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A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)

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First published 2000 (DOST Vol. VIII).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

Scule, Scuil(l, n.1 Also: scwle, skule, skwle, scul, schule, scuile, scuyl(l, scwyll, skuil(l, sckuill, skuhill, skuilhill, schuil(l)(e, schuiil, schuyl(l, scole, skol(l)(e, scoile, scoill, skoill, schole, schoill, scool(l)(e, skool(e, scooil, school(l)(e, shool(l)(e, scoule, scowl(e, scoul(l, skoull, scowll, skowl(l)(e, schoul(l)(e, schowl(l, shool(e, schouill, schowill, schoall, scull(e, skull, skwll, schull, scoll(e, scholl(e. Pl. also sculies, scolies. [ME and e.m.E. scole (c1205), skole (1404-8), skule (c1440), e.m.E. also scoole (1543), schoole (1546), schole (1577), OE scól str. fem., L. schōla, f. the Gk.]For numerous further references, see the index to Acts XII.Since ‘school’ had probably wider application than in modern usage, there is perhaps some overlapping between senses 1 and 4. 1170–2 Reg. St. A. App. xl.
Ecclesiis … cum capellis et decimis et scholis de Pert et Strivelin
12 … (?1282) Reg. St. A. 343.
Terram … iuxta scolas

1. An establishment in which children are given instruction by a teacher; a school. Also fig.In various prep. phrases, with and without definite article. See also 5 below.There is overlapping with b below.(1) 1533 Bell. Livy II 3/17.
The merket, quhare commoun sculis war devisit for eruditioun of ȝoung persouns
a1538 Abell 94b.
Paip Martin … wisit the scwlis of the Jowis & lerit thare leid
1572-5 Diurn. Occurr. 318.
The wrangous vsing of the patrimonie of the kirk … to the hurt of the ministerie, the scullis and poore
(b) 1456 Hay II 106/27.
Leve nocht behynd that … thou ordane gude placis gaynand for scolis, and that thou commytt theire … wise clerkis tobe maisteris, and gere commaund till all men that ar of powere to send thaire barnis to the lare
1499 (c1580) Edinb. B. Rec. I 76.
It is forbidden that ony scholes be halden be ony maner of persouns, men or women, vnder the payne … of bannesing this towne
1561–2 Reg. Privy C. I 202.
For employing of the same be hir hienes to hospitaliteis, scolis, and utheris godlie usis
1567 Acts III 38/1.
That all scoles … be reformit and that nane be permittit nor admittit to haue charge tharof or to instruct the ȝouth priuatlie or publictlie bot sik as ar or salbe tryit be the … visitatouris of the kirk and admittit be thame to thair charges
1580 Cath. Tr. 37/3.
Scoles [to] be erected quhairin youth may be trained in the knawledge and feare of God
(c) 1544 Elgin Rec. I 81.
1627 Orkney Rentals iii 78.
Thair is nott ane schowll in the parichon off Firth, … yett standis ane grait necessitie off ane schowl
1633 Maxwell Mem. II 236.
That scowlis be plantit, and parochinneris be stentit
(d) 1555 E. Loth. Antiq. Soc. VII 51.
To ane maister of techin of ane skoill
(e) 1562-3 Winȝet I 24/20.
That in mony townis thair is not sa mekle prouidit thairto as a common house; and in nane almaist of al ane sufficient life to ane techear. Albeit ma be requirit to vndertak that cuir deulie, as becumis of ony a scuil
1627 Rep. Parishes 135.
Thair is no skuill nor hous for the samin nor stipend thairto within the said paroche
(f) 1616 Reg. Privy C. X 672.
That in everie parroche … a scoole salbe establisheit and a fitt persone appointit to teache the same upoun the expensis of the parrochinnaris according to the quantitie and qualitie of the parroche
c1620 Sutherland Bk. II 345.
Plant schooles in ewerie corner of the countrey [sc. Sutherland] to instruct the youth to speake Inglishe
1627 Orkney Rentals iii 47.
Na schoole in the paroche, nor never was; becaus the people are puir laboreris of the ground and thairfoir are content that thair bairns be brocht vp to labor with thame
1633 Acts V 48/2.
That the short and facile grammer … be taucht vniuersallie through all the skooles of the kingdome of Scotland
1641 Acts V 657/2.
It is necessar that in everie schyre at leist thair be ane schooll or hous of vertue erected within ane … of the burghes
1649 Glasgow Trades House 27O.
The haveing and settleing of ane scoole and scoolemaster for instructing of all poore childreine
?1651 Dumfr. & Galloway Antiq. Soc. 3 Ser. XXI 135.
Being destitute of the most part of my former benefit that I had within the schoole pairtlie be reasone of remoweing the lasses to ane vther schoole
1657 Johnston Diary III 93.
Wee [sc. Cromwell and Johnston] spak about … haiving shooles their and litle villages near the garisons
1668 J. M. Beale Fife Schools 173.
[A meeting] for settling of a shoole for educating children within the forsaid parish
1671 Old Ross-shire I 61.
The great desolatioun for want of ane scool
1677 McKay Kilmarnock 135.
That non be put to inferior schools who are fitt for the publick school
1686 Cramond Kirk S. II 29 Aug.
The great losse the paroch did sustain, through want of a schoole
1691 Cramond Kirk S. III 29 Jan.
The minister … had visitted the publick schoole of the paroch … and was troubled to see so few schollars in it, that it was decayed much by reason of the privat schooles in the touns about the publick schoole
(2) c1420 Wynt. v 2006.
As to the scule [C. scuyl] he gangand wes, By a chapell he come nere
c1420 Wynt. v 2036.
The fadyr speryt at the sone In to the scule [W. scoill] howe he had done
a1500 Colk. Sow ii 163.
Than sett scho me to leir littill at the scule
1490 Irland Mir. III 32/11.
As the child put to the scule suld trow the wourdis and doctrine of his master
a1508 Kennedy Flyt. 398.
I sall … Scaile thé for scorne and shere thé of the scule
1511 Treas. Acc. IV 245.
iij elnis Franche claith of the new mylk and wattir, to be him [sc. Lord Lyle] ane coit to syt in the scoile
1511–12 Treas. Acc. IV 240.
For his scolage now at his entre to the scoile v li. x s.
1529 Lynd. Complaynt 97.
Quhen thow come frome the scule Than I behuffit to play the fule
1535 Stewart 57082.
To ding his barnis as he wes wont … In to the scule quhen that he did thame ken
1539–40 Treas. Acc. VII 290.
Gevin to Jakkis, taburnar, to pay for his twa sonis burdis at the schole
1571 Sempill Sat. P. xxviii 49.
In leirning letters lang tyme at the scule, My pregnant spreit surpassit all the laif
c1590 Fowler I 328/14.
A pedant foole … [who] dois conduct the children to the shoole
1619 Calderwood VII 343.
I was a lade at the schoole in these jollie dayes
1624 Brechin Test. IV 170.
For thair wertewous & godlie vpbringin at the skoull
(3) c1475 Wall. vii 671.
To gydder … thai had beyne, Lerand at scule in to thair tendyr age
a1500 Seven S. 1629.
To scule as the scolaris couth found Ane scolar … Come by the well
1550 Banff Ann. II 166.
Maister of schowill
1556–7 Inverness Rec. I 5.
The master of sculle
1559 Reg. Privy S. V i 143/2.
For the better instructioun of young chylderin in the art of grammar to be taucht in scolis divers volumes following [etc.]
1560 Bk. Disc. 198.
The children of the ministeris … must have the privileges in sculis and bursis in collegis
1562-3 Winȝet I 25/13.
Ane form of ditement maid for caus of exercise and priuat studie, as vsis to be in sculis
a1570-86 Maitland Maitl. F. 37/8.
Now I heir na wourde of Ȝule In kirk on cassay nor in scule
1652 Burnett of Leys 281.
I ordeen him [supra my present eldest oye] to do nothing, either concerning his estat, or the waring of his owen person in marradge or at scool

b. Referring to a particular school.(1) 1444 Ayr B. Ct. 20 April.
The maister of the skule to mak seruice in the Trinite yle
1524 (1529–30) Reg. Great S. 200/2.
Maister David Vocat, principale maister and techour of our gramar scule of the burgh of Edinburgh, has chosin … Maister Hary Henrisoun to be conmaister with him in to the said skule
1549–50 Ayr B. Acc. 109.
[The time] quhen the scule held not for the pest
1561 Rentale Dunkeld. (SHS) 342.
To the uphald of tua sculis and ther maister of grammer and sang
1570–1 Inverness Rec. I 198.
x merkis monye of his pentioun of the scule
1596 Dalr. I 37/7.
The citie of S. Androes … quhair with vs is a famous wniversitie and a notable schule
1615 Ritchie Ch. S. Baldred 141.
The quilk day Maister Johne spak the elderis anent the schule, earnestlie desyring them that had bairns to send them, seing the harvest was past, and the corns all in
(b) 1475 Peebles B. Rec. I 173.
Beand beisse of techyn and kenyng apon the childer in his scoul
1536 Glasgow Prot. IV 88.
The common scowll
1538–9 Prot. Bk. Thomas Johnsoun 35.
That Schir Hendrie Louk … held his barnis that he kennit in his scoull at sic subjection [etc.]
1694 Cromartie Corr. I 103.
The scoul wher he is bourded
(c) 1573 Reg. Privy C. II 288.
Johne Hendersoun to abstene fra all forder teiching within the said schole in tyme cuming
1621 Perth Kirk S. MS 8 Nov.
Of the great decay and few number present of the bairnes of his scole
1640 J. M. Beale Fife Schools 57.
Admonished to … come sooner to the schole in the morning and to be more cairful and to be more gentle in his correcting of the bairnes
1649 Kingarth Par. Rec. 18.
The most pairt of these that hes children for the schole is illiterat and knowes not the good of learneing
1654–5 Glasgow B. Rec. II 531.
To … ane of the doctours of the said scole for the terms of Candlmes and Lames
(d) 1592 Kirkcudbr. B. Rec. I 282.
The … counsall … dischairgis Mr. Dauid Blyth minister of the schuill as schuill maister thairof
1596 Elgin Rec. II 46.
Agane the quhilk day Thomas Hay sall luik owt the act maid anent the taking of the skuill, and in the midtym that another hous be provydit to serue the remanent of the barnis
1607 Kirkcudbr. B. Rec. II 25.
Gif he … neglectis the schuill the toun may remowe him
1611 Kirkcudbr. B. Rec. II 91.
Appointis to Alexander Levenax vj lib. for a ȝeiris maill of his hous to be the schuill quhill Vitsonday 1612
1617 Kirkcudbr. B. Rec. II 219.
Mr. John Broun gaif ouir the schuill to the toun
(e) 1595 Anstruther W. Kirk S. in J. M. Beale Fife Schools 17.
That all the yowth in the toun be caused cum to the school … sic as are puir shall be furnished upon the comone expenses
1611 J. M. Beale Fife Schools 19.
[In Abdie] ilk pleuch of the parrochine sall pay [13 s. 4 d.] … yeirlie to the school according to the commoune ordor
1640 Dundonald Par. Rec. 465.
The childrein … quho ar farder distant from the shoole
1679 J. M. Beale Fife Schools 191.
That quarter of the paroch … is so far remot from the toun that the children ther cannot come to be educated at the publick school … the session … licence … [Patrick Mudi] to hold a school and teach children in that quarter
1681 J. M. Beale Fife Schools 193.
A paire of shoes to a poor boy at the schoole
(2) 1512–13 Treas. Acc. IV 404.
Maister David Vocat, maister of the scule of Edinburgh
1542 Treas. Acc. VIII 93.
Gevin to Jakkis Columbell for his twa sonis buird at the scwle in Striveling
1572-5 Diurn. Occurr. 204.
Thomas Robesone, sumtyme maister of the scule of Paslay
1622 Misc. Bann. C. III 202.
The skole of Prestounepanis
1670 Fraser P. 256.
Being ane poor and indigent scooller who hes being educat in my gramer and Lattine tongue at the scoolle of Drymen in the west end of Stirlingshyre whair I wes borne and my parents leived
1684 Edinb. B. Rec. XI 111.
The schoall of Moffat is destitute of ane usher or hypodidesculus comonly called ane doctors place

c. With defining noun, indicating the purpose of the school in terms of its special subject.See Gram(m)ar scule, Musik(e n. 1 d and Sang-scule, also h below, for further examples.(1) 1451 Ayr B. Ct. 22 Oct.
The said maister … has giffin our the sang skule to the … comite the said maister … ramaynand with the gramer skule with al profettis in althingis
1503 Aberd. B. Rec. in Cart. S. Nich. Aberd. II 342.
The childe Cristy Narne … was passit fra the sang scule to the gramer scule
1537 Reg. Episc. Aberd. I 412.
1537–8 Reg. Episc. Aberd. I 415.]
[Domino Willelmo Myrtone scole musicalis magistro
1539 Glasgow Prot. IV 118.
1540–1 Linlithgow B. Ct. 17 Jan.
Ane sang schull
1543 Linlithgow B. Ct. 30 April in Innes Rev. X 89.
And sall ken and leir the barnis that will cum to him to syng, as wthir sang schullis usis
1546 Aberd. B. Rec. in Cart. S. Nich. Aberd. II 368.
1638 Glasgow B. Rec. I 388.
The musik schooll is altogidder dekayit within this burgh, to the … discontentment of sindrie honest men within the same who hes bairnes whom they wold have instructit in that art
1638 Glasgow B. Rec. I 388.
Licence to the said Duncane Birnett to tak vp ane musik schooll within this brugh … he taking fra the toun barnes suche skollegis as is contenit in the act
1675 Aberd. B. Rec. IV 293.
Lues de France master of musick schooll of this brughe
(2) 1519 Dunferm. B. Rec. I 298.
Grammar scovll
1546 Aberd. B. Rec. I 231.
1549 Aberd. B. Rec. I 266.
1576 Anal. Scot. I 275.
Master of the gremer skuill of ald Aberdeen
1579 Anal. Scot. I 280.
1589 St. A. B. Ct. 27 May. 1612 Aberd. B. Rec. II 309.
For the great enormities … done … be thame and thair associat scollaris within the grammer, sang schuill and writing schuillis of this burghe in tacking of the said sang schuiil vpoune the first day of this instant December lang befoir the superstitious tyme of Yuill
1617 Inverness Rec. II 151.
1620 Sc. Ant. I 93.
The scoulmester in the Panis [sc. Prestonpans] dois assur me that hes preceis price of his buirders sitting at tabill is tuo hunder merk … so this will cum to nyn hunder merk a year. … gif there be ane guid grammer scoull in Glesgo your bairns can be no wors ther than at the Pans, and I think lairge cheipper
1621 Brechin Test. IV 3b.
Gramour schoull
1650 Inverness Rec. II 203.
1659 Aberd. B. Rec. IV 180.
Certane books mortified and left … for the wse and behoue of the gramar scooll within this burgh
1683 Misc. Bann. C. II 291.
(3) c1552 Lynd. Mon. 582.
Quhen that thir bauld Romance Ouer all the warld … Maid Latyne scolis, … That thare language mycht be ouer all commoun
1556 Edinb. B. Rec. II 241.
To the maister of the Franche scule
1582 Glasgow Prot. VIII 71.
[The school called the] Inglis schole
1590–1 Edinb. B. Rec. V 33.
[The council] gevis licence to Tobias Maxwell, schole master, to hald ane lecture schole of bairnis under the wall
1592 Lothian and Tweeddale Synod 48.
That the samin be red and lernit in lettor scoolis in place of the lytle catechisme
1601 Edinb. B. Rec. V 282.
Licence … to keip and hald ane wryting skoill
1607 Aberd. B. Rec. II 294.
[The council] grantis libertie and licence to the said Edward to tak vp a writting schoole in this burghe for instructing of the youth in writing and arithmetik allanerlie … provyding … that the scolleris exceid the aige of ten yeiris
1617 Ellon Presb. 99.
[He had begun to teach an] Inglis scole [at Drumquhendall without licence of the minister]
1618 Paisley B. Rec. in Grant Burgh Schools 527.
None to be put to the sewing schuill till they can red perfytlie
1635 Aberd. B. Rec. III 80.
Licience to Alexander Rolland to teache ane Frensche schoole … and for that effect to put wp ane brod or signe befoir his schoole doore to give notice … to all wha ar desyrous to learne the Frensche tongue
1660 Laing MSS 313.
Though they had never been at the Latine scool befor
1674 Aberd. Council Lett. V 315.
The onlie power of ane Inglish schooll within the brughe for the instructione of young ones in reading wreating and arithmetick

d. Hie schoall, = Hie scule n. q.v. for further examples. 1676 Edinb. B. Rec. X 281.
Mr. James Scot student to be doctor of the hie schoall

e. A ‘dame school’.See also quot. 1499 under 1 (1) (b) above. 1647 Kirkcudbr. B. Rec. II 801.
Agnes Maxwell and Jean Sommervaill keeperis of twa scooles within this burgh
1650 J. M. Beale Fife Schools 49.
[That] those that hes thair bairnes at women's schooles be delt with for putting thair bairnes to the gramer schoole
?c1669 J. M. Beale Fife Schools 223.
A woman's school to teach lasses to sue
1679 J. M. Beale Fife Schools 223.
The session considering that the town was not able to furnish two scools, ane woman school, and ane manscooll, condescended to discharge the woman scooll especially from learning of lads
1688 Peebles B. Rec. II 123.
The magistrats to visit the women schools within this burgh, and to order such boyes as are in the psalm book to goe to the publict schooll

f. transf., in various special phrases. To set to the scule, to put to (the) scule, to send to scule, to subject (a child) to teaching or instruction. To be at (also in) (the) scule, to undergo teaching or instruction. To go to (the) scule, to submit to instruction.Also, proverb., to put God to the schole, to try to teach, or correct, one's superior.(1) a1400 Leg. S. xxiv 110.
That thare barne suld be na fowl Thai set hyme ayrly to the schule, Artis liberalis for-thy, That he suld cone, & philosophy
a1400 Leg. S. xxvii 296.
Fra he cuth spek grathly, He wes set to the schole in hy
c1420 Wynt. v 4448 (W).
Leois sone and hirris slely Scho put to scoill and to clergy
1496 Acts II 238/1.
That all barronis and frehaldaris … put thair eldest sonnis and airis to the sculis fra thai be aucht or nyne ȝeiris of age and till remane at the grammer sculis quhill thai be competentlie foundit and haue perfite Latyne; and thareftir to remane thre ȝeris at the sculis of art and jure, sua that thai may haue knawlege and vnderstanding of the lawis
1535 Stewart 10965.
Greit diligence he hes done … Perswading thame … To … put thair barnis to the scuillis syne Nurtour [pr. Wirtour] to leir, science and disciplyne, And eloquence quhilk sould be to thame kend
a1568 Bann. MS 135b/62.
Put money to the scule, All will nocht be clerkis
1591 Edinb. Test. XXIII 27b.
Jonet Hill his spous … to bring vp his bairnes and put thaim to scuillis
1596 Kirkcaldy B. Rec. 145.
That Margr'an Williamson's sowstar [sic] learn na mens childrene fra this furth, bot that all mens childrene be putt to the grammer scoill
1600-1610 Melvill 16.
When I was seavine … my father put … me … to a … brother in the ministerie of his, to scholl
1610 Reg. Privy C. IX 29.
It is inactit that everie gentilman or yeaman within the said Ilandis … sall put at the leist thair eldest sone, or haveing no childrene maill thair eldest dochter, to the scuillis on the Lawland, and interteny and bring thame up … to speik, reid, and wryte Inglische
1612 S. Leith Rec. 9/2.
That the poore younge boyes of the toune be weisseited and taking ordour withe and put to the scoills
1641 Fife Synod 125.
That … everie one who hes children … put them to the schooll having once past sevin yeir old
1647 J. M. Beale Fife Schools 25.
[Measures whereby] parents may be pressed to put and hold ther children to schoolle
1693 Peebles B. Rec. II 141.
Persones in prison that wer thair for not putting ther children to the scooll
(2) c1475 Wall. i 155.
In till Dunde Wallace to scule thai send
c1475 Wall. ix 1556.
Quhilk likly war, and abill in curage, To sculle was send in to thair tendre age
1602 S. Leith Rec. 3/2.
That nane inhabitant … send thair bairnes to ony vther schoole bot all the lads to Mr. Thomas Provand and all the lasses to James Hay … and all vther schooles hinc inde be discharged
1607 Dunferm. B. Rec. II 42.
Sending of the tounnis bairnis to landwart schoollis
(3) 1570 Leslie 63.
The king … ordanit … that every landit man suld hald his eldest sone at the scule quhill he had lernit perfectlye the lawes of the realme
(4) c1475 Wall. v 537.
Wallace and he at hayme in scule had beyne
1525 Crim. Trials I i 131.
The time of the committing of the samin [slaughter] he wes at the scule in Edinburghe
1540 Lynd. Sat. 2863 (Ch.).
Ane cavell quhilk was never at the scule
c1568 Lauder Minor P. iv 11.
Ane blunt bubo, that neuer had bene at scule
1585 Elgin Rec. I 178.
For … buikis … coft … to the said Thomas the tyme he wes at the scole leiring
1615 Denmylne MSS in Highland P. III 241.
I … passed till Glasgo to viste my barnes who ar at the shoole there
(5) a1570-86 Maitl. F. 240/10.
The eldest brother was na fule Quhen he was ȝoung ȝeid to the scule
proverb. a1628 Carmichael Prov. No. 1678.
We will not put God to the schole

g. The pupils, ? also sometimes the teachers, of a school. 1466–7 Peebles B. Rec. I 155.
Master Jhon Doby swld haiff all the skwll, owttakand thai that leyryt to syng
c1500-c1512 Dunb. Flyt. 215.
Cum thow agane to skar us with thy strais, We sall gar scale our sculis all thé to scorne And stane thé up the calsay
1649 Elgin Rec. II 433.
The master … injoining deep silence to the whole schoole [etc.]
1670 J. M. Beale Fife Schools 222.
For twa candlesticks for the use of the school 6 s.
c1690 Bk. Pasquils (1827) i 46.
Not to rule A nation with a rod that sway'd a schooll
1701 Household Bk. Gr. Baillie 8.
For the bairenes milks going to with [sic] ther scooll

h. To kepe, or hald, (a) scule, to run, or manage, a school; to be the master of a school. To teche (a) scule, to be a teacher in a school; to teach (the pupils) in a school; to run a school. To tak up (a) scule, to set up a school; to become the master, or mistress, of a school. Also, once, to teche the gramer scuile (to the pupils).(1) 1464 Peebles B. Rec. I 152.
The balyais ande the nychtburis has grantyt … to Schyr Wylyam Blaklok to haf the scule and to be sculmaster … and to tak the prophet of the scoule
1564 Canongate Kirk S. (ed.) 12.
Schir Johne Lokert that haldis ane schoill at the Gray Freris Port
1625 Kirkcudbr. B. Rec. II 311.
In pairt of peyment of [£43 6 s. 8 d.] for the keiping of the schuill the Lambes terme 1624 and Candilmes terme 1625
1629 S. Leith Rec. 18/2. 1639 Glasgow B. Rec. I 397.
That nae mae Inglisch scoolles be keipit or haldin … bot four only, with ane wrytting schooll
1663 Glasgow B. Rec. III 23.
To … hold Scotis shooles within the toune
(2) 1529 Linlithgow B. Ct. 5 Nov.
That maister Finlaw Forest get ane sufficient [blank] to tech the skol
1552 Elgin Rec. I 118.
It salbe lesum to him to teche in the comound grammer scoill with the maister and siclik … Sir James Kar to teche ane sang scoill
1555 Peebles B. Rec. I 220.
Oblissis him to remane and teche the scoill and barneis sufficientlie in tymes cuming
1556–7 Inverness Rec. I 5.
Fowyr pundis mone in pencion … for techyn of the scull
1558 Peebles B. Rec. I 251.
The inqueist ordanis the young man that desyris to teiche the scoill cum vp to Peblis and convene with the baillies and counsale gif thai can conduce him
1564 Canongate Kirk S. (ed.) 8.
That thai nour nane of thame … molest nour cumer the said Schir Johne, bot that speciabillie he mycht teche ane schoall quhair he plesit
1582 Kirkcaldy B. Rec. 72.
Prowyding thar be na vther scoill teachit in this toun bot sang onlie, quhilk sall be onlie the number of twelff bairnis
1584–5 Kirkcaldy B. Rec. 104.
That the baillies … provyd ane sufficient man for the scoill teaching
1593 Haddington Presb. Rec. in Hist. Fam. Seton I 212.
Steine Ballantayne scullmaister to me L. Setonnes bairnes, ane papist or atheist, is dischairged from teiching of onie youthe or scoll quhill he embrace the trew religioun
1612 Stirling B. Rec. I 132.
Under the pane of discharging thame of all teaching and halding of Ingles or writting scholes
1647 J. M. Beale Fife Schools 43.
Tollerance and leave to David Tullous to teache the schoole in the said coaltoune prouyding alwayes that he teache onlie suche as are not able to come to the comon school
1677 Inverness Rec. II 273.
Iff they … presume … to teach a shoole heirefter they salbe lyable in the peyment of 40 lbs. Scots
(3) 1582 Kirkcudbr. B. Rec. I 177.
Mr. Williame Turnor to be scuilemaister and to teich the gramer scuile to thair barnis
(4) 1653 Stirling Ant. II 14.
The sessioun … appointed the said Mr. Harie to tak up scoll upon the Thursday there after
1658 Glasgow B. Rec. II 391.
The womane that hes tackin vpe ane schole in the heid of the Saltmarcat at hir awine hand

i. The building in which a school is carried on; a school building.See also Scule-hous n. 1519 Wigtown B. Ct. fol. 90a.
Mastyr Mechell sall wphald the scwyll & gud rewill
1527 Aberd. B. Rec. I 120.
Thair grammar schuill was decaden and abill to fall down
1552 Edinb. B. Rec. II 172.
We sall mak you ane fair scule to mak pepill cum to the toun
1574 Inverness Rec. I 239.
The laarycht of the auld scule lyand at the eist pairt of the Freiouris wall
1576 J. M. Beale Fife Schools 119.
1577–8 Edinb. B. Rec. IV 63.
To begyn found and big the Hie Scole in the maist commodeous place within the Blakfreir kirk yaird
1578 Edinb. B. Rec. IV 78.
To stanchell the wondois of the Hee Scoill with iron
1578–9 Haddington Treas. Acc.
Lyme to sparge the skule
1581–2 Misc. Spald. C. V 53.
1587–8 Lanark B. Rec. 91.
For stray and theking the scuill this present yeir
1594 Edinb. B. Rec. V 126.
The chalmer in the west end of the said schole
1605–6 Montrose Treas. Acc. 2.
For mending of the scowle
1623 Aberd. B. Rec. II 384. 1636 S. Leith Rec. 25/1.
The skipers to have the keay of the gramer scoole quhilk is the Leath Ternetie house
1646 Peebles B. Rec. I 421.
For ane laid of peitis to clenge the schoole
c1650 Spalding II 154.
He rooffit ane sang scooll
1652 Peebles B. Rec. II 6.
That consideratione be taken for the tounes upholding of the briges and scoole
1658 J. M. Beale Fife Schools 36.
Good lichtsome windows [and] seats biged of stone and mortar round about the syde wall and givell walls of the school [in Balmerino]
1678–9 Arbroath Old Doc. 13/2.
Sklats to the schoall
?c1690 J. M. Beale Fife Schools 221.
Stones and lyme … to build a schoole that the church might not any longer be mad use of as a schoole
1695 J. M. Beale Fife Schools 220.
It was found most convenient to build the new school in a retired place, as is the custome of all publick schools to be
1699 Carmyllie Kirk S. 17 Sept.
A lumb a chimney a window glass and wear to the schooll

j. A room in a school; a school-room or class-room. 1597–8 Edinb. B. Rec. V 210.
The thesaurer to caus mak parpell wallis of daillis in the hie schole for parting the sam in foure scholes
1597–8 Edinb. B. Rec. V 362.
Buirdis and lettrones to the said schollis … For … glas to the schole quhairin Mr. George Haistie teichis
1598 Edinb. B. Rec. V 362.
Making of seatis and benkis in the heiche skollis thair to the bairnis to sit upoun

k. fig. c1590 Fowler I 4/6.
The Muses … se thy trauell treuly showne In verteus skoole th' expyring tyme to spend So [etc.]
1619 Garden Elphinstoun 1899.
He … Into this common scoole Was laur'at and inlarg'd

2. An institution set up to instruct boys, in the particular subjects relating to knighthood. 1456 Hay II 17/6.
It war rycht expedient that thare war devisit … be the prince scolis of doctrinyng and teching of the … properteis that efferis to that hye and worthy ordre [sc. chivalry] till ȝong lordis barnis that war lykly to cum to perfectioun

3. fig. The scule (of a particular person or group of people), a group of people profoundly influenced by the teachings and example of their mentor(s) or model(s). a1500 K. Hart 656.
Barnis ȝoung suld lerne at auld mennis sculis
a1500 Bk. Chess 213.
At this bischope thair sciens first began And as discipulis in his scule thai stud
1540 Lynd. Sat. 4584 (B).
The paip … Hes send his army to the feild. Sanct Petir … Rasit nevir sic ane oist … Thay leird not this at Chrystis sculis
1554 Knox III 177.
But now thay haif bene at the scule of Placebo, and amangis ladyis hes lernit to dance, as the devill list to pype
a1570-86 Arbuthnot Maitl. F. 51/61.
In Venus scule I man sum lessoun leir
1572 Sempill Sat. P. xxx 138.
Men of Macheuillus scuillis
1596 Dalr. I 237/21.
1615 Melrose P. 202.
After sua lang apprentisage in yiour sacred maiesties schoolle of honour
1682 Peden Lords Trumpet 7.
One of you sufferers that is bred at Christ's school in throw in Clydsdale yonder

b. Predicated of a person: An exemplar (of a particular quality). a1400 Leg. S. xxxvi 611.
Sancte Johnne the scole of uertuise wes

4. A corporation of teachers and scholars established in one centre to carry on advanced studies in a particular subject or group of subjects. Passing into: b. A faculty of a university; also, a university college, a university. Also fig. coll. pl. c. The faculties of a university, collectively; a university; universities, collectively. d. The advanced studies pursued at these levels, scholarship.(1) c1420 Wynt. v 4442.
Schyr Leoys … The modyr at scule held off clergy
1456 Hay II 17/20.
War nocht the sculis of clergy, mony errouris and ignorauncis war in the warld mare na thare is
1456 Hay II 17/30.
And thare is sa mony sculis in sere contreis of sciencis of clergy, and nocht ane that men wate of the nobil ordre of chevalrye
1456 Hay II 107/29.
Grete clerkis and studyaris in scolies of sciences
1496 Acts II 238/1 (see 1 f (1) above). 1572 Knox in Bann. Memor. 250.
Preserue the kirke from the bondage of vniversities. Perswade them [sc. the universities] to rewle thaim seluis peceablie, and order thair schoules [Bann. Trans. 364, scholes] in Christ
1581 Hamilton Cath. Tr. in Cath. Tr. (STS) 83/5.
In thair Caluinian assemblie … yung men neu cum out of the grammer or logic scholes start vp in the pulpit
a1605 Montg. Ch. & Slae 843 (W2).
Suld not I trow my ain twa een, For all ȝour logick schulis
c1590 Fowler II 29/30.
For … thou … hes bene in the scholes of philosophie befoir my natiuitie
1597 James VI Dæmonol. (STS) 2/11.
As it is said in the logick schools [etc.]
1600-1610 Melvill 190.
Giff they war … maid bursses in the scholles of philosophie and theologie, everie noble man might haiff a seminarie [etc.]
(2) 1456 Hay I 224/14.
Gif a burges of London has a sone at the scole in Paris … and the childe writis till his fader [etc.]
c1475 Wall. x 1082.
Jamys … was cummyn fra scullis off Parys
a1500 Lanc. 1990.
Sen yow art holl maister of the scoullis Teichith them
c1500-c1512 Dunb. (STS) xiv 24 (B).
New tane fra sculis [M. Cuming fra the sculis], sa mony anis and mvlis Within this land was nevir hard nor sene
1509–10 Lett. James IV 167.
[Protection … to go to France] to vesey the schulis
1531 Bell. Boece II 138.
The scule of Paris, quhilk hes at this time sic fouth of erudition that it has na compair in erd
a1538 Abell 96b.
The sext buk of the decretalis wes send to the scolis to teche
c1552 Lynd. Mon. 1911.
Off famous sculis the doctryne, Boith natural science and diuyne … trampit doun
a1568 Bann. MS 86b/71.
It war far best that sculis war cryit doun And vertew rebell exilit the cuntre
1573 Davidson Sat. P. xlii 97.
He that mellis with thingis vnkend … Quhidder he be of court or scule … is bot ane fule
1573 Davidson Sat. P. xlii 386. 1577 Reg. Privy S. VII 181/1.
To big ane college [in Edinburgh] in the quhilk was appointit to be thre scoillis, ane thairof for the bairnis in grammer, ane uther for thame that leiris poetrie and oratorie … the thrid scoill for the teicheing of civile and canon lawis
1573-1600 Burne Disput. in Cath. Tr. 150/12.
Gif ane vthir man instructed in the sam schuillis … vald … sustene disputatione aganis you
1583 Cal. Sc. P. VI 525.
[The rest were called] bukes for the skowlles
1600 Misc. Bann. C. I 145.
Considder, Master, how ye wes brocht up in the schuill quhilk hes send so mony noble and haly youth, the Coledge of Edinburgh, vnder Mr. Robert Rollok
a1605 Montg. Misc. P. x 26.
Some … fane wald prove, Quha skantly, nevir sau the scuills, That love with resone is no love
16.. Hist. Kennedy 17.
The Erll of Caissillis being new cumin hame from the schoillis
1632 Aberd. Council Lett. I 342.
Till wich tyme … I can not be induced to doe your towne scholes that good
1634 Edinb. Test. LVI 263.
I will … my eldest sone … to attend the scoolles and college till he atteane to the dignitie of ane lawriate clark
(3) a1500 Prestis of Peblis 355 (A).
Ane cunnand clerk The quhilk certane had nocht in scule tane gre
1513 Doug. i Prol. 375.
Amangis clerkis in scuyll
pl. 1456 Hay I 221/26.
That the law levis all clerkis to vake in scolis and in studyis to lez sciences and literature
1456 Hay II 35/16.
Rycht as scholaris examynit tobe prestis or greid in scholis
1460 Hay Alex. 210.
Als in scholis he consauit mare Of perfect doctrine, of cuning, and of lare Na ony bairn that in the cuntre was
1525 Acts II 295/2.
That na manner of persoun … bring with thaim ony bukis … of the said Lutheris … bot geif it be to the confusioun thairof and that be clerkis in the sculis alanerlie
1535 Stewart 57369.
All men of lair that cunnyng war in scuillis … [He] held thame euir of greit auctoritie
1540 Lynd. Sat. 3308 (Ch.).
Thay [sc. clerks] can preich And in the scuilis in Latine toung can teich
1568 Skeyne Descr. Pest 3.
Howbeit it become me rather (quha hes bestouit all my ȝouthe in the sculis) to [etc.]
1563-1570 Buch. Wr. 16.
That … na man be providit to susteine office of preachour or techour in the kyrk except thay haif beine dewly graduat in the scholis
1572 Sat. P. xxxiii 156.
In the schuills exercise [is] trewlie teichit
1573 Davidson Sat. P. xlii 79.
Mony men speikis … befoir thay knaw, And cheifly the ȝoung men in scuilis
1573 Davidson Sat. P. xlii 86. 1585 Calderwood IV 475.
Not contemplating and disputing in schooles, but practising in the commoun wealth
1596 Dalr. II 13/29.
Jhone Dunse quha fra the name of his cuntrie Scotland Scott was namet in the schules
a1651 Calderwood VII 570.
Sundrie noblemen [etc.] … resorted frequentlie to Mr. Robert's lessons in the schooles … and not to his [sc. Mr. Andro Ramsay's] lessones … howbeit both taught in one colledge
(4) 1473 Treas. Acc. I 67.
To Heroune, clerk of the chapell … to his passage to the scolis, xl s.
a1500 Henr. Fab. 1372.
I [sc. Aesop] am off gentill blude; My natall land is Rome … And in that towne first to the sculis I ȝude, In ciuile law studyit
1501 Reg. Privy S. I 105/2.
A letter of licence to Cuthbert Hume … to pas … to Parisch to the skulis
1540 Reg. Privy S. II 525/2.
Giffand him speciale licence to pas to the sculis to the partis beȝond sey
1550 Corr. M. Lorraine 338.
Gif it plesit your grace I vald pas thair [sc. France] to the sculis
1560 M. Napier Mem. J. Napier 67.
I pray you, Schir, to send your sone Jhone to the schuyllis; other to France or Flandaris
1564 Stirling B. Rec. I 81.
Johne Andersone minor is destitut of wardlie guidis … quhairby he mycht have ony sufficient life to put him to ane craft or schuillis
1565 Cal. Sc. P. II 161.
[Safe conduct … to the parts of France] or utheris beyond sey, quhair he is bown to the skwlis
1567 Stewart Mem. 102.
Quhow soun the said Johen Stewart beis put to the scoulis … [allowance granted] for his sustentatioun at the scoulis ȝeirlie
1571 Misc. Bann. C. III 142.
Laurence Gordon to be sent to Caimerage to the scooles
1576 Edinb. Test. IV 119b.
That the said may be put to the scules
a1605 Montg. Ch. & Slae 171 (L).
To lait I went to scuillis
1600 Crim. Trials II 297.
His eldest sone, being be his moder putt to the schoillis in Ittalie, passit his course in Padua
1641 Coll. Rebus Alban. 20.
Lykeas now he is to be put to the schoolles
(5) 1529 Lynd. Complaynt 166.
We thynk thame verray naturail fulis That lernis ouir mekle at the sculis
1572 Buch. Detect. (1727) 136.
I beleue thay haue bene at schuillis togidder
1573 Reg. Privy C. II 255.
The said Williame being than actualie at the scolis in oure Universitie of Sanctandrois
1573 Reg. Episc. Brechin. II 428.
Alexander now bischop of Breichin … himselff being in Geneva at the schuilis
a1578 Pitsc. I 80/14.
Ane mane of singular erruditioun … brocht wpe lang tyme in Paries at the scollis
a1605 Montg. Ch. & Slae 838 (W2).
Gae leir ȝit … Ȝour logick at the schulis
1585 Cal. Sc. P. VIII 118.
My sonne beand at the sculies in France
1586 Reg. Privy S. in Orig. Par. II ii 425.
To gif him occasioun to continew at the scuillis
1615 Crim. Trials III 378.
Ȝe being tranet vp at scoles and colledges within this kingdom and haifing accompleischet ȝour course in the College of St. Androis quhair ȝe was laureat [etc.]
(6) fig. 1633 Boyd Balm of Gilead in Boyd Last B. xlvii.
A scoller, whose schoole is the tavorne, is not a scholer of Christ that sayes, learne of mee

5. To hald, sustene, intertene, support, etc. (someone) at the sculis (also, scule), to maintain, or make provision for, a person while he or she is pursuing studies at ‘school’ or ‘schools’ in senses 1 and, chiefly, 4 above.Also, once, to keip at scools.(1) 1450 Antiq. Aberd. & B. II 344.
I sal yeirly … pay … to hald them at the scule that will be clerkis ay while thay be beneficed or ony of thame that may hald the lawe fourty pundis of Scots
1508 Reg. Privy S. I 244/2.
Gift … of … landis … to hald the said Kanoch at the skolis and for to lere and study the kingis lawis of Scotland
1564 Edinb. B. Deeds 118b.
The said Dauid … hes continuallie … on his expensis sustenit the said Elizabeth in meit drink … halding of hir at the sculeis and vpbroucht hir honestlie
1566 Reg. Privy S. V ii 222/1.
To support the … upbringing of thair cousingis and cousingnes, Henrie, Jane and Marie … and in halding of thame at the scolis during thair minoritie
1568 Peebles Chart. 73.
My fadir has mony childrene ma nor I quhair throuch he may nocht sustene me to hald me at the scoillis in my youtheid to leirne vertu
1570 Crawford Mun. Invent. II 95 (4 March).
For dywers gryt sowmes of money payit to me … to pas to the pairtis of Franche and haldine of me at the skowlis
1570–1 Reg. Privy S. VI 208/2.
The gift … for sustening and halding of him at scuilis and leirning for all the space, yeiris and termes of sevin yeiris
1573 St. A. Univ. Rec. 298.
To hald him at the scuillis the haill pittane silver of Scone
1575 Edinb. Test. III 330b.
Nicolas … to be haldin at the scoles quhill he be xx ȝeir of age
1593 St. A. Kirk S. 753.
William Hay oblissis him … to sustein [blank] Hay his sone … and hald him at the scolis
1598 Paisley B. Rec. 218.
The saidis greassoumis [etc.] … to … imploy … in … furnitur of our hous, halding [ed. hairking] of our said bairns at the scuillis [etc.]
(2) pl. 1493 Antiq. Aberd. & B. III 301.
To … his son … to sustene him at the scolis
1553 Treas. Acc. X 207.
To James Hammiltoun student in Sanctandrois to support him at the scolis
1568 Peebles Chart. 73.
To sustene me at the scoillis quhairthrouch I may leirne to minister the ewangell of Jesu Christ
1568 Reg. Privy S. VI 62/2.
For his sustentatioun at the sculis within the New College of Sanctandrois … for sevin yeiris nixt to cum
1572 Crawford Mun. Invent. II 97 (22 April).
The interteneing and vpbringing of him at the sculles
1572–3 Canongate Ct. Bk. 427.
For sustening and buirding of Johnne Leirmont … at the scules
1574 15th Rep. Hist. MSS App. ix 26.
For his intertenment at the scholis to get lair, science and knawledge
1574 Reg. Privy S. in Orig. Par. II ii 422.
In suppoirt of his sustentatioun at the scoles
1576 St. A. Univ. Rec. 300, etc.
The sowmes … disponit be our souerane lord to the bursaris and studentis underwrittin to help and hald thame at the scuilles
1580 Boyd Fam. P. No. 63 (13 Feb.).
Be sustening me at the scoills during the yeirs of my tutorie and minoritie
1582 Reg. Privy S. VIII 150/2.
For his intertenement at the scoleis
1590–1 Cramond Cullen Ann. 22.
James Duff … of the age of xii yeiris … requirit … Mr. David … to enter … him to the said prebendarie … and that for the sustentation of the said James at the scollis
1596 Dalr. II 111/4.
That sik frehalderis … sulde susteine thair eldest sones at the schuilis, quhill perfytlie tha vndirstude the canon lawis
1606 Peebles B. Rec. I 358.
To interteny him at the scholes
1652 Cramond Ch. Speymouth 12.
Every presbitrie was to mantain ane Irish boy at the schooles for training up of youthes … in divine and humane literature
1658 Bamff Chart. 294.
To … receave the said Elizabethe Ramsay … and to sustein … hir at bed board abulȝiamentis and at the shooles according to hir estait
1678 Life and Death of Sharp in Misc. Scot. II 12.
Isobel's jegg purse, which … maintained her sons at schools
sing. 1571–2 Reg. Privy S. VI 290/1.
Being certifiet that his lovitt Henrie Boiswell … is of convenient age to entir in the study of grammer … gevand … to the said Henrie … the said chaiplanrie of Sanct James … in support of his sustentatioun at the scoill during the space of sevin yeris … the maistir of the grammare scoill of Dunfermeling to ressave the said Henrie Boiswell undir his cuir and discipline
(3) 1653 Edinb. Test. LXVII 96b.
The said boy to be keipit at scools or put to the merchand trad

6. sing. or pl. A building or room set aside for lectures in a university; also, used for convocations or assemblies. 1559–60 St. A. Kirk S. 22.
To compere before us in the scoole of Sanct Leonardis College … in ane actioun and caus of divorce and partysing
1563 Reg. Privy S. V i 396/1.
Of the quhilk college ane parte of the sculis and chalmeris being biggit [etc.]
1570 St. A. Kirk S. 334.
The sinodal convention last haldin in Sanct Leonardis scolis
1577 Reg. Privy S. VII 181/1 (see 4 (2) above). 1600-1610 Melvill 31.
Ther was a general assemblie hauldin in the scholles of St. Leonards, our collage
1626 Edinb. Univ. Chart. 108.
In the presens of the tuo upmost classes to be convenit in the common scoolle
1628 Edinb. B. Rec. VII 284.
The [second year] scolleris disputtes on the logicks in thair awin scolles … they have thair publict oratiounes in the commoun scoolles … [In the third year] they dispute in thair private scooles on logick ethick and physick theses
1628 Edinb. B. Rec. VII 291.
That they speik Latine both in the scoolles, in the clois, in the feilds and in all uther plaices whair they ar togither
1628 Edinb. Univ. Chart. 118.
The saids bursars ar appointed to paidell the staires and entrances to the scoolles
c1646 Craufurd Edinb. Univ. p. 2.
The great lodging, where now are the scholes of the private classes
c1646 Craufurd Edinb. Univ. p. 4.
The bachelars met in the chamber above the schole of humanite
c1646 Craufurd Edinb. Univ. p. 5.
Mr. Robert Rollok … set it [sc. the library] up in the colledge in the roume which is now the bachelars schooles
c1646 Craufurd Edinb. Univ. fol. 13.
The lower schoole in the south jamb was appointed for the humanistis
1647 Edinb. B. Rec. VIII 138.
In the studie dayis the scholleris [of the College] … ar to exercise themselffis in the privat schollis
1667–72 Lauder Jrnl. 169.
He took me first thorough Lincolne, Exeter, and Jesus Colledges, then to their publick schooles, a magnificent building, wheir for all the arts and sciences their is a scool

b. transf. In (the) (open) sculis, by, or under, (? public) examination (with reference to the examination of a degree candidate in the lecture, or meeting, hall of the university). 1560 Bk. Disc. 189.
First in the scoillis, or failling thairof in open assemblie, and befoir the congregatioun, thai [sc. candidates for the ministry] most geve declaratioun of thair … knawlege [etc.]
1562 Q. Kennedy Ressoning 180.
I haif hard of publick disputation in scoulis, but not afore ane vulgar and rude multitude of people
1570-3 Bann. Trans. 380.
They sought alwayis to lay the blame of his death vpon thame, whilk this young man did … in open scholes in his orasione
1596 Melvill 514.
Tressonable speiches uttired be thame in pulpites or scoolis, or uthirwayes
1611 Reg. Privy C. IX 630.
It wes decreid that the said College had done wrang in receaving of him, and that thay sould not grant unto him any degrie in thair scoles

c. transf. Scholarship; proficiency in Latin. a1691 Kingston Contin. Ho. Seytoun 81.
Being then not 12, … he wellcomed the king with ane Latine oration … [The king said] ‘Now, Sir Alexander, see this doe not spoill your schooll; by appearance you will be a schollar.’ … The said Sir Alexander returned to schooll, and studied humanity three years thereafter, with more alacrity … by reason of his promise to the king

7. To profes publik schuiles, ? to teach all who wish to attend; to lecture. 1596 Dalr. I 282/25.
Johne Scot a singular theolog … in the Clostir of Malmesburie … professing publik schuiles in sciences diuine and humane, sum of his awne auditouris [etc.] … with quhingers doupit him throw

8. The place where an ancient Greek or Latin philosopher expounded his teachings. Also pl.sing. a1400 Leg. S. xxi 154.
He … ȝed ful of[t] … To the scule of phylosophy [L. philosophorum scholas]
1460 Hay Alex. 399.
In Athenes the gret vniuersitie Thair at the schole in ȝouthed maist was he [sc. Alexander]
c1520-c1535 Nisbet Acts xix 9.
He [sc. St. Paul] … disputit in the scole of a mychtj man ilk day
1549 Compl. 13/14.
He persauand thir tua princis entir in his scule, he changit the mater of that present lecture
pl. 1549 Compl. 13/8.
At sum tyme Thai vald pas to the sculis, to heir the lecture of ane philosphour callit Phormion
1549 Compl. 15/7.
Thy philosophour suld teche the thyng that he hes studeit at the sculis & the thing that he hees seen vitht his een to them that vas neuyr at the sculis

9. A particular discipline or method of teaching. a1500 K. Hart 666.
To wis the richt and to disvse the wrang That is my scule to all that list to leyr
1597 James VI Dæmonol. (STS) 7/11.
The learned haue their curiositie … fedde by that which I call his [sc. the Devil's] schoole: this is the astrologie judiciar
1597 James VI Dæmonol. (STS) 8 heading.
The description of the rudiments and schoole which are the entresses to the arte of magie

10. attrib. and comb. a. In sense 1 above. b. In senses 4 and 6 above. c. Having to do with scholastic philosophy or theology, scholastic, academic.a. (1) 1466 Aberd. B. Rec. V ii p. 834 (13 Sept.).
Betuix the scoule lande on the west syde and the lande of … Duncane of Buchan on the est syde
1500 Dunferm. B. Rec. I 336.
The common calsay callit the Sculgait
1645 S. Leith Rec. 61/1.
The hether to be put in the scooll yard in a stacke
1671 Inverness Rec. II 251.
That wennell … commonelie called the scholewyne
(2) 1511–12 Treas. Acc. IV 242.
Send … to Maister David Wocat in haill payment of half ane ȝeris burd and scoile fee
1670 Kirkcudbr. B. Rec. MS 22 Oct.
In satisfactioune of all schoolefies quhilk was dew be the toune to vmquhill Mr. Adam Gillespie as scholemaister
1676 Aberd. B. Rec. IV 296.
That ane of the three present vnder masters … have the principall charge of the schooll … and that he haue the schollages of both the saids classes and the schooll casualities, such as bent siluer and Christmes candle, &c. for his incuradgement
1680 Old Ross-shire I 62.
I Andrew Ross delyver to Maister Walter Ross … £20 Scots in the first end of his skool fies
(3) 1629 S. Leith Rec. 17/2.
That he [sc. Mr. Barnard] sall not leave the schooll ane scholl day without licence asked and givine
1655 Peebles B. Rec. II 32.
He shall have his scoole lawes ordorlie sett doune in ane larg brod and hung in the scole
(4) 1639 Peebles Gleanings 245.
The schoole windowes
1654 Peebles B. Rec. II 24.
For ringing of the stepill, scoll, and mercat belles
1661 J. M. Beale Fife Schools 56.
[A] key to the school door
1663 Stirling Common Good 14b.
The schoole window
1670 Aberd. B. Rec. IV 268.
Ane loft … in the west most end of the said new church, directlie aboue the gramar schooll loft
(5) 1622 Aberd. Eccl. Rec. 103.
Schoole maistres
1639 Dumfr. & Galloway Soc. 3 Ser. XXI 125.
Jonat Burnat … scollmistres in the brugh
1673 Kirkcudbr. B. Rec. MS 4 Jan.
The magistrats and counsell discharges Thomas Haugh ther thesaurer to pay any money to Margaret McClellan schoolmistris in tyme cuming
1675 Cullen Kirk S. 25 Nov.
The poor school boyes that ar neirest in blood to my self … have the first preference
1680–1 Lauder Observes 25.
The mansion house of Preistfeild … was … brunt; … some jealoused the scooll boyes at the colledge
(6) 1645 Cramond Ch. Fordyce 25.
Mr. William Darg haweing received ane presentatione to the schooll craft of Fordyce
(7) 1631–2 Peebles B. Rec. I 417.
For twa hundreth faill to lay the schoole flode whilk wes invndit with the water
(8) 1663 Old Ross-shire II 77.
Schole stipend
1664 S. Leith Rec. 120/1.
To pay … for the bygon schooll rent of the nather hospitall
1671 Orkney Rentals App. 65.
Letters of horning against Patrick Monteith of Egilsha … anent the school-rent
b. 1583 Prot. Bk. J. Scott 162b.
The … chancelair … causit … [the] beddell of the said vniuersitie knok thrys at the said scuill dur that he mycht hawe haid enteres thairin with the rest of examinatoris
1659–61 Rec. Univ. Aberd. 606.
The schooll rooff helped
c. 1562 Q. Kennedy Ressoning 203.
I will refuse reasoning after scoolmaner and will go yit to the text and depend thairupon
1597 Bk. Univ. Kirk I 915.
As miserable experience teacheth among the Popish schoolmen
1598 James VI Basil. Doron 20/11.
Any simple schoole-man, that onely knowes maters of kingdomes by contemplation
c1616 Hume Orthog. 2.
In school materes, the least are not the least, because to erre in them is maest absurd
a1649 Drummond Wks. (1711) 229.
For ladies, who understand not the school languages
1651 Rutherford Lett. (1894) 669, 670.
School-heads talk of fundamentals and non-fundamentals … But … I would choose rather not be brought up at school than to grow so subtile … by school distinctions, [as] to decline the cross

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