A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
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First published 2001 (DOST Vol. X).
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Tailȝ(i)e, Ta(i)lye, Tail(l)ie, Ta(i)l(l)e, n. Also: tailȝee, -ȝea, -ȝhe, -y(i)e, tailie, taillȝie, tailly, tail(l, taylȝ(i)e, -ȝy, -yie, -yhe, taylie, -y, talȝ(i)e, -ȝee, taliȝe, -eye, tallȝe, tal(l)ie, te(i)lȝe, tely(i)e, tilye, tylye. [ME and e.m.E. taill(e, tale, taile (all Cursor M.), tayle (Ayenbite), tayll (1373-5), taylle (a1533), OF taille cut, cutting, etc., also OF taillie(e, taillee cut. Cf. ME and e.m.E. taly(e (both Prompt. Parv.), tallie (1573), tally (1614), AF tallie a tally.]
1. A tax or duty, a duty paid on succession to a piece of land, a tax levied by a king, etc. Also gudlin-taill, such a duty paid in Dutch guilders. b. specif. The tax levied on the unprivileged classes in France.1375 Barb. xii 320.
His ayr, but ward, releff or taile [C. taill, 1571 tailȝe, H. tailyie] … [his land] sall weld 1456 Hay I 124/10.
Gif thare be ony … that gevis him [sc. the king] counsale to mak weris and to put up taillies and tyrranyes apon his legis 1456 Hay I 187/5.
The emperour will mak were … and be caus the way is rycht lang and fer, and grete costis requeris, he gerris mak tailles and imposiciouns apon all subjectes of the empire 1456 Hay I 237/10.
Sik men of kirk gevis tributis and taillies of thair gudis to the king of Ingland, to manetene the weris 1521 Liber Melros 631.
We sall neuer … hwrt, herry, nor charge the said abbay, thar landis nor tennandis … with na tailȝeis, taxis, extentis, cariagis, nor dew service vther than we ma of resone 1576 Orkney Oppress. 63 (see Gudlin(g n. (a)).
Gudlin-taillb. 1665–7 Lauder Jrnl. 90.
Al the capital tounes of provinces of France are frie from taille
2. The settlement of heritable property on a specified heir or line of heirs. Also breve, deed, infeftment of tailȝie, charter (of) tailȝie, the document detailing such a settlement. Also air (of) tailȝe. Freq. contrasted with line, see Line n.2 9 c for further examples.(1) 1375 Barb. xx 138.
The king Robert gert ordane … Giff it fell that his sone Dawy Deyit but ayr male … Robert Stewart suld be Kyng … And at this tailȝe [C. tale] suld lelyly Be haldyn, all the lordis swar a1400 Leg. S. xxxvi 1038.
Next hym Herod Agrippane Ordenit [he] to succed … wes Antypater wa, that his fadir sic a talȝe can ma 1386 (1414) Slater Early Sc. Texts No. 10.
Taillez 1391 Lennox Mun. 43.
Taillie 1397 Douglas Chart. 38.
The kyng sall conferme, … vndir his gret seyll all giftys, taliȝeis, settyngys and condysyovnys, mad … be dame Izabell 1397 Slater Early Sc. Texts No. 32A.
Talye [v.r. talie] 1397 Antiq. Aberd. & B. IV 167.
Talȝies 1400 Maxwell Mem. 141.
The rycht at he had, … til ony land, … owther throw the taylȝe or othir way 1410 Slater Early Sc. Texts No. 75.
Tailye 1429–30 Acts Jas. I in Ayr B. Ct. 85b (6 March).
Thare sal na bref of mort ansistry pas fra the kyngis chapyl bot in maner & fwrm has his ordanit in Robert the Browsys statutis that is to say of liniale successioune and nocht of taylȝe 1473–4 Treas. Acc. I 6.
Certane landis … to be gevin agane to his sone in talȝe 1492–3 Acta Conc. I 290/1.
Landis pertenyng to the said William be ressoun of tailȝe 14.. Acts I 190 (red). Harl. MS 4700 in
The king, the crown and the kinrik ar tailȝeit and hes stand under tailȝie thir vijxx of yeris unbroken 1531 Bell. Boece II 403, 404.
King Robert … maid new tailye [M. talȝee] to his son David, in this maner: Gif his son David deceissit but airis … his nepot Robert Stewart … sal succeid to the croun. Al the noblis wer sworne to defend this new tailye [M. tallȝe] 1531 Bell. Boece II 448.
King David … brake the tailye, that was maid to his cousin Robert Stewart … and, … transferrit the said tailye in Johne Suthirland; quhilk wes gottin on Jane his youngest sister 1535 Crawford Mun. Invent. I 68 (16 Oct.).
Tailȝie 1572 Bann. Memor. 343.
The laird of Lochlevenis interest, being placed nixt in the tailȝea a1578 Pitsc. I 47/8.
The eldest [son] succeidit be taillȝie [1728 tailie] of the landis of the earledome of Douglas 1630-1651 Gordon Geneal. Hist. 232.
Earle Alexander maid a taillie and entaile of his earldome and whole estate to the heyrs-maill begotten of his owne bodie a1633 Hope Major Pract. I 71.
Taylies 1659 A. Hay Diary 153.
Ther was ane expresse taillie in the contract of marriage 1678 Essay Inscr. Macduff's Crosse 19.
Feudal tailȝies and seclusive provisions to heirs male 1680 Red Bk. Menteith II 183.
Tayly 1713 Second Dialogue Betwixt a Minister and Two Elders.
A tailȝie in Scotland signifies the conveyance of an estate to such and such branches of the family, excluding others, and is so call'd, because it does tailȝie or cut the natural line of succession, and restrict to a particular branch or branches of the family, or persons of particular and determin'd qualifications, excluding others that want them(b) 1375 Barb. xx 134 (C) (see (a) above).
Tale c1420 Wynt. vii 966 (W).
The erllis aire scho wes … Foroutin differens or taill [: faill] 1497 Lamont P. 29.
Talle 1535 Stewart 55592.
The quhilk wedding wes lauchfull probatioun Of his barnis legitimatioun, And maid thame lauchfull … but ony faill Of lauchtfull barnis befoir war out of taill(c) 1666 Caldwell P. 135.
I … hes provided my whole esteat and living by telye to the eldest doghter lawfully begotten of my owne bodie(2) 1426 Antiq. Aberd. & B. III 202.
To mak playne charter of taleye of al the said landes to me 1483 Oliphants 23.
Togidder wyth the donacione and advocacione of the chapel of Inverpefry as in the said charter talȝe to me maid thravpone 1535 Treas. Acc. VI 267.
Ane charter of taillie granttit to Schir James Crychtoun of Frendrach … and utheris his airis 1540 Acts II 379/2.
Nochtwithstandeing ony our actis or statutis maid or tobe maid contrar the ratificatioun of charteris of blanchis or tallies 1546 Reg. Privy C. I 43.
The saidis eirleis charter tallie to be holdin of our soverane lady 1585 Acts III 414/2.
The chartouris of tailȝie maid in the princes minoritie be the quhilkis the airis femell ar debarrit to gif place to the airis maill ar be the lawis of this realme decernit to be aganis the princes conscience and to be reuocable 1611 Scrymgeour Invent. 20.
Ane charter of tailȝie maid be James Scrymgeour … to Mr. Johnne Scrymgeour, his brother germane, and thair airis maill … of the landis of Glaistrie [etc.] —c1575 Balfour Pract. 420.
Thair ar bot twa kindis of brevis in the chancellarie, for serving and entring of airis, the ane is the breve of the airis of line commounlie usit, and the uther is the breve of tailȝie a1633 Hope Major Pract. II 53.
Ther ar tuo sorts of breives, one of the airs of lyne, the wther called the breive of taylȝie —a1633 Hope Major Pract. I 184.
In infeftments of taylyie the first persone in the taylyie succeiding may dispon the landis fra the rest de practica, bot not be the civill law —1666 Caldwell P. 135.
Deed of telyefig. 1634 Rutherford Lett. (1894) 94.
The ends of the earth are given to Christ, and Scotland is the end of the earth, and so we are in Christ's charter-tailȝie(3) 1481 Antiq. Aberd. & B. II 330.
The said James sall make ane obligation … for him and his ayris of lyne and tailye 1482 Reg. Morton II 244.
Tailȝhe 1517 Fife Sheriff Ct. 297.
He rasit breuis of our souerane lordis chapell upone the saidis landis of Pettincreif as air of tailȝe 1541 Reg. Privy S. II 636/2.
George Hay … quha now suld succeid as air of tallie to the saidis Erlis of Errole 1541 Douglas Bequest 13 May.
Ane letter of reuersioun maid to the said vmquhille Robert his airis … or successouris of lyne or taillie 1556 Reg. Privy S. V i 1/2.
Johnne Ros, bruder and apperand air of tailye to the said umquhile Thomas 1606 Chart. Coupar A. II 219.
To the said James Lord of Balmerinoch his father and to his airis maill and of tailȝie contenit in his infeftment of the landis and baronie of Ballumbie 1614 Oliphants 184.
The said noble Lord be the tenour heirof binds and obleissis him & his airis alsweill of maill taillie & provisione as of lyne and successoris a1633 Hope Major Pract. I 166.
In actions of warrandice … the airs of lyne should be first called and then the airs of taylȝie 1652 Wemyss Chart. 238.
His estait and living is provydit … to his aires maill and of taillie 1661 Reg. Privy C. 3 Ser. I 33.
Anna … appearand air of tailȝe and provision to the deceist Mary, Countesse of Buccleuch 1680 Echt-Forbes Chart. 148.
She shall be obliedged to … remove, and leave the same [maines] voyd and patent to my heires of taylȝy 1685 Acts VIII 477/2.
It shall not be lawfull to the airs of tailȝie to sell annalȝie or dispone the saids lands(b) 1607 Tayler Hist. Fam. Urquhart 30.
Granting to him and his heirs male and tail bearing the name & arms of Urquhart(c) 1666 Caldwell P. 135.
I heirby bind me, my aires of tylye and provisione, to pay to my forsaid two doghters … the sume of [etc.]
3. An arrangement, agreement.c1420 Wynt. ix 1205.
For bayth thai ware be certane taylyhe Oblyst to do thare that deide, sawff faylyhe c1420 Wynt. ix 2851.
Oure Erle of [Mare] had hale intent Thare wyth the mychty Erle of Kent, As be tailye, till haiff melle 1422 Thanes of Cawdor 10.
That throu certane tailye made betwix us and your fadir, ye ar oblisit to spouse a douchtir of ouris, for the quhilk thing to be done we confermit to your fadir a tailye betwix him and the lord of Dolas apon the lordschip of Dolas and forgeff till him fourty poundez, the quhilk suld haf bene paiit til us
4. Fre tailȝe, stone which can be cut easily, freestone.(a) 1399 MacRae Early Sc. Texts No. 6.
The forsaid masonys sale hew to the forsaid comownys xii durris & xii wyndowys in fre tailly 1529 M. Works Acc. (ed.) I 7.
Resavit … be the master masoune … ane hundreitht peis fre tailye of the quarell Leyth hill 1529 M. Works Acc. (ed.) I 8.
To vi werkmen … berand the hewine werk to the bak of the chapell for sauite of the samyn and redding of the clois of the fre tilye 1529 M. Works Acc. (ed.) I 11.
vii peis lang werk of xl fuytis of lentht … price of the fuyt fre tailye of lang werk iii d. 1529 M. Works Acc. (ed.) I 22.
To … [the] quareours … ii wolkis wynnand fre tailye and wallstanis 1530 M. Works Acc. (ed.) I 29.
For … downe putting of stanis of Salisbery quhen the cartis ar at fre tailye leding(b) 1529–30 M. Works Acc. (ed.) I 4.
To Johne Thomsone quareour … for lx peis aistlairis fre tilye of the quarell Salisbery
5. A cut or slice of meat.a1500 Henr. Fab. 270.
Muttoun and beif strikin in tailȝeis [Bann. telȝeis] sveit 1513 Doug. xiii ii 18.
And strippyn of thar hydis, Syne hakkyn thame in talȝeis and besydis The hait flambis brochit hes thame laid 1533 Boece 73.
Quhen … was ane ox slane … to the smyth assignit was the hede, the crag to the forestare … Sum vtheris … clamyt certane vtheris tailȝeis 1556 Old Ross-shire I 15.
A tailȝie of beef out of every nolt slain or sold 1597–8 Household Bks. Jas. VI and Anne 28 Feb.
Item four tailȝeis fed beif 1607 Crim. Trials II 524.
Sche … laid on ane feirfull … seiknes on him, be casting in of ane tailȝie of raw inchantit flesch att his dur 1616 Shetland Sheriff Ct. (ed.) 27.
[For … stealing … 6] tailyeis [of mutton and some] maill 1626 Peebles Gleanings 76.
That the beiff and bakoun be brokin and partit according to the will of the buyaris, and sauld in tailyeis at the buyaris plesour 1673 Bk. Pasquils 201.
Myne honest old baillies 'gainst the provist rebelle … They would cut him all in talyes and eat him themselves c1680 J. Row Blair 587.
A dangerous leak broke up in the keel of the ship which was stopped with taylies of beef and such other calfine as was at hand
6. A cut amount of cloth, etc. appar. of a standard size.1624 Fraserburgh Kirk S. II 22 Sept.
Saying that he hade stollin from hir twalff taill of ane woib 1671 Conv. Burghs III 628.
Ordanis the magistratts … to putt the acts of parliament in execution maid against bletching of linning cloath with lyme, and to observe the breidth of the said linning cloath, and that the yearn be lenth and tail conforme to the said acts of parliament 1676 Conv. Burghs III 668.
That there be no more payed for measureing of plaiding then … ane half stiver per taillie, or ane stiver ane hundred elns
7. Reckoning, account. Cf. Tal(e n. 2. Also proverb.The first quot. has been taken by Treas. Acc. glossary and OED to refer to reckoning based on the ‘short hundred’ (Hundir num. 2 b) but may, possibly, rather refer to a short piece of freestone, see fre tailȝe (sense 4 above) and S(c)hort adj. 2 d.1497 Treas. Acc. I 361.
Giffin to the quareouris of the est quarel for schort tailȝee xiij s. iiij d. a1508 Kennedy Flyt. 446.
A pak of flaskynnis, fynance for to mak thé Thou sall ressave in Danskyn of my tailye 1525 Selkirk B. Ct. (ed.) 78.
Na pek … [is] to pas one the merkat day bot one the customeris tailȝee, and that metlum suld beir the sing and taikin that the balyeis ordines 1529–30 M. Works Acc. (ed.) I 17.
In hors schone … to John Spretty and Duncansoune … as thair tailye beris iii dosoune and iiii new schone … xx s. 1562 Kinnaird Farm Bk. 14.
Slayn of wedderis … [as] the tailȝeis beris lxvij 1587 Kinnaird Farm Bk. 64.
Teilȝeisproverb. a1628 Carmichael Prov. No. 862.
I sall cal ane other wadge on your tales nor a wadge of grein cheise
8. Stature, size.1600-1610 Melvill 82.
The man was of a grait telyie, weill bigged, of a large face and guid manlie countenance