A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
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First published 2002 (DOST Vol. XI).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.
Untane, -takin, p.p. Also: untain, -tean, -takine, -taken, -take, wntan(e, -tayne, -takin, ontane, -taine, -takin. [ME and e.m.E. vn-take (c1350), vntaken (1474); Ta(k v.1] Not taken, chiefly in senses of Ta(k v.1
1. Not including, with the exception of (something). c1400 Slater Early Sc. Texts No. 40.
These commissairs shalle determene … vpon alle pleyntes of attemptates of bothe roialmes vn take the boundys of the Westmarche
2. a. Of a person: Not taken prisoner. b. Of a place: Not captured by force. Cf. Ta(k v.1 1.a. c1475 Wall. v 853.
Lest he in strenth wntayne, This haill kynryk he wyll wyn him allayne(b) 1531 Bell. Boece I 114.
Ostorius … narrowly eschapit untakin(c) 1535 Stewart 42615.
He hapnit … Ontane or slane to chaip out of that place a1578 Pitsc. II 250/27.
On-taineb. a1578 Pitsc. II 171/26.
The toune eskaipit narullie wntane
3. Of lands: a. Not confiscated from (the original owner). Cf. Ta(k v.1 10. b. ? Not legally leased or rented. Cf. Ta(k v.1 12.a. 1644 Aberd. Council Lett. II 370.
Thay think … ther estaits ontakin from them and the saifing off ther lyfs to be no miracleb. 1508 Orkney Rentals i 79.
Na takis hes bene set sen the said day of August bot that the tennentis hes occupiit the grund untane ay sensyne
4. Untean (Untakine) ordour with, not put in order, not dealt with. Cf. Ta(k v.1 15 e, Order n. 20. 1600-1610 Melvill 70.
Yit wald noch suffer the preparative to pass untean ordour with 1600-1610 Melvill 656.
And uthir matteris lyeing ovir, and untakine order with
5. Of a process of cognition: Not initiated or set in motion. Cf. Ta(k v.1 16. 1541–2 Linlithgow B. Ct. 16 Jan.
Continewit the cognition of the sammyn to be wntakin quhill the penult day of Januar
6. Not investigated or looked into. Cf. Trial(l n. 1. 1600 Crim. Trials II 193.
Thairin they suld leave na sort of tryell ontane, as they respectit thair awin suirtie
7. Not received or partaken of. Cf. Ta(k v.1 34. 1456 Hay I 204/17.
He levis it [sc. the consecrated wafer] untane for despising of the sacrament
8. Not removed or taken away. Cf. Ta(k v.1 63 c. 1504 Maxwell Mem. I 224.
Lay downe the said sowme on the said alter … and leiff it thar wntan away 1577–8 Reg. Privy C. II 666.
Thay did the samyn of zele to saif his gudis untakin away 1664–5 Peebles B. Rec. II 204.
For tua stepellis to hold the tree briggis, to hold them untaken away with the ice
b. Const. to (a place). 1629 Monteith Stewartry Ct. 1 Oct.
[To] keip thair cornes fourtie dayes efter the same be dryit ontane to onie vther mylne
9. Not demolished or taken doun. Cf. Ta(k v.1 66 c. 1631 Glasgow B. Rec. II 2.
To give … ten pund for the stanes vntane doun in the said liberarie hous
10. Not cut or stripped off. Cf. Ta(k v.1 69. 1683 Reid Sc. Gard'ner (1907) 77.
Reserve one fourth of this squair piece of bark of the stock untaken off at the upper end
11. Untane up. a. Of money, rents, etc.: Not collected. Cf. Ta(k v.1 73 j. b. Not having established or set up (something). Cf. Ta(k v.1 73 u.a. 1482–3 Acta Conc. II cxx.
In the mene tyme … that the malis and fermes of the said landis remane in the tennandis handis to be untakin up be ony party 1529–30 Reg. Privy S. II 66/1.
Togidder with the malis and proffitis … ay sen the deces of … Gilbert Erle of Cassillis, as dete aucht to him untakin up 1581 Prot. Bk. J. Scott 111b.
To pay sua mekle mair of the said … fywe hundreth merkes as the said Jhone sall happin to leife vntakin vp him selfe 1593 Acts IV 34/2.
As also thair stipendis … ȝit restand vntakin vp in sindrie partis, parcellit [etc.]b. 1608 Paisley Mag. (1828) 386 n.
The saidis umquhile Jeane and Johne … being … new mariet, untain up houshold, bot being in houshold with the said Thomas his fathir
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"Untane p.p.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 14 Jan 2025 <http://www.dsl.ac.uk/entry/dost/untane>