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A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)

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First published 1983 (DOST Vol. V).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

Outwart, a. (n.). Also: owt- and -warte, -wartt, -vart, -uar(a)t, -wert; and Utwart. [Sc. var. of Outward a.]

1. Lying at or near the outside (of a place, etc.), outer; outermost. 1459 Liber Aberbr. II. 106.
Thar outuarat bordoyris with the landis of Kylbleyn and Ordonedrane
a1500 Henr. Orph. 386 (B).
Till thay almost come to the outwart [Ch. & M. vttir] port
1549 Compl. 47/27.
The gritest spere quhilk is the outuart spere inclosis in it [etc.]
?1549 Monro W. Isles (Sibbald) 20.
The horrible brak of seais that is on the outwart side of the point quhair that Bow is

b. External to the country, foreign. c1420 Wynt. vi. Prol. 16.
The Scottis … But ony helpe off owtwart mycht Recoweryd swa thaire herytage

2. Of or pertaining to what is external or externally visible, as opposed to the mental or spiritual; of or pertaining to outer form as opposed to inner substance; external, physical, formal.(1) a1400 Leg. S. ii. 939.
And trawel with dule and wrak He tholyt ofte for Cristis sak … Owtwart thingis neuir-the-les Owtane, that wes the besynes That he had [etc.]
a1500 Henr. Orph. 480 (Ch. & M.).
Alecto is the bolnyng of the hert, Megera is the wikkit word outwert [Asl. outwart]
1513 Doug. i. iv. 87.
(He with fenȝeit comfort by his cheyr outwart The dolorus payn hyd deip gravyn in hart
c1520-c1535 Nisbet I. 168 marg. Ib. III. 303, etc.
God rewardis the hart, and not the outwart deid, how glorius saeuir thai do appeir
Arundel MS. 243/158.
Efter the kind of thy dollour outwart
a1561 Q. Kennedy Breif Tract. (ed.) 133/31.
The breade … beand changed, nocht efter the outvart forme bot as concernynge the nature … it is made flesche
Id. Compendious Ressonyng (ed.) 178/24.
1570 Sat. P. xxii. 22.
Ane flattring face with outwart schaw serene
1572 Buch. Detect. (1727) 2.
Or at leist outwart takinis of change of hir affectioun
Ib. 146.
That I cannot be in outwart effect youris
Ib. 57. 1588 King Cat. 38.
The first sort aught to thair parents … certane inwart and outwart reverence
1586 Conv. Burghs I. 211.
Besyde thair vncumlie behaviour in thair civill lyfe and outwartt manneris
c1590 Fowler I. 70/93.
Cupidois golden darts That … waisted so mens harts Through outwart blast of beautie brawe
(2) a1400 Leg. S. xxviii. 122 (see Inwart a. 2 (1)). 1490 Irland Mir. I. 64/14.
The bodely wittis of man baithe outwert and jnwert as the sycht heryne memoie fantasy … and the laif
a1561 Q. Kennedy Breif Tract. (ed.) 118/16.
To the iugement of the flesche, outwart vittis and sensis
Ib. 126/28, 137/16.

3. In senses of the adv.: That is directed outward; outward bound. 1513 Doug. iii. viii. 123.
We, not bekend quhat rycht cours mycht we seik, War warp to seywart by the outwart tyde
1643 Aberd. Council Lett. II. 352.
Ather in outwart or haimwart waring

4. n. The outer part (of anything), the side, the flank (of an army). At the outwart, from the side. ?1438 Alex. ii. 10334.
He preked to Porrus, all wraith in hart And he him tuke at the outwart [F. Qu'a ce que de travers a l'assener le prent]
c1475 Wall. ix. 1076.
Thre hundreth in place About hym stud … Defendand him, … Quhill all the owtwart off the feild was tynt

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"Outwart adj.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 22 Dec 2024 <>



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