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A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)

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First published 2001 (DOST Vol. X).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

Thak, Thack, Thek, n. Also: thaak, thake, thacke, thai(c)k, thay(i)k, thawk, theck, theik, theek(e, thea(c)k, thik, tak, thach(e. [ME and e.m.E. þakk(e (Manning), thak (1354), þacche (Trevisa), thack (1418), thetche (1495), tache (1521), thatch (1600), OE þæc, ON þak.]

1. Thatch, straw or similar material used for roofing; roofing material more generally, slate, lead, etc. b. The roofing material put in place as the outer layer of a roof, thatching, roofing. c. The roof itself. d. comb. With table (Tabil(l n. 11).See also Ruf(e n.1 1 c, f for further examples.a., b., c. 1375 Barb. xii 396.
In the Kers pulis war Howsis thai brak & thak bar To mak briggis quhar thai mycht pas
c1420 Wynt. vii 3371.
Bath in the stane, and thak, and tre, The body off hys kyrk thus he … gert be byggyt
c1420 Wynt. ix 564.
All the treyne werk of the qwere, Wytht thak off lede, wes made but were
a1500 Seven S. 2017.
A hole thai made in to the thak
1513 Doug. iv xii 53.
Thar natyve cite … And furyus flambe kendillit and byrnand schyre, Spredyng fra thak to thak
1521 Old Dundee II 221.
Four shillings to mend the thak of the mill in sklait, werkmanship, lime, and sand
1523 Treas. Acc. V 221.
To the sclataris for theking of half ane rude and half ane quartare of new thak on the v cuppillis in the stable
1531 Selkirk B. Ct. (ed.) 115.
The said Jhone gaif v s. for the auld thak of our tolbuth
1537–8 M. Works Acc. (ed.) I 228.
For uphald of the hale thak of the palice and stabillis
1540 Edinb. Guild Ct. 14 May.
Til perfurneis & mak the thak of hir esindrop with sklate
1542 Soc. Ant. III 162.
The said stepill quhilk sidwallis salbe of vj futis of heich abone the queir thak
1547–8 Stirling B. Rec. I 52.
The foir pairt and hall of the said duelling hous weill reparit, new thekit with thak
1556 Edinb. Old Acc. II 57.
Twa aikne treis to be clatts to the new thak
1562-3 Winȝet I 114/22.
Quhy iuge ȝe the … thingis … that geuis money to hef bene pollutit with idolatrie … and nocht the auld and reuin ornamentis, sklate, thak, and grof stanis, rottin tymmir, and siklyke?
1583 M. Works Acc. (ed.) I 310.
The thak of the same [hall] in rywin and resaweis watter in sic sort that it sall rott the rwif of the said hall
1584 Reg. Privy C. III 681.
Tirrit and reft doun the faill and thak of hir barnis and byris
c1590 J. Stewart 47/163.
As schour of hailstains rappan on the thak
1591 St. A. B. Ct. 31 Dec.
The said Dauid … sall plaice peat steanis of the said gawill in the middis thairof quhairbye the said Thomas quhen he sall hawe occasion to big wp his foir hows may hawe rowme to plaice his thak thair wpon
1594 Breadalbane Ct. Bk. 59b.
The wrangus eittin be his gudis … of his hay and his thak
1596 Edinb. Test. XXIX 267b.
I leif … my eldest sone ane hundretht merkis to help to big and put on ane new thak vpoun my duelling hous
1603 Shetland Sheriff Ct. (ed.) 86.
Ane schepe … fund deid … in the hill quhair thay schuir the thak
1609 Mining Rec. 149.
For aucht scoir faddome of small cordis to sew the thak on the melting hous
1612–13 Misc. Spald. C. V 90.
For reparing the grammer schole, the thak thairof being blauin aff
1616 Inverurie 203.
All inhabitants convene at the mill of Ardtannes the morn … with horse, servants, thak and raipes, to big and theik the mill
1637 Monimail Reg. Ct. 20 April.
That his lordshipis haill tennentis that getis timmer fra his lordship for building of thair houisis theik nane of the saidis houisis but thak
(b) 1571 Dumfr. & Galloway Soc. XIII 239.
Slaitt, tymer, stains, and thawk
(c) 1599 M. Works Acc. (ed.) I 318.
For the turring and theiking new of … ane pairt of the great hous nixt to the said chalmer quhair the thack meitis thairwith
1615 Orkney & Shetl. Ct. Bks. 97.
David Tulloc … haid passage betuix the loch and auld dyk … to … led thair tha[c]k from the said comontie
1579, 1617 Despauter (1617) 24.
Imbrex, a gutter in the thacke
1628 Reg. Privy C. 2 Ser. II 516.
The forrage of the hacquebutt lightid … upoun the thacke of the kill
1690 E. Loth. Antiq. Soc. IV 33.
Dito my wife caing divots and thack in with the heather [6 d.]
1691 Argyll Justic. Rec. I 130.
Ane shoulder of mutton was found hidden under the thack of his barn
(d) c1690 Weaver's Acc. Bk.
For thaak & herding casting of deafets and rigings
(e) 1616 Reg. Privy C. X 517.
The haill rooffe and thake of the ludgeing
(f) 1551 Reg. Cupar A. II 69 (see Ruf(e n.1 1 c).
1574–5 Haddington Treas. Acc. 28.
Bering stra and drawin thaik to the kyrk myll
c1615 Chron. Kings 144.
Ane hous … being bot theikitt with thayik … he gart fyir the hous
(g) 1507 Prot. Bk. J. Young XII 390.
He kepand the said bak hall watterticht, and sall lay our abone the thek of the said bak hall at the said gavil braid stanis to be wattir-tabill to the said gavil
1539 Treas. Acc. VII 346.
Stane to be durris, theik, soll and pend [of the castle]
1568 Prot. Bk. Thomas Johnsoun 157.
[A house of two] coupillis and theik [to be built]
1598 Elgin Rec. II 69.
For the reparatioun of the queir … in theck, ruiff, vallis, vindois
1598 Elgin Rec. II 69 (see Ruf(e n.1 1 c).
1630 Cramond Ch. Rathven 12.
The kirk and queir ruinous for want of theik
1636 Galloway P. 21 April.
[He] sall leave the housses … als gud in theck tymber and ston as they war at his entrie
1684 Thanes of Cawdor 368.
A handsome ragglyne to be left in the wester syde of the … jamb to receave the theeke of the building bewest the same
1686 Elgin Rec. I 340.
Suffering the old tymber, sklaitts and wther old rubbish of his foirstair demolisched by the fall of the theck of Androw Ramsay his foirhous lye in the channell of the streat
(h) 1520 Wigtown B. Ct. 110a.
For the wrangus pulling done of the tak of hir hous
1682 Inverness Rec. II 306.
Considering the great prejudice the brugh sustaines throw the great number of curr dogs … especiallie their spoiling & abusing of the corns, yairds [etc.] … their spoiling bigging in the thach therof [etc.]
(i) 1679 Inverness Rec. II 281 (see Ruf(e n.1 1 comb.).
d. 1596–7 Dundee B. Laws 145.
[To erect] ane sufficient prick of stane fyne aistler wark … rysing with awcht square pains … whilk prick sall be in hicht fra the alreing of the tolbuith to the thak table of the samen prick, ellewen footis, the thak of the prick to be raised threttine footis above the said table

2. In thak, with respect to roofs or roofing, with regard to the proper maintenance and repair of buildings. 1473 Reg. Cupar A. I 175.
Al nedful costis in thak and defens for the vphald of the sade landis
1502 Acta Conc. MS XII 101b.
Sal keip the sade land & tennement in thak
1539 Prot. Bk. M. Carruthers 30.
He sall hald the said chapell of Sanct Lowrence of his expens dry in thak and sufficient indurand the said Margaret's lyf
1550 Treas. Acc. IX 441.
For beting of the place and castell of Dumbertane in thak, glas and other necessares
1571 Old Ross-shire I 365.
To repair and uphald our said fortalice and castell in walls and thek
1592–3 Kirkcudbr. B. Rec. I 283.
To pey to him ix lib. money for skaith and inlaik of his houses in thak
1610 Kirkcudbr. B. Rec. II 61.
To vphauld to Moungo Thomesoun his hous lok fast and water fast in tymbir thak and stane
1613 Inverness Rec. II 106.
1643 Banff Ann. II 170.
For upputting of the samen [sc. school] in wall, thack and ruiff

3. In references to the giving of possession of a building, etc. by handing over symbols of it. See also Rape n. 1 d for further examples. 1545 Chart. Coupar A. II 197.
[We] ordanis … our … bailȝe or bailȝies to give saysing and possessioune to the said Henrie … be traditioune of thak and duffat as use is in sic latis
1557 Prot. Bk. D. Gray 13b.
To pas to the sadis landis & to gif stait … & possessione thairof … be giffeing of thak raip erd & stane of the grund as vis is
1566 Prot. Bk. W. Douglas 81b.
Be thak and raip clape and hoppir coble and nett … as ws is in sic thingis
1581 Prot. Bk. W. Cumming 270.
The said Dauid … payand ȝeirle to the said Allexander Falconer … for all and hale the saidis landis … the sowme of twentye merkis mone … with thrill multuris … be vertue of the quhilk the said Johne Falconar … gef state and possession be thak and rape and erd
1588–9 Prot. Bk. J. Inglis 10 Feb.
Andro Vylsone … gaif stait & seising to … Mr. Walter & his … spous be thaik & raip as wse is

4. transf. A person's skin; outer covering or protection. a1400 Leg. S. xxxvii 276.
Thane of the frame he [sc. St. Vincent] bad hym tak, that hale had nothire lith na thak

5. attrib. a. With barne, hall, hous: Furnished with thatch of straw or similar combustible material, thatched.a. a1500 Seven S. 2318.
He … tald him he micht nocht slepe In a thak hous … Bot … To big … Ane stark towre with ane stane wall
1506 Prot. Bk. J. Young 369.
The sclait house of the saide land … fra thine discendand to the north side and cheik of the wyndo of the myddill thak hall
1572-5 Diurn. Occurr. 327.
For this caus wes ane proclamatioun maid, that all thak houssis suld be tirrit
1596 Glasgow Prot. X 67.
All rycht of redemptioun that he had … of all and haill ane lytill thak hows
a1597-1617 Hist. Jas. VI (1804) 209.
In the night he exposit, at the hor of supper, sum of his souldiors to sum thak housses besyd the West Port, in a windie nyght, and pat the same in fyre
1605 Bk. Old Edinb. C. XI 133.
The thak crocehous or tofall lyand at the northend of the said ȝaird
1624 Edinb. B. Rec. VI 258.
For repairing of certan thakhoussis pertening to him contrare to the act of parliament maid anent thakhoussis
a1651 Calderwood VII 607.
A young boy in Dumfermeline shootting a gunne, a litle peece of the lunt flieth upon a thacke house, which easilie kindled. The fire … brunt the whole toun, some few sclat houses excepted
1652 Johnston Diary II 75.
I heard from my wyfe the strainge sad newes of the burning the most pairt of the toune of Glascow, upon the shot of a musket in a thak house by on of the Inglishes
1654 Edinb. B. Rec. VIII 354.
That the south end of the thak barne be cutt for the said entrie
1654 Edinb. B. Rec. VIII 354.
The baillies [to] caus ane constable and ane honest nighbour … to tak notice of all thacke housis … and of the heretors thairof and to report the same

b. With materials used in conjunction with thatching materials.Thak-burd, a wooden roofing-tile or shingle. Thak-nail, -pin, a sharp nail, pin or peg used to fasten the thatch onto a roof. 1375 Barb. iv 126.
Fyr all cler Sone throw the thak-burd [C. thik burd] gan apper
1497 Treas. Acc. I 357.
For jm smal thak nalis to the chapel of the Castel of Edinburgh
1513 Treas. Acc. IV 525.
For ½ a hunder thak naile
1539–41 M. Works Acc. (ed.) I 284.
xim viiic thak nale and thak nale shank
1617 M. Works Acc. (ed.) II 25.
For 300 schort thak naill at 9 s. c.
1617 M. Works Acc. (ed.) II 29.
To Alexander Jak for 1800 thak pinnes

c. With materials used as thatching or roofing.Also in a place-name. 1648 Retours I Inq. Spec. Aberdeen (292).
1398–1400 Aberd. B. Rec. (SHS) 92.
Crimantes le thakhathir
1467 Misc. Spald. C. V 23.
For xxxii thraw of thak hathir to Sanct Clementis kirk
1504 Treas. Acc. II 424.
For theking of divers houses with thak dowat
1576 Reg. Great S. 20/1.
Thak turfis
1670 Dunkeld Presb. I 379.
Thack devots
1533 Bell. Livy II 234/5.
The thak stane wes gevin to ilk man frelie
1541 Soc. Ant. III 161.
The said queir … weill thekit with thak stane
1554–5 Edinb. Old Acc. II 38.
Hewing of thre thak staris to the rufe aboun the revestre dur
1581 Edinb. B. Rec. IV 204.
To agre and mak pryce with Archibald Stewart in the Quenis Ferry for bying fra him of the asler and thak staynis of the abbay in Sanct Colmes Inche to the townes wark
1600 Edinb. D. Guild Acc. 732.
Ane ruid of thack stane to the thortur-ruef of the kirk betuext the eist and west gutteris
1621 Acts IV 627/1.
That … no … persones salbe suffered … to builde anye housis within … Edinburgh bot suche as salbe covered with sklaite or skailȝee leid tyild or thakstane and also statutes … that the heritouris of suche housis as ar alreddye thaicked with thack and straw (if the same thack or straw ruifes sall heirefter at anye tyme becum ruinous) salbe astricted to thaick the same agane with sklait or skailȝee leade tyild or thackstone
1669 Caldwell P. 133.
6 threaves of thack stra

d. Thack scheff, a sheaf or bundle of thatching material. 1619 Inverurie 206.
That all twalff-pairt men … bring … to the miln … twa thack scheives … and also ilk ane oxgait man ane thack scheff, with the raipes and twa winlingis of stray
16… Nat. Lib. MS 22. 2. 11 penult. p.
[Final process in curing of bacon.] Then take them [the hams] out, and presse them eight dayes upon a table a thack sheaf under them and a deal above them

e. Thak roof, see Ruf(e n.1 1 g. 1621 Acts IV 627/1 (see Ruf(e n.1 1 (1) (b)).
1677 Hossack Kirkwall 167.
Beyond the Cangstaine under ane theak roofe
1677 Hossack Kirkwall 319.
Francis Murray hath ane tenement under theack roofe

f. Thack gait, the ledge at the top of a gable-wall on which the thatch was extended and supported. (See Glen L. Pride Glossary of Scottish Building.) 1676 Edinb. B. Rec. X 201.
The said James Murdoch hes ane thack gait upon the said gavill about eight inches

g. Thak skew, ? a stone forming part of the coping of a gable where it meets the thatch. 1531–2 M. Works Acc. (ed.) I 62.
To Johne Clerk quaryour for xlvi pece fre tailye of the querrell of Salisbery for the tymmer wallis of the roundis and the thek skewis
1532 M. Works Acc. (ed.) I 90.
For xviii double pece aslar for thikskewis
1531–2 M. Works Acc. (ed.) I 92.
For xvi pece of thakskewis and capis for chymnais price of ilk pece vi d.
1531–2 M. Works Acc. (ed.) I 93.
xlvi pece aslaris for thakskewis and capis
1535–6 M. Works Acc. (ed.) 138.
For xix futtis allering thakshowis and gutteris

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