A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
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First published 2000 (DOST Vol. VIII).
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Semble, -ie, n.1. Also: semblee, -a(y, -y, seml(i)e, -ay, sembill. [ME and e.m.E. semble (Cursor M.), semle (a1400), semblee (c1400), sembly (1562), AF semblée (1150 in Greimas), aphetic f. Assemblé n.]
1. An occasion of persons meeting; a meeting of persons, usu., implicitly, for a purpose.a1400 Leg. S. vii 138.
For-thi the Jowis but abade Of thare vysment a semble [MS ensampil] mad, & com to Jamis & cane say [etc.] c1475 Wall. ii 415.
In to gret haist he said to Ricardtoun, A blyth semblay was at his lychtyn doun. Quhen Wallace mett with Schyr Richart … His thre sonnys of Wallace was full fayne Thai held him lost [etc.] c1475 Wall. v 772.
Than Inglismen fra that chyftayne wes dede To Wallace socht fra mony syndry stede Off the castell come cruell men and keyne Quhen Wallace has thair sodand semle seyne Towart sum strenth he bownyt him to ryd 1570 Sempill Sat. P. xii 151.
Thair semblie [sc. of the Hamilton faction] beis on Sonday, I heir say, In Glasgow towne, thinkand to fecht or fle
2. An assembly, meeting, gathering of persons. = Assemblé n. 1. a. A formal occasion for the purposes of celebration, feasting, jousting or deliberation. b. specif. Of an army in time of war.a. ?1438 Alex. ii 5690.
Quhen this arow had Floridas Maid before thame all that there was … Thare was nane in that semble That na was moued in his mude c1420 Wynt. vii 478 (W).
At hir crovnyng wes maid gret fest Thare semblit ware the worthyest … Off all Ingland to that semble [: degre] 1456 Hay II 4/2.
How a bacheler squyer of honour passit till a grete semblee of lordis at a kingis crounyng 1456 Hay II 68/11.
And all prince, king [etc.] … that honouris knychthede, outhir in court or in counsale, in hous or in semblee, he honouris himself 1460 Hay Alex. 46.
The king gart cry ane semble or he stent To feist his lordis and mak ane mangerie a1500 Henr. Fab. 957.
The iustice bad the court for to gar fence, The sutis call, and foirfalt all absence … Than Tod Lowrie … Quaikand for dreid and sichand couth he say ‘Allace … I wait this suddand semblie that I se Haifand the pointis off ane parliament Is maid to mar sic misdoars as me a1500 Gol. & Gaw. 214.
The seir courssis that war set in that semblee. The meriest war menskit on mete at the maill With menstralis [etc.] a1500 Rauf C. 357.
Mony wicht wyfis sone … Was sene at that semblay ane and twentie dayis … Thay callit it the best Ȝule than … Sen euer King Charlis was man(b) 1460 Hay Alex. 573.
The sembill of the iusting aprochit neirb. ?1438 Alex. ii 6189.
Of the hoste of Inde I wene Thare mekill semble micht be sene [F. voit on cele assemblée] 1456 Hay I 117/16.
He that departis fra the ost in the tyme of semble, … suld be condampnyt till evermare gang on fut 1460 Hay Alex. 710.
King Nicolas … bad his ost hald thame in thair semblie a1500 K. Hart 187.
Quhill thai the grit ost se Wald thai nocht rest … Bot fra thay saw thair sute and thair sembly, It culd thame bre and biggit thame to byd
c. A gathering of the General Assembly of the Reformed Church. Cf. Assemblé n. 1 b.1584 Sempill Sat. P. xlv 419.
Ane auncient laird of Fyiffe … Befoir this bischope weill awowit Eather at Semblie or at Sessione [etc.]
3. A hostile encounter, the meeting of persons in battle, the assemblage of persons fighting. Also the semble of the fecht. Cf. Assemblé n. 2.(1) 1375 Barb. ii 383.
Quhen the king his folk has sene Begyn to faile … Hys assenȝhe gan he cry And in the stour sa hardyly He ruschyt that all the semble schuk ?1438 Alex. i 903.
Thai misfell at thare first semble [F. jostes] ?1438 Alex. ii 1813.
The assalt was cruell … The battell het … Ane child fra thame is went … Throw out the semble [F. parmi les cembiaus] all he past ?1438 Alex. ii 4196.
Togiddir thay straik … Quhill scheildis brist … And ilkane vthir woundit sare … athir throw his mycht anerly Wend the wourthiest for to be And to vincus that semble c1475 Wall. v 833.
Cruell strakis forsuth thar mycht be seyne On athir syde quhill blud ran on the greyne Rycht peralous the semlay was to se Hardy and hat contenyt the fell melle c1475 Wall. viii 209.
The sayr semble, quhen thai to gidder met, Feill strakis thar sadly on athir set 1535 Stewart 4832.
In that semlie mony syir tha slew 1535 Stewart 13621.
The Albionis … With swordis scharpe … Ane semble maid that wes bayth sad and sour 1535 Stewart 33938.
Ane scharpar sembla ȝit wes thair neuer sene(2) ?1438 Alex. i 913.
First at the semble of the ficht [F. A l'asembler] Iustit schir Sampsone ?1438 Alex. ii 3385.
Schir I haue hors … And haubrek … helm and scheild … I pray that ȝe Me leif to pas to that melle … [F. l'assamblée] I wald, gif that ȝour willis weir, Gang se the semble of the fecht … Lat me ga se that barny of thame of Inde [etc.]