A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
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First published 1963 (DOST Vol. III).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.
Humil(l, Humyl(l, adj. Also: humile, -yle, hwmille, hummill, -yll, hum(m)le, hume(i)ll, -ull, ho(w)mill, himyll, hewmell. [e.m.E. (rare) humile (1542), L. humilis.] Humble, in various contexts.(1) c1420 Wynt. ix. 2790.
To knychtis and sqwyeris and al gentyle He wes famyliare and humyle ?1438 Alex. ii. 7375.
Sueit and humyll he is, … And meik in all his mekill mycht 1490 Irland Mir. I. 6/8.
The meik and hummyll lady and virgin 1521 Acts XII. 40/1.
Ȝoure humile oratouris and servandis c1520-c1535 Nisbet I. 10.
He … teachit his discipilles to be hwmyll 1535 Stewart 20269.
So large he wes, so humull and so wys 1562-3 Winȝet I. 30/31.
Ane humil sone of the haly kirk 1556 Lauder Off. Kings 248.
Be humyll, meik, and pacient a1570-86 Maitl. F. lxxxviii. 46.
Be ȝe humane, our humill thay will hald ȝow 1622-6 Bisset I. 11/24.
His maiesties humilest addicted servitoure c1650 Spalding I. 90.
This matchles lady, humill and discreit(2) a1500 Henr. III. 157/34.
With humill hairt vpoun our pollis pens c1475 Wall. viii 1660.
He … with humyll hamly cher, Resauit him c1500-c1512 Dunb. Tua Mar. W. 265.
Be amiabill with humill face, as angell appeirand c1540 Lynd. Syde Taillis 137.
With ane humill countenance 1562-3 Winȝet I. 9/25.
With humil spirit c1590 Fowler I. 137/12.
With humill speche speik this to her againe(3) 1490 Irland Mir. I. 108/2.
To mak humyll supplicacioune 1524 Acts II. 291/1.
To offire thar humyle seruice to the kingis grace 1531 Bell. Boece I. 178.
The nobillis, movit be his humill wourdis, continewit him still in auctorite 1542-3 Corr. M. Lorraine 8.
Efter hewmell recommendationis on to yowr grace 1554 Argyll Lett. 2.
Eftir maist hwmill commendatioun of my serwice a1568 Bann. MS. 88 a/28.
I … hir besocht in maist hummill maneir 1582 Colville Lett. 22.
Wyth my homill commendacion of service 1592 Maxwell Mem. II. 167.
My humile commendatiouns of service 1612 Reg. Soltre 257.
Devoit and humeill daylie prayaris c1650 Spalding I. 214.
To heir thair humill desyres Ib. 215.
With humill thankis to the King(b) 1583 Conv. Burghs I. 178.
The supplicatioun and humle sute of David Hume 1607 Maxwell Mem. II. 191.
My hummle serveis remembrit 1688 Reg. Privy C. 3 Ser. XIII. 359.
We … gives your Lordship … most humle and hearty thanks(4) c1475 Wall. iv. 1.
September, the humyll moneth suette Ib. viii. 1190.
The humyll breyth doun fra the hewyn availl 1543 Reg. Morton II. 289.
To permute ane plesand palice … with hummill and sober lugeingis
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"Humil adj.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 13 Jan 2025 <http://www.dsl.ac.uk/entry/dost/humill_adj>