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A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)

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First published 2001 (DOST Vol. IX).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

Souldio(u)r, Sodiour, Sojo(u)r, S(c)houldio(u)r, Suddart, n. Also: sou(l)d(d)-, sowld-, sold(g)-, sood-, suld(d)-, soid-, sud(d)-, suedd-, subd-, sod(d)-, sodg-, sog(g)-, souj-, showld-, shuld- and -io(u)re, -your, -yowr, -iouer, -eo(u)r(e, -euer, -ge(ou)r, -iar, -ier, -ieor, -ear, -eir, -eyer, -our, -owr, -ur, -ar, -er(e, -yre, -e(a)rt, -i(a)rt, -iert, -ȝeart, also soulsger, soeildier, soȝeir, sogror, shogir, shojor, scuildir, couildir, cuilder, so(u)ld-, suldard, soldader. [ME and e.m.E. sauder (Cursor M.), soudiour (c1350), souldeour (1390), soudour (14th c.), sodyour (c1400), sawgeoure (c1460), sodear (1529), soygear (1532), sodioure (1570), souldiour (1570-6); OF so(u)(l)diour, saudier, sodyer, so(u)(l)dard, -art, f. sou(l)de Sold n., med. L. sold(i)arius a (mercenary) soldier.] a. A man engaged in military service, a member of an army or militia or similar armed force, esp. an ordinary foot-soldier, one of the rank and file.Variously const.; once, with uninfl. pl.It is not always possible to distinguish between the possessive expressing the relationship of command between officer and man and that of patronage between employer and man engaged for military service.Specif. as tounis souldiour, land or countrie souldiour, etc., a man raised for military service by a town, etc.Half souldiour, ? one supported only in part, ? only half his equipment to be paid for. Cf. quot. for 1660 at (h) below.attrib. with silver.(1) ?1438 Alex. ii 7199.
He lenit him on ane souldeir [F. saudoier]
1456 Hay I 281/18.
As gif a souldiour of symple state tuke the armes of a knycht
1456 Hay I 148/20.
1456 Hay I 235/11.
c1520-c1535 Nisbet I 8.
1535 Stewart 25729.
1547 Corr. M. Lorraine 203.
To all capitaines lyeutennants and souldarris
1569-73 Bann. Memor. 232.
c1575 Balfour Pract. 639 marg.
Of that part of buteing quhilk pertenis to the marineris and souldeouris
a1578 Pitsc. I 142/13.
The king commandit the souldeouris and men of weir to assault the castell
1614 Melrose P. 146.
All of ws, leiues lyk souldiours … and now inbring oure selues to all militarie hardnes
1615 Crim. Trials III 277.
With … airmet souldiouris ȝe marchet furth in battel array
1627 Kellie Pallas Armata Pref.
That … no mans name [be] remembred vpon his tombe, except of him who had beene a souldier
1634 Wedderburn Gramm. 24.
Miles, a souldiour
1637 Monro Exped. i 44.
There are lawes and justice … among souldiers as in other governments
1637 Monro Exped. i 45 (see Lowpgarth n.). 1640 Anal. Scot. I 383.
1641 Acts V 349/2.
All leivyes and recrues of souldieres
1643 Acts VI i 58/2.
1644 Inverness Rec. II 184.
Fourscoir sowlderis of the best and maist resoluit men within this brucht
1644 Falkirk Baron Ct. 5 March.
1645 Acts VI i 353/1.
The saidis committies of warre in everie shyre who are … lyable in the monethlie mentenance due to the souldieres
1646 Stewart Mem. 133.
Tua sufficient sowldieris weill airmed in wapines
1648 Inverness Rec. II 198.
To the building of ane harbor … money … to be givin to souldioris and vther craftismen for wurking at the said worke
1648 Irons Leith II 619.
The officers and souldiers now in arms
1649 Acts VI ii 447/1.
That all officers that levied mony for souldiers and did not compleat their number shall restore [etc.]
1650 Peebles B. Rec. I 423.
1668 Kirkintilloch B. Ct. 15.
1684 Lauder Notices Affairs II 550.
Ingins by which delinquent souldiers use to be punished
1688 Red. Bk. Grandtully I cxlv.
1689 Leven & Melv. P. 181.
(b) c1450-2 Howlat 641 (A).
Busardis and beldkytis … Soldiouris and sumptermen to thai senȝeouris
1533 Boece 173b.
1554 Facs. Nat. MSS III xxxvi.
Wisshing euery haire in my heade for to be a wourthy soldioure
1565 Cal. Sc. P. II 205.
To cause the soldiouris we wraytt for, haist thayme to Carleill
1558-66 Knox I 87.
The soldeouris caist from thame thaire pickis, culveringis, and utheris weaponis fensable; the horsmen left thair spearis; and so, without judgement, all man fled
c1566 Cramond Cullen Ann. 17.
1578 Conv. Burghs I 59.
That the houssis of the factour … sall be fre from ludging … of soldiouris
1626 Garden Worthies 122.
A soldar
c1650 Spalding I 200.
Whairvpone ane soldiour rydis, lichtis, and fightis on fut
c1650 Spalding II 4.
Poor, naikit soldiouris … not meit for soldiarie
c1650 Spalding I 238.
c1650 Spalding II 95.
c1650 Spalding II 320.
Ilk soldiour wes furneshit with tua sarkis, cot, breikis [etc.] … ane suord, ane mvscat, pulder and ball
1650 4th Rep. Hist. MSS App. 523/2.
1681 Stair Inst. iv xlv §17.
Obligations … are presumed to be known … but with exceptions, in some cases, of soldiers, rustics, women [etc.]
1681 Colvil Whig's Suppl. (1751) 40.
Soldiers forging ale-house brawlings To be let go without their lawings
(c) 1557 Knox IV 322.
[These] men … wer sumtymes sulderis under the Roman emperoris and became be service to be captanis [etc.]
1572 Treas. Acc. XII 324.
Alexander Bavarage, suldiour
1570-3 Bann. Trans. 337.
1572-5 Diurn. Occurr. 122.
c1575 Balfour Pract. 627.
That na tavernar … buy graith or wappinis pertening to suldeouris
1588 Burntisland B. Ct. 1 Nov.
1618 Linlithgow Palace 336.
To the suldeouris and porteris to drink
1696 Minnigaff Par. Rec. 10.
[He] acknouledged his fault in scandelizing the suldier
(d) 1460 Hay Alex. 3553.
1375 Barb. v 205 (cf. Schavaldour n.).
It wes all to gret perile Swa ner thai sodiourys [C. schavaldwris] to ga
1531 Bell. Boece (M) I 114.
1611 Crim. Trials III 164.
To the Low-cuntries, to serve as ane sodgeour
1631 Buccleuch Household Bk. 25 Sept.
For burne wode bocht from the sodgers
1635 Sc. N. & Q. I 23.
[Two sergeants be appointed for repelling stranger beggars … that none should call these men by the disgraceful name of] sodgers
1644 Sc. N. & Q. XII 60.
To ane criple sodger 4 s.
1656 Nicoll Diary 175.
The King of France and the King of Swadin sent … thair commissioneris to Scotland for leiving of sodgeris
(e) 1533 Bell. Livy I 144/31.
Strang soudiour is and men of armes
1531 Bell. Boece II 56.
All the Saxonis and soudjouris quhilkis war left to defend the town
(f) 1570-3 Bann. Trans. 143.
Ane Wilkie by name, a priest was, and now a suddeour
(g) 1559 Peebles B. Rec. I 253.
The inqueist ordanis the sojarris and allegit men of weir to depas … of the tovne
1568 Maxwell Mem. II 135.
a1605 Montg. Misc. P. xxxiii 6.
The bluid vnto the hairt does flie, As sojouris sure thair capitan to keep
1624–5 Mar & Kellie MSS Suppl. 220.
The preparatione of the navye for twelve thousand sojoures besyds marinalls
1639 Pittenweem Ann. 34.
That the haill people be in armes … and divydit in fyve and twenties, viz., ane … comander and 24 soiers
1639 Baillie I 212.
Our lieutenants almost all sojours who had served over sea
1643 St. A. Presb. 15.
Everie minister may send out a sojour to the present expedition
1644 Aberd. Council Lett. II 364.
Some muskateirs and sojors
1644 Chron. Perth 41.
1649 Rec. Kirk Scotl. 570.
Thinking we wuld not, being sojors, refuse to follow our leaders … Bot they found themselves mistaken for Major Generall Middletone and the honnest part of the officers of the armis told them [etc.]
1643 Glasgow B. Rec. II 64.
If it be fund that any countrey men be hyring sojours [etc.]
1646 Aberd. B. Rec. IV 60. 1651 Douglas Corr. 262.
These cut-throats (rather than troupers) who have committed that insolencie … which all noblemen [etc.] … wold look on as an ill preparative from sojours
1658 Melrose Reg. Rec. I 197.
Quhen he was sojour in England
1659 Glasgow B. Rec. II 424.
He had agried with some sojouris for casting in of the stanck at the Greinheid
1664 Sc. Hist. Rev. XII 218.
Overtour for setling the Highlands … That a garison … be plaiced at Innerlochay … The sojours would consist of highland men [etc.]
1669 Glasgow B. Rec. III 121.
Jonet Shearer … for her bais … cariage … in keeping company with sojoris, to be bennished
c1635-80 Edwards Commonpl. Bk. 45.
(Song-Title:) The sojers miserie
1686 Corshill Baron Ct. 172 (see Locality n. 3). 1689 Leven & Melv. P. 36.
Coall and candle stented on the rent wherever sojours ly
(h) 1584 Cal. Sc. P. VII 443.
1602 Colville Paraenese Ep. 15.
Vhat sogeor … nedit(h) not … to knou the colors of his cumpany?
1614 Highland P. III 162.
1621 Aberd. Eccl. Rec. 96.
He hes conducit him selff to gang to Bohemia to play the sogeor
1628 Reg. Privy C. 2 Ser. II 636.
[Andro Ker] sauld and coupit us over as sogeris to Capitane Touris
1632 Sutherland Bk. II 156.
1640 Kirkcudbr. Min. Bk. 9.
Ane or mae, chosen in ilk paroche … wha shall have power within thair boundes to uplift the sogers
1648 Ayrsh. Coll. 2 Ser. XI 21.
1650 Elgin Rec. I 186.
He shall serve in the kingdomes service for the toune of Elgin in this present levie haiffing payment as uthers sogers within the said burghe
1665 S. Ronaldshay 51.
Ane levy of sailers and sogars … sent forth of the Isle in the King's service
1675 12th Rep. Hist. MSS. App. viii 33.
My dear Lord hes been in the condision of a soger this fortnight
(i) a1605 Birrel Diary 7.
a1605 Birrel Diary 17.
1645 Tulliallan Coal Wks. 135.
1650 Rec. Old Aberd. I 82.
The schouldioris quarterit within the toune according to the schouldioris billiets
1651 Rec. Kirk Scotl. 630.
1652 Strathbogie Presb. xiv.
1660 Melrose Reg. Rec. I 286.
[His commission] ordaineing the said defender to be shojor and for what partt or localetie and proportion thereof
1663 Household Bks. Archb. Sharp in Misc. Maitl. C. II 503.
To a poore shouldour at the abbay church doore
1695 Conv. Burghs IV 199.
All shouldiers exacting lodgeing, coall and candle, gratis … shall be lyable for the damnadge
1695 Conv. Burghs IV 199.
In caice of complaint upon a shouldier not commissionat
1696 Old Ross-shire I 89.
[They] have … unbeknowin to him putt money in his poceat of a design to make him shouldier
(j) 1548–9 Corr. M. Lorraine 287.
The suddarttis hes heid greitt necessite off wiweris
1569 Reg. Privy C. II 20.
The said Alexander Erll of Glencarne … sall command and employ the suddartis maid out and furneist be the townis of Glasgow, Air, and Irwing
1569 Irving Dumbartonsh. I 42.
1570 Leslie 177.
He causet saxtene gentill men … to be hangit … and pardonit the uderis inferiors suddartis
1571 Bann. Memor. 145.
The tolbuithis … made … ane receptacle of men of warre and suddartis
1569-73 Bann. Memor. 180.
The suddartis … went fordward with thair horsmen … and after thair speirmen
1569-73 Bann. Memor. 180.
Thair wer tane … about iij or iiijxx of suddartis and ane dosone of horsmen or gentlmen
1570-3 Bann. Trans. 153.
1572-5 Diurn. Occurr. 202.
All maner of suddartis that wald tak wages vnder capitane Meluile to be with thair armes at the castell hill the morne
1572-5 Diurn. Occurr. 247.
iijc horsmen togidder with iiijxx suddartis all horsit
1584 Misc. Bann. C. I 100.
Though your L. think the name of a sudert infamous, yet [etc.]
1596 Dalr. II 468/5.
The magistrates with the suddartis brak in vpon the prenter, the buikes that tha fand tha tuik
1583 Melvill 161.
A sort of limmers and godles suddartes
1603 Moysie 119.
1608 Glasgow B. Rec. I 283.
Ilk suddirt to have xv lib. ilk monethe
?1612 Rooseboom Sc. Staple 138.
Thair houssis sall be frie of … ludgeing of sudderts
1613 Conv. Burghs II 389.
Sudderts or vther men of weir
1581-1623 James VI Poems I 215/127.
Euery simpill suddart shall usurpe his captaines place
(k) 1548–9 Corr. M. Lorraine 296.
1549 Compl. 90/3.
Mortal veyr amang the soudartis, men of veyr, quhilkis suld [etc.]
(l) 1586 Cal. Sc. P. VIII 347.
The hoile capitanis and ane gud part of the soddartis
(m) 1548–9 Corr. M. Lorraine 288.
a1561 Norvell Meroure 57a.
An hundreth thousand hors And … Thre hundreth thousand footemen hardie souldartes
1578 Edinb. B. Rec. IV 68.
To the vj souldderttis quhilkis wachit and keipit the stepill xii li.
1578 Edinb. B. Rec. IV 94.
To the souldarttis keparis of the stepill [etc.]
1588 Cal. Sc. P. IX 641.
1589 Crim. Trials I ii 173.
Acte of Parliament, forbiddand rasing of souldartis, or waigeing of ony men of weir
1600-1610 Melvill 35.
He is committed to a ludging in the town with a custodie of souldarts
(n) 1549 Compl. 42/1.
Ȝe soldartis & conpangȝons of veyr, mak reddy ȝour corsbollis [etc.]
1571 Events Q. Mary & Jas. VI 65.
If ever money had inlakit to pay the wagis, the soldartis wald incontinent mutin
1558-66 Knox II 354.
Capitane Stewarte … with sex scoir soldartis, to [etc.]
1578 Edinb. B. Rec. IV 68.
1601 Dundee Shipping P. 69.
For ane soldard to be conwoy
(o) 1566 Treas. Acc. XI 520.
1578 Edinb. B. Rec. IV 68.
1584 Acts III 325/1.
Capitanis vtheris officiaris gentlemen and suldeartis quha seruit vnder the regiment
1595 Duncan App. Etym.
Miles, a suldart
1608 Glasgow B. Rec. I 475.(p) 1569-73 Bann. Memor. 47.
Within certane dayis they shuld releive thair captanes and shuldeartis
1569-73 Bann. Memor. 176.
(q) 1585 Edinb. B. Rec. IV 440 marg.
Fourty souldiartis or watchemen
1614 Melrose P. 175.
(r) 1639 Aberd. Council Lett. II 148.
For staying of malicious soldaderis … ather the samen be decydit befoir the provest and bailȝeis as judges or lie ordanit in prima instantia and to declair that interpositio fidei sall not mak the commissioners judges
uninfl. pl. 1569 Canongate Ct. Bk. 77.
Furnesing of twa suddart
c1590 Fowler II 133/19.
Antonius was … redoubted of the pepill and aggreable to the suddart
1650 Peebles B. Rec. I 422.
20th I was in Edilston Kirk with the showlder fyve pyntes aille
attrib. 1579 Edinb. Test. VII 35b.
Ane sudȝeart hors
1588 King Kal. in Forbes Kal. Sc. Saints 142.
The 40 sowldartis martyres at Rome vnder Galienus
comb. 1636 Rutherford Lett. (1894) 141.
I am greatly comforted to hear of your soldier's stately spirit, for your princely and royal captain Jesus our Lord
transf. 1572 Buch. Detect. (1572) B. ii b.
Sche an auld beaten soldiar, nothyng dismayed … vp sche getteth
(2) 1456 Hay I 61/4.
Thai had na gold to geve him to pay his souldiouris of thair wagis
1456 Hay I 264/5.
Bataillis … ar nocht ay done be the principale personis, bot be thair deputis souldiouris, or campionis
1531 Bell. Boece I 264.
His agit sodjouris to remane … for defence thairof
1535 Stewart 54378.
1548–9 Corr. M. Lorraine 295.
That tha breng na man … to be thar sudaris and servetoris bot [etc.]
c1552 Lynd. Mon. 3997.
1554 Treas. Acc. X 232.
1559 Knox VI 68.
1571 Treas. Acc. XII 279.
To capitane Mitchell for pulder furnesit be him to his suldertis
1569-73 Bann. Memor. 91.
The captanes shuldieoris [Trans. suldeoris]
1571 Bann. Memor. 136.
1572-5 Diurn. Occurr. 156.
He … put his souldiouris in the toun of Dunbartane
1575 Orkney Oppress. 10.
His awn household & domestic servants, and suldarts
c1590 Fowler II 104/8.
1600-1610 Melvill 27.
The castell … haldin be the suddarts of the Erl of Hountlie
1638–9 Misc. Spald. C. V 152.
To the Erle Marsheall and Montrose soiours … for saveing the town from plundering … 4000 lib.
1647 Sc. N. & Q. 3 Ser. VIII 75.
c1650 Spalding I 279.
Major Monro took out his soldiouris to dreill in the lynkis
c1650 Spalding II 488.
1651–2 Peebles B. Rec. II 193.
To ane shoulder of Captane Morremans for carieing ane letter
1670 Forbes Baron Ct. 279.
The tennentis … is obliigit … with thair severall shoulderes for this present militia … to pey them ȝeirly ane constant fie in land and money
1570 Sat. P. xxiv 76.
Sogeouris of Berwik
1640 Peebles Gleanings 217.
Gevin to Patrik Trotter … to be the townis sojour ane dollour 54 s.
1640 Kirkcudbr. Min. Bk. 152.
Ilk schyer, divisione and presbiterie to mak … provisione … for clothes and schooes to thair awn souldiors sent furthe of thair divisione
1641 Dumbarton B. Rec. 63.
William Glen, ane of the touns soujuris … grants him to have received fra the proveist and baillies … seventein pair of schoone for the use of the sojouris of this burgh and a pair to the drummer
c1650 Spalding I 199.
Thay took ane of the tounes cullouris of Abirdein and gave it to the toune of Abirbrothokis soldiouris
c1650 Spalding I 289.
16 soldiouris quhilk the toune wes stentit too … thir soldiouris with the countrie soldiouris to mak wp 300
(3) 1565 Edinb. B. Rec. III 206.
Ane souddart of Capitane Stewarttis companie
1566–7 Canongate Kirk S. (ed.) 66.
Soodarttis to Captane Cullane
1569-73 Bann. Memor. 175.
The souldiartis vnder captane Michaelis charge
1650 Melrose Reg. Rec. I 286.
[Robert Laidlaw was] put out sojour to him [sc. to be supported by him]
1700 Irvine Mun. II 316.
The shouldieris in Captain Mossmans Company
(4) c1420 Wynt. iv 640.
Sowdyowrys off Spertany
1531 Bell. Boece (M) I 157.
The Romane soidiouris
1561 Treas. Acc. XI 69.
Peir Gerie, Johnne Masownȝe [etc.] … suddartis of France
1558-66 Knox II 54.
The expulsioun of the Frenches soldiouris furth of this realme
1571 Bann. Memor. 136.
Ane Inglishe suddart
1596 Dalr. I 195/19.
The men of weir and suddartis of Argyle, quha had nocht ȝit conioyned thame selfes with Eugenie
1603 Ayr B. Acc. 53.
To the support of four pure Inglis suddartis
1581-1623 James VI Poems I 245/414.
A Macedonian soldat
1649 Aberd. B. Rec. IV 107.
Of thair pairt of the mantenance of the Irish souldiouris
1651 Johnston Diary II 32.
14 Highland sojours
?1660 R. Moray Lett. fol. 491.
The castle of Ed emptied as soon as there can be Scots sogers got to put into it
1678 Fugitive Poetry II xxxv 361.
The Whig sojors began for to flee
1672 Stirling B. Rec. II 12.
The expences … depursit … in the outreikeing of the twa land sojers and ane half sojer
(5) 1533 Bell. Livy I 87/1.
To kepe this ciete was send Egerius … with ane garisoun and band of soudiouris
1570 Leslie 202.
The Protectour send ane company of souldeouris
a1570-86 Maitland in Maitl. F. 305/23.
Reif and spulȝe of sum band Off suddartis of sum syd
1595 Duncan App. Etym.
Cohors, a band of suldarts
c1615 Chron. Kings 10.
That thay war inveirynt with ane cumpany of sudderttis
1640 Aberd. Eccl. Rec. 114.
Some capitanes and gentillmen of the regiment of sojours lying in this town
1640 Aberd. B. Rec. III 237.
To contribute for leveing of the said companye of soiouris
1641 Acts V (1817) 390/2.
Companies or recrues of souldiouris
(6) 1573 Sempill in Sat. P. xxxix 117.
Certane soiouris of the garysoun
1572-5 Diurn. Occurr. 323.
To that effect the suddartis of the castell suld nocht ische to get any necessaris
c1575 Balfour Pract. 627.
Soldiouris, marineris, or officiaris of shippis
a1578 Pitsc. II 140/1.
At [blank] quhair they mett … witht all the souddartis and gariesone thairof
1585 Linlithgow B. Ct. 20 Oct.
To the suddartis within the palice of Linlithgow
1609 Crim. Trials III 42.
Williame Symsone, ane of the suldaris of the Castell
1640 Kirkcudbr. Min. Bk. 151.
The … conditione that the souldiors of our armie are in … for want of clothes
a1651 Calderwood IV 436.
No commander nor souldiour in his guarde … being intrused in his service or companie, but suche as he elected himself
1669 Inverness Rec. II 238.
The sulders of the militia in this diwisione betwixt Spey and Nes
(7) 1639 Baillie I 192.
To levie … two thousand foot … who should be … trained that they might be a seminarie of sojours for the trayning of the countreys, whence they were listed
(8) 1567 Reg. Privy C. I 560.
Johnne Mortoun suddart
1572-5 Diurn. Occurr. 265.
Muttok souldiour and cordonar
1568 Digest Justiciary Proc. G 19.
James Douglas suldard
1574 Misc. Maitl. C. I 102.
Thomas Glasfurd suddart, Johnne Stewart [etc.] … sumtyme ordinaris within the castell of Edinburgh
1572-5 Diurn. Occurr. 225.
Of the erle of Mortonis pairtie wes slane Gawin Home sueddart
1580 Edinb. B. Rec. IV 160.
Robert Patie, sowldiour
1581 Acts III 209/2.
1643 Aberd. B. Rec. IV 10.
Hew Kid, wobster, fugitive sojor
1643 Dumfries Treas. Acc. MS 2.
1644 Army of the Covenant II 326.
To Arthur Edgar seik soger
1669 Greyfriars Interments 103.
Campbell, Donald, cuilder
1670 Greyfriars Interments 419.
1670 Greyfriars Interments 625.
1686 Reg. Privy C. 3 Ser. XIII 38.
James Johnstoune, souldier in Lovtenant Collonell Windrame his company
(9) attrib. 1647 Sc. N. & Q. 3 Ser. VIII 75.
Payit, for suldior silver leivie silverand for wappines

b. transf. Applied to a person of (high) rank in military terms, the usage chiefly implying the presence of military expertise, ability or lifestyle. 1567 Cal. Sc. P. II 396.
[I propose to remain] a poore sogiour
1586 Gray Lett. & P. 101.
All the gentlemen and captaines my sodiouers
1599 Mackie Denmilne MSS 32.
That ther lievtenant, generall, ther colonels and capitanes … be all experimented soiours
1634 Maxwell Mem. II 251.
A sogour expert anwch to keipe the Castell of Dwmbarten
1639 Baillie I 213.
Such was the … authoritie of that old, little, crooked souldier, that all … gave over themselves to be guided by him, as if he had been Great Solyman
1645 Baillie II 263.
Auchinbreck, A stout sojour but a very vitious man
1649 Grant Chart. 243.
I … be the parroll … of ane gentilman and sowldier off my qualitie, promeis [etc.]
1666-74 Fraser Polichron. 481.
I am a souldier, my entertainment will be course but very cordiall

c. With various defining words and phrases.See also Conduce v. 3, Feit ppl. adj. (d), Fute-soldiour n., Listed ppl. adj., Militia n. b.Suddarts mixtes, made up of a mixture of hired troops and one's own, etc. (See Fowler II 95/20-23.) Cf. Mixt p.p. and ppl. adj. 2 c.(1) 1640 Aberd. B. Rec. III 215.
A commone soiour hes for meat and drink [etc.]
1640 Kirkcudbr. Min. Bk. 15.
As weill to the officers and commanders as to the common sogers
1642 Buchan Cl. VIII 179.
Small mercie if they came in your comone sogeris handis
(2) 1650 Rec. Kirk Scotl. 614.
The fute sodgeris … did cast ane trinsche fra the fute of the Cannogait to Leith
c1650 Spalding I 200.
His majestie cam to Bervik with 7000 foot land soldiouris
1659 Lanark B. Rec. 173.
That no sodger, horse nor fute, be quarterit upon them in tyme coming
1689 Melville Chart. 188.
(3) 1668 Strathendrick 11.
For crying a vengeance to light upon him … that her sone was made a militia souldier
1677 Inverness Rec. II 274.
To cast over the militia rolls and to nominat militia soulders quhom they sall think most fit
1683 Inverness Rec. II 315.
1688 Reg. Privy C. 3 Ser. XIII 358.
1688 Whitelaw Sc. Arms Makers 271.
To serve as ane of the Militia sojers for the said trade
uninfl. pl. 1676 Edinb. B. Rec. X 270.
To pay to some militia shouldier [etc.]
(4) 1667 Stirling Common Good 44.
Anent the quartering of the castle shouldiers
1728 Stirling B. Rec. II 203.
Thomas Wallace [etc.] … as being castle souldiers thereby incapable to elect or be elected as being under the … command of their officers
(5) 1567 Acts II 581/2.
Complices in the allegeit tressonabill conuocatioun of our said soueranis liegeis armit men … to the nowmer of twa thowsand [etc.] … appoinctit to battale with hyrit souldardis gunnis [etc.]
1569 Crim. Trials I ii 8.
In weirlike manner, with feit and wageit suddartis and men of weir
1589 Crim. Trials I ii 173.
Waigeit souldiertis, horsmen and futemen rasit be ȝow laitlie … expres aganis the acte of Parliament forbiddand rasing of souldartis or waigeing of ony men of weir
c1590 Fowler II 95/3.
Hou manye sorts … ar they … of mercenarye and waged suddarts
1596 Dalr. I 298/11.
Kennethie, meitis him … with a power of fiet suddartis
1601 Crim. Trials II 366.
Your brother, and certane his complices, hyrit and conduceit suddartis, haifing in the moneth of March [etc.]
c1613 Haddington Corr. 77.
To direct Lieutenantis with waiged suldiours … to represse the rebellions
1615 Melrose P. 248.
His maiesties fied soiours
1639 Baillie I 214.
A difference would be used in commanding sojours of fortune, and of sojours voluntars
1640 Glasgow B. Rec. I 414.
For payment of the sojoris of fortoun
(6) c1590 Fowler II 102/2.
Off assisting suddarts mixtes and of these that ar … duelling within the prencis dominioun

d. fig. or in fig. context. 1549 Compl. 68/1.
Morpheus … assailȝeit al my membris … quhar for … I vas constrenȝeit to be his sodiour
1562-3 Winȝet I 26/22.
As ane soldiour of the Kirk of Laodicea, that is, nother haet nor cauld
1562-3 Winȝet II 5/35.
A faythful souldiour to this wailȝeant cheiftane of God
a1568 Bann. MS 107b/61, colophon.
Quod Allane Matsonis suddartis
a1568 Bann. MS 145b/22, colophon.
1570 Sat. P. x 7.
Schir Morpheus … assailȝeit me With all his sluggische suldarts
1573 Davidson in Sat. P. xl Pref. 276/3.
All the rabill of Sathanis suddartis in Scotland, Ingland, and France
1581 Burne Disput. 48b.
The deuil … markis his suldartis in the forret
1598 Melvill Propine 65.
Arme thy suddarts with thy might
1587-99 Hume 58/199.
Conquerers, and soldarts of the Lord
1622 D. Lindesey Heavenly Chariot 44.
The … childe of God (who shoulde bee ashamed to be a slaue to sinne, always kything himselfe a strong souldiour, subduing it)
a1658 Durham Comm. Rev.
[The trinity] as the superior, to whom they that are Christian souldiers, should be listed and inrolled
?1665 M. Bruce Six Dreadfull Alarms 17.
The Christians in Scotland is ill sojors in this Christian warfare

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"Souldior n.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 23 Oct 2024 <>



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