A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
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First published 1937 (DOST Vol. I).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.
Cast, v. Also: caste, kast(e, caist; p.t. kest(e, kist(e, kyst(e, keist, ceist, keastt, ceast; kaist(e, caist, cast; kost, kust, cust(e, kuist (kwist), cuist, coost; p.p. castin(e, -yne, castne, casten(e; cassin(e, -yn(e, cassen (cassing); cast (kast). [ME. casten (c 1230), cast(e, ON. kasta (p.t. -aðe, p.p. -aðr). The usual forms of the p.t. and p.p. follow the model of the strong verbs.]
I. 1. To cast or throw, so as to shift from one place to another.To cast cantrips: see Cantrip n.(a) a1400 Leg. S. xvi. 476.
Do caste we owt this ded body Ib. xx. 226.
Quhy thole ȝe thame … to kast thame in the lak[e]? c1420 Wynt. ii. 518.
To cast stanys fast behynde Ib. v. 1240.
Syne he bad that men suld fast That watyr in thare howsys cast ?1438 Alex. ii. 1327.
Thay within can stanes cast 1456 Hay I. 8/1.
He gert cast in the furnas the thre haly persouns a1500 Rauf C. 487.
He bad the coilȝear … Cast the creillis fra the capill a1500 Bk. Chess 1055.
He … Bad byrne his cors and cast it in the se c1500-c1512 Dunb. Flyt. 231.
Fische wyvis cryis, Fy, and castis doun skillis and skeilis 1513 Doug. ii. ix. 64.
The ald waykly … A dart did cast 1554 Edinb. B. Rec. II. 193.
The querriouris … oblist thame … to cast the red behin thame and fill vp the hollis 1560 Rolland Seven S. 6626.
[He] to the sey can pas … And thair but mair castis in the … knicht a1578 Pitsc. II. 102/19.
God … soune heirefter castis the scourge in the fyre 1572-5 Diurn. Occurr. 68.
Thair wes the noyis of pepill casting the glassis with wyne a1585 Maitl. Q. lxxx. 3.
Into the port hir self sho castis Thair lyfe or death to find 1604 Urie Baron Ct. 6.
Alleging … that thai do caist thame [the peats] away in the pet pottis 1612 Misc. Maitl. C. I. 419.
Prophaning the Sabboth daye in casting the stone and hammer 1688 Reg. Privy C. 3 Ser. XIII. 247.
You … did sie George Fergusone … playeing and casteing his bonnet(b) 1375 Barb. viii. 469.
Thair gownys deliuerly … thai kest avay Ib. xi. 593.
Thai … mony speris … Kest emang thame a1400 Leg. S. ii. 42.
That serpent … he in the fyre … fra him keste Ib. xvi. 502.
The prince can pray That thai hyr kest nocht in the se c1420 Wynt. v. 5190.
Thare oure the wattyr he kest hys wand Ib. viii. 2062.
He … kest fast … the blode In till Willame Walays face a1500 Seven S. 2590.
His son in to the se he kest c1500-c1512 Dunb. lxxii. 108.
Quhilk crose and nalis … And bludy crowne befoir me kest 1513 Doug. iii. i. 125.
On we kest of warm mylk mony a skul Ib. xi. xv. 144.
Scho … fra hir kest hir wapynnys and armyng 1533 Boece v. ii. 166.
Apoun oure folkis Romanis … kest dartis 1533 Bell. Livy I. 33/32.
Thai kest at hir al thare targis c1552 Lynd. Mon. 1872.
Than Nembroth … Thir brether boith keste in the fyre 15.. Lichtoun Dreme 17.
I … kest myself richt with ane michtie bend 1597 Elgin Rec. II. 59.
It is tryit that John Layngis sone … kest stans at James Grantis quhyit 1635 Kirkcaldy Presb. 101.
James Abercrombie … kest ane seatt foorth in the middest of the kirk c1650 Spalding I. 87.
The scolleris … rave thame all in blaidis … and kest them in the sea(b) a1400 Leg. S. xvii. 65.
One hyme scho kyste the vatyr rath Ib. xli. 279.
The fel paianis … kist stanis at thame Ib. xliv. 285.
He … kiste thare-in pyk & brynstan(c) 1567 Inverness B. Rec. I. 146.
The said Ewin … keist ane tre … at me, … and thaireftyr keist stanis at me 1572-5 Diurn Occurr. 230.
All the remanent [munition] thai keist in the sey ground 1594 Elgin Rec. II. 39.
Agnes Smyt careit the watter … to the rynnand wattir of Lossie and keist in the same thair 1604 Ib. 125.
He keist a staine at hir calff 1627 Reg. Privy C. 2 Ser. II. 62.
David Hoode … [murdered] Johnne Harlaw, … and keastt him in a howe ditche(d) 1554 Prot. Bk. G. Grote 2.
Villiam Hall, officiar, kaist furtht the stres, ij stulis, furtht of the houssis 1562-3 Winȝet I. 127/24.
Quha sauld thair geris and landis … and kaist the prices thairof at the Disciplis feit a1585 Maitl. Q. lxii. 146.
The pryice of Christ quhillk Iudas kaist againe 1590 Crim. Trials I. 211.
He tuik ane thing lyke to ane fute-ball … and caist the same in the see 1600 Acts IV. 208/2.
The deponer kaist the halk fra him 1611-57 Mure Ps. xviii. 42.
I … caist them out like myre in streets 1622-6 Bisset II. 166/30.
He … murthered the said Nathalocus … sittand on the previe … and kaist him thairin(e) 1524 Carnwath Baron Ct. 18 b.
Iok Mosman cuist ane stane at Iame Mennon 1550–1 Corr. M. Lorraine 346.
He cuist out ane pursfull of auld sousis 1565 Prot. Bk. J. Scott 31.
Dauid Orme … kuist vpe agane the saidis staneis and lyme of the brokin wall 1569-73 Bann. Memor. 174.
The rest [of the arms] thei cust ouer in the sea 1593 Edinb. B. Rec. V. 85.
[He] patt violent hands on his wyff, … and cuist hir our hir awin stair 1600 Crim. Trials II. 196.
He … cuist ane sklait stane ower the wyndo among the pepill 1624 Miss. Abbotsf. C. 146.
Scho almost cuist the bairne thryse in the fyre 1641 Peebles Gleanings 238.
[He] with a graip kuist down a great part of the thack … of the said hous(c) a1400 Leg. S. xii. 65.
The quene … that cofyne nere-by cane se With wawis castine to the land Ib. xx. 275.
In the mikil fyre … he gert tham castine be c1420 Wynt. v. 912.
In the se his body lay Castyn thare efftyr mony day 1456 Hay I. 40/30.
The barnis was castyn to the wolvis in the wod a1508 Kennedy Flyt. 357.
The wit thou suld haue had was castin in … with a staf slong 1600 Hamilton Facile Tr. 390.
[Thay] ar worthie … to be castin in the deip and dark pit of hel 1698 Fam. Innes 38.
His hoar head cut off … and casten at the King's feet(b) 1450 Reg. Episc. Brechin I. 151.
Certane personis … [have] tane away the said proppis and cassyne mony of thaim in the … wattir of Cruok c1500-c1512 Dunb. vi. 40.
Quhar drink and draff may ilka day Be cassyne super faciem mean 1518 Dunferm. B. Rec. 297.
Swa at the muk stuf … cassyn in at the clovs may be keppit thare 1519 Reg. Episc. Aberd. II. 177.
Ane haile [brandar] and ane brokin and cassin by 1531 Bell. Boece I. 121.
The occiane see apperit bludy, and mony deid bodyis cassin to the brayis thairof Ib. 174.
His body suld be cassin to the houndis 1549 Ann. Banff. I. 27.
The gudes to be eschett or cassing our the craig 1558-66 Knox II. 357.
He was cassen over-thorte a pair of crealles, and so was caryed to Abirdene 1564 Reg. Privy C. I. 281.
That … the lynt … be … oppynit, handillit, and cassin furth to the wynd 1590 Edinb. B. Rec. V. 331.
xij boistis scrochertis and confectis that was cassin over the stairs of the bow the day of the entres 1605 Glasgow B. Rec. I. 237.
That he suffir na stainis nor ballest to be cassin out 1612 Crim. Trials IIII. 239.
The defunct missing his dager, quhilk … was cassin vp … vpone ane almerie heid 1660 Aberd. B. Rec. IV. 187.
Ane great number of glasses to be cassin and brokin(c) 1560 Rolland Seven S. 6627.
He is cast into the sey c1568 Lauder Minor P. i. 126.
That man sall be cast furth
b. absol. To perform the act of throwing.a1400 Leg. S. xl. 510.
Sa far as man mycht caste with hand c1420 Wynt. viii. 4864.
Qwhen thai castyne hade ?1438 Alex. ii. 1329.
Sum kest with handes and sum with sloung c1475 Wall. ix. 167 (ed. 1570).
Thay castand war rycht awfull on athir sid 1513 Doug. vii. xi. 110.
The maste parte To schut or cast war perfite in the artfig. 1560 Rolland Seven S. 9087.
With the Empreour in fauouris ȝe do stand; Thairfoir the mair thay will cast at ȝour hand
c. To cast (dice, lots, etc.). Also absol.For examples with the nouns see Cavill, Cut, Dice, Lot.c1475 Wall. vii. 386.
It [sc. the lot] wald on him, … Continually, quhill thai had castyn thrys a1500 Bk. Chess 1990.
This harlot kest apon thre dyce auchtene Ib. 1992.
Quhen Bernard kest, a dyce in two is gone c1500-c1512 Dunb. xxxiv. 73.
Bot he kest vp fair syisis threfig. a1605 Montg. Son. xxxiv. 3.
A wretchit woman … Vhose chanch is cassin that sho can not chuse Bot sigh
d. To bandy, exchange (words).c1420 Wynt. viii. 2049.
Fra that kest thai na ma wordis
2. To bring, put, convey, etc., with some force or speed; to change the place of (something) by a forcible or sudden movement. Freq. with adverbs, as down, out, up, or preps., as in(to).(a) a1400 Leg. S. xxxvi. 333.
Herod gert Johnne in presone caste 1387 Edinb. Charters 35.
Betwene the chapellis [sal be] guteryt with hewyn stane to cast the watir owte c 1420 Liber Calchou 451.
Thir spycery brayde be thaim self … castis out vennome c1420 Wynt. viii. 1810.
The yhettis … off the towne thai gert wp cast 1456 Hay II. 45/22.
As drede … gerris a person cast downe the hede, and luke to the erde c1500-c1512 Dunb. lxix. 36.
Syne Deid castis up his ȝettis wyd 1531 Edinb. B. Rec. II. 55.
Quhair ony baxsteris hes … ony quheit liand to grynd and will nocht cast on and grynd the samyn 1560 Rolland Seven S. 4833.
Sum castis the tabill to the ground a1568 Balnavis Bann. MS. 138 b/13.
Cast nocht our oft Ȝour speir in to the reist a1568 Scott xxxiv. 64.
Ȝe can tak no rest Quhill thay kast vp all four 1563-1570 Buch. Wr. 57.
You, deliuerit of ane wyfe, castis your self in the samyn nette(b) a1400 Leg. S. xxiii. 269.
He … kist his hud done oure his face c1420 Wynt. v. 176.
Tha twa wyld bestys … Kest downe amang thare lymmys lawe Thare hedys a1500 Rauf C. 365.
He kest twa creillis on ane capill a1500 Henr. Fab. 460.
With that the cok … Kest vp his beik c1475 Wall. iii. 168.
In fewtir kest a fellone aspre sper The knycht Fenweik a1500 Gol. & Gaw. 950.
The scheld in counter he kest our his cleir weid 1492 Myll Spect. 294/23.
Alsone as this ȝoung squyer kest his speir in to his reist to ryn 1513 Doug. ii. i. 26.
Al thai of Troy … Kest vp the portis Ib. vii. Prol. 95.
I … kest on clathis thryn fald 1531 Bell. Boece II. 298.
Than the king kest abak his handis 1533 Gau 60/13.
He keist hime in to presone vnto he suld pay it c1550 Rolland C. Venus iv. i.
First doun thay kest Moyses Pentateuchon a1540 Freiris Berw. 349.
Than sat he doun, and kest abak his hude 1560 Rolland Seven S. 5009.
Sa at schort that image doun he kest 1574 St. A. Kirk S. 398.
[He] keist her down by the way a1578 Pitsc. I. 104/18.
Sua … he caist him [self] in the kingis gait 1581 Bann. Memor. 336.
The vther tua … kaist vp the windowis c1650 Spalding I. 151.
[The] regentis … kest wp the colledge yettis(e) a1578 Pitsc. I. 26/10.
The gouernour … tuik him with his brother and cust thame baith in presoune 1600-1610 Melvill 259.
The hors … cust down his head, … and his heid going down, he lopes the supersault 1602 Shetland Sheriff Ct. 1 b.
The said Dauid … kwist hir doun and hett hir thrie straikis 1629 Reg. Privy C. 2 Ser. III. 229.
He … kuist her backeward to the ground 1633 Orkney Bp. Ct. 86 b.
He also melted lead and cust it throw the bowles of ane pair of cheiris thrie sindrie tymes 1648 Peebles B. Rec. 385.
That Thomas Moses cuist John Cleg bak over(c) c1420 Wynt. iv. 84.
That all the glut … In tymys mycht be castyne downe a1500 Seven S. 441.
The barnis credill was cassyn owre c1500-c1512 Dunb. Tua Mar. W. 23.
With curches, cassin thame abone 1533 Bell. Livy I. 17/25.
Scho … was cassin in presoun, quhare scho sone eftir decessit 1562-3 Winȝet I. 75/14.
Euin thame quha had … cassin out deuilis in His name 1570 Leslie 179.
The hoill christellingis suddantlie was cassin doun to the eird and brokin a1586 Lindesay MS. 40 b.
The aith beand takin and the cot [= coat] castin on 1600 Hamilton Facile Tr. 45.
Gif King Ozias … died miserablie, cassin out of the hous of the lord c1650 Spalding I. 158.
Yettis are cassin wp, in gois thir covenanteris
b. fig. To put or bring in; to introduce.1579 Perth Kirk S. 238.
The said Peter to bring his witnesses to prove his libel casten in 1618 Misc Spald. C. II. 161.
New disturbances were cassin in to reuerse all that wes done in the conference
3. To throw off, discard, get rid of.1375 Barb. xvi. 601.
With that he kest of his chemer a1540 Freiris Berw. 228.
Scho castis of haill hir fresch array a1568 Scott ii. 84.
Thay raikit baith to rest … And of thair armour kest 1570 Sat. P. xv. 38.
Ȝe plesand paun & papingaw Cast of ȝour blyithlyke cullour a1585 Maitl. Q. lxxvi. 20.
Tak on thairfoir thy doulfull weid, Cast of thy proud & staitlie hewis c1600 Montg. Suppl. 218. xxi. 9.
With that me thocht hir nicht-gowne of sche cuist 1609 Hume 177/410.
Considering the yoke … of the Roman Antichryst is cassin of
4. To cast out of the body, esp. at the mouth; to vomit. Also absol.a1400 Leg. S. ii. 771.
A fowle padow at the laste, He keste, that wes laythe to se c1420 Wynt. v. 622.
Owt at his mouth thai gert hym cast That paddog with a blob off blude 1456 Hay II. 124/15.
Tak a vomyt of water and vinager, or othir wayis to ger thé cast a1508 Kennedy Flyt. 462.
Thow spewit, and kest out mony a lathly lomp 1540 Lynd. Sat. 4355 (B).
Scho ȝeild … at baith the endis Till scho had cassin [Ch. castin] a cuppill of quartis a1586 Lindesay MS. 30 b.
Scho castis furth the watter that scho swalleis
5. To throw down, off, or away.c1420 Wynt. i. 340.
Coryne … had grete lykyng To cast thai carlys in werslyng 1456 Hay I. 262/3.
Gif … a man … will cast his gage of bataill 1531 Bell. Boece II. 355.
Ane Norman … had sic craft in wersling, that he kest all men that assailyeit him 1533 Boece ix. iv. 293 b.
Thay kest harnes and wapynnys in the flycht a1500 Peblis to Play 176.
My awin grey mair that kest me a1568 Scott ii. 167.
To ga he wes agast, For he affeird … His cursour suld him cast a 1700 Bk. Pasquils 271.
Sir Presbyter, ye spur Your speavie mear too fast, … Your covenant she'll castfig. c1490 Irland Asl. MS. I. 53/15.
Sanct Peter kest bot litill thing to serf Ihesu, bot he rewardit him richely a1585 Maitl. Q. lxxv. 15.
For so wes love by blind effectioun cast 1581 Sat. P. xliv. 127.
Rou custe the vsurie hard be the beuch
b. To throw overboard from a vessel.1467 Acts II. 87/1.
Na gudis vnder the ourlop [are] to scot nor lot with tha gudis in case thai be castin 1508 Treas. Acc. IV. 140.
For certane merchandis … quhilk wes tynt and cassin before Coldinghame c1575 Balfour Pract. 623.
Gif … mastis be hewin, or gudis be castin, … the ship and gudis sall be taxt at the ship's price 1622-6 Bisset II. 205/23 [= 1467 above].
Gif the samin [gudis] beis cassin
c. To drop (an anchor). Also with doun.1513 Doug. v. xiv. 92.
Thai … Kest down thar bewchit ankyrris … Into the raid 1570 Leslie 282.
The Inglis shippes come to the raid of Leyth, quhair thay kest thair anckeris 1570-3 Bann. Trans. 426.
He sayis to his wyfe, goe reid whair I caist my first ancre 1596 Dalr. I. 61/28.
Quhair thrie ȝeirs, her anker being castne, sche had stayed 1616 Melrose P. 257.
One of the waughters had caussin anker in thair raid
d. To lose or drop (a shoe).1504 Treas. Acc. II. 442.
The kingis hors quhilk kest ane scho at the Ballach
e. In passive, of a ship: To be wrecked.1587-99 Hume vii. 91.
[The ships] sine were cast for all their brags and bost 1653 Edinb. Test. LXVII. 13.
Quhilk schipe was cassine away and lost at Brunteilland herbrie
6. To throw down by demolition.(a) c1420 Wynt. iv. 271.
He … gart cast all the wallys down Off Babilone Ib. v. 2837.
Thow sall gere cast Downe the templys 1472 Edinb. Chart. 135.
That thai cast doune and remove … housis biggit apon our wal c1500 Fyve Bestes 315.
In entent to cast the cite dovn 1513 Doug. xi. v. 63.
The assys deip … Down dyd thai cast 1540 Edinb. B. Rec. II. 104.
It salbe leful to the … ballies to cast doun the saidis waist landis 1553 Misc. Wodrow Soc. 147.
Ȝit every man … suld not cast doun the place quhilk he thynkis falteis(b) c1420 Wynt. iv. 569.
Thare all thare templys he kest downe Ib. 1414.
The gret byggynys it kest downe c1515 Asl. MS. I. 243/19.
James the secund kest dovne the castell of Inuerawyne 1531 Bell. Boece I. 123.
Thay kest downe the wallis thairof onto the ground 1551 Hamilton Cat. 92.
God … cuist doune Sodoma and Gomorra … with brontstaine and fyre 1563 Crim. Trials I. i. 431.
[Certain] cietineris of Brechine … crewelly strak and dang thame, … and thaireftir keist thair houssis doune 1570 Leslie 19.
This maister of Craufurd … keist doun mony of thair houses in Angus Ib. 92.
They … keist doun the barmekine 1572-5 Diurn. Occurr. 3.
He … saigeit the castell of Norhame and gat it, quhilk he kest doun a1578 Pitsc. II. 146/32.
They … passit to the Grayfreiris and Blakfreiris … and caist thame all done 1595–6 Misc. Spald. C. V. 62.
Quhen he keist downe the falds of Cabrastone(c) c1420 Wynt. ii. 1584.
Eftyr Troyis destructyowne And the cyte castyn downe Ib. vii. 2450.
The castelle … Wes tretyd to be castyn down 1472 Edinb. Chart. 135.
Housis biggit apon our wal … , the quhilkis ar nedefull to be castin doune c1475 Wall. v. 485.
Kynclewin was brvnt, brokyn, and castyn doun c1515 Asl. MS. I. 234/8.
The castell was castin dovn be erll Willam of Douglas 1558 Misc. Wodrow Soc. 145.
As gyff the closure of the wyne-ȝarde be castin doun 1596 Dalr. II. 310/10.
Quhen the Frenchmen haue castne doune the walis 1634 Peebles Gl. 163.
The balk and passage … to be sichtit and castin doun(b) a1400 Leg. S. v. 301.
That Dyane … suld Cristis kirk … Ger don thru hyr cassine be c1400 Troy-bk. ii. 1182.
Eftir Troyes distructioun And all the towres cassyn [v.r. cassen] doun c1500 Fyve Bestes 298.
The tovne of Tyre That was … wtterly distroyit & cassyn dovn 1542 Edinb. B. Rec. II. 111.
Thair said cruvis [sall be] cassin downe and destroyit with all rigour 1560 Rolland Seven S. 5502.
The towre … Was cassin doun … throw wilynes 1572 Sat. P. xxxiii. 191.
I se ȝour tempillis cassin downe and reuin 1595 Orkney Rentals ii. 21.
Ane miln … in Widefurd, … aught to be demolishit and casin down 1614 Misc. Spald. C. V. 218.
Ther houses to be cassin doune 1640 Elgin Rec. I. 268.
The samyn [dike] to be cassin doun and demolischit
b. To fell (timber).1533 Boece iv. xvi. 151.
Agricola … causit craftismen cast tymmer in the nerrest wod and secretlie jone ane brig
7. To direct (the eyes, look, etc.), esp. up or down.a1400 Leg. S. i. 573.
He with that kist vpe the sicht 1456 Hay II. 45/24.
Sa dois the stelin hat [ger] the knycht cast doune his eyne a1500 Henr. III. 127/5.
On cais I kest on syd myne e c1500-c1512 Dunb. Tua Mar. W. 227.
I cast on him a crabbit E Ib. 454.
So keik I … , and castis kynd lukis To knychtis 1513 Doug. iii. v. 75.
Hyr vissage down scho kest for schame adred Ib. xii. xi. 124.
His eyn … towart the wallys he kest a1540 Freiris Berw. 426 (M).
Asyd to him sche caist ane fremmit E 1560 Rolland Seven S. 7480.
The Empreour … , with browis casting doun, Saying to him [etc.] c1590 Fowler 88/57.
She cwist hir eyes vnto the highest heaven a1605 Montg. Misc. P. li. 21.
Vpon this nymph fra that scho caist hir ei 1661 Elgin Rec. II. 298.
John Rind confessed that he did kast up hes ey and said it was bloodrune
b. To direct or turn (oneself). Also intr.1560 Rolland Seven S. 5056.
We mon … Eschew the deip, and cast us to the furde 1570 Leslie Hist. 209.
He turned his course … to cast alongis by the shoire
8. To send out, emit (light, odour, etc.); to throw (a shadow); to send up a shout, etc.(1) c1500-c1512 Dunb. G. Targe 39.
The ruby skyes … Kest beriall bemes on emerant bewis grene 1513 Doug. i. iv. 18.
A wod abufe … castis a plesand schaddow our the clewis Ib. ix. ii. 97.
The tallownyt burdis kest a pikky low Ib. xii. Prol. 125.
Baith atanys kest fragrant smell 1535 Stewart 32089.
Ane roittin tre, the quhilk siclike caist lycht As dois a sterne 15.. Clar. v. 112.
Of stone and perle the bordour caist ane light(2) a1500 Gol. & Gaw. 953.
The king vnto Criste kest vp ane cry 1513 Doug. iii. x. 32.
A fellon bray and huge schowt vp he kest
9. To perform by leaping or bounding.c1500-c1512 Dunb. xxvi. 11.
He bad gallandis … kast vp gamountis in the skyis 1529 Lynd. Complaynt 181.
Castand galmoundis, with bendis and beckis a1605 Montg. Flyt. 509.
While ky kest caprels behind with their heeles
10. To turn over, turn up (a book or passage).c1500 Fyve Bestes 179.
Weile couth he cast the bukis of decres c1550 Rolland Ct. Venus iii. 927.
Sa the Assise … Kest buikis like beis in all proces of law 1562-3 Winȝet I. 27/10.
Castand vp the bukis of sum auncient Fatheris 1648 Hope Diary 146.
I was … casting up at adventur a chapter to reid
11. To fire (a gun); to strike (a person).1515 Treas. Acc. V. 47.
To gar mak beil fyris and cast gunnys for novelteis of the triumph 1608 Melrose R. Rec. I. 62.
James Maben deponis he saw him cast hir on the scalpe
II. 12. a. To drop, give birth to.c1420 Wynt. i. 1043.
[The foals] castyn syne are qwyk gangand 1570 Buch. Wr. 31.
To be ane stude to cast ma folis 1571 Elgin Rec. I. 127.
Thow ceist ane barrall of makis furth of the weym; thow castis bot kitlyngis and nocht childeryng
b. intr. Of bees: To throw off a swarm.1587-99 Hume iii. 150.
Forth of their skepps some raging bees, Lyes out and will not cast 1694 Foulis Acc. Bk. 166.
The wester bee skep did cast this day
13. To take (peats or turf) out of or off the ground by digging.See also dovat, fale, fewall, pete, turf.(a) 1410 Reg. Episc. Brechin I. 30.
Thair aw na man … cast turwis in our foirsaid moir 1461 Peebles B. Rec. 139.
The nychtburris of Pebillis sal haf fredom … to cast turris and pwl hedder 1476 Ib. 177.
To pul hadyr and cast turffis 1509 Prestwick B. Rec. 41.
The said Wilȝame sall cast & wyn xxx crellis of pettis betuex and the next Lammes 1531 Bell. Boece II. 322.
Quhare we … castis scherettis … to sustene our liffis in the winter 1542 Lanark B. Rec. 19.
That na personis kast peittis nor turfis upon the mur bot for meit and fe 1574 Glasgow B. Rec. I. 17.
It sall nocht be lesum to ony freman to cast in the yeir mair nor twa daywerk of turfis 1622-6 Bisset I. 314/16.
Castand his peittis, mawand his medowes, and delfand his eard of the … landis 1644 Aberd. B. Rec. IV. 33.
The haill auld toun people did cast thair fewall in the touns commontie c1650 Spalding I. 201.
Petes and fyre wes veray scars, throw want of seruandis to cast and win thame 1683 Coll. Aberd. & B. 103.
Such of them [sc. peats], as are cast downwards from top to bottom, are … brittle 1698 Maxwell Mem. II. 347.
Having … caused cast my kain peats in the moss properly belonging ... to me(b) 1516 Fife Sheriff Ct. 42.
Iohnne Forret grauntit … that he keist nocht the turffis be na title of richt 1597 Misc. Spald. C. I. 143.
Thow passit to the lone of Bogloch, and keist a grene truff or scherard(c) 1495 Liber Aberbr. 289.
The south syd of Balnamonismyr … occupeit be pettis castin be Symon Banerman 1511 Antiq. Aberd. & B. III. 107.
The said induellaris … hes castin batht pettis [and] turffis 1634 Peebles Gleanings 171.
Anent the mairches that our men had castene turfs [on] 1698 Maxwell Mem. II. 348.
To lead away the peats quhich I had casten in my own ground(b) 1539 Antiq. Aberd. & B. II. 359.
The said [persons] … has … pasturit thair guidis and cassin fewill … quhair nay guids war pasturit nor feuil cassin of before 1588 Lanark B. Rec. 93.
[To] fens and arest all peittis, turves, quhilk ar cassing within the said boundis 1618 Fam. Rose 308.
The men off Inuernes … hes cassin peitts and towrves in our boundis 1652 Aberd. B. Rec. IV. 133.
For ewrie load of peitis cassin and to be cassin befoir Michaelmes
b. intr. To engage in digging.1494 Treas. Acc. I. 249.
Thir ar the expensis and vncostis to the men that kest abowte the schype 1534 Ib. VI. 234.
Payit … to xv men to cast the space of xv tydis about the schip c1552 Lynd. Mon. 1700.
Thare gret fortres than did thay founde, And kaiste tyll thay gat souer grounde 1601 Aberd. Eccl. Rec. 184.
Thai that wes with him … kist, bot fand na thing 1664 Forbes Baron Ct. 246.
Persons … fund gultie of casting with foot spades … in meadow ground
c. To dig up, excavate; to clean out with the spade.(a) 1497 Treas. Acc. I. 364.
To the monk that castis the gardin a1585 Maitl. Q. lxviii. 90.
Greit was the work to houke the ground, & thy fundatioun cast 1612 Glasgow B. Rec. I. 324.
Cuntrie men qua leifis thair malingis, and cumis heir to duell, … and castis thair commoun 1656 Peebles B. Rec. II. 35.
The thesaurer to caus cast Edderstoun burne, lying to the commoun loaning 1670 Glasgow Weavers 83.
To John Young for casting the stank and stobing the treds dyck 1670 Elgin Rec. I. 313.
Ane bank to be beat that no persones cast the greines of the cattaills herefter(b) 1489 Treas. Acc. I. 116.
The men that kest the gayt at the Barwod to the gunnis 1553–4 Edinb. B. Rec. II. 283.
Payit to viij men that kost the lang stank on the syde of the North Loch(c) c 1563 Reg. Panmure I. xxxii.
For that caws the mwr of Bathil … was not castine 1610 Glasgow B. Rec. I. 313.
The … counsell ordanis the gote betuix the Lytill Grene and the land endis of St. Tenochis croft to be cassin 1657 Lanark B. Rec. 159.
The counsell appoyntis the welheid to be cassin and set about with stanes or staikes 1669 Aberd. Chart. 271.
The saids calseys are presentlie to be repaired and the ditches casten
d. To form (a trench, etc.) by digging.(a, b) 1513 Treas. Acc. IV. 464.
To Robert Jameson, to cast the greit schippis dok in the Dublar 1533 Boece vii. ii. 223 b.
Thai war commandit to cast ane brade and profound foussy 1541 Elgin Rec. I. 64.
Mr Thomas Gaderar, … complenit vpon Robert Mawar for cassin ane stank upon ane taill pertynyng to the said Mr Thomas(b) 1573 Sat. P. xxxix. 79.
Jacques Gelliam, … The gabiounes makand, kaist the trinschis neir 1611 Crim. Trials III. 131.
Taking ane spaid and schule, [he] caist hollis in the sand to have buried him 1613 Mun. Univ. Glasg. III. 564.
To Iohn Smith and twa men … that cuist and laid the sink fyve dayis c1650 Spalding I. 142.
Nixt they began to cast ditches … and keist deip ditches … about the hill(c) 1535 Stewart 20601.
With fowseis braid … That cassin war that tyme on euerilk syde a1540 Freiris Berw. 10.
It is wallit weill abowt with stane, And dowbill stankis castin mony ane 1580 Rep. Milne Home MSS. 51 (see Cast n.1 7). 1621 Acts IV. 632/2.
It wilbe necessour for the convoying of the said water that seuchis and ditches be cassin 1676 Glasgow B. Rec. III. 224 (see Cast n.1 7). 1689 Rec. Old Aberd. I. 149.
That for the right improveing of the said moss ther be ane stank casten
e. To furnish (with a ditch) by digging.1617 Antiq. Aberd. & B. IV. 686.
That littill peice of land … stankit about and castin with ane stank
14. To take in (grain) from the field; to house.1479 Acta Aud. 94/2.
Vmfray Murray … tuk, intromettit withall and kest in a stak of beire and had away the sammyn 1573 Prot. Bk. G. Grote 87.
[That he should] cast in [his corn in due time] 1581 Edinb. Test. IX. 192.
I leue to the laird of Newhall … foure bollis quheit to be takin vp quhen it is castin in 1585 Reg. Privy C. IV. 38.
The saids Robert and his brethir … cuist in ane peis stak standing in the barneyaird thairof
b. To thresh or winnow (grain); to turn over in order to air.1511 Antiq. Aberd. & B. III. 106.
I haue castin of aitis als mekill as is ane chalder of meile c1650 Spalding I. 81.
The cornes weill stakit began to mothe and rot whill they war cassin over agane
15. To draw out; to arrange or form; to cast on (a knot, etc.); to carry out.c1450-2 Howlat 417.
Ane [scheld] … I beheld … Quhilk cassyn be cognoscence quarterly was a1500 Henr. Fab. 1512.
The pepill … kest ane range on raw the woid within c1590 Fowler 311/10.
The plouers … cuist there furrous long a1605 Montg. Flyt. 405 (T).
Nickniven with hir nymphis … Quhais cwnning consistis in casting a clew a1605 Montg. Son. xxxvii. 7.
I can not chuse; my kinsh is not to cast 1639 Thanes of Cawdor 284.
Ane … squair crinell to be caseine out withe corbellis, seirges, and galconmowthis 1689 Foulis Acc. Bk. 116.
For teaching the bairns to wryt, casting them copies, and squaring ther bookes
16. To cast in a mould.1496 Treas. Acc. I. 285.
To the man that castis the chameris to the brassin gun 1511 Ib. IV. 278.
To the furnesing and casting of ane gret canoun … cassin this day 1564 Crim. Trials I. 441.
The said Thomas had cassin diuerse vtheris of the saidis irnis a1578 Pitsc. I. 259/24.
Sewin cannonis … , cassin be Robert Borthik the maister gounar 1587 Edinb. Test. XVIII. 108.
Of brokin siluer cassin and meltit xiiij vnce weycht 1633 Falkirk Par. Rec. I. 78.
That there be ane taxation … to pay the charges of the bell that was casten in Holland 1638 Aberd. Univ. Rec. 410.
That the … sputtis of leid of the kirk be all lifted, of new casting, and laid agane 1650 Peebles B. Rec. 422.
To the boyes that cuist the bulletts for thair expeditioun
17. To face or cover by casting lime, etc.1624 Ellon Presb. 120.
The walls nather cassin nor set c1650 Spalding II. 217.
Our minister … kest with lyme that pairt quhair the bak of the alter stood
III. 18. To turn over in the mind; to consider; to devise or plan.(a) c1420 Wynt. vi. 1004.
In till hys thowcht ay wald be cast Efftyr-hend hys statis all Ib. 1740.
Dame Em … Be slycht gert cast this jwperty 1456 Hay II. 147/32.
Cast all thair counsailis ilkane till othir in thy mynde c1450 Cr. Deyng 59.
For in the houre of ded the deuill wvll cast mony wrenkis of falsait a1500 Henr. Fab. 2839.
Ane bodie that hes neid, To help thame self suld mony wayis cast a1500 Gol. & Gaw. 323.
I rede we cast ws betuene How best is to done c1500-c1512 Dunb. Tua Mar. W. 124.
Compasand & castand cacis a thousand, How he sall tak me 1513 Doug. ii. x. 22.
Dreding les the Troianys wald … kast sum way for hir distructioun a1568 Scott i. 33.
Cast thy consate be counsale of the sage Ib. xxxiv. 78.
Thay sussy not for schame, Nor castis nocht quhat cumis syne a1570-86 Maitl. F. clxxvii. 22.
Cast weill thy cours; thow hes ane kittill cureabsol. c1500-c1512 Dunb. lxix. 13.
This warld all ouir I cast about(b) a1500 Rauf C. 402.
Schir Rolland … in hart kest Quhat that suld betakin c1475 Wall. xi. 354.
Knawlage to get thai kest a sutell cace Ib. 792.
Wallange … kest in his entent, Quhat man thar was [etc.] c1550 Rolland C. Venus iii. 223.
Deianira for Venus saik kest wayis Hir lufe [to] distroy Id. Seven S. Prol. 57.
I … Kest in my mynd … That she bad me [etc.]
b. To forecast, anticipate. Also intr.a1487 Gud Wyf & D. 99.
Ȝouthede can no perellis cast c1460 Thewis Wysmen 435.
Thai cast na perell of before 1535 Stewart 16899.
Ȝouthheid no way that can no perrell cast a1605 Montg. Ch. & Slae 524.
He sall nevir schaip to sayle the se, That for all perrils castis
c. To reckon up, to count; to estimate or assess.c1420 Wynt. viii. 1441.
Cast all thir generatyownys … Off Brws and Ballyoll a1497, 15.. Gray MS. vi. 40.
Kingis & knichtis in company Vncountit curiously vp I kest 1517 Fife Sheriff Ct. 68.
At the instance of party the schireffis foirsaid gert cast wp the said inquest … of the quhilkis the names followis 1570 Lanark B. Rec. 50.
Na stent to be cassen quhille the portes be beget 1672 Reg. Privy C. 3 Ser. III. 490.
To cast the severall shyres their proportiones of the thousand foot appoynted to be raised 1684 Corshill Baron Ct. 168.
The judge ordaines the birlaymen … to cast one the skaith proportionallie 1688 Reg. Privy C. 3 Ser. XIII. 348 (see Cast n.1 9).
19. To apply (oneself, one's mind, etc.) to something. Also in p.p.c1475 Wall. i. 4.
Our antecessowris … We lat ourslide … And castis ws euir till vthir besynes a1500 Rauf C. 822.
Thai … renkis … Kest thame with gude will to do vthir skaith c1500-c1512 Dunb. Tua Mar. W. 81.
Than suld I cast me to keik in kirk and in markat 1531 Bell. Boece I. 239.
As thay had bene sicker of victory, thay stragulit fra thair fallowis, cassin to spulye Id. Livy I. 63/13.
He kest [v.r. keist] him to recounsell him agane to the favoure of his pepill c1550 Rolland C. Venus iii. 233.
Sen thir nimphis of honour To pleis Venus kest all thair appetite Id. Seven S. 1552.
Ȝow to distroy, he castis him euer mair Ib. 2063.
Waryit woman that ay castis thy ingyne Thy awin marrow euer to put to pyne a1568 Scott iii. 4.
Cast ȝow to conqueis luve ane vthir kynd Ib. 27.
Cast ȝow for to cum ane vthir day a1578 Pitsc. I. 89/14.
The Erle of Douglas cuist him selff for to be stark aganis the king Ib. II. 51/18.
The … cardinall cuist his ingyne to get the governour … bound to his counsall 1596 Dalr. II. 396/14.
Scho kaist her to wrake baith France and Scotland with deidlie feid 1622-6 Bisset I. 83/12.
That they may cast thame with all thair intent to observe … the samin [lawes]
b. intr. To set oneself (to do something).c1515 Asl. MS. I. 299/22.
Of the quhilk vij dayis … I cast to commoun a1500 Doug. K. Hart 21.
For so thai kest thair tyme to occupy Ib. 82.
With feistis fell … This cumlie court thair King thai kast to keip a1585 Maitl. Q. lxxx. 15.
Now onlye to reioys thay cast, and sorrowis all forget
20. To put or bring in or into a certain state. Also with pred. adj. as lous, waste.c 1420 Liber Calchou 450.
The venome … castis a man in to the agw a1500 Gol. & Gaw. 1108.
Than had I cassin in cair mony kene knight 1560 Rolland Seven S. 487.
Ȝe may persaue that thay haue bene … All cassin into curage clene [etc.] 1567 G. Ball. 47.
My conscience kest me euer in cair 1569-73 Bann. Memor. 75.
Which mycht … haue cassin me in dispair 1580-92 James VI Lusus R. 37.
My state can neuer change … Thus castin in my lukelesse lotte c1600 Montg. Suppl. 205/5.
That I am cassin clene in cair, And confortles a1597-1617 Hist. Jas. VI 85.
All the people were cassin sa louse, and were become of sic dissoluit myndis 1614 Highland P. III. 171.
The parrell of these gentilmen, … too rakleslie cassin in that danger Ib.
To declair … quhow thay ar fallin or casin in this troubill c1650 Spalding I. 4.
[They] resoluis be force of armes ather to recover thair awin kyndlie possessionis, or vtheruayes to cast the samen waste 1646 Aberd. B. Rec. IV. 70.
That the disipline of the kirk was much weakned and almost castin loose 1662 Decis. Lords G. 42.
If they had been forced to pay greater duties, the lands would have been casten waste
21. To cast (a person, etc.) off, away, down, out of some state, relationship, etc.1456 Hay I. 23/15.
Benait [was] agayne put up, and sone agayn castin down Ib. I. 294/27.
Quhen the sone of king Salomon … was castin out of his lordschip Ib. II. 64/10.
All sik folyis … castis men of Goddis grace c1500-c1512 Dunb. Tua Mar. W. 214.
Wariand off my weckit kyn, that me away cast To sic a craudoune 1559 Misc. Spald. C. IV. 89.
Nebuchodonozer … wes cassin from his impyre as ane best 1563-1570 Buch. Wr. 45.
Casting of lytill and lytill the Erle of Murray 1580 Hay in Cath. Tr. 65/2.
Gyf all … was compted idolatrie, and thairfore aucht to be castin avay 1619 Misc. Bann. C. I. 202.
Holie days have bein castin out of our kirk 1629 Boyd Last B. 89.
The Lord … neuer coost him off c1650 Spalding I. 3.
James erll of Moray thair maister had cassin them out of thair kyndlie possessions
b. To throw out or away, free oneself from.15.. Dunb. App. ix. 34.
Quhairfoir … cast away all cair and cuvatice Ib. x. 38.
Cast out all cair
22. To cast, direct, or inflict (something) on another. Also with to.1456 Hay I. 286/31.
And [= if] the ta part cast gage of bataill on the tothir 1492 Myll Spect. 284/24.
This maid … kest sic a delectatioun on to hir fader a1500 Doug. K. Hart 600.
Natur did mis sic folk apone me cast a1586 Maitland Hist. Ho. Seton 33.
To the quhilk Hew the said Cristiane cast sic favour that sche wald marye nane vther 1596 Misc. Spald. C. I. 86.
The saidis … , throw thi witchecraft cassin on tham, … drownit tham selffis 1684 Erskine Journal 94.
Any such deed … was casten upon those whose principles led them to disoun the King's authority
23. To cast down, deject (the spirits).c1420 Ratis R. 801.
Quhen sorow gret … castis downe thi spretis Ib. 807.
Quhill thai ar castin doune
24. To reject or oppose as illegal or improper; to annul.c1500-c1512 Dunb. xiii. 29.
Sum castis summondis, and sum exceptis c1550 Rolland C. Venus ii. 5.
He him bethocht … to get sum aduocat expert, Wald Venus court retreit, cast, or conuert a1578 Pitsc. I. 225/20.
Be the pratick and order of Scotland the sowmondis was cassin 1609 Skene Reg. Maj. 11.
The brieve may be cassin, as nulle, and of nane availl Ib. 89.
Gif he may not cast the breive be any exception Ib. 104.
He may cast the proces 1678 Red Bk. Grandtully III. 239.
Fentrie's commissione is sustained by the Committee, but many others casten 1678 Mackenzie Laws & C. 529.
To object against a witness in our law, is called to cast a witness, or to set him
25. To show repugnance at something.1632 Rutherford Lett. (1862) I. 91.
Let your soul … cast at all things and disdain them, except one only a 1665 Guthrie Serm. 25 (J).
When they have … casten at his ordinances
26. To rake up as a matter of reproach.1604 Hist. Glasgow (1881) 149.
[No one was] to speak ill of the dead or to cast up their demerits