A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
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First published 1951 (DOST Vol. II).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.
Ensenȝe, n. Also: ensenȝie; enseinȝie, -seynȝe, -seingé, -seing(ȝ)ie, -saingȝe; enseigné, -seignȝie, -nye; ensingȝie, -signȝie, -signie, -signe(y; hensenȝe. [ME. ensaigne, ensigne, OF. enseigne, enseine. Cf. Ansenȝe.]
1. A war-cry; a rallying cry or signal. 1375 Barb. iii. 27.
The king his men saw in affray, And his ensenȝe can he cry Ib. xiii. 159.
Thar wes … so gret A noyis, as thai can othir bet, And cryit ensenȝeis on euerilk syd ?1438 Alex. ii. 108.
His ensigne than can he cry Ib. 1747.
The ensigne off Massidone couth he cry a1500 Gol. & Gaw. 845.
He cryis his ensenye and conteris hym full soune 1513 Doug. vii. viii. 86.
Right bustuusly apon the rufe on hie The hyrdys ensenȝe lowd vp trumpis sche Ib. x. 86.
The sloggorn, ensenȝe, or the wach cry
2. A sign or token. ?1438 Alex. i. 2173.
Be great ensinȝe it may be sene That thow hes at the bargane bene!
3. A distinguishing emblem or symbol; pl. insignia of dignity or office. 1456 Hay I. 39/35.
He bare till his enseigne ane olyve branch 1513 Doug. vii. iii. 53.
The kyngis suld ressaue ceptur and crovn, And of justice other ensenȝeis seir Ib. xi. vii. 90.
The char or sete … , Our rob ryall, ensenȝeys of a kyng 1533 Boece ii. ii. 60.
Ferichare … ressauit princelie ornamentis. … Fra thyne remanit thir princely ensenȝeis to kingis of Scotland 1602 Colville Parænese .
The trophee or enseignes of many blessed Martyrs 1609 Hume 176/348.
The undowted discipline and ensignie of the Romane Antichryst
4. A device having a martial or military significance; esp. a banner bearing such a device.(a) a1500 Gol. & Gaw. 315.
Thai plantit doun ane pailyeoun … ,With rapis of rede gold, … And grete ensenyes of the samyne Ib. 474.
Ilka souerane his ensenye shewin has thair 1513 Doug. ii. vii. 49.
Now lat ws change scheildis, … Grekis ensenȝeis do we cowntyrfeit Ib. xi. i. 49.
[Let] the ensenȝeis and baneris be vphynt 1517 Treas. Acc. V. 155.
Ane hors to David Waiche, that bur the ensenȝe 1533 Bell. Livy I. 269/3.
The pepill … followit Valerius … to the capitoll, and in the law discence thareof rasit thare ensenȝeis 1558-66 Knox II. 67.
Quhen she perceivit … that the ensenyeis of the Frenche war agane displayit 1588 Glasgow B. Rec. I. 123.
Ane silver piece and ane ensenȝie haid in keiping … in thair handis 1616 Aberd. B. Rec. II. 345.
That thair be ane new ensengȝie maid of reid and quhyitt tafitie, with the towneis armis in the midis thairof 1625
Ib. III. 2.
These that careit two handet swordis being ranket about the tounes three ensengȝeis 1639
Ib. 148.
Thay … nominat and chuse … Johne Mengȝeis [etc.] … to be ensengȝies beraris(b) 1558-66 Knox II. 157.
The baillies … tuke fra thame some swerdis and an enseynȝe Ib. 385.
The man that … most spedelie flyeth from Christis enseignȝie c1590 Fowler I. 38/47.
Whairevir might his standart than or enseinȝe be found Ib. 78/21.
At that tyme was thaire enseingȝie, within a feild of grene ane ermind whyte depainted was 1602 Colville Parænese Ep. 16.
To discern the displyit enseignie … of the treu church by hir treu colors 1629 Edinb. B. Rec. VII. 54.
George Home, gluiffer, ... laitlie chosein enseinȝie berar for the youthis of the craftis 1650 Balfour Ann. IV. 86.
For the colonell … his Maiesties coate of armes … in the midle of the enseigne(c) 1569-73 Bann. Memor. 85.
To initiat the hand of Wattie Weaven … with a new ensingȝie Ib. 175.
3 or 4 hundreth men, with two ensigneis 1599 Elgin Rec. II. 72.
Sic personis [as] careis furth thair ensigneis eftir and gois to thair dansing … and keepis not the prayeris 1587-99 Hume vii. 67.
Their sall be sein the ensigneis displayed, Bright baners braid, and standdards weill arrayed(d) c1610 Melville Mem. 24.
First ane with the hensenȝe in his hand, not folowed
with his company, was schot
b. A company of soldiers under one banner. 1558-66 Knox I. 346.
Sche tuk ordour that four ensenȝies of the soldiouris should abyde in the town Ib. II. 4.
Upon one nycht … war drowned of thame aughttein ensenȝeis 1570 Leslie 220.
He left sevin enseignyeis of Frenchmen … within Dundie with artailyerie & pioners to fortifie it 1572 Bann. Memor. 268.
Thair arryved at Rowane ane troupe of horsmen and tuo enseingȝies [v.r. ensaingȝes] of futemen
c. The colour-bearer of a company. 1569-73 Bann. Memor. 85.
His new men of weir, vnder the conduct of Melvin … and his enseingȝie, Waeven the tailȝour, come downe the gait of Edinburgh 1638 Aberd. B. Rec. III. 133.
Thair shall be foure capitanes, foure lieutenentis, four ensingȝies, and tuelff serjandis 1649 Echt Kirk S. in Strathbogie Presb. p. xiii.
The said day … compeired Capitane Thomas Forbes and Lievtenant James Forbes, and Enseingie Alexander Dugood a 1686 Turner Mem. 4.
I engaged to go over ensigney to … Robert Lumsdaine, eldest captaine
5. A tavern-sign. 1581 Hamilton Cath. Tr. 50 b.
A passinger verie thristie seing ane enseigne set out as a takin of vyne to be sauld
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"Ensenȝe n.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 2 Jan 2025 <http://www.dsl.ac.uk/entry/dost/ensen3e>