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A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)

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First published 1963 (DOST Vol. III).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

Jorné, Jorna(y, n. Also: jorney, -ie; jeornay, joyrnay. [ME. jornay (a 1300), jorney, -eie (c 1290), iorne (a 1300), OF. jornee. Cf. Journee.]

1. The distance travelled in a day or a specified number of days, freq. as a measurement of distance. = Journee 1.(1) a1400 Leg. S. i. 192.
He send twa … Twenty jornais fer and mare, To prech in a certane stede
Ib. xxxvi. 763.
Thre jorne lang is that cunctre
?1438 Alex. ii. 331.
Fra Effesoun half ane iornie
(2) c1515 Asl. MS. I. 305/6.
South fra that xiij dayis jorne in desertis
c1552 Lynd. Mon. 2741.
Outthrouch the citie quhen he went, Thre dayis iornay tyll hym it wes
1589 Antiq. Aberd. & B. III. 189.
For citationis maid in landwart … being ane dayis jorney on hors [26/8d.]

2. A journey or excursion; the act of travelling. Also in phrases. = Journee 2.(a) a1400 Leg. S. v. 629.
Quhen he had his jorne don, And in Ingland com ham sone
1551 Hamilton Cat. 31.
Cursit … is he that causis ane blind man gang wrang in his jorney
1600-1610 Melvill 227.
We maid for the jorney hame ower
1626 M. Works Acc. XIX. 9 b.
The Maister of Wark tuke jorney to Lithgow to sie the Pallace
(b) c1460 Alex. (Taym.) 1233.
Quhan thai haid movit a litill jornay
Ib. 2871.
Ane gret jornie
1540 Crim. Trials I. 228.
James Hammiltoun … send his sone to the King, being in jornay towardis Fyff, quho com to him befoir he boited and frauchtit
c1552 Lynd. Mon. 2753.
[They] in gret ordour tuke thare iorna Towarte the realme of Bactria
1560 Rolland Seven S. 767.
All seuin … Past to espy the sternis … , To tak jornay gif it was prosperous
1572 Buch. Detect. A v b.
Scho betuke hir self heidlang to hir jornay
1573 Sat. P. xlii. 7.
I said, ‘Schirs, is thair ony heir Quhais jornay lyes unto Dundie?’
Ib. 15.
Syne [we] lap vpon our horse fra hand, And on our iornay rudelie raid
a1578 Pitsc. I. 325/11.
He … spurit haistalie his ioyrnay to Stirling
1592 Acts III. 568/1.
All thingis done be the said Schir Patrik Waus [etc.] … in thair said jornayis and thair awaypassing
1596 Dalr. I. 93/18.
Thay vse ruch couirings, ane sorte to thair bed, another sorte to the jornay convenient
Ib. II. 122/4.
The King … began a justice are quahir he did the duetie of a gude … prince … in al his iornay
1622-6 Bissett II. 352/10.
Beand … asked … quhat moved him … to stay his sua sumptuous a jornay and purpoise

3. = Journee 3. 1572 Buch. Detect. A v b.
Scho flingis away in haist lyke ane mad woman, be greit jornayis in poist, in the schairp tyme of wynter

b. attrib. with hors, hous, maister, = post-, stage-(Journee 3 c). 1616 Conv. Burghs III. 31.
Anent the mater of the jorney master and jorney horses, … [the burghs] to adverteis the said Sir William [Seytoun] be writt what nummer of horses everie burgh sall intertein for the said service, everie horse … for auchtein pennies ilk mylle
1623 Reg. Great S. 156/2.
Rex … constituit Willelmum Seytoun … magistrum … super omnes suos cursores lie poistmaisteris, itinerum magistros vulgo jornay-maisteris
1641 Acts V. (1870) 548/2.
The said Williame [Seton] is made … his majesties … cheefe postmaister of all his hienes postmaisteres and of all postmaisteres, jornay maisteres and keeperes of jornay housis

4. a. A day's spell of work. 1572 Buch. Detect. G viii.
This is my first jornay, I sall end the same the morne

b. One day's work, also a spell of work of longer duration, in coinage; the quantity of coins produced at one such minting. 1605 Cochran-Patrick Rec. Sc. Coinage II. 319.
25 peices of gold quhilks agreit in number with the particular jornayes specifeit in the wardans buiks
1673 Reg. Privy C. 3 Ser. IV. 125.
The dayes jorneys insert in the wardens registers

c. An appointed diet of trial by combat. (Cf. Journe(e n. 4 c.) 1494 Loutfut MS. 2.
Ȝhe provour cum to ȝour iornay quhilk is assignit to ȝow befor the juge aganis sic a man, ... And rychtsua ... to the defendour, Cum to ȝour iornay [etc.]
1560 Rolland Seven S. 9336.
Keip I jornay

5. A day of battle or tournament, a battle, combat, warlike excursion, or feat of arms. = Journe(e 5.(a) ?1438 Alex. i. 325.
The pryse all hail of this jorne
Ib. ii. 6605.
Now ilk man think puruait to be, Armit and dycht for the iorne
c1475 Wall. iii. 50.
On Inglismen mone gud iorne [he] maid
(b) ?1438 Alex. ii. 2851.
Than was that iorney thame amang Vndertane and sworne with aithis strang
1513 Doug. x. xii. 77 (R).
In euery grete jorney Hame fra the feild victour eschapit he
(c) c1420 Wynt. iv. 1556.
Off gold rengys … Thre moys … This Hanyball … To Cartage gert … be send Quhen that this jornay had tane end
c1475 Wall. vi. 755.
The duk him tald off all thair jornay haill
a1500 Rauf C. 796.
Discouerand the doun, Gif ony douchtie that day for jornayis was dicht
a1500 Seven S. 412.
Gret cost thairon [on tournaments] wald he mak And gentill jornais undertak Baith of ernist and of play
Ib. 420.
So happinit that he set per cas Ane gret iornay wele nere his place; To the set day come mony knycht
1531 Bell. Boece (M) I. 191.
He … thocht sufficient to him for that iornay to repres the troubill amang the Britonis
1542 State P. (Reg. H) No. 30 a.
Ȝe sell informe the King of Ingland … of the jornay and besynes betuix ws and the army of Ingland
1548 Corr. M. Lorraine 241.
That thir caussis was the tynsall of the jeornay of Penke
c1550 Rolland Ct. Venus ii. 250.
Aucht hundred knichtes … At ane iornay the gaist he gart vpȝald
1596 Dalr. I. 340/3.
Alexander hereing of S. Ludouik King of France his secund jornay contrare the Saracenis
1611 Reg. Panmure I. xxxiv.
At ane jornay called Haldane Rige he wes againe teane

6. A kind of cloak worn over the armour. Also attrib. with coit (coat). = Journee 6. 1533–4 Treas. Acc. VI. 187.
To be ane jornay to the kingis grace abone his harnes, ii elnis reid taphety
1534 Ib. 194.
To be the King ane jornay coit with lumbartis, vj elnis blak satyne
1542 Inv. Wardrobe 99.
Ane jornay of yallow, greyne, and purpour velvott
The leif of the kingis graces jornais ar in Sanctandrois

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"Jorné n.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 1 Jan 2025 <>



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