A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
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First published 2002 (DOST Vol. XI).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.
Verificatio(u)n(e, -acio(u)n(e, n. Also: werificatioun, -atiowne, vereficatioun, -acione, werefecatioun, -facatioune, verrificatioun, wirification, vireficatiown, warificatioun. [e.m.E. veryfycacyon (1541), verification (1603), OF verificacion, med. L. *verification-, f. verificare.]
1. The action of proving the truth of (something), chiefly or only in a legal context; the formal attestation of the validity or authenticity of proofs or documents in a legal case. b. The validation or authentication (of a document and its contents) by the application of a seal or signature. c. To mak werificatiowne betuix (persons), ? to settle a dispute by giving evidence.(a) 1479 Acta Aud. 86/2.
Johne of Levingiston … to pruf his lauchfull entre in the said landis … and that the said Lord Maxwell … to pruf & schew his intra in the said landis in verificatioun of the said Johns of Levingistouns entre his tennand 1498 Acta Conc. II 276.
Because the sade Georg was nocht at hame and for til haf the vereficacione of the writingis producit be the sadis partiis in it that thai sal mak til be inquirit at him [continue the case … and depositions now taken are to be sealed] 1498–9 Acta Conc. II 299.
[The Lords] for mair vereficacione til be had in this mater [continue the case … that the said Elizabeth [etc.] … may produce their evidents and titles] 1523 Reg. Episc. Aberd. I 388.
Thomas Crukschank mayr for the verificatioun and prewyng of his indorsyng and execution of my lordis precept … to summond the personys contenyt in the samyn 1549 Facs. Nat. MSS III xxiv.
The said erle desyris thir articlis to be representit vnto the king of Frances maieste and for verificatioun hereof … offerris him tocum to France or Scotland … to debait the samin with his body aganis all thaim will say in the contrair 1570–1 Canongate Ct. Bk. 302.
The said Alexander … onlie maid ane naikit allegeance without ony verificatioun 1576 Aberd. Sheriff Ct. I 278.
For the instructioun and werificatioun of the persewaris ansur forsaid eleding and evacuatioun of the last pairt of the pretendit exceptioun; his procuratours … producis the decreit [etc.] 1576 Kirkcudbr. B. Rec. I 11.
For verificatioun thairof producit ane copie of the minute of ane contract vndir the subscriptioun of Robert Forester notar 1591 Crim. Trials I ii 255.
The depositiounis of sindrie persounes maid for vereficatioun thairof 1600 Crim. Trials II 121 (see 2 below). 1606 Melrose Reg. Rec. I 23.
The said Jhon … protestit that gif the inqueist proceid in the allegeit bluid for wilfull errour seing thair is nather wound nor bluid produceit for werefacatioune thairof 1631 Justiciary Cases I 154.
Takis instrumentis that nathing is producet to the assyse for verificatioun of thair guiltines thairof 1635 Wodrow in Hay Geneal. 87.
And partlie for the exceptiones against the verificatione and probatione of my indytement(b) 1569 Riddell Tracts 170.
The saide Janet … recognoscit and put be hir said parentis under the cairclaith in wirification that her saidis parentis maid hir perticipiant of the said meriage [etc.]b. 1473–4 Edinb. B. Rec. I 28.
And for the mair verificatioun and strenth of the samyn we haif to hungin oure commoun seall 1504 Antiq. Aberd. & B. III 139.
For the verrificatioun herof I haff affixit my sele of armes 1520 Grant Chart. 65.
For the mair verificacione, the saidis parteis … has set to thair proper seilis, togiddir with thair subscriptionis manualis per penman of the saidis Johne the Grant and Ewin Allansone 1532–3 Bk. Dunvegan 71.
For vireficatioun and approbatioun of all and sindrie thair premissis and deliverance of comprysing foresaid … I … caussit … the said inquist to append thir seillis to this retour 1561 Exch. R. XIX 480.
For the mair verificatioun he has subscrivit this obligatioun with his hand 1561 St. A. Kirk S. 79.
The above wryttyn edict … I affixit … upon the principall dur of the said kyrk … and for farther verificacion heirof hes subscrivit my indorsacion Ge. Blak wyth my hand 1587 Rec. Earld. Orkney 313.
For the mair warificatioun and attestatioun of the premissis gift and renunciatioun … the said noble lord hes subscryvit the samin 1595 Rec. Earld. Orkney 171.
Werefecatioun 1664 Kirkcudbr. Test. (Reg. H.) 22 June.
For the mer verificatione heirof that this is my later will I heve subscribit the samyn with my handc. 1554 Corr. M. Lorraine 392.
My lord, geif it be fors to my lord Swtherland to be in [chu?]rche this day of the serveis [pr. serrais], your lordship man caus the quenis grace [gap] charge to Nycolas Swtherland [etc.] … all thir … be chargit to cum and mak werificatiowne betuix my lord Swthyrland and my lord Catnes
2. Something functioning to verify or attest to the truth of (something), a proof.1572 Buch. Detect. (1727) 113.
Ony wryting, takin or verificatioun quhairby the dittay abone writtin micht be fortifyit 1600 Crim. Trials II 121.
That all the verificatiounes of the accuser sould be produceit … the persewaris ansueris that the act of parliament alledgeit be the defenderis is only anent the verificatioun of the cryme to be produceit to the assyis and that na vther verificatioun sould be ressauit fra the assyis be inclosit 1672 Acts VIII 84/2.
That the suspendar at the out-giving of the suspension, produce therwith all his verifications, and that at the calling of the cause, if he have keiped vp the verifications, and offer then to produce the same, that [etc.]
3. Proof of an intention observable in the circumstances of the case.1533 Bell. Livy I 110/24.
He allegit that Turnus had devisit tressonably baith the deith of him [etc.] … In verificacioun hereof the said Turnus did maist cruelie inway aganis him