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A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)

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About this entry:
First published 1951 (DOST Vol. II).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

Effere, Effeir, v.1 Also: effeire, effiere, effire, effeer, effaire. [Var. of Affer(e v.]

1. intr. To belong or pertain to, to be appropriate to, to be fitting or proper for a person. = Affere v. 1.1456 Hay I. 27/22.
To geve lycht to the small peple ilkane as thame efferis
Ib. II. 72/1.
Quhat kynde of sapience effeiris to kingis, princis, and grete lordis
a1500 Henr. Fab. 1433.
We … had greit aboundance Of alkin thingis, sic as to vs effeird
1513 Doug. v. iii. 54.
A mark … Quhar, for to turn agane, as thame efferis, … thai mycht knaw
15.. Clar. i. 670.
Fair Mandonet was lustilie beseine In clothing as effeirit to ane queine
c1550 Rolland C. Venus ii. 537.
Kneling full law, as weill him culd effeir
Id. Seven S. 610.
Sa at last come in the Empreour … And hir imbraist as culd him best effeir

b. With infinitive complement.1456 Hay I. 113/14.
How he suld knaw quhat thing efferis till a gude knycht to do
Ib. 113/16; etc.
Till a gude knycht efferis to kepe wele his athe
1473 Edinb. B. Rec. I. 26.
Sen it effaires to us … to declair the veritie
1513 Doug. v. vii. 40.
Quhy stand I thus, how lang efferis me duell?

2. To appertain, to belong properly or naturally, to answer or correspond, to a thing. = Affere v. 2.1375 Barb. ii. 28.
God … wat quhat to all thing efferis
a1400 Leg. S. xl. 1206.
Thai … mad hym thar a bed fut-hat As efferit til his estate
1456 Hay I. 302/11.
As efferis … to the ryaltee of him that sendis the writtis
a1500 Henr. Fab. 1160.
The rauin, as to his office weill effeird, Indorsat hes the write
1547 Reg. Cupar A. II. 53.
Providing all wais that Jonet Fyndlayson … be honestlie sustenit … for hir lyftyme, as efferis to hir estait
a1585 Maitl. Q. i. 46.
Quhy sould thay not haue honeist weidis To thair estait doand effeir
a1585 Polwart Flyt. 593 (T).
Swa all his fowsome forme thairto effeiris

b. In the pres. pple. efferand or effering, freq. = corresponding or answering to.(a) 1480 Acta Conc. 71/2.
The said annuel efferand to the part of the land that ather of thaim has
1498 Dunferm. B. Rec. 84.
An faldin burde witht trestis and furmis efferand tharto
1511 Edinb. B. Rec. I. 134.
Thai sall pay for … the paks efferand to the raitt thairof and quantitie
1529 Ib. II. 5.
At the ij d. laif wey xviij vncis, and the brovne breid efferand tharto
1557 Conv. Burghs I. 525.
The … counsall hes extentit … vpoun all the burrowes, ilk ane efferand to thair pairt
1576 Edinb. Test. IV. 338 b.
Ane pair of schankis … with ane pair of buffenis efferand thairto
1599 Acts IV. 186/2.
He is … endewit with all vther princelie qualities efferand to his aige
(b) a1578 Pitsc. I. 251/20.
All hir mastis and saillis … with towis and ankeris effeirand thairto
1581 Rep. Mar & Kellie MSS. 35.
Twa bombardis of iryne … with three chalmers of iryne effierant tharto
1622-6 Bisset I. 44/37.
The corps of deid men … salbe buryed effeirand to thair guidis
c1650 Spalding I. 249.
The dew … pairt of the said soume, effeirand to the rate and quantitie of the said anuelrent
1665 Decis. Lords G. 94.
The lady was liferenter only of the annualrent effeirand to 8000 merks
(c) 1493 Acta Conc. 296/2.
To distrenȝe the saidis persouns … ilkman effering to his parte of the said soume
1513 Doug. iii. vi. 221.
Syne to my fader, effering to his age, Rych rewardis he gaif
1531 Bell. Boece I. 189.
He … punist all crimes, effering to the offence thairof
1543 Reg. Cupar A. II. 25.
The said Andro salhaue ane gude hors with hernes, wapynnis, and gair effering to his maling
1578 Glasgow B. Rec. I. 66.
Ane hagbut, witht graitht, pulder and bullet effering thairto
(d) 1558-66 Knox I. 323.
Thei … had … wyne, beare, and aill, besydis stoare of victuallis effeiring thare to
1596 Dalr. I. 125/2.
Thairfor our praedecessours … appoyntet sik magistratis effeiring to the lawis
1685 Decis. Lords F. 68.
The pursuer and defender ought to come in pari passu effeiring to their debts

c. In pres. pple. used absolutely or with as.1528 Reg. Privy S. I. 577/1.
The said William paynd … to ony uther … efferand and siclik for the landis forsaidis
1556 Peebles B. Rec. 231.
The inqueist ordanis the breid to … beir the price and wecht effer and as the boll of quheit is sauld

3. To be appropriate, fitting, or suitable for some thing or person.1375 Barb. xi. 77.
Wapnys and armouris purvayit thai, And all that efferis for fichting
1513 Doug. IV. 226/22 (Sm.).
No thing is myne quhilk sall not ȝouris be, Gyf it efferis for ȝour nobilite
1549 Compl. 7/18.
Sum gift or present … efferand for ther qualite
1568 Reg. Privy S. MS. XXXIV. 84.
To convoy … thame away with thair armour effeirand for coluerinaris on fute
a1578 Pitsc. I. 358.
The Duike againe maid him dew reverence as effeirit for ane prince
a1597-1617 Hist. James VI 114.
Becaus the mater was … greater then thay thoght was efferand for thair persons

4. To be suitable or fitting. = Affere v. 3.1456 Hay I. 264/24.
He suld put a campioun for him sik as effert
Ib. II. 63/12.
[Sa] that he have na langage … in tyme quhen it efferis
1458 Peebles B. Rec. 128.
The qwhilk sowm … lely to be payd to qwham and qwhen it efferis
1483 Reg. Brechin I. 205.
And this wndir all pane that ma effer ȝe lewe nocht wndon
1513 Doug. xiii. ix. 8.
With all habundans … As weill efferit in the hows of a kyng
15.. Clar. iii. 929.
The house scho swoupit and did all that effeirit
1553 Edinb. B. Rec. II. 180.
The said Dauid protestit … for remeid thairof quhen it efferit
1560 Rolland Seven S. 414.
The hous was biggit sone … , And weill compleit, as it best culd effeir
1622-6 Bisset I. 310/30.
To undergang … ane assyise of purprision … with the perrell, that effeiris of law
1681 Colvil Whig's Suppl. i. 96.
If that succeed not, it effeers That I be judged by my peers

b. With dependent infinitive.1456 Hay II. 29/26.
Till hald it ever in honour and worschip, as wele efferis it to be
1461 Liber Plusc. 398.
Punis that weil, as it efferis to be
a1500 Henr. Fab. 687.
I drew ane lytill by, For it effeiris nouthir to heir nor spy
1535 Stewart 53318.
Quhilk … brocht with him far mo … [than] to his stait efferit for to haif

c. In the formal phrase as efferis or efferit. (Common in 15–16th cent.) = Affere v. 3 b.(a) 1445 Misc. Spald. C. V. 283.
The said Walter … sendand his said brothirs resignation … as efferis
1456 Hay II. 9/3.
The maner how it suld be kepit, … in honour and worschip, as efferis
1461 Liber Plusc. 399.
Thi richtwis iugement, With wryt and wax confermit as efferis
1477 Edinb. Chart. 140.
The … brekaris of the said statutis … to be punyst thairefter as efferis
1506 Glasgow Dioc. Reg. II. 152.
With five cownis to ilk siloure, and anglis as efferis
1534 Misc. Spald. C. II. 188.
Thir oure letteris of gift … beand anys producit … and registrate in our rollis … as efferis
1552 Reg. Cupar A. II. 107.
Kepand the statutis of our courtis and ackis of parliament ondir the pane as efferis
1575 Edinb. Test. III. 384 b.
Scho … levis hir … body to be bureit as efferis
1614 Ayr Friars Pr. Chart. 113.
Gevin … in dew and competent forme as efferis
(b) c1550 Rolland C. Venus iv. 538.
I will this court … continewit be To the same force, forme, effect as efeiris, As of befoir
1574 Antiq. Aberd. & B. II. 435.
The schireff deput … ordinis preceptis of poynding to be derect heirone in forme of law as effeiris
1588 Douglas Bequest (Reg. H.) 19 May.
Ane lettre of tak … conteynyng warrandyce and vther clausis necessar as effeiris
1618 Edinb. Test. L. 46.
His bodie to be buriet with the depairtit as effeiris
1687 Misc. Spald. C. V. 236.
The court lawfullie fenced and affermit as effeires
(c) c1400 Troy-bk. ii. 3020.
Thai in Achaia him erde With kyngis honour, as efferde
c1450-2 Howlat 320.
Geir falconnis … War deir dukis, and digne, to deme as efferd
a1500 Henr. Fab. 943.
The panther … Fensit the court, as of the law effeirit
1502 Prestwick B. Rec. 37.
In falt of warnyn of the said cunnaris to pryis the aile as efferyt
1533 Bell. Livy I. 109/28.
He suld glaidiie vaik on thame the nixt morowe to dres all materis as efferit
a1578 Pitsc. II. 86/14.
He … brocht witht him two great cannonis … with wther small artaillȝe as effeirit
(d) 1535 Stewart 6287.
Of his quene agane to tak the cuir, And keip hir weill alway as did effeir
c1550 Rolland C. Venus i. 282.
I nocht can … Hir name exalt with perfite eloquence, As sould effeir

5. tr. To concern (a person). = Affere v. 4.1443 Antiq. Aberd. & B. III. 269.
This till all that it efferis or may effeir … we mak knawyne
1477 Edinb. Chart. 140.
Chargeing … in speciale the communitie and inhabitantis of our saide burgh quham it efferis
1488 Lanark B. Rec. 4.
Thai fyndand souerte to the town the arschip salbe furthcumande to quham that efferis
1507 Edinb. Chart. 191.
To all and sindri oure officiaris, liegis, and subditis quham it efferis
1556 Edinb. B. Rec. II. 247.
This our will to all and syndry quhome it efferis we mak knawn be thir presentis
1597 Skene Verb. S. s.v. Feodvm.
To command and charge the keipers of the signet, … and all vthers quhome it effeiris, to conforme themselues to the … direction of the saides commissioners

