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A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)

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First published 2002 (DOST Vol. XI).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

Tu(i)ch(e, Twech(e, v. Also: tu(i)tch(e, tuicht, tuytch, tue(i)ch(e, tuoch, tuouche, tuach, twich(e, twichyn, twych(e, twitch(e, twoch(e, touch, toutch, totche. P.p. also: tuixit, tuychit, -at, twched, twechide, tweichyt, -et, -ed, tweitchit, tweychit, twexit, twychite, teuchit, touchsit, towched, towtced, thuichit, thwychit, thwechit. [ME and e.m.E. tuoche (c1300), toch(e, touche (all Cursor M.), tuch (a1325), touch (Manning), tutche (1570), OF tuchier, tochier.]

1. tr. Of a person or a part of the body, esp. the hand: To touch (a person or thing), to make physical contact with; also, to touch with, etc. a part of the body or a thing. Also with an animal as the subject.(1) pres. a1400 Leg. S. iii 751.
Thai mycht nocht tweche hym a laste
1490 Irland Mir. I 46/16.
Welanis and synnaris are nocht worthi to twich nore persaue the sauour of it [sc. the host]
1492 Myll Spect. 291/20.
Be my ordour I may twiche na deid men
a1500 Bk. Chess 157.
So large of persone … suld thow bene That … with thi richt hand tuiche thow suld the est And with thi left hand the west part at the leist
c1500-c1512 Dunb. (OUP) 113/39 (M).
He held hir to him … And … said … That he sould not twyche hir preyne cod
1513 Doug. ii xi 69.
It war onleifful … to me … to twich thame [sc. relics] Quhil I be weschyn into sum rynnand flude
1513 Doug. vi ix 157.
Thar handys scho withdrawys So that the mesys twichyn dar thai nocht
1540 Lynd. Sat. 1691 (Ch.).
How dar ȝe be so pert sir knaif To tuich the King?
1560 Rolland Seven S. 5896.
a1578 Pitsc. I 258/31.
a1578 Pitsc. I 259/14.
a1585 Maitl. Q. 105/63.
Full oft in myne intent To twitche I doe appeir Now syide now breist now sweit mow redolent Of that sueit bodye deir
1596 Dalr. I 51/1.
That quhilkes amang thame [sc. salmon] ar sa leane, quhen thay twoche the fatter amang thame, thay al ar alyke leane
1587-99 Hume 19/77.
The helping hands appointed ar to graip, to feill and tuitche
1611-57 Mure Early Misc. P. xi 5.
Hands, forbeare to tuich Oght ȝour tuiching can bewitch!
?c1675 J. Gordon Hist. I 69.
To beware for to twoch the Lord's anoynted, or to incurre the guilt of lese majestye
p.t. a1500 Henr. Fab. 2652.
My lippis, sen that I wes ane lam, Tuitchit [Ch. tuichit] na thing that wes contagious
1528 Lynd. Dreme 1086.
All … thing That euer he twycheit suld turne … In to fyne gold
1577–8 Reg. Privy C. II 664.
The erll … being sa neir that he tuicheit the countir of his hors
1596 Dalr. I 295/28.
A brasen image, … wrocht with sik ane ingine, that quha twechet it sulde schortlie be schott, with dartes
1610 State P. (Reg. H.) (No. 108/13) 3.
In his bypassing his shoulder tuicheit Andro Hendersoun
1616 Orkney & Zetl. Sheriff Ct. 72b.
He … tuitcheit baith the corne freschen & vnfreshen and baid him mak malt of it
p.p. 1561 Q. Kennedy Compendious Ressonyng (ed.) 175/30.
The corporale, chalice, and patene suld nocht be tuichit be laick men, according to the scripture
1584-9 Maxwall Commonpl. Bk. Prov. No. 215.
The wiolet, the ofter it is handeled & twiched, the sooner it withereth
1596 Dalr. I 29/25.
Quhateuir thing the handis of men had twechet … frome al sik thay [sc. oxen] absteined mony dayes thaireftir
a1649 Drummond II 232/1.
Haire, suet haire, tuitchet by Midas hand
proverb. a1628 Carmichael Prov. No. 1581.
Thow hes tuoched [Ferg. Prov. hit] the naill in the heade
(2) c1552 Lynd. Mon. 1349.
God gaue command Adam to twyche nocht with his hand Nor eait of the forbiddin tre
1551 Hamilton Cat. 183.
Quhen our salviour Christ was baptizit, and with his haly and clein bodye twichit the wattir, than he gave vertew and powar to the wattir
1596 Dalr. I 51/4.
1597 Crim. Trials II 28.
Scho … baid him … cast a fyrie coill, and twitche hir thairwith
1581-1623 James VI Poems I 21/55.
I am … that learned Vranie, That … maks men see and twiche with hands and ene It that the heauenly court contempling bene
1678 Mackenzie Laws & C. i xxvi 3 (1678) 259.
The wand of peace is that whereby they touch a rebel, and declares him to be their prisoner

b. To articulate (a sound). c1616 Hume Orthog. 18.
The keie of orthographie … that is the congruence of the symbol and sound symbolized; that is, that bathe must belang to the same organes and be tuiched after the same form

2. To touch (with the hands or a thing) in order to heal, to lay hands on. Also, to touch (something) in order to be healed.(1) a1400 Leg. S. Prol. 75.
Vith that hand [he] twechit his he, Thru grace of God he can se
a1400 Leg. S. xi 123.
Judas has the epystil tane, … & with it bot twechit his face, That … leper wes, & he of al fylth clene wes mad
c1520-c1535 Nisbet Matth. viii 15.
He tuichet hir hand, and the feuer left hir
1679 Salmon Borrowstounness 117.
Having it [sc. the right hand] twitched of new againe it imediatlie becam haill
(2) a1400 Leg. S. xliv 41.
Wil thu twech now Hir fe[r]tre & ferme trew, I trew thu sal parfytly be Hale of thine infirmyte
c1520-c1535 Nisbet Matth. xiv 36.
Men of that place … broucht to him al that had seeknes. And thai prayit him that thai suld tuiche the hem of his clething: and quha euir tuichet war made saif

3. To touch as a symbolic gesture. a. To touch a copy of the Gospels while taking an oath. Chiefly, the Haly Evangels tuichit. See Evangel n. 4, Evangelist n. 2 and Vangel n. 3 for further examples.pres. 1392 Lennox Mun. 49.
1511 Selkirk B. Ct. MS 12b.
p.t. 1405 Maxwell Mem. I 145.
1429 15th Rep. Hist. MSS App. viii 10.
Baithe the said partys ar bodely sworne and twichit the haly ewangill
1535 Stewart 31890.
Tha tuichit all ilkane the Evangell buik
p.p. 1397 Douglas Chart. 38.
And at al thir condiciounis, … and artikillis befornemynyde sal leli … be kepide, the partyse forsaide haf gifyn bodili athis, the Hali Wangelis touchide
1406 Lennox Mun. 61.
To the mare sikernes and the fulfilling of al thir poyntis … I, said Arthore, the hali evangell touchsit gave bodily atht
14.. Burgh Laws c. 100 (B).
Eftyr that the haly wangelys twychyt he sal swere that he wate nane ivil on hym
1425 Liber Melros II 544.
The … sayd personis swor the gret ath the haly ewangell twechyt that thai [etc.]
1428–9 Cal. Charters Suppl. 7 Feb.
1431 Highland P. II 167.
1438 Montgomery Mem. 30.
1445 Charter (Reg. H.) No. 311.
1447 (1450) Reg. Great S. 69/1.
1448 Buccleuch Mun. II 41.
1466 Ayr B. Ct. 103a (26 July).
1468 Misc. Abbotsf. C. 7.
The haly ewangelis be thame twichit
1471 Buccleuch Mun. II 101 (see Vangel n. 3).
1472 Lennox Mun. 93.
1475 Fam. Rose 138.
1481 Fam. Rose 145.
1482 Antiq. Aberd. & B. IV 35.
1491 Reg. Episc. Aberd. I 328.
And neuer to cum nor propone in the contrare be the haly ewangell tuechet befor thir vytnes
1493 Lennox Mun. 149.
1494 Acta Conc. I 347/1.
1495 Contract (Mey P.) 13 June.
1495 Douglas Chart. 151.
1509 Lett. James IV 159.
[Swears by the Gospels … ] by me bodely twched [to observe every article of the Treaty of Perpetual Peace and Amity]
1513 Reg. Panmure II 282.
1518 Bk. Mackay 385.
The said Johnne McKy is bundin … be … the grit aith sworne, the Holy Ewangelist tuitchit, to fulfill thir punctis
1521 Thanes of Cawdor 140.
1524 Thanes of Cawdor 149.
1532–3 Bk. Dunvegan 71.
1534–5 Orkney & Shetl. Rec. 68.
1540 Linlithgow B. Ct. 10 Nov.
1543 Douglas Chart. 230.
The haly ewangillis tueichit
1550 Breadalbane Coll. No. 76.
1554 Acts Sederunt ii 1.
Quha acceptit the samyn upon thaim, and maid faith, the haly Evangelis tutchit, that thay … suld [etc.]
1577 Perth Kirk S. MS 14 Oct.
1578 Misc. Abbotsf. C. 45.
1611 Inverness Rec. II 80.
Sir George Hay … quha hes gevin the greit solempn aithe, the halie evangelist tuchit, that he sall [etc.]

b. To ? shake or touch hands with the person presiding over a court to indicate agreement on the matter being resolved. 1446 Reg. Episc. Brechin. I 109.
In wytnes of the quhylk thyng … grantyt and accordit be ws in the said lord the byschapis cowrt our handis twychyt wyth hys to this present wryt we … hes affyxyt owr seilys

c. To touch the pen of a notary, etc. with one's hand, before or as he writes one's name, in order to witness a document if unable to write.Chiefly stated in the clause listing witnesses. 1507 Montgomery Mem. II 69.
The said Robert has affixt his sele, with his subscriptioun manuall, twiching the pen, causand ane vthir to subscriue for him, becaus he couth nocht write him self
1526 Selkirk B. Ct. (ed.) 88.
In wytnes of the quhilk thing I have tweychit the pen with my hande in presens of [etc.]
1538 Boyd Fam. P. No. 17 (23 Feb.).
In vitnes of the quhilk thing I haif subscryvit this present discharge with my hand on the pen twichit
1542 Grant Chart. 89.
With my hand tuytching the pen, led be Maister Thomas Haye, notar publice
1563 Reg. Privy C. I 242.
Sic subscribitur … Farquhar McAlester … with my hand twiching the pen, be the notar undirwrittin becaus I culd not writt
1592 St. A. Kirk S. 737.
Baith the said Dauid and Mwngo … hes tuichit the pen with thair handis, and gevin command to me, notar publict under writin, to subscrive thir presentis for thame, becaus thai culd nocht wret thame selfis
1627 Rep. Parishes 15.
William Stevensone and George Bannatyne abone wreatten with our handes tuichand the pen led be the notar vndersubscryvand at our commandes because we cannot wreat our selfes
1637 Binns P. 35.
[Signed] James Allan with my hand tuichyng the notaris penn underwriten becaus I cannot wrytt
1671 Kirkcudbr. Test. (Kirkcudbr. Sheriff Ct.) 17 April.
With my hand twocheing the pen led be the noter … becaus I cannot wryt myselff

d. To make a document legal by touching it; in later use referring to the touching of an Act of Parliament with the sceptre to indicate royal assent. Also, to touch the scepter, to give royal assent to the acts passed in a session of Parliament. 1513 Doug. xii vi 10.
The payce and concord now is twichit and sworn
1694 Fountainhall in M. P. Brown Suppl. Decis. IV 179.
This act was not touched; and so the Lords thought they could not supply the royal assent, nor make it an act
1633 Acts V 13/1.
In token of his consent and approbatioun thairto [the king] tuitched the scepter being presented to him be the Clerk of his majesties register counsall and rolles off the quhilkes actes … the tennors followes
1641 Acts V (1817) 391/1.
Act … Red voitted and past in parliament and twitched with the scepter
1651 Acts VI ii 666/2.
In testimonie of his majesties royall assent to the forsaidis actis he did tutche the same with the scepter
1661 Acts VII 16/1.
The Lord Commissioners Grace in presence of the Parliament did with his maiesties royall scepter tutch the publict acts formerly past in this parliament as a testimony of his maiesties royall assent

e. To touch (a person) with something sacred in order to confer a position on them. 1533 Bell. Livy I 55/6.
He maid Spurius Fusius fader patrat, and twichit baith his hede and his hare with the herbe verbene

4. Of a thing: To come into contact with (something or someone) as a result of the action of a person (or animal). 14.. Acts I 308/2.
Gif the schippis duellis and makis resting and tweches the erd with anker
1456 Hay II 149/10.
Quha best continewis in his trew and gude counsaile … and gais the maist rycht way and he that tuichis [sc. with his arrow] nerest the quhite and best gais nere the merche
1490 Irland Mir. III 10/16.
Quhen the haly sacrament of bapteme twichis the persoune than the hevinly grace discendis … to the persoune
1533 Boece 499b.
Ane litill spunk of fyre quhilk neuer sall rais ane lowe vnto the tyme itt twich the birntstane
15.. Clar. iv 2171.
He tuike the ring of the Lyoune, And twichit it [sc. the wound] and stemmit it anone
c1575 Balfour Pract. 509.
Gif … the band quhairwith thay [sc. the sheep] ar bund tuich or kittle his [sc. the horse's] sair bak
1596 Dalr. II 181/26.
As a noble hors tuechte with the spur is mair quik
1643 Reid Auchterarder 204.
Not suffering it [sc. the tub of water] to tutch [infra p. 197, totche] the ground
ellipt. 1662 Crim. Trials III 607.
We haw no bow to shoot with, but spang them from of the naillis of our thowmbes. Som tymes we will misse; bot if thay twitch, be it beast, or man, or woman, it will kill

5. To pluck the strings of a musical instrument, to play (an instrument). Also fig. to tuitch a string, to address an issue, deal with a matter. Cf. 1602 quot. in 11 below. a1500 Henr. Orph. 611.
Than Orpheus, our ressoun, is full wo And twichis on his harp
1622-6 Bisset II 388/20.
The stringis of the ane instrument beand twiched or stirred. The uthir will stend and be moved to gif a sound to the samin harmony
a1649 Drummond II 236/5.
If his harpe he tuitche not to your eare [etc.]
fig. 1612 Highland P. III 123.
String sall not be tuitcheit nor no motioun maid thairof quhill the seruice … aganis the men be … broght to ane end

b. To achieve musical harmony. c1550-c1580 Art of Music 24b.
Be the semebrewe it is twichit quhen the semebriff is tardie and langdrawand

6. To border, abut, adjoin. 1494 Deidis of Armorie 15.
Wil ȝe wit quhat is hamettz, thai are the fassoun of fesses bot thai twich nocht the boridour
c1515 Asl. MS I 159/17.
This paradys is the hieast place of the warld for it tuichis nere the cirkle of the mone
c1515 Asl. MS I 168/12.
This red see tuichis nere … the gret se of myddill erd

b. Of a line in a sphere: To meet, cross, pass through. 1611-57 Mure Sonn. 2 Ser. viii 2.
Lines which sphears in equall shares divyde, But once the center, twice the circle touch

7. Of a ship: To sail as close to the wind as possible. a1568 Sempill in Sat. P. xlvi 54.
Syne treveis still, and lay abowt, And gar hir top twiche wind and waw

8. To visit in passing. 1685 Sinclair Satan's Inv. World 211.
To carry her to Irland before four a clock in the morning, and to touch at Paisley where she might see her sister in passing

9. To touch with painful or disastrous consequences; to taint, to meddle with, harm, injure. Chiefly in negative. Also in fig. context. a1400 Leg. S. viii 24.
& al the lafe that the wyne [sc. the dragon's breath] had Twechit, richt seke ware mad
1494 Deidis of Armorie 37.
Corneille … is a foulle mekle of gregon, evil doand … to the habitantis of the place, quhare scho duellis that wilfully persewis the aigle bot dar nocht tuicht hir
1513 Doug. vii x heading.
The portis of weir to twich the prynce refusis
c1520-c1535 Nisbet III 269.
The fire tuichet nocht thame
1560 Rolland Seven S. 5263.
Ȝour treuth surelie I will defend. Also ȝour … honour, Bot I can not consent to tuitche the towre … I will not thoill na way to put it doun
a1586 Lindsay MS 9.
The best fechtar … sall haue ane rycht ryche heawme … gif it happinnis … that throw heit … he wald tak of his heawme and nane sall tuiche him quhill he be hewmit agane
fig. c1550 Rolland Ct. Venus i 517.
Lufe is sa perrellous … Sclander and schame euer to it drawis nar. [Ver]tew, wisdome to tuich it neuer dar

b. To undertake (a task) with implied negative effect. c1420 Ratis R. 1711.
Albert … left sindry experimentis That provis weil sutht his ententis, That Aristotil … Na Plato twichit, be na wais, Set thai war wisare fere than he
1513 Doug. i Prol. 259.
The quent and curyus castis poeticall … Quharin Virgill beris the palm of lawd, Caxtoun, for dreid thai suld hys lippis scald Durst nevir twich
1626 Garden Worthies 79.
My muse waike wings & too too sklender skill Durst they … such a task onterminable tuche As thy great valour [etc.] … into so base a forme for to sett forth?

10. a. To affect (a person, his or her emotions, reputation, etc.). b. To concern (a person, institution, etc.) in some way, to have a bearing on (a matter, etc.).a., b. pres. a1400 Leg. S. iv 136.
Na mycht haff we To grewe the thing at twechis thé
1405 Slater Early Sc. Texts No. 58.
& specialy in this case syne it twichis the kyrke
14.. Reg. Maj. c. 45.
Gif that ony manis bonde be tane in ony criminal actione that tuechis lyf or a lychar actone
1456 Hay II 151/34.
Kepe wele … that thou do na thing sa reklesly that it nede tobe done agayne that grete mater touchis
1471 Acts II 100/1.
The mater of the mone sen the mater is gret & twechis the hail body of the realme in gret nernes
1507 Reg. Privy S. I 219.
His hienes granntis that all and sindri actionis … [etc.] … tuiching or ony way may tuicht the said Johnne [etc.] … be put under our soverane lordis respitt
1561 Facs. Nat. MSS III xlv.
It war but foolishnes to me to prescrive vnto your maiestie what is to be done in any thing but especiallie in such thingis as men suppose do tuoch my self
1568 Anderson Collect. Mary IV ii 160.
Seeing the caus dois twitch so heychlie our mastres honor and estate
1558-66 Knox II 375.
I have one of the greatest materis that have tweiched me since I cam in this realme, to open unto you
1594 Acts IV 89/1.
That the act maid in fauouris of the ministrie … sall nawis tueich nor be hurtfull to the said Mr. Peter [etc.]
1587-99 Hume 98/52.
Quhen I knaw that I haif committit ane haynous offence … that twichis my conscience
1622 Innes Sketches 517.
In all wther things that schall … tuiche or concerne you
1639 Rec. Kirk Scotl. 249.
Some thinges of that consequence that they toutch my instructions verie farre—not for what may concerne the bussines; therefore I should wishe we should rather seeme to misken some thinges, rather then toutching them, to make unnecessary disputes
p.t. a1400 Leg. S. xxxiii 102.
Quhen the maste party of the folk distroyt war … It twechit sine sa nere the kinge That … his douchtir, suld … to the dragone … be gyffine
?1438 Alex. ii 5359.
Ane ȝarning of lufe all new Him tuiched throw the hart
c1420 Wynt. ii 1462 (C).
On that poynt … I dar noucht til ȝow mak racorde, For dout that women wil me blayme Gif that I twechit [W. I tuichit, R. it twechys] thar defame
1535 Stewart 27984.
As ressone wald, it tuechit him full soir
1548 Crim. Trials I i 340.
The arme of theise infamous deidis twitchid bot a fewe, the invy many, bot the example perteneit almost to all
1600-1610 Melvill 65.
When it twitched his particular, no man could crab him
p.p. 1561 Cal. Sc. P. I 600.
[Where in one article I am] twoched [with George Hammylton, if he were sent for by my Lord President] as no presonar. [I think he will not only discharge the trifling objection, but also [etc.]]
1558-66 Knox I 439.
He … is readdy … to concur with the rest of the nobilitie … and all otheris whais hartis ar tweichet to manteane the commoun caus of religioun and liberty of thair native cuntrey
1590-1 R. Bruce Serm. 15.
Gif ye be tuitched in your hart with ony feeling or remorse of your bigane life
1609 Garden Garden 9.
Here Apollo hes his palion pitcht … Is not thy Muse attempted not, nor toucht
1617 Crawford Mun. Invent. II 262.

c. intr. With preposition. (1) At, to. To pertain, relate to, concern. (2) Be, of, with. Chiefly in passive, to be affected by or with (something).(1) 14.. Acts I 106/2.
Robert … kyng of Scottis … in his playn parliament … wyth bischopis … barounis & othir gret men & wyth the hale communite of the kynrik thar gadderit apon syndri & he thyngis tuechand the kyng & the kynrik and in tym tocum may tuech at the honor of God & of the haly modyr kirk
c1420 Wynt. viii 6641.
All twichit it nocht to this matere, Me-think it speidfull to wryte heire, That [etc.]
1456 Hay I 220/31.
The offence touchis to the realme, and to the citee anerly of thair propre burges
1513 Doug. xii xii 174.
To na bowrdyng twichit thar interprys
1516 Acts XII 36/2.
As appertenit and tuichit to ȝoure grace
(2) 1533 Boece 593.
Andro Murray … was twichit be sare infirmyte
c1520-c1535 Nisbet III 338/19.
He weil feleth ande vndirstandeth quhais consciens is trewly towched of the law
c1490 Irland Asl. MS 48/16.
Childer baptisit that ar nocht tuichit with carnall & fleschly syn
1533 Boece 99b.
King Eder … hevily twichit with infirmite … deceissit
1560 Bk. Disc. 246.
Yf the sone or dowghter … have thair hearte tweiched with desyre of mariage
1568 Q. Mary in Facs. Nat. MSS III lviii.
That thai sal find na thing in preiudice of my honour or ony of my faithful subiectis quhome thai haif tweitchit with thair braging
1584 Gray Lett. & P. 32.
There was no man … whome he touched not with his misreports
c1616 Hume Orthog. 3.
Few [sc. kings] have had the knaulege them-selfes to mend, or be tuiched with, the defectes Or faltes crept into the boueles of learning
1659 Cramond Kirk S. I 26 June.
The session finding him reallie touched with the sense of his fault did dismiss him

11. tr. To mention, tell, outline, explain; refer to, allude to.pres. 1456 Hay I 14/26.
In samekle that I wald ȝe had sum understanding thar of … I sall touch ȝow sum part of a visioun
1513 Doug. vi Prol. 97.
As he [sc. Virgil] twichis greys seyr in payn In blys, elike wys syndry stagis puttis he. Quhat sal I of his wondir warkis sayn?
1551 Hamilton Cat. 146.
All thir circumstancis we sall twiche brevely, that ye may the bettir remember the blissit nativitie of our salviour Jesus Christ
1562-3 Winȝet I 70/19.
Specialie quhare thai tueche incidentlie ony mater of religioun
1558-66 Knox II 286.
Of this long Conference, whairof we onlie tueich a part, war diverse opinionis
1596 Dalr. I 50/13.
Because we, of the salmonte haue maid sa ofte mentione, it wil nocht offend the reidar heir to twoche sum things that we haue leired of thame
p.t. 1557 Knox IV 244.
In my last letteris to oure sister, Janet, I touchit what dewtie the wyfe aucht to the husband
1582 Oliphants p. xlix.
p.p. c1490 Irland Asl. MS 1/1.
In the first chapitur ar tuichit the causis of the compilacioun of this [werk]
1561 Dumfries B. Ct. 8b.
The evvangelist tuixit that he had naa vardlie guds … to pay ony his creditors
1565 Edinb. Univ. MS La.iii.388a, 14a.
Privilegit causis abone tuichit … ar gevin simpli conforme to the first summondis
1558-66 Knox II 333.
I think I have nott only tueiched the somme, but the verry wordis as I spack them
1600-1610 Melvill 405.
Thir articles following war towtced, and answers sett doun unto
1602 Lett. Jas. VI to Eliz. 145.
I doe not wonder that the Frenche resident thaire hath nothing touchid that string that I wrote of unto you

12. To rebuke, scold. Only in Dalr. 1596 Dalr. II 140/21.
Lettres, in quhilkes our king tuechte him sharplie, that [etc.]
1596 Dalr. II 173/13.
We do him wrang to tueche him sa shortlie
1596 Dalr. II 172/6.
Lettres … in quhilkes tha tueche thame sharplie, that tha forȝhet the alde band, tha keip not the faythful freindship requiret thairin conforme to thair promis
1596 Dalr. II 474/20.
Gif tha tuouche ouer scharplie, tha be suspected of inuious persounis, or gif tha … prais ouermekle, … tha incur the blek of adulatioune

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"Tuch v.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 22 Dec 2024 <>



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