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A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)

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First published 1963 (DOST Vol. III).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

Luvit, Lovit, ppl. a. Also: luvid, -yd, lwvit, -yt, -yd, luwyt, -yd; luyt; lovite, -itt(e, -yt, -id, -et(t, -ed(e, -ete, -eit, -at, lowit, -yt, -et, -ed. [ME. loued (Cursor M.), loved (Spenser); f. Luve v.1 Cf. Lufit (and Lude p.p. and Lute p.p.).] Beloved, dear. (Cf. also Belovit and Wele-luvit.)

1. In general use.(a) c1420 Wynt. v. 3515.
Saynct Jerome Wes hys luwyd famyliare
Ib. vii. 2034. 1513 Doug. vi. vi. 40 (Sm.).
His luvit [R. louit] fadir
1533 Boece ii. xi. 79 b.
Thare wyiffis … to the tratouris thai offerit thare persons in vane for salfte of thare luvit husbandis
(b) a1400 Leg. S. xliii. 39.
My maste swet & lowit thing [sc. her husband]
c1475 Wall. viii. 1639.
O lowit leid
1490 Irland Mir. MS. 306 b.
As the lord anoernys with precius clething his hartlie louit lady
1513 Doug. x. xiii. 46.
I awow … My lovit son Lawsus forto cleith With spulȝe
Ib. xiv. 89.
My lovyt foill
absol. a1400 Leg. S. l. 1152.
My dere lowit, cume to me
(c) 1533 Thanes of Cawdor 159.
Lyk as I suld do to my luyt and tender freyndis

2. Very common in formal epistolary or, chiefly, official or legal style.Esp. in non-notarial deeds and royal gifts, mandates, warrants, etc. (see Letter n. 7), in various contexts.Qualifying a. the designation of a relative, friend or dependent, or b. a personal name or the designation of an office.When referring to more than one person appar. regularly with the plural ending (cf. the earlier usage of Lufit a. 2); also occas. when referring to a single person.a. sing. (a) 1400 Slater Early Sc. Texts No. 50.
Til … our lvuyt cosyn or til his atornayis
1426 Reg. Great S. 11/1.
Til our luwyt chapellayne Sir Wilyeam Myddilmast
1473 Stirlings of Keir 241.
(b) 1399 Slater Early Sc. Texts No. 43.
To my louit cusing Schir William Dowglas
1457–93 Breadalbane Coll. Mounted Ser.Box 1, No. 11.
Be it kende … vs Colin Erll of Ergill … to haue promittit … to our lovet frende Evyne Mcevel at [etc.]
1458 Exch. R. VI. 391 n.
1460 Ib. 590.
Louede, louet
1470 Lennox Mun. 81.
James … King of Scottis till oure louete cousing Johne Lord Dernele … greting
1478 Reg. Morton II. 243.
1494 Antiq. Aberd. & B. IV. 428.
Be it kend … vs Jhonn … abbot … of Couper [etc.] … till haue set … till oure lowet frend Wilyame of Forbes … oure landis of Murthlie
1500 Coll. Aberd. & B. 317.
For the fauoris we haue to our louite squiare Johnne Chene
1508 Reg. Privy S. I. 268/1.
His [the King's] lovat familiar George Dundas
1522–3 (c 1580) Edinb. B. Rec. I. 214.
Oure lovite neighhoures and towne burgesses
1524 (1530) Reg. Great S. 200/2.
Forsamekle as it is cleirlie knawin … that our louit clerk and oratour … has chosin his lovit freind and discipill … to be conmaister with him in to the said skule
1532 Peebles B. Rec. I. 57.
1538 Misc. Spald. C. II. 189.
1543 Aberd. B. Rec. I. 189.
1551 Antiq. Aberd. & B. III. 182.
To haue sett … to our lovit nychtbour and conburges Maister Robert Chalmer … ane half nettis fyschyng
1580 Facs. Nat. MSS. III. lxix, 1594 Red. Bk. Grandtully I. lxxx.
plur. 1447 Antiq. Aberd. & B. IV. 196.
Til oure luvidis cosingis Robert lorde of Erskyn [etc.] … and al vtheris our … subditis within the castel of Kildrumy … greting
1545 Aberd. B. Rec. I. 217.
To our louittis cousingis, bailȝeis, counsale and communitie of Abirdene
1563 Reg. Privy C. I. 238.
The Quenis Grace … grantis … to hir lovittis familiar clerkis and counsaleris
b. sing. 1473 Red Bk. Menteith II. 300.
To oure louet James of Menteithe and his aeris
1483 Grant Chart. 35.
1503 Charter (Reg. H.) No. 662.
To ansuere at the instance of our louit Mongo Home
1518 Glenartney Doc.
James … to our lovit Johnne Drummond of Innerpeffre
1542 Annandale Corr. 3. 1550 Edinb. B. Rec. II. 150.
Makand … hir louitt Francis Tennent prouest of Edinburgh hir iustice in that parte
1553 Reg. Privy S. IV. 318/1.
Be oure lovit Johne Faw, lord and erle of Litill Egept
1557 Ib. V. i. 34/2.
We … understanding that oure lovitt Maister David Rollok … is oftymes vexit with the gravell [etc.]
1573 Reg. Privy C. II. 269.
1581 Acts III. 240/2.
1583 Reg. Morton I. 141.
1668 Aberd. Sheriff Ct. IIII. 99. 1677 Irvine Deeds 3 Aug.
For certan … good deeds … done to me he my lovitt William Francis wryter in Irvine
plur. 1455 Melville Chart. 39.
Till our lowedis Jamys of Auchlek [etc.] … gretyng
1495 Reg. Paisley 404.
1500 Acta Conc. II. 473.
Be it kend … me … til haf made … richt honorable men and our lovittis Robert Erskin our son … , Schir Alexander Setoun [etc.] … our procuratouris
1503 Chart. (Reg. H.) No. 662.
1508 Reg. Cupar A. I. 273, 1542 Ib. II. 18, 20, etc.
1514 Edinb. B. Rec. I. 145.
The … counsall … oblissand thame … till thair louittis Maister Adame Otterburne [etc.]
1522 Fife Sheriff Ct. 174; 1527 Bk. Dunvegan I. 68.
James … to our louittis Alexander Caremaig messingere our schireffis in that part … greting
1535 Thanes of Cawdor 163.
1540 Treas. Acc. VII. 362. 1546 Stirling Chart. 199.
To my louittis Waltere Cosland … and Jonet Alschindir his spous … all and haill my land [etc.]
1561 Misc. Maitl. C. III. 281.
Maister Johane Wynram superintendent … to my lowyttis minister readar of Crayll or ony othir
1565 Facs. Nat. MSS. III. xlviii.
Marie … to our louittis Lyoun King of armes and his brethir herauldis and to our louittis messingeris our shereffis in that part
1585 Reg. Morton I. 145. 1610–11 Peterkin Orkn. & Zetl. App. 78.
1624 Justiciary Cases I. 17, 1631 Ib. 151.
1637 Sc. Prayer Bk. Proclam., 1672 Kirkcudbr. Sheriff Ct. Processes No. 126 (24 Feb.).
1677 Irvine Deeds 13 Nov.
To my loveitis Johne Lowrimer … and ilk ane of yow conjunctlie and severallie
1686 Dunkeld Presb. I. 230.
Wee … Lord Bishop of Dunkeld to our lovits Mr John Fyfe [etc.] … greeting

c. absol., quasi-noun. (Appar. only in plur.).1459 Ayr Chart. 31; 1460 Ib. 34.
Til our lovidis the alderman [etc.]
1471 Ib. 36.
1509–10 Peebles B. Rec. I. 42, 1518 Ib. 46. 1522 Fife Sheriff Ct. 274.
Be our louittis the wyf harnis kyn & frendis of wmquhill Alexander Eleston
1542 Armstrong Hist. Liddesdale App. iv.
To our lovitts
1566–7 Reg. Privy C. I. 497.
Hir Hienes … hes constitute and namyt hir lovittis underwrittin … to quhome [etc.]
1604 Stewart Mem. 109.
Too louittis oure shireffis in that pairt … greting
1622-6 Bisset II. 58/28.
The summonis … to be direct to our lovittis with ane blank in the lettir to put in the executouris names
1638 Aboyne Rec. 285.
Attour to our lovites and ilk ane of thame … our baillies … greiting
1668 Glasg. Chart. II. 140.
They … constitute their lovites [blank] and ilk one of them … their bayllies

