A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
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First published 2001 (DOST Vol. X).
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Suddan(e, Suddand, adj. Also: suddain(e, -ayne, -aen, -en, -on, sudan(e, -aine, -ayn, swdane, subdane, suddande, sudand(e, -ende, suddant(e, -ent, sudent, sodan(e, -aine, -ayn, -en, soddaine, -ayne, sodeyn(e, -ing, soudane, -ayne, sowdane, sodand. [ME and e.m.E. soden (Cursor M.), sodayne (Rolle), sodeyn (Wyclif, Chaucer), sodein, soudein (both Gower), soubdayne (Caxton), suddeyne (1570), suddayne (1575), suddein (Spenser), sudden (a1648), OF sudein, soudain (c1120 and c1210 in Larousse), vulgar L. subitanus, L. subitaneus.]
A. adj. 1. Of actions, events or conditions: Happening without warning; unexpected, unforeseen.(a) c1400 Troy-bk. ii 2691.
Fortoune … with ane suddane down-fall Tham castis in-to mischeif all c1420 Wynt. vii 3427.
Swa suddane qwalmys God on thame send a1450 Fifteen Ois 370.
Defend me Jesu, hevinnis king, … Fra suddane dede 1456 Hay I 212/21.
Men redis seldyn in stories a nacioun of sudane aventurous begynnyng till have had sa honourable and lang enduring 1456 Hay I 301/36.
A prince … suld nocht our lichtly trow all talis na sudayn tydingis c1460 Thewis Wysmen 327.
Ignorans and neglygens … ar of sudan acquentans … And sone wyll compt of cusingage Thocht thai befor haf na knawlege c1500-c1512 Dunb. Flyt. 10.
The firmament sould schaik, And all the air in vennaum suddane stink 1513 Doug. Comm. i iii 92.
Suddan 1535 Stewart 17060.
This suddane weir, with sic crudelitie, Withoutin caus hapnit betuix us heir 1562-3 Winȝet II 23/30.
He wald … cal agane almaist the hail warld, than scatterit be a cruel storme of a suddane hæresie, to the auld faith fra the new vnfaithfulnes 1572 Buch. Detect. (1727) 20.
He being dismayit with thir suddane newis, askit leif of the quene to depart 1586–7 Cal. Sc. P. IX 327.
Suddaen 1596 Dalr. I 165/7.
The Romanis nochtwithstandeng of that suddan onsett … baid nocht abak frome the battel 1597 James VI Dæmonol. (STS) 32/29.
[Witches' storms are] verie easie to be discerned from anie other naturall tempestes that are meteores, in respect of the suddaine and violent raising thereof 1633 Johnston Diary I 179.
The fear of folks speaking, rayling, and jesting at my sudaine chainge and volagnes disuaded me 1657 Lamont Diary 97.
A day of thanksgiueing for … Cromuell, his deliuerance from the sudden plotts of some that mynded his ruine(b) a1400 Leg. S. xix 9.
Fore men sais, sudand ded that day He deis nocht his ymage se may a1400 Leg. S. xlii 325.
Sudende ?1438 Alex. ii 1592.
Ane suddand fray on thame we mak c1420 Wynt. vi 1520.
Bot off wynd a suddand blast All the durys brak wp sone a1500 Henr. Fab. 775.
This suddand deith and vnprouysit end Of this fals tod without contritioun 1512–13 Reg. Privy S. I 379/1.
Throu suddand fire that hapnit in his hall and chaumer … the lettrez … war distroit 1531 Bell. Boece I 68.
The Orknay men, abasit of his suddand cumming, war constranit to gif battall 1560 Rolland Seven S. 2777.
Efter the time that his father was gone, Throw suddand chance departit to the deid 1567 G. Ball. 107.
And Thow sall se, at thy left hand, Ane thousand haif ane suddand fall 1568 Buch. Indict. 34.
The king hir huisband heiring of hir suddand departing quyklie followit 1570 Leslie 162.
The Erle of Huntley … wes appointit lifetenant to remane on the bordouris for suddand incursions a1578 Pitsc. I 62/28.
Sindrie suspectit that this sudand accis to heigh feliecietie sould haue ane schort decay(c) c1550 Rolland Ct. Venus i 834.
Lufe … Ouirset with slicht sulphurious, And suddant mort 15.. Clar. iii 296.
Sir Clariodus suddant aryveing 1601 Glasgow B. Rec. I 223.
Greit scayth and damage throw the suddent fyre 1629 Insh Colonial Schemes 226.
[With which the Scots were provided] in caice of some suddent invacioun c1650 Spalding I 17.
That dolorous towr tuke fyre in so suddant and furious maner, yea and in ane clap 1663 Nicoll Diary 392.
The Hie Commissioner … being chaynged, the Erle of Rothes being preferrit and the Erle of Middletoun removed did wirk much suspicione in the pepillis hartis quhat sould follow, the moir becaus the chaynge wes suddent(d) 1562-3 Winȝet I 49/22.
I began nocht litill to merwel at sa haisty and sa subdane a wolter of this warlde in sa mony grete materis(e) c1420 Wynt. vi 1612 (W).
Thare thai baid till at this swayne Oure takin wes with dede sodane c1409-1436 Kingis Q. § 40.
For quhich sodayn abate, anon astert The blude of all my body to my hert c1450 Cr. Deyng 16.
The dede of gude men, how soding or terreble at euir it be, is gude & precious before Gode c1475 Wall. vii 188.
Sodeyn slauchter off emperouris and kingis 1542 Misc. Bann. C. I 7.
Syns the soden death of our noble prince 1548 Corr. M. Lorraine 276.
Thaye had devysyd to have layde yn certeyne howsys abowte the fort beynge of good strenght for the sodeyne suyche a nomber off horsmenne as mycht always sarve to cutt of my menne 1557 Peebles B. Rec. I 240.
Gif thair cum ony sodane fray to the toun, be incursiones of thevis or innemies 1561 Knox VI 127.
Her arrivall was so soddayne that no man thought of her 1600 Crim. Trials II 214.
Vpone the sodaine comming of his Maiestie, vnlooked for there(f) 1412 Aberd. B. Rec. I 389.
At thai rys to the ryngyng of the comoun bell … and giff ony soudane affray comys that thai be redy(g) c1475 Wall. xi 284.
The campiounis, lo, for inwy causlace, To sodand dede Wallace thaim brocht throu cace
b. Of emotions or mental states. c1475 Wall. v 220.
Or quhat it was … Quhilk brocht his men to suddand confusioun c1475 Wall. ix 266.
The toun was sone in till a sudane fer 1577 Reg. Privy S. VII 163/1.
It procedit nowther of rancour, invy nor malice … nor yit of suddand ire 1611-57 Mure Dido & Æneas i 88.
Their hearts of sorrow's heavie load relieved, Off suddaine joy strange passiouns do assail
c. Of diseases. c1400 Troy-bk. ii 3048.
And not lang eftire this Circes Tuke a richt sodane gret seiknes c1420 Wynt. ix Prol. 35.
Offt I fynd impediment Wyth sudane and fers maladis ?14.. Ship Laws c. 7 (H2).
Off schipmen takand suddane seiknes in the schip a1500 Colk. Sow ii 34.
Thay war weseit with suddane soir seiknes c1568 Lauder Minor P. i 613.
God ane sudand plaig sall on ȝow send 1630 Justiciary Cases I 146.
Scho and hir eldest dochter tuik bayth suddane seiknes and war bothe bereft of thair naturall lyves thairby
d. Of some physical manifestation: Appearing unexpectedly. a1500 Henr. Fab. 957 (Ch.).
I wait this suddan semblie that I se, … Is maid to mar sic misdoars as me 1596 Dalr. I 192/7.
The king of the Pechtes … destroyes, consumes, and wastes, with a suddane power, the nerrest cuntreyes perteyneng to the Scottis
e. Passing into: Swift, speedy; abrupt. a1500 Seven S. 1530.
Scho … rais wp with a sudand braid … That claith and all that mychti mete Halely of the burde come dovne a1578 Pitsc. I 66/26.
Haveand great hope that great crewalltie that was expressit sould have ane sudden end c1590 Fowler I 119/45.
The sun … than reseumd a swifter course far spediar more agane So that the same more sudden was than falcon in his flight 1629 Boyd Last B. (1629) 374.
They … cry, Peace, peace, even while God is the fierie lunt into the mosine of their sudden destruction
f. Suddan cas, unforeseen or accidental circumstances; misfortune. c1420 Wynt. iv 32.
He peryst was Throw hard tempest and swdane cas c1420 Wynt. viii 1004.
For he, as yhe herd beforne, Be suddane case deyd at Kyngorne c1420 Wynt. viii 5063.
Swa deid that knycht ferlyfully Be that cas suddane and wnhappy 1425 Acts II 12/2.
Gif the balȝeis … findis na man in wyte bot of suddande case that may nocht be forsene as wylde fyre or rattonis or foulis … the law levis it unpunyst 14.. Acts I 57/2.
In sodan cases … it micht nocht be foresene to certify the iustice apon matteris of the quhilkis he doutis c1460 Consail Vys Man 336.
Forse a perell ore It cum For sudane cas is ay vylsum c1475 Wall. i 263.
He tald his modyr of his sodane cas c1475 Wall. iii 418.
The Sothroun wist that it was wicht Wallace, Had thaim our set in to that sodand cas 1526 Reg. Privy S. I 531/2.
Ane respet to Robert Gray … for the slauchter of umquhile James Gray his bruder committit upon suddante cace 1533 Boece 356b.
Ȝong Alpyne be the suddand cais astonyst … swore to be with thame participant 1535 Stewart 23839.
This Constantyne … Richt suddantlie wes slane into ane place, At set purpois and nocht of suddante cace
2. Of actions, decisions, emotions: Unpremeditated; spontaneous; unconsidered.For further examples see Chaudmellé n. a1400 Leg. S. vii 117.
The folk with a sowdane cry Thai mewit than sa sodanly, That [etc.] 1456 Hay I 256/21.
Thair naturale inclinacioun gevis of thair complexioun to a brethe, and a sudayn hete of ire of vengeance quhilk efterwart stanchis efter that hete 1456 Hay I 301/12.
Quhen a king gevis a sudane sentence of dede … execucioun … suld be delayit for xxxti dayes efter … that … he mycht be culit of his ire 1456 Hay II 148/28.
Gif … thai all togeder … geve thé a sudayn ansuere, than suld thou furthwith mislowe that ansuere, and sett it at nocht 1558 Corr. M. Lorraine 414.
Ane swdane debait that happynit betuix ane of my tenendis and twa of his nychtbouris … quhar I trest thair is ane of thame inublat [? lege mutilat] 1560 Rolland Seven S. 1943.
Wo to the hand that suddand straik that gaue To my best hound
b. Of persons: Prone to act on impulse; hasty, impetuous. a1605 Montg. Ch. & Slae 499 (W).
Be not suddane, schir, The matter is of weichte c1590 Fowler II 117/11.
He sud not be haistye in beleving nor sudden in moving … and suld proceid with sic a moderation … that [etc.] 1622-6 Bisset II 173/10.
Ane rasche and suddan prince unvys to governe
3. Prompt, immediate; without delay; instant. 1456 Hay I 302/3.
That is our grete perile in princis and grete lordis to geve sudane credence till ony mannis tale quhill he war wele informyt of the suthefastnes a1487 Gud Wyf & D. 82.
Na let thame nocht ga to thar will Bot it weill suddane be thair-till 1560 Rolland Seven S. 829.
And ȝe speak anis ȝe sall thoill suddand deid 1604 Misc. Hist. Soc. II 245.
To tak ane suddon journay ye vill have na pleasour
4. Prompt in action or effect; effective, efficacious. c1610 Melville Mem. 302.
A lang lettre … as a remembrance of his formair promyses … togither with sic salutary and sodain remedy as I culd think metest for the tym 1615 Highland P. III 225.
His lo. maid me to gett mair speid on fuitt in one hour nor I thocht to have gottin in ane ȝeir give sik sudent medesin had nott bein aplyid to me 1615 Highland P. III 277.
Except it please God … to provyd sum suddane remedie
b. Passing into: Strong, powerful. c1400 Troy-bk. ii 2924.
Thelogonius … gaif him sic a sodane [L. sic potenter] dusche … on the nek … That he his crage straik ewyn in two
5. Brief; of short extent or duration. 1523 Acta Conc. MS XXXIII 197.
In cais Inglismen cum in Scotland for ane suddane excurs as for ane day 1543 Douglas Corr. 18.
We might haue had then convenyent tyme to have sent you suche an advise … which we cannot do at this present, the tyme within the whiche you requyre an answer being so short and soudayne a1585 Maitl. Q. 106/89.
The day befoir the suddane nichtis chaice Dois not so suiftlie go … as I with paine For luif of ane 1584 Gowrie P. 31.
It is very hard for me … to disput of my life with suche an experimented … lawyer, the tyme beinge so short & so sodaine
B. absol. as noun.Chiefly in the phrases upon the (a) suddane.(1) 1544 Reg. Privy S. III 146/1.
The slauchter of umquhile Alexander Boye … committit upoun suddant(2) 1571 Cal. Sc. P. IV 76.
[Your lordship will understand by a remonstrance which I have drawn] apon the suddayne 1583–4 Reg. Privy C. III 630.
He come to thame upoun the suddane, being singillie accumpanyit with twa or thrie servandis 1590–1 Crim. Trials I ii 215.
Which things, for asmuche as she began to do them upon a sodaine, having never done the like before 1592 Acts III 565/2.
His maiestie vpoun the suddane chargit to tak voyage 1600 Crim. Trials II 210.
The fellow became on a sodaine so amazed and his tongue so faultered in his mouth 1633 Cochran-Patrick Coinage II 35.
Finding the bussines to be of great weight and hardlie vpon the suddane to be resolved [etc.] 1651 Rec. Kirk Scotl. 627.
One against the formality of the election, because it was on a suddain without premonition 1667 S. Ronaldshay 56.
The minister, upon ane suddane … was overtaken with ane violent fitt of coleek(3) c1590 Fowler I 372/93.
Lyke one who at a soddaine meittes His better in the streit, And quicklye giues the waye(4) 1644 Baillie II 203.
These men are lyke now in a sudden to change their note
C. adv. = Suddanly adv. 1460 Hay Alex. 2531.
The ȝoung ay ar rycht rasche, and suddan stert, And lukis nocht the perrell efterwart 1567 Reg. Privy S. V ii 396/1.
The crewell slauchter of umquhile Flory Jake … committit and suddane done c1590 J. Stewart 23/308.
He did suddane sie The veirray viwe formosit figure frie Of Angelique c1590 J. Stewart 223 § 93.
As arow schot maist suddane, vith ane clak Fame heir arrywed c1615 Chron. Kings 18.
Mogallus … suddane changis his maneris
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"Suddan adj.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 14 Jan 2025 <http://www.dsl.ac.uk/entry/dost/suddane>