A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
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First published 2002 (DOST Vol. XI).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.
Variatio(u)n, -acio(u)n(e, n. Also: variaconne, wariacione, -oun, veriacioun, variasoun. [ME and e.m.E. variacioun (Chaucer), varyacioun (Lydgate), variacion (1460), variation (1555), OF variation, -acion, L. variātiōn-.]
1. Alteration, change, modification. 14.. Reg. Maj. c. 48.
Gif that forsuth of doury nemmyt or of diuers names or than of variaconnis of douris thar hapyne betwix thaim contencone than may it in that mut procede in the maner befor said 1456 Hay II 111/31.
Because that all thing mon be as God has ordanyt, but variacioun of mutacioun or changeing 1467 Cochran-Patrick Coinage I 33.
So that quhat variacione be maide in this present parliament of alteracione of the mone for the common gude 1530 Lynd. Test. Pap. 445.
My hart is peirst with panes for to pance Or wrytt that courtis variatioun Off James the thrid, quhen he had gouernance 1535 Stewart 55110.
In the feist hecht Purificatioun of Oure Ladie, but variatioun, Done wes this thing be providence diuyne Arundel MS 239/32.
[I] pure synnar makis this day … protestacioun gif of aventour ony temptacioun, decepcioun, wariacioun, cum be sorrow, pane, seiknes or be vthir febilnes of body … I fall or decline in perall of my saule c1550-c1580 Art of Music 40b.
Mony ma canonis … may be fenȝeit be quantatie of nottis variation of mesuris, rewlis of canoins and sentence gewin in scriptis
2. Dissension, discord, dispute.(a) 1518 Fife Sheriff Ct. 136.
The said assise … deliuerit all in ane woce but wariacione or discrepans … that [etc.](b) 1494 Acta Conc. I 333/1.
As the said lorde deliueris in the said mater the said partiis ar content to stande & abid tharat but veriacioun appellacioun or agane calling
3. Inconstancy. 1528 Lynd. Dreme 131.
The wardlis wracheit variasoun c1552 Lynd. Mon. 102.
Go hence, pure buke, quhilk I haue done indyte In rurall ryme, in maner of dispyte, Contrar the warldlis variatioun
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"Variation n.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 22 Dec 2024 <http://www.dsl.ac.uk/entry/dost/variatioun>