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A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)

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First published 1963 (DOST Vol. III).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

Lippin, v. Also: lip(p)in, -yn, -en, -an, -ne, lyppin(e, -yn(e, -ing; leipin; leppin, lepyn, -en; lip(p)n-, lyp(p)n-, lepn-. [Early ME. lipnie(n (Lamb. Hom., Poema Morale), north. e.m.E. lippen (1685). In the mod. Sc. and north. and north midl. Eng. dial. as lippen, also (Lancs.) lep(p)on.Early ME. lipnien appears to be an altered var. of early ME. litnien (Lamb. Hom.), littnenn (Orm), north. ME. and e.m.E. litten (Cursor M., Coverdale), to trust, rely, also, to expect, ? an extended form of ON. hlíta to trust, rely, whence also prob. ME. lyte etc. (see Leit v.2): for the vowel shortening cf. ME (14th c.) and e.m.E. wit(te)n, extended form of OE. wítan. ME. wite(n (Wite v.) to impute, blame.]

intr. and tr. To trust.

1. intr. To place trust, faith or confidence (in, to, on); to trust, confide or rely.Const. in (into, intill), to (till, unto), also on (upon) a. a person. or b. a thing, a person's qualities, a promise, a situation etc.a. (1) ?1438 Alex. ii. 6672.
Throw quhome sall ȝe Lippin in the lele men and the gude?
c1460 Consail Vys Man 357.
Lipin nocht in a new-cumyne gest
1525 Aberd. B. Rec. I. 113.
Se quhome in thai ma lippin in
1535 Stewart 40160.
For that caus … Malcome … lather wes to lippin him intill
1536 Acta Conc. Publ. Aff. 455.
Liddisdale the quhilk we will committ to you as in quham we traist and lippinnis mekle in that behalf
1551 Hamilton Cat. 254.
And sumtyme lippinis mair in the devil be socery … than thai lippin in the name of God
1615 Highland P. III. 238.
He had betrayit the honnest men that lyppynnit in him
1629 Justiciary Cases I. iii.
That gif he lippin over mekill in that God he wald God beguyle him
(b) 1535 Stewart 49724.
[Never] wald I be fals to him … Or ony leid that lipnis into me
1596 Dalr. II. 259/8.
He [James V] suffirit na man to cum neir him, excepte sum quhome he lipnet maist in
(2) 1551 Hamilton Cat. 118.
Traistand and lippinnand hailelie to Him
1570 Misc. Bann. C. I. 50.*
And without the cuntrey, the Quene of England and Lady Catherinis factioun ye man lippin to
1576 Reg. Privy C. II. 556.
Thay deliverit the samyn [box] in the handis … of Johnne Robesoun … as ane to quhome thay lippynnit maist
1598 James VI Basil. Doron 96/4.
I hoape ȝe sall be king of ma cuntreis then this … not lipening to uiceroies but hearing youre self thaire complaintis
?a1640 Copie of a Baron's Court (1821) 30.
[Baron:] These are the lads that I may lippen till
(b) 1573 Bann. Memor. 115.
We wold be als loathe to sie his displeisoure as vtheris that he lippnis moir vnto
a1658 Durham Comm. Rev. (1658) 412.
[Christ] may be lippened to and rested upon as no meer man can be
(3) a1661 Rutherford Exhortation at a Communion to a Scots Congregation in London (1775) 7.
Our Lord Jesus plaid us not a slip, he was ay to be lipned on
b. (1) ?1438 Alex. ii. 8230.
I lippin in thy great valour
1513 Doug. ii. i. 64.
Lippyn [Sm. lyppin] nocht, Troianys, I pray ȝou. in this hors
Ib. v. xiv. 83.
Our mekil thou lippynnyt [Sm. lipnit] hes … Into the stabillit hevin and calmyt see
Ib. vii. i. 165. Ib. x. vii. 27.
Do nevir, for schame, onto ȝour self that lak To lyppyn in speid of fute and gyf the bak
1535 Stewart 19346.
Thair is no man may lippin in hir [sc. Fortune's] grace
1551 Hamilton Cat. 47.
All thai brekis this command that lippinis mair in the powar … of man than of God
1567 Anderson Collect. Mary I. 96.
[Bothwell] could not find himself in surtie without he were assurit of oure favour … and other assurance thairoff could he not lippin in without [etc.]
a1570-86 Maitl. F. xlvii. 39.
Lippin nocht in no privite To heill that efter may wittin be
1570 Sat. P. xxi. 83.
And lippin lytill in leing words
1578–9 Waus Corr. 202.
I wil still lippin in your honour and promes
1596 Bk. Dunvegan I. 75.
In great journays I lippin mair in hors feit nor my awin
1638 Henderson Serm. 132.
Why may I not go on in this course and lippen into it as well as he?
Ib. 160, 178, etc.(b) c1420 Ratis R. 685.
Fore quhen men lypnis in tham [riches] maist, Thai … failȝeis
1596 Dalr. II. 309/30. 1603 Lett. & St. P. Jas. VI 53.
I hoipe … in that to keep ane midde course, lipning alwayis maist in the moderation off ȝour hieness gracious minde
(2) 1456 Hay II. 126/4.
The nature of mannis kynde leppinis to … the custume that it is wount till
1562-3 Winȝet II. 49/33.
Quhylis he lippinnis ouermekle to his awin ingyne and creditis till him self largely
a1598 Ferg. Prov. (1641) No. 302.
He that lippins to bon plowes, his land will ly ley
1615 Highland P. III. 274.
As for Dunyveag they lippin least to it and thinkes not to keepe it
1622 Scot Course of Conformity 153.
I will the more confidently lippen to the grounds which I have learned from you
1638 Henderson Serm. 75.
This is very sweet-like but the solidity of it is not to be lippened to
a1658 Durham Commandments 244.
By giving advice to his prejudice, when he lipneth to and confideth in our counsel
Id. Comm. Rev. 591.
Of His righteousnesse, which he dare lippen more unto than to his own
1685-8 Renwick Serm. 141.
Many a man lippened to the paying of the cess as a ground to keep them in their houses
(3) a1500 Gol. & Gaw. 832.
Quhen he is stuffit, thair strike, and hald hym on steir, … Thus may ye lippin on the lake
c1520-c1535 Nisbet I. 10.
He wil not haue them to lyppin vpon earthly thingis
1622-6 Bisset I. 63/32.
The fals responses of wiches … and dissaitfull freittis quhairon Makbaith lippynnit and depended

c. To trust in, rely on, or look confidently to (a person), for something, to do something, that something may be so. a1603 Anc. Prophecies 29.
Carlill … That force shal faile thé, when thou best thinkest, And lipnis on London to leade thee for euer
1560 Rolland Seven S. 7787.
Lady, I lippin on ȝow na les Bot for to haue ȝour counsall and kindnes
15.. Crawford Mun. Invent. II. 60.
My lord lippynnis in yow that na thing sall gange wrange in all behalffis thairfoir schawe your craft
1638 Henderson Serm. 227.
That we should lippen always to God for his direction & instruction

2. To lippin a. to, b. efter, c. for: To rely confidently upon (something being done or taking place); to look confidently for (something or someone expected); to count on or to expect.a. (1) 1543 Corr. M. Lorraine 47.
To schaw this gentill man … quhat your grace intendis to do to ws and quhat we sall lyppin to
1544 Hamilton P. II. 385.
Be so gud that ye ville vraytte qwhat I and mayn sall lypping to
1545 Tytler Hist. III. 372. 1558-66 Knox I. 395, II. 37. 1568 Anderson Collect. Mary IV. 124.(2) 1582 Edinb. B. Rec. IV. 243.
Swa lippynning to your guid attendance heiranent
1585 Calderwood IV. 291.
As for the prince's intentioun to call assembleis upon supplicatioun, it is a hard matter to lippin thereto
1592 Douglas Corr. 36.
1622 Brechin Kirk S. 27 Mar.
No session nor preiching lippining to the synod whilk was hendeirt be the stormie wedder
1640 Old Ross-shire I. 220.
Thus lipning to your pns. preceislie on Mononday nixt at night … we rest [etc.]
c 1650 Red Bk. Grandtully II. 145. 1675 Aberd. Council Lett. V. 476.
I spock with George Farquhar … that he wold draw 600 punds on him payable to me on the tounes accompt, bot he desyred me not to lipne to it
b. 1547 Cal. Sc. P. I. 6.
[My lord governor sent on] Pasche evin [to Arbroath for my lord Angus and] lyppinyt efter him haistely qhen he come fra Lythquho

c. Latterly common in the negative or implied negative construction. (3) below.(1) 1565 Keith Hist. II. 328.
We luk to be certifit be you presentlie in write … quhat we may lippin for at youre handis
1582 Waus Corr. 241.
Luiking to vnderstand be your anser quhat salbe certanlie lippynit for at your hand
1588 Argyll Lett. 30. 1589 Misc. Spald. C. II. 114.(2) 1563 Reg. Privy C. I. 250.
Amangis godly and peceable persones, quha of reuthfull compassion was helplie unto thame, lippynnand as reasone cravis for recompence
a1570-86 Arbuthnot Maitl. F. xxx. 180.
Sen erthlie pleissour is bot bestiale Bot lippin for the lyf celestiale
1569 Waus Corr. 62. 1563-1570 Buch. Wr. 58.
Yf ye gett it not or thys winter be passit, lippin not for it, nor nane other writyngs from me
1570 Sat. P. xxi. 71.
And lippin for na gude to cum, Gif ȝe wirk hir releif
1578 Reg. Morton I. 118. 1594 Misc. Spald. C. I. 8.
Quhairanent we luk for your certane ansser quhilk salbe lippinnit for be the bearar
1594 Misc. Maitl. C. I. 67.
The minister of Campsie may ministrat the sacrament … on twa Sondayes allanerlie … and his parochineris … to lippin for na mae Sondayes togidder bot onlie the said twa
1600 Crim. Trials II. 284.
Indeid I lipnit for my lord bim self … at my howse of Fast
1615 Sutherland Corr. 113.
His reward will not be so great as he lipned for
Ib. 115.
All I can get salbe in redines again Robins back cuming, whom I will lippen for daylie
(b) 1590 Crawford Mun. Invent. II. 197.
I leipin for the twa hundreyth markis to keip my day to the Mr. of Elphyngstone
(3) a1570-86 Maitl. F. xxiii. 48.
This spulȝe was committit … quhane nane of that cuntra lippnit for sic thing
1581 Pittenweem Ann. 6.
Upon the opinion that war sall arise between the realmes quhilk we lippen nocht for
1586–7 Reg. Privy C. IV. 139.
He … lippynning for harme … of na persoun
1590 Strathblane Par. 191.
Lippynning for na thing les eftir his deceis than ony unnaturall … behaviour of … his brodir
1591 Elgin Rec. I. 220.
Lippynning for na forder schiftis nor delayis
1592 Crim. Trials I. ii. 279; 1594 Ib. 336. 1593 Acts IV. 45/1. 1595 Paisley B. Rec. 162. 1600 Coll. Rebus Alban. 105.
Thair said schip lyand at the fischeing … lippyning for na reiff nor violence of ony personis
c1610 Melville Mem. 217. 1613 Crim. Trials III. 245.
Lipning for nothing less nor to haif bene invaidit
c1650 Spalding I. 177.
Quhairby thay lipnit for no moir disobediens in the north

3. tr. To expect confidently: to expect, count on; to be sure, suppose, believe.a. With noun-clause as obj.: that something desired will be done or come about. b. Const. object and infin. c. With infin. object: to do so-and-so. d.With simple noun or pron. object. e. Const. fra, into, to, upon (= from) a person.a. (a) c1420 Wynt. iv. 937.
Hyr company That lypnyd all that Cerces kyng Suld land have tane in thaire helpyng
1533 Boece ii. xiii. 86.
Evene … with strang power garnist all the coistis quhare he lippynnyt Gillus suld arryve
Ib. iv. ix. 139 b.
Quhirland fortune instabill … as mycht be weill lippynnyt wald betrais Romanis to quham scho had grantit sa grete prosperite
1540 Glencairn in Knox I. 74.
Your cord and lowsie coit and sark, Ye lippin may bring yow to salvatioun
1559 Fam. Rose 229.
Your grace may lyppyne that I salbe in redynes to serwe [etc.]
1560 Rolland Seven S. 3594.
That is the thing thay wald, Prolong the time, lipning the Court sall change
1569 Cal. Sc. P. III. 30.
[My mistress … who] lippinnes [that you will labour that she be not so hardly] handilled [in times coming]
1593 Irvine Mun. II. 32.
1596 Crim. Trials I. ii. 379.
Johnne Hammiltoune haifing placeit … his dochter with … hir moder-brother … lipning that nane sould haif interruptit hir educatioune and vpbringing
1606 Lett. Eccl. Affairs I. 52.
Lipning also that thair awin sayinges … wald discower thair malicious myndes and fals desseynges
1615 Lett. & St. P. Jas. VI 258.
Ȝe sall wnderstand Santtandrose hes bein werie seik, and no man lippinis he sall leif
1618 Haddington Corr. 137.
I luikit and lipnit that … I sould haife my remistioune
1632 Aberd. Council Lett. I. 369.
I lippen your caus will be called the morne
(b) c1420 Wynt. viii. 3606.
Men lepnyd all lyk, and thai hade Went to the towne, wyth lytill payne Thai mycht have tane thare fays
1593 Reg. Morton I. 187.
Her Majestie lepenis that ȝour lo. will come and convoy her that day
b. 1578 Reg. Privy C. III. 52.
In sobir and quiet maner, lippaning na trubill to have bene done to him
1623 Peebles Gleanings 17.c. c1420 Wynt. vii. 3474 (C).
Alexander, our kyngis son … weddit … The Erl of Flawnderis douchtir fayr And lyppynnyt than to be his ayr
Ib. viii. 1890.
And mony othir fayre persownys … Fled to the castelle … Thare lypnand till have had succoure
Ib. 2571.
Lyppnys noucht, gyve that yhe fley, A better hape till have than dey
1525 Douglas Corr. 99.
At I may have perfyct knawlaige thaire in in quhat I ma lyppine to do
1533 Boece ii. v. 66. 1547–8 Cal. Sc. P. I. 99.
[I] lyppyne [to get hasty word that commissioners shall come to the border to end these affairs]
a1568 Bann. MS. 224 a/23.
I am neir schent … And nevir to joy lippynnis to cum agane
1583 Edinb. B. Rec. IV. 290.
Heirin we lippin to be satisfeit, our requeist being swa resonabill
1615 Highland P. III. 215.
Declaireing that … he lippynnit not to haif bene troublit
d. c1420 Wynt. vii. 554.
And the froyte the tre oure-sprede Than is to lyppyn sum remede
1533 Boece i. vi. 45.
Now war the armyis standing in array and amang thame was lippynnyt ane myserabill and sare bargane
1559 Home  in R. Sadler State P. (1809) II. 137.
To send to me ȝour resolut answer … that I may perfitlie understand quhat I may lyppin
1588 Events Q. Mary & Jas. VI 46.
I replyit, my Lord Duik micht reav you giv he pleasit, quhilk I lipnit nocht soe it being baith against honour and conscience
a1605 Birrel Diary 6.
The Queine … wes so seike that none lipned her life
a1628 Carmichael Prov. No. 1595.
They are easelie deceaved that lippens na evill
1637 Rutherford Lett. (1863) I. 444.
I can yet lippen that meikle good in Christ as to get a suspension
e. 1513 Acta Conc. MS. XXVI. 9.
To undirstand quhat help we may lippin to him for the … defence of this realme
1551 Hamilton Cat. 59.
Traist upon God, lippin all gud upon him
Ib. 250.
Quhairin He hais gyffin to us gret cause to put our haill confydence in Him and to lyppin al gud fra Him
1596 Dalr. II. 289/24.
Honorablie the captane he treited for the fidelitie that he lypned into him

4. To entrust; to commit with confidence for safekeeping or as a responsibility or task to (till), in, on (upon) a person or const. dative pronoun, into (in) one's charge, or in a place. With a. a person or thing, or b. infin., as object.a. (1) c1420 Wynt. iv. 994.
All his futmen and archerys That lypnyd [C. lypnyt] ware to thaire lederys
Ib. v. 3922.
Scho … serwyt thame wyth hir awyne handys, Lypnand [W. lipnand; C. lippynnande] noucht till hyr serwandys
Ib. iii. 839. c1450-2 Howlat 456.
I love ȝou mair for that lois ȝe lippyn me till Than ony lordschipe or land
a1568 Bann. MS. 210 b/3.
I … leive my prettie pinnage to ȝour guyde, Look wele about yow lippen hir to none
1576 Waus Corr. 124.
Quhen sic thingis occurris in tyme coming, they sall not be lippenit to slewthfull personis
1627 Bk. Carlaverock II. 95.
Itt wilbe verie requisit that ȝowr lordship do not lippin thair convoy altogither to his pipill
1636 Rutherford Lett. (1660) No. 69.
Christ will lippen the taking of you to heaven … only to himself
1637 Ib. (1671) 170.
I think myself happy that … I am Christ's sworn dyvour, to whom he will lippen nothing, no not one pin in the work of my salvation
1675 Sel. Biog. II. 160.
I do lippen my soul to Thee
1677 Maxtones 42.
I could not lipen the pleats to this boye for spoyleing of them
(2) 1456 Hay II. 108/27.
Na ȝit in a medicinare allane na prince suld lepyn his hele in tyme of nede
1513 Doug. v. xiv. 46.
Or quhat in wyndis sa dissaitful … And this cleir hevin sa oft hes trumpit me, Wald thou I lippynnyt the maist nobil Ene?
1559 Soc. Ant. XI. 524.
He .suld nocht haif lipnit nor hald in keping in the place of Dumblane sik ane jowell
1600 Crim. Trials II. 285.
For I lippin my lyf and all I hew else in his handis
(3) 1560 Rolland Seven S. 7411.
On him alone I wald haue lippinnit my life
1635 Dickson Wr. 117.
We may lippen our soul upon Him
b. a1400 Leg. S. xxii. 128.
Or has thu fundine ellis that I It to do be wnworthy That thu before lepnyt to me
Ib. xxxvi. 742. Ib. xxxvii. 118.
I the cure of Goddis worde Lipnyt thé til haf in hwrde
1533 Boece iv. viii. 137.
To Carmonak the kingis familiare was lippynnyt to sla the kingis sonnys
1562 Breadalbane Lett. MS.
We lippin to ȝour selff to speik Mak gregour … to put ws nocht to ony cummers
1586 Waus Corr. 355.
Concerning sindrie heides, quhilkis I lipinit to him to haue commownit to your l.

c. To leave or put off confidently (a decision) to, and, to chance (something) on the outcome of (to), a future event. a1500 Prestis of Peblis 1338.
Thairfoir my counsall is that we mend And lippin nocht all to the latter end
1588 Cal. Sc. P. IX. 648.
[I] shalbe verie laithe in grace of God to lippin ether my denner or soupper to that maiter in cace I should die for hungar

d. reflex. To entrust oneself to, or rely on, someone, for one's requirements. 1656 Brodie Diary 186.
For he should not lippen to father, friends, or means, but would lipen himself to the Lord for al that he needed

5. To trust, have faith or confidence in (a person). 1570 Breadalbane Lett. 22 July.
Quhosomevir wald haif my veillfair done, I … dubitis nevir ȝe ar the samyn man … and I lippin naine uthir
1590 Warrender P. II. 146.
Your majesties selff is the gretest frend I leipin in curt

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