1561 St. A. Kirk S. 102.
Ane pretendit sentence wes gevyn … decernand the saidis articlis hereticall and thar throwgh the said Schyr Jhon to be infamed 1569 Glasgow Chart. II 548.
The saidis persounes … be the bigging wp of ane dam … hes causit the said Archibaldis mylne to be in bakwattir … thairthrocht havelie damnifeand the said Archibald in his proffitt 1558-66 Knox I 279.
Tharthrowght 1578 Kirkcudbr. B. Rec. I 72.
The juge ordanit the said Robert to intent the said cais of bastardie … and resawit James Lintoun caution and souerty for coists and skayth and domage to be sustenit be the said Thomas thairtrouch in cais the samyn be nocht verifeit c1600 Montg. Suppl. x 19.
Sen that I now … mun bow To ȝow … to seik remeid Houping thairthro ȝe will allow 1602 Conv. Burghs II 138.
Quhen ane skipper passes furth to sey and thairthrew wantis ane saill … or than for ane vther notable occasioun or mistuke, he is forceit to turne bak agane to the herbere and lay up his schip thair, than sall he [etc.] 1629 Justiciary Cases I 121.
The said Jon Weir … accuset … of the incestuous cryme aboue writtin and for contravening of the act of parliament thairthrew be joyneing him selff in mariage in maner specifeit thairin(b) 1513 Doug. vi viii 102 (Ruddim.).
There throw 1529 Reg. Episc. Aberd. I 396.
Gif the saids landis of Ardlar happynis to be recouerit fray us … we sall nocht be oblist forther to susten the said bryg be resoun of the said landis as said is therthrow bot allanerlie to restore the by running malis of the samyn [etc.] 1542 St. A. Formulare II 173.
Therthrouche 1543 Corr. M. Lorraine 18.
The lard of Duntreth … hes … arrestit my beyr … and hes ther throwth hynderit me of the prysis therof and doin me gret wrang 1561 St. A. Kirk S. 102.
Ther throwgh 1597 James VI Dæmonol. (STS) 37/14.
The formes of Sathans conuersing visiblie in the world … the one of them by the spreading of the Euangell … in the sixt chapter of the Reuelation, is much hindred and become rarer there through 1693 Glasgow B. Rec. IV 77.
To pay and relieve the saids commissioners therof and of all danger they shall incur therthrow
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"Tharthrow adv.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 27 Dec 2024 <http://www.dsl.ac.uk/entry/dost/tharethrow>